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What class companion is your favorite? *Maybe some Spoilers*


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If you have been playing with many alts, like I have, have you found a favorite companion?



After playing a Trooper and JK more exclusively, love my T7 like a little brother and Kira has a fun attitude (aside from the awesome marriage part ;). ) With my Trooper, got to love Elara (she isn't as stuffy and actually warmed up to her personality when you know more about her later on. Would love to know a real life version of her.) and I think 4X is a cool droid. Yuun is pretty interesting in story and as a character. Hard to read what he says at times but awesome DPS'er. Haven't got to the other ones yet on my JK but pretty curious as to what they are in personality.

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Malavai Quinn for the sith warrior.

He's a useful companion as he heals, it is relatively easy to please him meaning more affection, therefore faster to get to companion quests wich means more experience, he can lend his blaster in which helps a lot more than I'd of thought, but he can still maintain his healing.

I also like him as a character, he is interesting and I find it fun to be with such a patriotic specialist.

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It's all about mako.


You start with a great healer, with all the customizations you can make here look however you want. As a powertech tank she was invaluable. If I had to choose a second i'd go with khem val, his passion for making you be sith and requesting to eat everyone who threatens me is just awesome.

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Khem Val


He eats force users, doesn't matter if they're a darth/apprentice/master/padawan, he just wants to feast on force users!!



When Zash's essence gets infused into him instead of you character, it had me laughing out loud for several minutes! They're both so miserable hahahaha!


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I really liked Vector a lot, his story is pretty interesting and I liked the way he talked. Reminded me of a more fleshed out (pun not intended) version of Legion from ME2. It made me see Killiks entirely different though, every time I play a Republic character now I can't help but feel the Republic is misguided on the Killiks. But to each race its own really. :p


Bowdaar on my Smuggler was funny, especially on my escapade in Alderaan. "I'm gonna go find some trees to climb in while you 'busy.'" Best companion ever. :p Not to mention his knockback looks like he picks up people and throws them. O.o


I wanted to like some of my Consulars companions, but none really stood out as truly unique though. I haven't gotten really far in Zenith's story, but I find him interesting...

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I'd have to say Corso Riggs. He is kind hearted and brave, generally a nice fellow and very useful for my Sawbones. Not the brightest crayon in the box, but still my favorite companion so far.


Mako is a real sweetie though and is a close second. I can see why she is so popular (though I'll still swap her for Torian or Blizz when I get them :p).

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It's a tossup between Mako and Elara. Both give me heals, and both gain quick affection through the choices I naturally want to make anyway. They both really fit my playstyle like a glove.


I also quite like Blizz and M1 as characters, but the game is so much easier and fun for me when I have a healer, so I only use them when I go back and do a mission I'm way overpowered for.


If it isn't obvious, I've only really played Bounty Hunter and Trooper so far. :p

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Khem Val was a joy from the start :) I like his attitude, lines/vo, & looks [just wish I could get to see him devour some foolish force-user though]

Otherwise, I'd say Kaliyo Djannis aswell. :cool::ph_good_post::sy_empire:

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Wow, I love all my JK companions (except for Rusk - it's not that I don't like him, it's just that it's more of a professional relationship). Doc is my JK's hubby, so he takes the top spot (he was charming, funny & handsome). I consider Kira my JK's snarky sister, and T7 is a loyal, plucky little droid (adore him). I also found Scourge to be really interesting in terms of his own story and his history with certain persons (who I won't mention because of spoilers), plus his philosophy & beliefs, etc.
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Vette is probably my favorite. I'm *horrible* at melee classes, but I'm still struggling along as a Marauder because I want to see the story between her and my character.


Curso is awesome too. I have a high lvl sniper I play with my bf and I decided to make a gunslinger for when he isn't online. I'm looking forward to finding out more about him.

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