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Poll: What do you think about the new changes made to global cooldown UI in 1.1.2?


What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2  

3,457 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2

    • They're good!
    • They're terrible!
    • I don't care either way.

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Changes are definitely going to be made to the UI in response to initial feedback we received after the patch was deployed. (Very little feedback was received on the PTS Forum before the patch was deployed to the live servers, otherwise changes may have been made before the patch's deployment.)


Really? That's the angle you're going to take with this?


Without character copy to the PTS there's no way I'm even going to bother to test. I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way as well. Perhaps you folks at BioWare should get on that sooner rather than later so you can stop blaming us that you didn't get enough feedback. Ridiculous.

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I put "terrible", but I wanted to elaborate.


I actually like the brighter..button countdown thing? I dunno the term. But it's the stupid flash that happens -after- the globals are done that drives me insane. I can't stand that.


You guys just need to find a middle ground is all - it's not the end of the world like some people are making it out to be.

Edited by Jasuk
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Giving constructive feedback is one thing, and I never said that was bad. I said avoid the conspiracy theories. Like the ones claiming Bioware is ignoring you, they are purposefully trying to harm their customers, they aren't trying to solve the problem, etc.


That isn't constructive feedback. That is pointless conspiracy.


They might as well be. We never get an actual response to tickets in game just the same copy paste robot bs, and it takes something life threatening or game breaking with over 100 pages to get a single response and its still vague with no real answers as to whats being done. People knock WOW but there customer service was amazing compared to this

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If you'd like to give us constructive feedback on changes to the UI and the global cooldown animations, we'd welcome that in this thread.


I would have it so that when you click on the skill the icon highlights (brightens by 20-25% briefly and maybe with a cool ripple effect or something "not carried away") and then gets a little darker then its regular "ready to use" shading (like maybe darker contrast by 20%).


While it is dark, you should do a clock type effect with the darker contrast shading. Revealing regular brightness as the clock arm wipes clockwise. When it lands on 12:00 you can brighten briefly letting the player know "Hey, I am ready to be clicked again now.".


Just my 2 credits worth.

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Hey gang,


Just curious, but what are your thoughts around a numbered second timer on your abilities?


I think it's an excellent idea and I would love it if we could have a numerical counter instead of having to "guess" at the time remaining on an animation. I know how long 3 seconds is at a glance; it's much harder to judge how much time is left on an animation when it's a skill on a long cooldown just by glancing at it. It's like trying to predict how long it'll take for the remaining water to leak out of a bag with a hole in it.

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all these people that say this new animation is hurting their eyes turn down the gama it helped a ton so its not so bright also try keybidning your skills I know where all my skills are you dont need to look at your bar if you keymap everything. also the new change is great it is really easy to see when longer cd skills are off cd. Before if you had 30s or so left on a 3min cd it still looked like it was ready to use.
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More conspiracy theory. It took them about 30 seconds to make this poll. Stephen already said they are making changes based upon initial feedback already provided. This poll is to cement how the forum population feels about it. That's it.


I have to in a way agree here.. they probably just need this poll to help prove to their boss' the changes need to be made/servers need to be pulled down/patchs need to be made and uploaded and to explain the costs of doing so. Paper trails and red tape = business.

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Here's what I personally feel cooldown UI should be like:


Make it such that skills that are unusable (be it because of range or whatever) red-tinted, and skills that trigger a cooldown greyed out or darkened with a number counter on it to indicate how long left on the cooldown (similar to how most cooldown addons work in WoW).


The present cooldown UI (as of patch 1.1.2) is terrible for classes that use focus or rage. It is nearly impossible to differentiate which abilities are usable since the cooldown UI basically overwhelms everything. We were better off using the old cooldown UI IMO.

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I was immediately kind of irritated by it, but after questing for a bit I got used to it. I wouldn't really consider it an improvement, but it doesn't really bother me. I guess I'm firmly in option 3.


I'm pretty much in the same camp as you...

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Okay you have successfully goaded me into another post. I must be a fool.


Stop flipflopping.


Unless you are clarifying your argument now... it was never uniquely that the rollback would take time. You implied that even if it is possible it shouldn't be done because those that find the game unplayable are a minority. I can't argue with you if you keep changing your tone.


I never stated that the servers shouldn't be shut down ever. Please read that post again. I said that the servers shouldn't be shut down until a patch is ready to be done. And that patch, whether a hotfix or a rollback, takes time to do, which means immediately shutting down the servers (some people have demanded this) is premature and does nothing to solve the problem at hand.

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all these people that say this new animation is hurting their eyes turn down the gama it helped a ton so its not so bright also try keybidning your skills I know where all my skills are you dont need to look at your bar if you keymap everything. also the new change is great it is really easy to see when longer cd skills are off cd. Before if you had 30s or so left on a 3min cd it still looked like it was ready to use.


I use a naga mouse so everything is already key bound but that doesn't stop the 3 edges of my screen from flashing everytime i use my free skill. Even when your not looking at the bars this has an affect on your eyes because you can still see the flashes

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I think the best compromise would be to combine the old with the new. Apply yhe flash and outline only on things that are on an extended cd (longer than gcd). Then apply the pre-patch system to the gcd. This will allow people to see things on and off cooldown while still not being confused by the gcd.
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I appreciate the effort to address the global cooldown issue, but this "flashing" every second and a half is terribly distracting.


I have to agree with some of the other posters in that most of the time in intense combat situations I can't tell what abilities are actually ready due to the near-constant universal grey-out and the frequent universal flashing of all my abilities.


I'm afraid I don't have a suggestion to improve upon your efforts, but I'm sure that your devs have the solution to the problem well in hand.



Edited by Depredator
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Changes are definitely going to be made to the UI in response to initial feedback we received after the patch was deployed. (Very little feedback was received on the PTS Forum before the patch was deployed to the live servers, otherwise changes may have been made before the patch's deployment.)


I'm sorry, I was too busy fighting in 20+ warzones just to get 3 wins to count towards my daily to bother logging into a test server to test the game for you.


Seriously, Did EVERYONE on your internal QA team say "This is a fantastic update to our UI!!!"? Because unless 100% of your QA team signed off and said YAY THIS ROCKS!! Then you shouldn't EVER release something to the live production servers that is an OPTIONAL fix.


Fix the things that are BROKEN, THEN fix look/feel issues IF you have full consensus that it's the right thing to do.


Never mind the scenerio in which 100% of your testers loved this UI change. Because if they did then they need replaced.


This isn't an issue of some people having a different opinion. This is an issue of the majority of people INSTANTLY HATING the change. This should've been caught. This should've been a no brainer.


Might I suggest your testers, when looking at this specific component of the UI play classes that are required to aggressively and actively work their cooldowns and 20 other skills all the time. Try playing a Sentinel with these new changes. Just try it. It's REALLY apparent REALLY fast what's wrong with it.




I really want to love this game. But that is being made a more difficult task every week.

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I think the best compromise would be to combine the old with the new. Apply yhe flash and outline only on things that are on an extended cd (longer than gcd). Then apply the pre-patch system to the gcd. This will allow people to see things on and off cooldown while still not being confused by the gcd.




Scrap the flash.


Flash is worst part.


Turn flash into some kind of mellow radiant glow effect around the abilities. Blue glow for Republic. Red glow for Empire.


Flash BAD. Glow GOOD.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Changes are definitely going to be made to the UI in response to initial feedback we received after the patch was deployed. (Very little feedback was received on the PTS Forum before the patch was deployed to the live servers, otherwise changes may have been made before the patch's deployment.)


The primary purpose of this poll is to get more accurate numbers on player sentiment. Threads are very helpful for us to get an immediate idea of areas that need attention, but accurate numbers as opposed to post counts help us present a more accurate picture of those affected (threads/post counts can easily be inflated by multiple posts from the same person, opposing points of view, and so on).


If you'd like to give us constructive feedback on changes to the UI and the global cooldown animations, we'd welcome that in this thread. Discussions about the poll or other aspects of development aren't appropriate.


Little feedback from PTS hmm wonder why guess ppl dont wanna lvl new chars just to test the

game once you guys figure this out maybe ull get some testing on ur PTS

Edited by Shadowlarry
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Thank you for the response. I've posted this elsewhere, but I will post it again here:


Essentially I think the problem most people are having is that the GCD effect is the same thing as the ability cooldown effect. I absolutely love the changes for the ability cooldown (the brighter descending timer and the flash at the end makes it easy to see when a cooldown is up), but it is completely counter-productive to have the exact same effect for the global cooldown as well.


This should change as soon as possible, as in within the next day or so if at all possible. Having the global cooldown be as bright and flashy as the ability cooldown completely negates the changes made as now your entire UI is just a big mass of flashing buttons.


Make the GCD effect with a much lower opacity with no flash at the end (essentially the way it was pre-1.1.2). Keep the ability cooldown as is post-1.1.2. Problem solved. Also, do not grey out the abilities on GCD. Only grey out abilities on their ability cooldown.



Edit: Played for about 3 hours last night doing almost solely PvP. Overall I think that, for me personal, it is not nearly as drastic as others believe it to be. Does it still need to be fixed? Absolutely. But it is not anywhere near eye-straining for me as others have claimed.


Honestly I think the method works fantastic for ability cooldowns. Just trim down the effects for the GCD (no dimming of icons, no flash at the end, lower opacity on the timer portion) and it would be good to go. Basically, after playing for three hours my initial assessment remains the same.



Going to have to agree with almost all of what he said. I think its fine. I know some people may be more sensitive but the flash does not seem to bother me.

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