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Everything posted by Ryco

  1. Obviously he means Commando/Mercenary with Tracer/Grav spam. Though I'm surprised Pyro isn't on the list
  2. The balance talent for Shadows is broken. Im not sure if it is the same for Assassins. The talent makes force lift a 8 second stun with greatly reduced damage.
  3. I like it better. I just think the effect needs to be more transparent. It sticks out too much, that it is easy to become overwhelmed with all the effects going on. Its a little visually 'noisy.'
  4. I just don't understand why their first priorities is to change already viable talents instead of addressing the useless ones that litter the trees. I'm looking at you tier 2 kinetic combat. Also why the buffs to spinning strike? Was killing things below 30% health that hard for shadows of any spec? I'll miss my 23/0/18 spec when this change rolls around. Not just for PvP, but more so for PvE. Force strike was an amazing tool when I was force starved. I prefer force in the balance far above slow time. I target-able AoE with a 30 ft range was awesome. I don't care if it was only limited to 3 targets. When do you need to worry about constantly building aggro on 5 targets, opposed to just getting initial aggro over healers, only in AoE situations which you might as well just AoE taunt and call it a day while everything dies around you. Sad day.
  5. Darkness/Kinetic a gimmick spec? The tanks can change the momentum of a fight easily. A darkness assassin provides a great boost in survivability to the group. If you play smart and guard the focus, the enemy team has no choice but to address you first. And a darkness spec can lockdown a healer far better than a deception spec, I'd take out of stealth spinning kick over low slash (sorry again for Shadow terminology) any day. Not to mention the spec has great dps for a tank.
  6. I decided to look at my mirror class forum since I'd figure this forum would be more active. First title I saw, clicked the link and recognized the OP. Sup Shalashaka. (Sorry in advanced for Shadow terminology) I have to agree. Deception/Infiltration is a terrible PvP spec. It is a great PvE DPS spec, given my experience the best melee dps in game. But it is not made for PvP. It is extremely squishy. Being proc reliant our damage requires some set up, we arent as capable of burst as other classes. And you don't have many tools to control the fight. For operations I am frequently asked to respec out of my typical tank spec for dps. After the ops I make it through maybe two warzones before I have to respec to preserve my sanity. For PvP the tree could use a buff.
  7. Not the PvP stims that heal. PvE medpaks particularly the lvl 44 medpacs and above.
  8. Can we add UI improvements to the list? A HUD or unique sound effect for procs/buffs is seriously needed. After healing for many years in other MMOs, I thought I could finally look at the game not be stuck watching the UI and those microscopic buff icons.
  9. I can't even blame Bioware for this, but pathetic players who rather get gear than actually have fun and play the game.
  10. It is fairly simply. There are two hypes of heavy armor in game. Aim gear and strength gear. The two types have two different aesthetics. Aim gear is very soldier-esque. While strength gear is cosmetically designed for force users. Companions like Qyzen would look fairly odd in a robe and would more appropriately wear Trooper looking gear. Instead of making another class of armor for each slot, head, chest, legs, feet, bracers, that looked like Trooper/Bounty Hunter gear but used strength, Bioware decided change one equipment slot, weapons, to use aim.
  11. I'm not one to complain much but this is pretty weak. Beyond exploits, the ability, especially movement abilities, makes the game unplayable. I'm honestly disappointed and disheartened by the patch and how Bioware has so far handled the issue. The only thing I am grateful for, is that my billing date isn't til tomorrow. My 6 month sub has been reduced to 1 month. I'll reevaluate my sub then.
  12. Yes. Every time damage text is displayed, is a separate chance to shield damage even if the source was one ability.
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