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Scoundrel Sawbones Rakata Gear Discussion


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I am simply amazed at how useless the Rakata gear is.


At the moment they provide more power and alacrity over Columi but have reduced crit and surge rating. As i am pretty sure Alacrity is close to useless for end-game (except for instances of focus/spam healing), is the gain in power enough to justify loseing so much surge and crit?


Which would you go with for end-game pve (It's a funny question to ask as you'd think tier 1.3 PVE hear should beat the crap out of tier 1.2)





Rakata Head


End 124

Cun 99

Pow 57

Ala 51



Columi Head


End 123

Cun 105

Cri 29

Sur 48



as you can see, endurance is more or less same (doesnt make sense, Rakata must have at least 10 points more)

Cunning is slightly to Rakata advantage (again should be more)


So its a question of 57 power vs 29 cri + 48 Sur


which s better?

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which s better?


That's a hard question to answer in a vacuum. Remember that the secondary stats have diminishing returns on them. As such, it's superior to have 300 crit, 300 surge, 300 alacrity and 300 power than to have just 600 surge and 600 crit.


Without getting into specifics on the Rakata gear, I do think you're probably better off taking them for the sheer volume of stats, and then filling in the cracks a bit on some other stats in your implants/earpieces/etc.

Edited by Azaranth
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Discussed before, basically; take the Crit/Surge out of columni parts and put it in Rakata.


Man, that thread is filled with some serious misinformation.


People undervalue alacrity. I'm not saying it's a superior stat to crit or surge (it's not), but to say it's useless shows a complete lack of understanding of how this class works.

Edited by Azaranth
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Alacrity is only useful for healing, and frankly unless you are running a healer hybrid or a sawbones, Alacrity is a useless stat for Scoundrels. The only channeled ability scoundrels get for damage is XS Freighter Flyby. All other DPS abilities are instant cast and do not benefit from alacrity.


So yes, for most players, Alacrity is useless.

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Most of my healing comes from Slow Release Medpack and Emergency Medpack, both of which are instant cast. I mean, hell, I have 176 alacrity from here and there and my activation time is already reduced by 10%. I don't need to stack alacrity to get almost a tenth of a second off underworld medicine.
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Most of my healing comes from Slow Release Medpack and Emergency Medpack, both of which are instant cast. I mean, hell, I have 176 alacrity from here and there and my activation time is already reduced by 10%. I don't need to stack alacrity to get almost a tenth of a second off underworld medicine.


In what settings? In hardmodes, SRMP does a fairly small fraction of my total healing.


I'll admit, I'm often running with undergeared tanks, so it takes a bit more TLC to keep them on their feet.

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In Nightmare Ops. I'm raid healing, almost entirely through Slow Release, though I occasionally underworld medicine the tank or individuals in emergencies (Foreman's frenzy, now that the accuracy debuff no longer works, for example). Edited by XBobbis
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In Nightmare Ops. I'm raid healing, almost entirely through Slow Release, though I occasionally underworld medicine the tank or individuals in emergencies (Foreman's frenzy, now that the accuracy debuff no longer works, for example).


Ah, I see. In ops, we put our smugglers on tank healing - which again favors UWM over SRMP.


In general, I think Alacrity has less value for raid healers. I do think it's a good stat for flashpoints, and a great stat for PVP though. In that sense, I do think the itemization is a little weird. Seems like Alacrity should be on the Columi (primarily flashpoint) gear, and then more crit and surge on the Rakata (primarily operations) gear.

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Atm i am removing about half the alacrity enhancements and replace them with the crit surge columi one... will try out some alacrity to see how well it fairs seeing that i am using uwm more and more for tank healing. Also decreases my scanning time for when i have a moment and need to recover ^_^
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Discussed before, basically; take the Crit/Surge out of columni parts and put it in Rakata.


lol its not as simple as that....


exactly which mod are you referring to???


Columi and Rakata both have only 2 mods and replacing even one of the rakata with the columi makes the problem even worse

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I am raiding nightmare modes at the moment.


Alacrrity is only useful when you want to overheal a tank who is being battered by the boss during a frenzy/enrage period. That is when i pop my relic to gain alacrity and empty my energy on the tank.


Other than that, I really prefer crit and surge.


I hear people saying that 30% unbuffed bonus crit is a soft cap and anything more than that is useless. but I disagree...nothing wrong with havig more crit and surge and less power/cunning....imagine each tick of your slowrelease medpacks having a 50% chance to crit. Thats a good thing, and not overheal at all.


With my full columi set, i can about 10% more crit and also more surge, but lose power and alacrity compared to my rakata set. and I think until we get healing meters, there is no way to tell if rakata is better than columi in a raid environment.

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You guys are trying to say alacrity doesn't reduce GCD?


It doesn't, best you can get out of it is makings spells that used to have a long casttime shorter.


Like an 1 second kolto pack (altho i have no idea why you would want that.)


About the changing mods, i so far only changed the enhancement with end+surge/alacrity to the columi end+crit/surge cause well i dont need higher and faster crits i need MORE and higher crits :p


Only have 2 pieces of rakata atm (not counting implants and earpiece), will see what the future brings.


I like the fact that the mods have a crapload of power on them, even tho i am loosing out on cunning.


Atm i am hovering around 40%crit 80% surge with not that much power, hoping the rakata stuff will increase my power but doesn't nurf my crit/surge too much.

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ok after more careful study, It does seem that your surge and crit hit a soft cap with the columi gear.


at the moment, i have the rakata hands, pants and head and the difference between not wearing them and wearing columi is around 1% crit chance. The surge difference is bigger but that will be nerfed with the very next patch.


So this makes Rakata much more viable at the moment.


However, the key complaint here is, why give alacrity as main spec for Rakata?

It is not totally useless but compare to a stat like aim for Rakata DPS smuggler gear, it is inferior for sure.


I would rather have less alacrity and a slight boost in cunning for rakata gear.

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In what settings? In hardmodes, SRMP does a fairly small fraction of my total healing.


I'll admit, I'm often running with undergeared tanks, so it takes a bit more TLC to keep them on their feet.


Then only Heals you should ever be using is EM and UM. The rest are useless. You could also use your HoT's, but Kolto Cloud is useless and SRMP is fairly mediocre.


The only use for Alacrity is for Diagnostic Scan and for that to really shine you need an incredibly amount of Alacrity which in turns means you'll have less Crit/Surge which in turn defeats the point of Diagnostic scan.

Edited by stephenjohnp
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I'm 4/5 rakata with 1/5 columi and a rakata weapon + offhand, left all the mods 'factory default', and I have no trouble healing through nightmare, so I don't see what all the fuss is about. Fine the way it is and a nice balance, imo. Edited by Kagato_Muyo
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So, especially when them adjusting Surge's cap and % of effect, mixing gear to get the optimal amount of different and complimentary stats might be best, ESPECIALLY for a Scrapper/Dirty Fighter (I don't think the Surge nerf will affect healers as much, since they mentioned specifically the damage aspect of Surge, not its benefit to critical heals).


So...I'm assuming: Crit > Surge > Power > Accuracy > Alacrity (I'm still against having this in a set unless you are always just a single tank healer).


Heck, I'd rather stack Defense than Alacrity, personally, but that's not even in our sets. :\


I think when/if these sets have more extractable mods we will be better able to have the right stats, not just what the developers "assume" is best for us.

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So, especially when them adjusting Surge's cap and % of effect, mixing gear to get the optimal amount of different and complimentary stats might be best, ESPECIALLY for a Scrapper/Dirty Fighter (I don't think the Surge nerf will affect healers as much, since they mentioned specifically the damage aspect of Surge, not its benefit to critical heals).


So...I'm assuming: Crit > Surge > Power > Accuracy > Alacrity (I'm still against having this in a set unless you are always just a single tank healer).


Heck, I'd rather stack Defense than Alacrity, personally, but that's not even in our sets. :\


I think when/if these sets have more extractable mods we will be better able to have the right stats, not just what the developers "assume" is best for us.



For me, power moved to the second spot after getting a decent amount of surge, power makes your normal and your crits go up. Only sad thing is you need a crapload of power compared to getting surge... altho surge is getting balanced.


So after 1.1.3 it might become Crit > power > surge for me

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