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Face it, the game isn't bad.


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Most of the people on these forums are just selfish crybabies who want everything handed to them on a silver platter. People say that there is no end game, but tell me what IS AND END GAME? Almost all mmos the end game consists of grinding high level raid like missions repeatedly to gain better gear - star wars has that. The other option is to grind pvp, for better pvp gear, SWTOR has THIS.


I mean honestly what the hell do people think there is supposed to be at end game? You have tons of flashpoints, and tons of pvp. Granted Illium is a broken POS atm, but eventually they should straighten it out.


But no matter how compelling something is, there will always be whiners, and the sad fact is those are the ones the most vocal.

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I dont understand why people say that their opinion is fact.


I say I like it and I think its got enough variety to keep me entertained.


I get told I am wrong because my opinion is different to yours. The fact that you don't like it makes it a bad game.


I'm sorry but get off your high horse...


Your opinion doesn't count for anything against what I think about this game.


Stop telling us were wrong and that its crap when we enjoy it and respect it for what it is. Rather than expecting billions of content for a new release.


I like it. You don't.


I don't come telling you how wrong you are because you don't like it.


Get over the fact that someone else has another opinion that differs to yours.

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Okay, while reading these forums all I hear is how there is no endgame content, no pvp, etc etc. I won't lie, before I played extensively all this talk had me kind of worried. Like most of you, I followed the game for a while and couldn't wait for the game to come out. I even bought a new gaming laptop just to play! (To be fair I was using a 06 macbook, so it was a much needed upgrade)


Needless to say, after reading the forums I started to wonder if the game was going to be a huge failure just like everyone is trying to make it seem. But after leveling, finding plenty of World PvP in Tat, Alderaan and onwards (especially Quesh, so many emps to kill there), grouping up and taking down emps in Ilum, dabbling in the endgame ops and fps, searching and exploring the world for datacrons, and participating in countless warzones, I have to say all my worries are gone, the GAME IS GOOD.


I mean when WoW was released it didn't even have a honor system much less BGs, it didn't have a zone made for PvP with incentives and rewards, if you wanted to find PvP, you had to look or hope your server was into the whole hillsbrad thing. Yes, I know it was '04 but cmon the community made that game fun, Blizz just gave us a polished game to do it in.


I know it's human nature to complain about bad things instead of appreciating good things, and I know SWTOR borrows a lot from WoW and other games, but for just being launched I must say I'm extremely impressed with what they have to offer. There's a lot to do in the game, you just have to look.


Also, I bet most of the people complaining are empire, and don't get me wrong, the fact that you guys have to play huttball all the time must suck (especially if you're melee), but the reason it probably feels like there's no PvP is because there are hardly any republic on any servers, so man up and roll republic! Everyone and their moms wanted to roll empire, even me, but anyone with half a brain knew how popular they were gonna be, and it seems like the smarter PvPers ended up Republic. I'd even go as far to say (to you WoW fanbois), that Republic is the Horde of Swtor :p



So enjoy the game or unsub and go back to WoW where theres NO world pvp at all. Less whiners in the game the better. And to anyone who is worried about the game like I was, don't worry, it's awesome. Bioware cares about their game, and sure Ilum sucked and there are mad bugs, but it's a relatively new game still, give them time!


EDIT: Sorry bout wall of text, there's a lot to address


You're just a Bioware fanboy. Those are the only people who compare this game to Vanilla. Wasn't Vanilla 7 years ago? rofl

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Most of the people on these forums are just selfish crybabies who want everything handed to them on a silver platter. People say that there is no end game, but tell me what IS AND END GAME? Almost all mmos the end game consists of grinding high level raid like missions repeatedly to gain better gear - star wars has that. The other option is to grind pvp, for better pvp gear, SWTOR has THIS.


I mean honestly what the hell do people think there is supposed to be at end game? You have tons of flashpoints, and tons of pvp. Granted Illium is a broken POS atm, but eventually they should straighten it out.


But no matter how compelling something is, there will always be whiners, and the sad fact is those are the ones the most vocal.


If there's nothing new, what's the point of paying the same price for a game that's largely unfinished. There are more polished games with the same philosophy.


These forums are also filled with narcissistic individuals who seem to feel that opinions and discussions are only acceptable so long as they agree with it.


People have a right to speak, especially considering you have to have game time on your account to post here. You have a right to not post, or disagree or whatever. Calling people names for sharing an opinion you disagree with makes you stupid. End of story.

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Spot on. I want to enjoy 50, especially the PvP, but between the complete and utter disaster that is Ilum and the fact that half the time my WZ victories don't count I'm going to stop playing.


Just waiting for my time to run out now, hoping they actually get off their asses and fix things, properly.


if you enjoy pvp then just pvp. who cares if a few WZs dont count. lvl 50 pvp, for me, is 100x more fun that pre-50 pvp. both in WZ and in ilum. oh and im republic side by the way.

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They haven't been ignored. Everything you listed has been commented on by the devs who're working on fixes for them. Sure they haven't fixed them yet, but they are trying.


You make it sound like they're just sitting around hording subscription money with their thumbs up their arses not doing any work.


But isn't that sort of the problem? Warzone wins were supposed to be fixed 2 or 3 times now. Each patch they supposedly plan on fixing Ilum but it's gotten worse each time. To me at least, PvP is getting too frustrating to play. Who knows when any of these issues will actually be fixed.


They haven't done anything about faction balance, or mirror class issues, and warzone exploits have been issues for awhile now.


Now our server is filled with AFKers in PvP, who are well-known, and are constantly reported, but have yet to be banned.

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Just a bunch of unhappy trolls. I enjoy the game. The official site forums is the biggest collection of crybabies I have ever met. Every once in a while there is a nugget of info or a good thread to read but for the most part it's FIX THIS OR I UNSUB.


Whatever, leave so the rest of us can enjoy. Hopefully they leave the boards too so we can stop reading their drivel.


Well said.


Considering they all complain they are quitting, they are still posting which means they haven't quit yet.

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Okay, while reading these forums all I hear is how there is no endgame content, no pvp, etc etc. I won't lie, before I played extensively all this talk had me kind of worried. Like most of you, I followed the game for a while and couldn't wait for the game to come out. I even bought a new gaming laptop just to play! (To be fair I was using a 06 macbook, so it was a much needed upgrade)


Needless to say, after reading the forums I started to wonder if the game was going to be a huge failure just like everyone is trying to make it seem. But after leveling, finding plenty of World PvP in Tat, Alderaan and onwards (especially Quesh, so many emps to kill there), grouping up and taking down emps in Ilum, dabbling in the endgame ops and fps, searching and exploring the world for datacrons, and participating in countless warzones, I have to say all my worries are gone, the GAME IS GOOD.


I mean when WoW was released it didn't even have a honor system much less BGs, it didn't have a zone made for PvP with incentives and rewards, if you wanted to find PvP, you had to look or hope your server was into the whole hillsbrad thing. Yes, I know it was '04 but cmon the community made that game fun, Blizz just gave us a polished game to do it in.


I know it's human nature to complain about bad things instead of appreciating good things, and I know SWTOR borrows a lot from WoW and other games, but for just being launched I must say I'm extremely impressed with what they have to offer. There's a lot to do in the game, you just have to look.


Also, I bet most of the people complaining are empire, and don't get me wrong, the fact that you guys have to play huttball all the time must suck (especially if you're melee), but the reason it probably feels like there's no PvP is because there are hardly any republic on any servers, so man up and roll republic! Everyone and their moms wanted to roll empire, even me, but anyone with half a brain knew how popular they were gonna be, and it seems like the smarter PvPers ended up Republic. I'd even go as far to say (to you WoW fanbois), that Republic is the Horde of Swtor :p



So enjoy the game or unsub and go back to WoW where theres NO world pvp at all. Less whiners in the game the better. And to anyone who is worried about the game like I was, don't worry, it's awesome. Bioware cares about their game, and sure Ilum sucked and there are mad bugs, but it's a relatively new game still, give them time!


EDIT: Sorry bout wall of text, there's a lot to address


Hear, hear!

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One of the best PvE MMO games I've played.


The most gear dependant absolutely meaningless PvP system I have ever played. Even Top trumps is more reliant on your knowledge of the system than the cards you're holding.


I'm on a timecard and not going to subscribe, if you like PvE I would strongly recommend this game, some of the End Game bosses are great fun. If you like PvP I would not reccomend this game.


By best PvE I hope you mean lvling. Cause the PvE endgame is a joke. The lvling is fun cause of the stories but yes not a PvP game. Rated WZs might fix that but something tells me it'll just be a cluster****.

Edited by nschlan
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Well said.


Considering they all complain they are quitting, they are still posting which means they haven't quit yet.


Not well said. He insulted paying customers for sharing their displeasure with the product.


You also don't seem to comprehend what happens when you cancel. You purchase 30 days of game time every month. When you cancel 15 days into a paid month, you don't lose that 15 days.


Keep putting people down for sharing their opinions. It only makes you look worse than the people you're insulting.

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But isn't that sort of the problem? Warzone wins were supposed to be fixed 2 or 3 times now. Each patch they supposedly plan on fixing Ilum but it's gotten worse each time.

This should have been hot-fixed on a non-patch day and here we are, still not counting.


To me at least, PvP is getting too frustrating to play. Who knows when any of these issues will actually be fixed.

Unless I Q with a premade during the prime hours PvP is impossible to enjoy.


They haven't done anything about faction balance, or mirror class issues, and warzone exploits have been issues for awhile now.

Still seeing 8v11 on a fairly regular basis, voidstar exploits, etc.


What are they waiting for?


Now our server is filled with AFKers in PvP, who are well-known, and are constantly reported, but have yet to be banned.

Why would they get banned for AFKing? I join a game, give it my best for 2 minutes and if it's out of hand I find a corner and read a book. If I actually tried for the full 15 minutes on some of these Rep teams or 6v8's I'd probably punch a wall.

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Here is the fact:


You enjoy the game until about level 40 to 45. Then you force yourself to 50. Once at 50 you realize it is a shallow disaster of a game. This is how this game's life cycle is.


It's an unfinished, poorly thought out piece of software that wasn't worth the price of admission.


That is not a fact, it is your perspective.


I am level 50 and enjoying the game, even with the Ilum bugs.

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Why would they get banned for AFKing? I join a game, give it my best for 2 minutes and if it's out of hand I find a corner and read a book. If I actually tried for the full 15 minutes on some of these Rep teams or 6v8's I'd probably punch a wall.


For AFKers I'm referring more of people who are botting in warzones to level up. They'll have a bunch of deaths, no damage done, etc.

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But isn't that sort of the problem? Warzone wins were supposed to be fixed 2 or 3 times now. Each patch they supposedly plan on fixing Ilum but it's gotten worse each time. To me at least, PvP is getting too frustrating to play. Who knows when any of these issues will actually be fixed.


They haven't done anything about faction balance, or mirror class issues, and warzone exploits have been issues for awhile now.


Now our server is filled with AFKers in PvP, who are well-known, and are constantly reported, but have yet to be banned.


Honestly, no that's not a problem. I would ten times rather have them issuing fixes that turn out to not work, than have them promise they're working on it and then never get around to it like other games do. At least I know they're trying. Bugs are bugs, each one is unique and some are tougher than others to fix or cause more problems when you fix them. Like I said they could use some more QA, but they'll get better at this over time.


Not sure where you've seen their plans to completely fix Ilum with each patch. This patch all they did was solve the turret issue and try to prevent kill trading. The faction imbalance which is a major issue can not be solved that easily. They have to tread lightly on it because standard solutions like implementing tenacity are going to make the whiners worse and lose them subs.


They have addressed the mirror class issues, most of which are now animation/ability delay based. Which is exactly what they've been slowly patching in the past 2 patches...


Afker's should be dealt with, but again that's tough to solve. You can't just give people the ability to vote others out or it gets abused against undergeared/poor players. The exploits on the other hand are getting addressed (they just fixed the Pull/Grip huttball goal line exploit), but there are quite a few that have risen to prominence only recently and will take BW time to deal with (speed hacking).


Am I concerned about these things? Sure. But they're not going to make me unsub after not even 2 months played. If down the road 6 months from now none of this is addressed then sure, I'll start looking elsewhere. For now though I'm perfectly content to let them mature at handling the strains of an MMO.

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Here is the fact:


You enjoy the game until about level 40 to 45. Then you force yourself to 50. Once at 50 you realize it is a shallow disaster of a game. This is how this game's life cycle is.


It's an unfinished, poorly thought out piece of software that wasn't worth the price of admission.


Then why are you still here?


Obviously your crying is not making an impact upon the game design. That means you're an enabler and a sucker. Either that or you actually do enjoy the game and you're just finding something to complain about for the sake of complaining. That means you're a whiner and a crybaby that can't be pleased and wants the world handed to him on a silver platter.


So which are you, a whiner or a sucker?


Answer: Both.

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You're just a Bioware fanboy. Those are the only people who compare this game to Vanilla. Wasn't Vanilla 7 years ago? rofl


I'm comparing one launch to another. I'm not a Bioware fanboy, if you comprehended my post you'd realize I pointed out some problems with the game.


And if you had any common sense you'd understand the reason I compared it to Vanilla (Which I did for about what? A paragraph or so?), people were still satisfied with the content it had even though it had way less than SWTOR does now, because the community made the game fun. Just because it's 2012 doesn't mean that they are going to pack 3 expansions worth of content into the launch, if they want to keep a customer base they need to release more and more content over time.


I love how people back up Vanilla's utter lack of content just because it was 7 years ago, nostalgia is a funny thing :p


If you're unhappy with the game go troll some negative threads, there are more than plenty.

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I'm comparing one launch to another. I'm not a Bioware fanboy, if you comprehended my post you'd realize I pointed out some problems with the game.


And if you had any common sense you'd understand the reason I compared it to Vanilla (Which I did for about what? A paragraph or so?), people were still satisfied with the content it had even though it had way less than SWTOR does now, because the community made the game fun. Just because it's 2012 doesn't mean that they are going to pack 3 expansions worth of content into the launch, if they want to keep a customer base they need to release more and more content over time.


I love how people back up Vanilla's utter lack of content just because it was 7 years ago, nostalgia is a funny thing :p


If you're unhappy with the game go troll some negative threads, there are more than plenty.


What you're leaving out is how much more content Vanilla WoW had than any other MMO at the time. WoW was the king of MMO's the day it launched.


This game should've been on par with WoW on release, or close to it. The only reason I'm still playing is because I love the gameplay(different resource management for healers) but I was really expecting more improvements by now. The amount of game-breaking bugs, especially in PvP, is just astounding. It's ok though, they're holding a guild summit! That'll fix the game's problems!

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The game is OK... They need to FIX things that have been broken for ages because they're ruining what little bit of END game (ANYTHING TODO after 50) I've been 50 for many weeks now and I only log in to do Dailies, and pray a patch has improved..


I want to love the game... I've been watching it forever... I was a bit Bias and preached about how great this game would be..



This game is not great... its OK... Definitly needs work or it will follow SW:G.

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