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Loving Swtor PvP


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What this guy said.


I'm playing Sentinel and PvP is atrocious.


Even if I got my teammates to gather and work together (never happens) I would still be ***** before i can do ANYTHING, simply because of all the ranged CC in this *********** game.


It's entirely unfun and unattractive when RANGED CLASSES can not only out kite my ***, but they out CC and out CC reduction. I can't even run away if I wanted to with all the *********** CC.


It's not fun when my melee DPS can't even do his melee DPS because I'm stuck in a *****torm 90% of PvP.


PvP should be renamed to StunvStun.


i hate to say it, but you need to learn to play your class. we have alot of really good sentinels on my server and they really rock it in WZs and in groups on ilum. the only class that actually ever give me trouble are those two lightsable carring sith, and sents when its rep vs rep huttball. of course, only the ones who actually understand and can play the class.

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Sorry for this noob question. I just recently started play this game. Where is the open world PVP? I have level 24 commando and I haven't encountered any open world pvp yet..


The open world is a single player game with a chat room.

Edited by pawnxing
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An actual positive response on the PvP forums? This will attract some attention.


I overall like PvP on my server. Including level 50. And I just recently got there.


Still play my alt's a lot though. Lol. Can't skip out on killing people with a giant blue glowstick.

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You mean the bug lists?

You mean the exploit lists?

You mean the "why on earth didnt you include this in your game" lists?



Or do you mean the list of $205,000,000.00 (205 MILLION) that EA took as a net loss for this game because the designers wasted money on voice acting instead of content and have thus already killed this game?


Isn't it already known an MMO is going to be a "net loss" until enough time and subscription fees have been collected? Where else are they supposed to profit and thus make releasing a new MMO a "net gain"? I don't get your point, but I agree with the problems you listed, they're why I don't have an active sub any longer.

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Im loving PvP even at level 50. The gring from level 50 valor to 60 really sucks if you dont kill trade which I am not a fan of but other than that I like it.


Just go in and PvP..don't worry about being a BM. BM gear stat increase is pathetically marginal over Champ. If you're looking for a real gear advantage I'd suggest getting your Champ gear and then getting 2-4 pieces of PvE top tier gear. Do it, it's better I'm not kidding.


That being said I'm a BM, my gear is for status only really(which is fine, I don't want stupidly large advantages.)

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I have yet to cap a toon. I only just started playing about a month ago now.


But I DO love to Q for PvP. Looking forward to doing it with some friends and guildies.


I've had a lot of good games, and bad games. But the good definitely to not out number the bad. ;)


I do wait until about lvl 19 before I head in, just so I'm not completely decimated. Howver now and again I mix up my questing with a BG,. er.. WZ.


LOOOOVEEE PvP! Can't wait to try out the 50 bracket!


Even with the glitches (I do suffer from the FPS drops and lag most people seem to suffer as well), I still have fun. I'm optimistic that it's just going to keep getting better and better!

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Nice posts guys, don't mind the trolls, especially the one complaining about Sentinels, who in lvl 50 pvp are monsters. Must be a LTP issue.


Anyway more things I love about Swtor PSP:


People complaing about Commanods and Sentinals beind underpowerd then me going in a topping dmg/kills and generally owning and winning warzones.


Yesterday I took my Commando to Mos LLa on Tatooine to look for a fight,

Ended up getting three groups of empire fighting me and my one other 50 friend for hours, and yes they had 50's also. Phenominaly fun for sure.

Edited by Mcfree
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I agree with the OP. I had never been big into PVP before this game. I had played WoW since release and never really got into the PVP aspect of that game. For some reason though, I'm loving it in TOR. I've given up on leveling through quests entirely because I'm having too much fun healing my way through WZs. I just can't wait until they release more PVP content.
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Most of the whining about PvP seems be about 'having nothing to do' once you're capped at Valor 60, or whatever.


Killing players is the point of PvP. It's not supposed to be a gear grind. That is what PvE is for.


I'm having all sorts of fun hittin' people with mah lightsaber.


I'm going to be having even more fun when they implement a ladder system, and I can spend my nights smashing nerds and taking their ladder points.

Edited by ApthNZ
for teh spelling
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Im loving PvP even at level 50. The gring from level 50 valor to 60 really sucks if you dont kill trade which I am not a fan of but other than that I like it.



Yeah, the 50-60 grind REALLY sucks.


Had fun :eek: on Ilum earlier, though. Got around 15K Valor points in an hour from 2 full groups of Reps and Imps going at it. (NOT Kill-trading).


But that's incredibly rare.

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I just wanted to create a positive thread about how much I am enjoying the pvp in Swtor.

I capped my first toon and have been doing guild groups and Ilum as Republic and it has been a blast. I love the three warzones but I think what I enjoy the most about the pvp is the fastpaced reactionary combat. I don't have any hiching /lagg issues like so many others have said.


I also got to do a lot of Open world pvp while leveling on Tatooine and Alderaan. I have an Alt that I keep around Most Lla and log him on now and again to gank some Imperials.


50 pvp is a ton more fun with brackets. Four guild members can pretty much own or at least have a gg against any other team.


I wanted to make this post to discuss how other players are ENJOYING the pvp here. Please do not post if you don't have something positive to contribute. We all know a lot of forums warriors are here talking about how this and that sucks. That's great but this isn't the post for it, make your own if you can't contribute appropriately.


lol... you meant GvG? gear versus gear casue I havent noticed any skill relay pvp in this game.... but I agree gvg is great here setup for not skilled kids who for sure will like trade killing and random gearing up basic on brainless grind fest....thats my positive feedback...

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Don't mind the trolls nothing but balderdash and inane, illgotten lameness coming out of their troubled minds.


Had two Huttball games 300 +damage...soooooooo mcuh fun.


Also had a 2v1 where my dots killed the 2nd Empire right after I died today on Ilum. :D

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Don't mind the trolls nothing but balderdash and inane, illgotten lameness coming out of their troubled minds.


Had two Huttball games 300 +damage...soooooooo mcuh fun.


Also had a 2v1 where my dots killed the 2nd Empire right after I died today on Ilum. :D


What a nice way to categorize people with an opinion that differs than yours.


Yes pvp is fun. However doing the same thing from early lvls without having a choice fo warzone affects the lvl of that fun.


Some people have different tolerances to what fun is after a long while. However, if a lot of people agree that end game pvp is not fun, then calling them trolls is not making friends with a lot of people.


I know you like the game, and want to generate positive feedback to make the forums not turn into a rude and unwelcoming place, but also ignoring what is a real issue is not going to help either.


So yes pvp is fun. Yes, there are fun abilities in the game. However BW needs to put a lot of work into PVP. They have had a long time working on their game and should have a good enough experience with their engine by now, and hopefully they can meet what seems like an unreasonable amount of work to make their pvp work in an MMO... soon.


-Adding another open world, or fixing Illum would be a great start.

-Making people choose which warzones

-Adding a ranking system

-Also adding a few more warzones as well. There should be more than one coming within the 6 months of the luanch of this since it only has 3 total

-Have a dueling system 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4


If they do all this, and add mini games to thier game within 6 months, then swtor would be a lot more addictive, and attract a lot more people to their game.


Also it would be even better if they added open world objectives on all planets, and then have dual stats like the buff system for warzones. That way low lvls can jump into the open world against high lvl characters and have high enough stats to fend for themselves. Of course the other group of stats would be for PVE, which means they can quest in the open at their lvl, and PVP at any lvl.


Imagining the possibilities, and knowing this game had the money, the know the how, the professionals to make it work... but didn't, well that is actually really not cool at all.


Anyhow, swtor has great potential. The abilities and knock backs are fun. But there should be a lot more.


If you want to call people who give important feedback trolls, fine. However to anyone who is not enjoying end game PVP, pretending there is nothing wrong with it is worse. I am not sure what the label for that is. Anyways, I see what you are trying to do. I am not against trying to be positive, but some people at least have to offer an opinion on helping the game. Which unfortunately comes off as over critical, and in some cases just rude.

Edited by VegaPhone
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I for one enjoy pvp, the fact that can fight different teams regardless of faction, takes away that hatred of opposite factions that developed in games like wow. Lots of fun and looking forward to new material coming out. Haven't leveled up enough to see what the pvp gear grind is like yet. Edited by leungbik
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All they needed to do was have an extra WZ or two when you hit L50 and give some expertise to pre-L50 PvP gear to stop people moaning when they first took the plunge.



There is. Its called buying 6 or 7 ( for dual wield ) weapons, stripping the expertise enchancements and mods out and upgrading your gear. You'll have 150-175 expertise at lvl46 and be ready for the level 50 jump. We did this at lvl42 and then again at lvl46. You can do it even lower, but the gain on expertise isn't really big enough to justify grinding out that many 580 comm weapons.

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I for one enjoy pvp, the fact that can fight different teams regardless of faction, takes away that hatred of opposite factions that developed in games like wow. Lots of fun and looking forward to new material coming out. Haven't leveled up enough to see what the pvp gear grind is like yet.


The pvp gear grind is a lot better now. Before it was annoying because people were more focused on the grind and winning warzones for dailies (which was sometimes hard to do in a random group and even after all that it did not register the win), than playing to have fun.


You should be able to get your champ pvp gear quite quickly compared to the hours I have put in.


I stopped pvping recently but after completing a weekly, and two dailies just the other day, I am half way to buy a champ chest piece, which is one of the most expensive pieces. So had they had this system before, I would have had all my champ gear and not be as frustrated about warzones not counting, or being on a losing team for the n'th time in a row.

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I like the warzones, but after 5-6 games they become boring. Still maybe the best BGs i have ever seen.


What i dislike:


1. To much CC


2. Abilities animation delay and bad engine


3. Lag of world PvP. That is the poorest picture actually. Good wpvp will keep the players in game and i rly hope that BioWare will see my signature before they do another stupid thing.

Edited by ilifus
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I enjoy swtor's pvp. I haven't had open world zerg fests like this since Warhammer. I like my server's community and I overall enjoy the pvp. There are a few things I dislike but it has a lot of potentional. The balance is pretty good too, especially for a new MMO (no, I don't agree with the "NERF THIS" threads).

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i'v had fun pvp too dunno what others problems are i have a 50 inq 50 op and a 45 powertech and i like them all their all powerfull pvp(people seem to think inq are gods but my powertech can affect more change in warzone team play) i like the warzones and i really like hutball you get two good teams fighting till the end to end up at 0-0 and winners holding the ball there are some problems but their minor in scope only real beef is ilum could be better we need a reason to go to smugglers den and i want another hutball map(new traps plz)
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