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Another DOWNTIME tonight


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Like many of you I am fed up as well... I work 9am to 9pm 5 days a week Salary job...then have to drive an hour home, grab some dinner and then sit down to finally relax and have some gametime after a long day of work and 2 - 3 times a week the game is coming down in less than a hour. EVERYTIME it is the same schedule the same subscribers getting screwed out of our gametime. STOP catering to the east coast and rotate these damn Patchtimes or lose subscriptions from people who are losing 3 out of every 7 nights of the game time we are PAYING for. I love the game, but if i cannot play almost half the time I will find something else to play and give my hard earned money to.
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also, you people apparently have no idea how patches work. You can't console into a live server without potentially causing horrible problems... If it was live, they could change something while you're doing it, causing ridiculous glitches with absolutely no way to track the issues.


Lets say you're waving on your mount, and they decide to roll that change back in the middle of you doing it. Who knows what would happen? It may just stop mid wave, it might have you wave permanently and then they'd get a million tickets saying "OMG MY CHARACTER WONT STOP WAVING", it might make your mount vanish and let you finish waving while standing on the ground (who the hell knows if the mount just goes away, gets deleted completely, makes it impossible for you to mount again ever, etc), it might make your arm drop off and wave on the ground.


Code doesn't work the way you think it does.


Stupid post is stupid. The patches affect the client which communicate with the server. If that was to happen then all would be fixed once you quit and relaunched the launcher thus restarting the client. Wall of text = waste of time.

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This is how I stand on it as well. Until server maintenance is pushed to a more reasonable schedule im out. I don't fault bioware, they are console dudes and this is their first mmo, just learn from your mistakes.


Ya this killed it for me as well. All these patches over patches to fix bugs caused by patches smack dab in the middle of my playtime.....fail.


Not a bad game by any means but i wanna play and they wanna patch,somethings gotta give, guess it's my $$$.


Might check back in a yr, who knows.

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They shut it down on a freaking Friday Night not too long ago... A FRIDAY FREAKING NIGHT!!!


Get off work... grab some brew.. WOOT WOOT ITS FRIDAY.


"We are shutting the servers down for a patch"




I know... I was there too.... It sucked.

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I'm sorry to bioware but it will be difficult for them to recover from so much negative publicity from this game. It will be lucky to have 1/2 its subs in 6 months from now unless they work hard at what the ppl want I.E. endgame, PVP, and less downtime. THey will be lucky if they are not free2play in a year from now.
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this is a future post.


In a retirement home nearby.


Nurse!!!! Nurse!!!! bring me my painkillers, bioware is patching my game again. Hell i maybe only have short time left to live but i want to be lvl 50 before i die.

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I've had this game for maybe 2½ weeks, and I am really disappointed. I don't have a big income, and the game is really expensive. When I bought this I expected to havce fun with the money I paid to be able to play - Instead I have to sit and watch while BioWare basically screws me over. THAT is utterly unprofessional and I think if BioWare want any subs at all, AND a game that will actually survive; They need to step it up.


Blizzard learned all this the hard way, and they've actually managed to survive with a great deal of sums every month, but I doubt this game will last for a year if this continues. The players will just go bored and cancel their subscriptions and leave. I see no reason to play a game that has had a long BETA, and still be half bugged at release. That's just messed up.


The Preferences are really not worth speaking of since you can basically do no changes to make yourself feel comfortable with the Interface, so either gief more options to make a UI API for the players to make their own AddOns. Because this is redicolous.


BioWare, for your own sake I hope you grab your socks and hold your crotch, because you're really up for a bumpy ride.

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this is crazy..


you have had SOOO many other mmo's come out to use as a guide line for this and its still fked up royaly.


4 hours down time to fix a little error on illum or a days down time to fix NOTHING... etc


id start first by fixing your current team, both customer service ( protocol droids as u call them) and your dev team, cause they cannot seem to get it right the first, second or third time...


test your so called patches befor you release them to us, make sure your one fix dosnt create 40 more bugs.. that require you to patch your patch, thus leaving us all with empty pockets and a unlaunchable game... atm it feels like 14.99/m for forum useage.. cause i get more out of this forum then i have game time..


and some other poster had it with, aslong as it dosnt affect the americans who are all asleep, fk the rest of the world... cause thats what it seems like as a aussie players.. and other players whos timezone is peak hour.. why not atleast alternate the patch times, so its not always the americans who sleep through a patch, make them have down time during peak hour...


bet you get 500 more threads then... about the same stuff were saying now!!

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Why don't they patch something we care about, like fix the engine, fix the UI, hell if they care about PVP so much then fix the PVP exploit on PVE servers...this dribbly little patch is hardly an emergency issue :rolleyes: Edited by lollie
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It's funny that all the WoW fanboys say that multiple patching and excessive downtimes is normal for an MMO.


I played WoW for almost 2 years before quitting because I was put off by the game.


Played Guild Wars since closed beta, around 7 years now. Out of the countless MMO's I've played they do so many things right in that game. Not too mention, never one second of their servers being down. From closed beta, to open beta, to live, never once were you unable to log into that game and played. They did **** correct; by patching in the background. You simply restarted your client to log in.



I like TOR, but I have little faith in the game. It has such great potential but I believe EAioware will fail to impress me. I'm going to stick around as the game's only an infant and it very might possibly grow into something good. But, When GW2 comes out, which looks incredibly amazing, if this game is still losing players, if the faction unbalance is still so drastic, and if EAioware continues to demonstrate their lack of experience in this genre, I def will not be paying a subscription anymore, when I could be playing GW/GW2 with no subscription and 1000x the fun.



One main thing I really want to see fixed ASAP, is the faction imbalance. They need to merge some servers, allow people to move characters for free. Just because in beta we had queue times, we got 1003912091 more servers when the game went live, and frankly every server is a ghost town most of the day. If my guild and friends are offline, there's no way i'm getting a pug for anything. I'm basically playing to spam LFG. It's sad when even the low levels are looking for people for heroics for multiple hours/days just to play content. I've never experienced anything like that in an MMO with the amount of players this game has.

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Yup bioware needs to get there head out of their fourth point of contact. There was a HUGE startup for another game we all know that involved chaos and order. We all remember un-subbing from that game en- masse >.-


MMO gamers tend to be fickle and well paying for something you can't play is the BIGGEST no no.


Definately trumps a wee bit of unbalance or any kind of little xp loss.. when it can just be fixed next week.

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I think this demands an official response, not an blog post or a forum reply, but a front page response to all customers.


I know that it is important to fix bugs, but they can wait at least a week for scheduled maintenance if they are not the type of issues that are affecting peoples access to the game. EA stands to lose more money from this type of behavior rather than just letting bugs sit for 6 days.


It is also true that the testing process for the PTS is currently flawed because it can’t be tested thoroughly for high-end content. There are several ways to fix this however none have been chosen to be implemented or been discussed with the public. Intentions for the PTS should be discussed to alive public distress.


It is also greatly disconcerting that listed fixes in patches to date have not actually been fixed such as Exotech schematics, Bonus series quests, Speeder emotes, Biochem adjustments (deployed without changes to tool tips causing confusion), Credit for PVP Daily/Weekly and Credit for Ops weekly to name a few. These kinds of things have a terrible effect on consumer trust because it shows a failure to be able to follow through and conveys a sense that things are being unnecessarily rushed to accommodate a few while inconveniencing many. It may be better to make the bug fixing priority and content change process known at this point (at least partially) beyond the scope of the PTS to allow customers to provide a wider range of feedback on issues.


I am about to ask for my money back for purchase and a refund on my subscription. I am not saying that to be sensational, I am genuinely feeling as if I am not getting what I have paid for and would rather wait to get the game when these issues have been addressed. I am not the only one who feels this way as this is a common discussion among guild members and friends that play the game. Some have already taken this action.



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Like many of you I am fed up as well... I work 9am to 9pm 5 days a week Salary job...then have to drive an hour home, grab some dinner and then sit down to finally relax and have some gametime after a long day of work and 2 - 3 times a week the game is coming down in less than a hour. EVERYTIME it is the same schedule the same subscribers getting screwed out of our gametime. STOP catering to the east coast and rotate these damn Patchtimes or lose subscriptions from people who are losing 3 out of every 7 nights of the game time we are PAYING for. I love the game, but if i cannot play almost half the time I will find something else to play and give my hard earned money to.


This is what a lot of people don't understand. These constant downtimes effect the exact same group of people every time and basically take our whole night of game time. I don't play at this time because I never work or sleep I play at this time because its my "off" time dictated by my work and sleep schedule.


My game has been relatively bug free, nothing that takes my game time, but I bet I've lost more game time do to these contant downtimes than any single person has due to bugs.


They need to do something. Rotate downtimes, or better yet make Euro servers have their own downtime so that US server can be moved back to whats been the established norm of 4am-7am.


If I still want to play at 4am I'll make an alt on a Euro server.

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I pay alot of money to play this game. What part of that dont you people 'protecting' Bio understand about that?


I dont pay money in this economy to stand around and wait for them to patch their bugged out game...


So leave, if you have that much of a problem with the way things are being run then go away, saves your money, and come back when you think they have gotten it together. I promise you we will find a way to get along without you.........

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this is crazy..


you have had SOOO many other mmo's come out to use as a guide line for this and its still fked up royaly.


lol i have to COMPLETELY agree to this line


they claimed prelaunch that they learned SOOO much from WoWs launch mistakes, but i see absolutely nothing of that


the only thing they learned was how to keep servers stable, but they learned nothing about how to do proper patching/patch testing or downtime, its just as bad as vanilla wow used to be right after launch


edit: even rift is better off in terms of downtime and that game is rather bad

Edited by -Raz-
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I'm sorry to bioware but it will be difficult for them to recover from so much negative publicity from this game. It will be lucky to have 1/2 its subs in 6 months from now unless they work hard at what the ppl want I.E. endgame, PVP, and less downtime. THey will be lucky if they are not free2play in a year from now.


WoW recover from a launch and 1st year that was 5x worst. So for what reason should TOR not also.

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So leave, if you have that much of a problem with the way things are being run then go away, saves your money, and come back when you think they have gotten it together. I promise you we will find a way to get along without you.........


Another employee of Bioware >.-

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I've had this game for less than a full week and I've never felt so ripped off in my life.


One thing after another after another.


As someone else said further up - 6-8 hours for what you are claiming the patch is for is ridiculous. I'm actually sitting here hoping after it's through it'll be like Christmas and a new patch notes will be thrown at us with some PRETTY FRICKIN' AMAZING updates.



Hope. It fades fast.

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I have played like 10 MMOs so far in my life and have never experienced patching like this.


Just saying, this is not normal.


Lol - did anyone play Star Trek Online in the beginning when the servers continually crashed even after multiple hot fixes? This is nothing compared to that....they did give us an exclusvie emote & uniform item to those who had subbed during that time though....

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It's funny that all the WoW fanboys say that multiple patching and excessive downtimes is normal for an MMO.

El oh el.


The usual "WoW Fanboy" attack. Guess what, it's not usual for an MMO to go offline in very peak periods for a huge amount of paying subscribers for a patch that could have waited until the following week. Failing that why have they not implemented serverside patching for something this ridiculous? Do you work in a customer service field? I doubt it. Paying customers have a right to express their consistent frustration with a company that doesn't listen to their needs. WoW has been the most popular MMO but guess what? Most WoW players older than 20 have actually played other MMO's and experienced better service. Get off BW's dick.

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Patching is fine. Progress is progress. But there are far too many examples early on of patches doing slightly more harm than good. Granted, they are still getting the hang of managing a huge MMO, but the execution to date has been somewhat lacking.


Absolutely agree. Regarding the old bugged guild tab where you would have to [ctrl]+U, then again to reset it, I didn't have that problem until *after* they fixed it. It smoothed out, but it seems that one, along with many others, aren't being properly tested before patching. At first I was reporting every little bug or problem I found after launch, but I stopped because it felt like pushing back a wave on the beach. I understand they can't get it all down. However, there have been so many things that seem basic that aren't working right I actually think it needed a couple more months before it was released. I really like the game, but the amount of "core" problems they're having just sort of saps the fun from it.


Oh, and I'm *still* avoiding the Fleet like the plague. I. Can't. STAND. Being there due to the "sticky" frames.


Alright, I'm done.

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WoW recover from a launch and 1st year that was 5x worst. So for what reason should TOR not also.


It's a new game, these are new times...and these days people have very little patience for screwups...and because it's so new, the game has not grabbed our loyalty yet.


New games are coming out soon enough, we can go anywhere if they annoy us enough.

Edited by lollie
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