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SWTOR is nearing its second month of release... do you think it has staying power?


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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


1, Yes

2, Yes alot of growth on Frostclaw

3, alot better and more fun the WoW

4, open space combat and space pvp

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Because I'm bored:


Yes or no?

Depends on the person. Me personally no


Are you still having fun?

Not really


Have you seen a population drop in your server?



How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

I liked the story


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?

Better endgame. Currently the raids feel like WoW raids on ez mode and PvP is only good if you have a premade because everyone else always does.

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Its going to do about as well as Rift. I see a lot of people going back to where ever they came from after their free 30 days / 1 month sub run out.


Too many missing features, not enough content, awful coding.


I enjoy the main class story line. It really is a 1 player game with some co op bolted on. i havent really found a reason to group yet. I have to play with friends but there really wasnt any need.

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Yes or no?


Are you still having fun?


Have you seen a population drop in your server?

Yes. Then I switched servers.

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

I'm not making a comparison. Pointless.

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?

Less single-player oriented and more MMO oriented


Red text responses.

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Are you still having fun?

For now, yes


Have you seen a population drop in your server?


about the same


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


Its nice but not as polished, too much copying of old mmo. Noting really new at endgame


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


Fix PvP warzone exploits, fix dailies not counting...


I would like to see a fleshed out space game added that is not on rails, maybe an EvE lite space game


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Not enough is being done to alleviate the broken and bugged mechanics in this game. It's been nearly 2 months and the warzone daily bug is still not fixed. To me, that's saying a lot about the developers and the people who are working on this game. Either they're incompetent, or they don't care [enough]. Take your pick Edited by Esaru
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Yes... if they continue fixing issues and make an attempt at optimizing the engine... as of right now the engine is pretty terrible and has some major performance issues even on amazing rigs... I personally have a computer thats a few years old and it runs fine other than in WZ's or Fleets... but I know a lot of people that are having FPS issues on beast computers.
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Not enough is being done to alleviate the broken and bugged mechanics in this game. It's been nearly 2 months and the warzone daily bug is still not fixed. To me, that's saying a lot about the developers and the people who are working on this game. Either they're incompetent, or they don't care. Take your pick


the rogue's vanish bug took about 4 years to fix

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Not enough is being done to alleviate the broken and bugged mechanics in this game. It's been nearly 2 months and the warzone daily bug is still not fixed. To me, that's saying a lot about the developers and the people who are working on this game. Either they're incompetent, or they don't care. Take your pick




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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?






Not really, no.


My last MMO was DCUO*weeps*. At this point in TOR's life i like some bits more and some bits less. How it stands overall will depend on whether or not bioware/EA supports it better than SOE*spits*. If they support it with continued updates and improvements over the next few months instead of just sitting on their laurels like SOE*spits* then it'll definately turn out much better than SOE's*spits* DCUO*weeps*.


hmmm, that's a tough one. Actually most of the issues i have are apparently already being worked on (i'll wait until they're ingame before i get too excited, though). So i'll go with what i'd like to see added; multiplayer pazaak, multiplayer swoop racing and multiplayer space. Damn, that's three things, oh well.

Edited by Cormey
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"Yes or no?" Yes


"Are you still having fun?" More every day.


"Have you seen a population drop in your server?" Nope...increase actually.


"How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?" Apples and oranges.


"What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?" I'd like to see them make it so when you mouse over a mod, it pops up comparisons to the other mods of that type that you're wearing.

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Yes. This game is great. I think the story is great. It plays so well for such a new mmo. There is always something to do. I have a blast on it. Bioware have been fantastic. Made a fantastic game. So little bugs and there always ontop with there updates.


All in all a flawless games which seems to get better the more you play.


I would like group space flight missions and downtime for update's at night instead of in the morning (UK)

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still having fun when i play but that is not so much anymore. once i hit 50 my play time started slacking for two reasons.


1) i have other games to play that i had been neglecting.


2) doing dailies and a hardmode flashpoint to get the daily quests done and after that its either play a alt or run my hardmodes. got all the gear from hardmodes that i need, we only raid 2 nights a week, so not much else to do on my 50. so i play a alt for a bit or go play another game.


this game compares to my last game the same way. get to max level and run dungeons to gear up for raids, then run raids, just like every other single freaking mmo put out post wow. getting to be a very old style of gameplay by now and im just a bit tired of it. nothing bad so to speak about this game or how it was made just my general feeling about themepark mmo games in general. if you enjoy themepark games then it is fine, i do enjoy them but getting tired of themepark games, so i play less to avoid burnout. im not interested in pvp or space battles so not much else for me to do other than hardmodes and raids.


overall to me the best part of this game is the leveling content and bioware made that pretty quick and relatively short. plenty of content while your there but the leveling process should have been much longer so you can enjoy the best part of their game.

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Are you still having fun?

Neutral, things are getting stale fast though.

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

About the same

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

It feels far too copy paste, some times i need to check if am still playing Rift or WoW

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?

More dynamic PvE, everything feels too linear for an open world game


More credit for playing key roles tank/heals, game feels like it's made for DPS. When going tank/heals it should not feel like you are second rate.

Edited by NyQuilFast
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Are you still having fun? yes


Have you seen a population drop in your server? Seems to be fine


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO? Rift was fun too, but it is not Star Wars only have time for one MMO


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added? open space combat would be fun, while the rail system is fine for quick credites and experiance the dailes get boring

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More credit for playing key roles tank/heals, game feels like it's made for DPS. When going tank/heals it should not feel like you are second rate.


This is a problem with all MMOs, though. The number of players needed to complete a raid increases (in SWTOR's case, from 4 to 8 to 16) but the number of tanks needed usually remain the same (one main tank and *maybe* an off tank). :(

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