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Knockbacks! Plz .. enough already!


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I don't PVP in WOW for that same reason, but at least not EVERY class has a ridiculous amount of CC abilities per class.


Neither is that here the case. Or you could say the CC is more evenly distributed unlike in WoW in wich mages, warlocks and rogues are the CC kings.


Main problem in this game is that most players playing a class with a dispel ability do not use this ability at all.


And by the way knockback is overall the weakest form of CC unless certain terrain gives it an edge but on even field slows and roots are stronger than a mere knockback.

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As an Operative, Huttball is incredibly annoying and sometimes almost impossible to play due to constant Knockbacks. I am sick and tired of it guys.


I get on the ramp, BAM I get get knocked back down;

I run back up ... BAM ... I get knocked back again; this repeats continuously.


We already have positioning requirements to do any decent damage. And I don't care if I get knock back into Acid or Fire once in a while. I can position myself properly for that most of the time; but it's very hard to avoid getting knocked back off the ramp.


Just 1 ability totally negates my role. It does not have to kill me outright, but just 1 knockback will remove me from being able to chase the enemy Ball Carrier or to help my team's BC. I mean come on :(!


I could make a video but it's pointless. Everyone knows how bad it is, but those who do it a lot will just jump up and say it's fine. Well sorry, it is not fine. And those same people will start talking about skill and l2p. What skill is involved in pushing a single button and removing your opponent(s) from play?


BW, are there any plans to address this?




Try being a melee DPS class and then you will find out how annoying WZ can be.


We get CCd by everything, and knock back, snares. One game I had everything done to me.


Good times.


But you know what, I adapted my game plan to negate 30% of this crap.


Simply by identifying ppl will spam cc, knockbacks, snares as soon as they see me.


So I force charge in, Group CC, target one player and hit him for everything, then cloak out, then charge back in using a singular cc (choke), and lots of AoE (force smash mainly).


Also always go with at least 1 other person. It makes a big difference.


Yeah, it sucks, but you can mitigate it, so its not always annoying.


My main concern with knock back is that it also stuns/blinds me.

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As an Operative, Huttball is incredibly annoying and sometimes almost impossible to play due to constant Knockbacks. I am sick and tired of it guys.


I get on the ramp, BAM I get get knocked back down;

I run back up ... BAM ... I get knocked back again; this repeats continuously.


We already have positioning requirements to do any decent damage. And I don't care if I get knock back into Acid or Fire once in a while. I can position myself properly for that most of the time; but it's very hard to avoid getting knocked back off the ramp.


Just 1 ability totally negates my role. It does not have to kill me outright, but just 1 knockback will remove me from being able to chase the enemy Ball Carrier or to help my team's BC. I mean come on :(!


I could make a video but it's pointless. Everyone knows how bad it is, but those who do it a lot will just jump up and say it's fine. Well sorry, it is not fine. And those same people will start talking about skill and l2p. What skill is involved in pushing a single button and removing your opponent(s) from play?


BW, are there any plans to address this?

yea and back to back stuns/knockdowns ect from operatives are not annoying at all :rolleyes:

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Try being a melee DPS class and then you will find out how annoying WZ can be.


We get CCd by everything, and knock back, snares. One game I had everything done to me.


Good times.



What type of class do you think an Operative is? :p

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Yeah sure knockbacks are worse than Stun, Mezz and roots because Knockbacks totally disable you or partially disable you am I rite? :rolleyes:


Adding more CC to the list now? Your argument was roots > knockback. I'll let someone else explain what a knockback does to caster/ranged and what it does to melee (hint: KB is effective on both in different ways)

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Adding more CC to the list now? Your argument was roots > knockback. I'll let someone else explain what a knockback does to caster/ranged and what it does to melee (hint: KB is effective on both in different ways)


A knockback does nothing unless followed or paired with another CC afterwards.

Its a complete waste against ranged unless you want to escape and they were close enough for it to work.

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Neither is that here the case. Or you could say the CC is more evenly distributed unlike in WoW in wich mages, warlocks and rogues are the CC kings.


Main problem in this game is that most players playing a class with a dispel ability do not use this ability at all.


And by the way knockback is overall the weakest form of CC unless certain terrain gives it an edge but on even field slows and roots are stronger than a mere knockback.


This would be a valid point, if every healer class who talented into their dispel could dispel all the same debuffs. Not to mention the awful ui layout to even see debuffs, let alone those you can actually cleanse. (Since many debuffs share the same icon, etc) If they want to balance CC's around being cleansed then that's fine, but the UI needs a huge overhaul, and cleanse mechanics need to be changed first. Or we can all roll sorcs like I'm assuming you have, and cleanse most of the annoying debuffs in the game baseline.


(used healers as an example, obviously people without their cleanse talent should still have their niche's)

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You have a charge? lol. What does an OP have.. yeah..


If specced into it (tank tree). You're right though, it makes it easier to get into combat again.


Problem is: you need abilities like that and roots to make any chance to stop a ball carrier in Huttball or to cap points.


The knockbacks do "disable" your character much longer than the resolve bar would indicate however.

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Operatives have a stupid amount of stuns, quick movement speed, and the ability to stealth, in addition to being able to heal and do excellent damage despite the recent nerfs.


My point is, not everyone needs everything. Operatives have a combination of skills and abilities which no other AC does.



You, sir, are clueless.

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Neither is that here the case. Or you could say the CC is more evenly distributed unlike in WoW in wich mages, warlocks and rogues are the CC kings.


Main problem in this game is that most players playing a class with a dispel ability do not use this ability at all.


And by the way knockback is overall the weakest form of CC unless certain terrain gives it an edge but on even field slows and roots are stronger than a mere knockback.



Please get back on topic. I am specifically talking about Knockback in HUTTBALL (played like 90% of the time). Slows and roots cannot be compared to knockback in any way or form.


1 button = removes me from play and I have no tools to get back.

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Please get back on topic. I am specifically talking about Knockback in HUTTBALL (played like 90% of the time). Slows and roots cannot be compared to knockback in any way or form.


1 button = removes me from play and I have no tools to get back.


Wait what?


Are you telling me that have been suffering knockback for that "long" and you still don't know where to stand when going against a class with knockback in Huttball?


Tell you what its easy to make knockback less effective against you and only use 1 button too.


Either W.A.S.D. will work. Knockback is useless when people learn how to position themselves better.

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Wait what?


Are you telling me that have been suffering knockback for that "long" and you still don't know where to stand when going against a class with knockback in Huttball?


Tell you what its easy to make knockback less effective against you and only use 1 button too.


Either W.A.S.D. will work. Knockback is useless when people learn how to position themselves better.


And only morons use knockback when their opponent is positioned in a manner which would negate the knockback.

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You have stealth! That's the biggest gap closer in the game. Getting KB is annoying but its part of the game. You just need to play as a team to counter it.


How is stealth a gap closer compared to, say, mara's force charge who also get a limited Stealth or Sin's Force Speed who also get Stealth?

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Wait what?


Are you telling me that have been suffering knockback for that "long" and you still don't know where to stand when going against a class with knockback in Huttball?


Tell you what its easy to make knockback less effective against you and only use 1 button too.


Either W.A.S.D. will work. Knockback is useless when people learn how to position themselves better.



If you bothered to read, I've explained all that earlier. Please don't jump clueless into a post.



i like it...keep as is.


As I said in my first post lol

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Cc is not bad in this game. I have played games with too much cc and this ain't them


It takes every ounce of strength when someone complains about cc in this game to tell them stop being bad.



Did you manage to read anything in my original post? /sigh :rolleyes:

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