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WHY so many tokens at bags?what about the ppl that worked hard for their gear?


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same old story..a ******** that understands what he reads,but wanna play with ppl that wasnt born with english as their main language.


something new?


Apart from not having enjoyed the benefits of an english mother tongue, you complain that it is easier for people to get gear. When it is not. It is just more predictable.


- Centurion gear... ok, you get those faster. But basically this equipment sucks. As far as I am concerned, you might as well just buy it, to have a little competence to have a basic ability to compete based on skill

- Champion gear... well, now you have to open 18 bags just for the weapon. I fail to see how this is any less "work" compared to open 10 and just get it. Once you get to Level 60 in valor, it is less. So your "work" gets "paid" more consistently. The chance to be a valor-level 20 with full champ gear, however, does not exist anymore. So the complaint that there is less "work" involved is just plain wrong.

- Battlemaster gear: Not much changed yet as of now.


So I really fail to see how "even your grandmother" can get gear now. When it is the other way around. In the old system, your grandmother might have gotten lucky and be a valor level 25 full equipped champion. In the new system, only dedicated players will have full champ gear.

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i bet u are one fo those that QQd all day and night for the gearing up system at forums.


Feel free to search my post history.


Gear based PvP is a BAD idea! The 50 only WZ's helped, but expertise was far too great of a deciding factor in PvP. This change is GREAT for everyone hitting 50 and a great move for the health of the game!

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Apart from not having enjoyed the benefits of an english mother tongue, you complain that it is easier for people to get gear. When it is not. It is just more predictable.


- Centurion gear... ok, you get those faster. But basically this equipment sucks. As far as I am concerned, you might as well just buy it, to have a little competence to have a basic ability to compete based on skill

- Champion gear... well, now you have to open 18 bags just for the weapon. I fail to see how this is any less "work" compared to open 10 and just get it. Once you get to Level 60 in valor, it is less. So your "work" gets "paid" more consistently. The chance to be a valor-level 20 with full champ gear, however, does not exist anymore. So the complaint that there is less "work" involved is just plain wrong.

- Battlemaster gear: Not much changed yet as of now.


So I really fail to see how "even your grandmother" can get gear now. When it is the other way around. In the old system, your grandmother might have gotten lucky and be a valor level 25 full equipped champion. In the new system, only dedicated players will have full champ gear.


when u will pass valor 60 u will remember my words...somehow.

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well nice once more ppl cried so much that ANOTHER challenging to gear up game had to nerf their system so the majority of casual players can gear UP almost EQUAL with hardcore ones.




The rate of 7 champion comendation a bag means youll get them at the same frequency as you previously should of when they where random if you had average luck. Just now they arent random which was the frustrating part

Edited by da_krall
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At 60 valor your working on battlemaster gear not champion gear.


at valor 60 some ppl that didnt get lucky are still equipping champs cause BM tokens are not 100% that will drop.


so, no u are wrong.

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So many great lulz in this thread. Poor OP keeps digging himself a deeper hole. C'mon guys, cut this noobulous FOB a break and tell him what a great PVP'r he is, and that we empathize with his unwarranted remarks. Keep crying us a river, I cant stop laughing at work.
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OP is on crack, 7 medals is not very much considering it will take 10 bags to buy a peice of armor.


PVP is not about having an edge.. should be balanced as possible, the strong teams on my server are still very strong. They are very good aswell.


Maybe the OP needs practice?

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well nice once more ppl cried so much that ANOTHER challenging to gear up game had to nerf their system so the majority of casual players can gear UP almost EQUAL with hardcore ones.




so now as customer i would like to ask BIO and EA some QS:


before u did this crap havent u considered that at WOW ppl quiited game when gear became so easy?and not only there.


when will companies realize thats its not ALWAYS good to listen to hello kitty online players thats wants to gear up in 2 weeks?

CAUSE i can tell u that after that 100% they will quit the game.


DEDICATED players were always the semi-core to hardcore ones... ALWAYS. at PVP or PVE doesnt change the result.


casual players are casual players they come and go..


thank u so much that u made me open hundreds of bags to have 10 BM items when im lvl 70(valor)...and now ppl can take almost same gear in 1 day(weekly QS)


i wouldnt mind it if there were war hero items out there ,so centurion and champion would be easier BUT with some VALOR rank requirment.


but no its free for ppl with 10 valor rank to get it. or even with 1.


now that u will loose dedicated pvp players(already i saw hardcore pvp guild from REPS quitting their guilds and leaving the game) lets see what u will do.


ILLUM doesnt YET offer us nothing cause of the unballanced of our server.


PS: i dont care for posts like "QQ no lifer now we can play and BIO did well etc etc"


im used of this.BUT i will ask u something.IF they give pvp players the chance to gear up with TOP PVE gear ,doing normal instances..HOW U WILL FEEL?


ask yourselfs this Q.i bet my *** u will ragequit the game and search for a new one.


BIO and EA must get that PVP AND PVE are 2 seperate things with 2 SEPERATE kind of ppl and needs 2 SEPERATE treatment.


ps:2 easy pvp gears with 2 hard ones i can understand.but 2 easy ones with 1 normal one SORRY i dont get it.how u will keep me in this game if i dont do PVE at all ?with illum??


fix the damn OPEN pvp with objectives or copy paste WH i dont care cause now we are quitting cause of boredom and zero challenge AND MOST OF US cause u mixed casula players with hardcore ones at PVP.


over and out.


I can't believe you took time to write this ... you believe RNG > token/purchase system? How did you "earn" that gear any harder? Because you were lucky?

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Why established 50s even care about new 50s gaining Cent gear is beyond me. Cent gear is terrible and its only purpose is to give new 50s some kind of expertise so they can feel like they have a chance.


Under the new system it will take a fresh 50 longer to reach full champ than under the old system, so everyone has already gained an advantage. Whats the problem here, really?

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give the noobs gear for christ sake..

Im sick of 4 shotting people all day long in huttball.

Im sick of tanking 2-3 jugs\marauders while i laugh and tracerspam them in the face because they have 0 gear.


BTW I have full champs. Hell I have 4/5 BM and ALL the associated gear. When i hit some poor old sap for a 4k tracer i wannna cry. WHY? because its OP i shouldnt be able to 3 shot him or have to "wait and give him a fighting chance" to have fun.




Screw it I got extra champ sets Man if i could give those away.............

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I can't believe you took time to write this ... you believe RNG > token/purchase system? How did you "earn" that gear any harder? Because you were lucky?


haha i dont wanna say again what i said at least 20 times till now.


just read some more posts and u will understand.


i dont aproove RNG system and luck causr at my 65 valor i had only 5 camps and 300 exp.


so ofc NO i didnt like it.


what im trying to say is that ,as it is now u can get full champ gear in one week period,thats all,while i had to open hundreds of them and be lucky ..


well as 65 with 300 exp i think i wasnt.


was i the stupid one to play from day one pvp ?and the newcomer is the smart one?


if yes im w8ing a "yes" from and admin ,so i can continue in another game or w8 for arenas (which) i hate but as it is now i really want them cause i need some challenge.

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Allow me to make this make sense for you...


# of hardcore players < # of casuals

Hardcore subscription price = Casual subscription price

Money earned from hardcore kids < Money made from casuals

Pandering to hardcore players < Pandering to casuals


This all = Casuals are more important. If facebook was all DOS and code based text docs all the hardcore computer nerds would love it but they other 100,000,000 subscribers would be gone. Understand? This is a business not a game.


The best post I've seen

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at valor 60 some ppl that didnt get lucky are still equipping champs cause BM tokens are not 100% that will drop.


so, no u are wrong.


If you did not exploit to get to 60 and actually did it thru WZ and daily's by the time you are 60 you will have full champ or most likely only be missing a few pieces. At this point you are focused on battlemaster and filling in the last few champ slots in the meantime. I was not lucky at all, had many 10-20 bag runs with 0 items in my grind and at 59 I am now only missing 2 pieces.

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So many great lulz in this thread. Poor OP keeps digging himself a deeper hole. C'mon guys, cut this noobulous FOB a break and tell him what a great PVP'r he is, and that we empathize with his unwarranted remarks. Keep crying us a river, I cant stop laughing at work.


way to pacman is there=====>

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at valor 60 some ppl that didnt get lucky are still equipping champs cause BM tokens are not 100% that will drop.


so, no u are wrong.


I was told that you get 15 champion tokens at 60 valor ..... if that's true then I'm not wrong. You can still get your champion gear FASTER than those at 60 ... makes up for the bad RNG that I too face.


My arguments support the change. I think it's good for pvp ... as is I'm a healer that dies fast and can hardly do any damage to anyone ... more specifically anyone tank specced, but then I have less than 200 expertise and that's only cause I bought 2 pieces of centurian gear with the 3 tokens I was getting out of my original bags.

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OP is on crack, 7 medals is not very much considering it will take 10 bags to buy a peice of armor.


PVP is not about having an edge.. should be balanced as possible, the strong teams on my server are still very strong. They are very good aswell.


Maybe the OP needs practice?


way to arcanoid is there for u too ===>

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Why established 50s even care about new 50s gaining Cent gear is beyond me. Cent gear is terrible and its only purpose is to give new 50s some kind of expertise so they can feel like they have a chance.


Under the new system it will take a fresh 50 longer to reach full champ than under the old system, so everyone has already gained an advantage. Whats the problem here, really?


This ...

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in any case im out.those who got it got it.

those who didnt ...will never.


with some of u i enjoyed it cause at least we had some decent talking.


majority ofc will always prevail and ruin the games.


its full of them crying for nerfs at some classes and its full of them in every post someone makes for a NOT easier game.



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in any case im out.those who got it got it.

those who didnt ...will never.


with some of u i enjoyed it cause at least we had some decent talking.


majority ofc will always prevail and ruin the games.


its full of them crying for nerfs at some classes and its full of them in every post someone makes for a NOT easier game.





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in any case im out.those who got it got it.

those who didnt ...will never.


with some of u i enjoyed it cause at least we had some decent talking.


majority ofc will always prevail and ruin the games.


its full of them crying for nerfs at some classes and its full of them in every post someone makes for a NOT easier game.




Careful .... your elitist mentality is showing.


I'm not a hardcore person .... I have played that way in other games. I'm not exactly casual either ... I put in more than my fair share of hours, but just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean my opinion will ruin the game. It's comments like yours that ruin the community.


If you don't agree ... just say you agree to disagree and move on. I'm sorry it took you so long to get your gear, but pretty much EVERYONE agreed that RNG was a crappy system and your luck seems to be low like mine. The system needed changed and it was and it looks as thought it might be for the better. I'm almost valor lvl30 .... I only just got 3 pieces of pvp gear ..... 2 purchased from the original 3 centurian tokens (ear and implant I think) and 1 lucky drop from the bag for my offhand. That's it. I was well on my way to being just as unlucky as you.

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