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10 Good
  1. Absolutely agree. Regarding the old bugged guild tab where you would have to [ctrl]+U, then again to reset it, I didn't have that problem until *after* they fixed it. It smoothed out, but it seems that one, along with many others, aren't being properly tested before patching. At first I was reporting every little bug or problem I found after launch, but I stopped because it felt like pushing back a wave on the beach. I understand they can't get it all down. However, there have been so many things that seem basic that aren't working right I actually think it needed a couple more months before it was released. I really like the game, but the amount of "core" problems they're having just sort of saps the fun from it. Oh, and I'm *still* avoiding the Fleet like the plague. I. Can't. STAND. Being there due to the "sticky" frames. Alright, I'm done.
  2. I'm hoping this will be a good go-to thread so any constructive advice/info/criticism would be helpful.
  3. Hey, all. Getting set to roll a pvp character and I want to make a stealth type, since I've enjoyed the heck out of them in Rift and previously WoW. So, I had some questions about the Operative and the Assassin, and some questions overall. This is all relating to PvP, not PvE. This is also aimed more at the Empire side, but since the classes are mirrored I'm going to take it that all of this can just as easily read Scoundrel and Shadow. I fully realize the game is new and there are a lot of opinions rather than proven facts at this point. I'm hoping that some of the higher level folks could answer some of these questions since they have more experience. Lastly, I know there are other threads on this forum that tackle the same questions, but I'm hoping this thread can consolidate them into a one stop FAQ. Please add specific questions to this as they come to your mind, as well. Thanks in advance for all the help. Operative: 1) Strong points, weak points? Pros and cons? 2) What is their "bread and butter" power? The one you use every chance you get. 3) How much damage can they do, and is that damage stealth reliant? 4) What kind of crowd control do they have? 5) How easy is it to "disentangle" yourself from toe to toe combat? 6) What's the biggest "problem" the Operative has in PvP? Assassin: 1) Strong points, weak points? Pros and cons? 2) What is their "bread and butter" power? The one you use every chance you get. 3) How much damage can they do, and is that damage stealth reliant? 4) What kind of crowd control do they have? 5) How easy is it to "disentangle" yourself from toe to toe combat? What's the biggest "problem" the Assassin has in PvP? Operative vs. Assassin: Basically, what are the pros and cons of each, and is there one thing or another that distinguishes one from another other than aesthetics/look/style?
  4. This game is fan-freakin-TASTIC. I agree completely with the OP. I've been looking forward to this game for a long time and now that it's here, it doesn't disappoint! My favorite game, ever, is Mass Effect 2 (soon to be ME3!) and you've taken what worked there and evolved it to MMOs. Thank you, Bioware. For a quality production!
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