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Datacrons I Give UP


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Just for clarification, because there seems to be a lot of misinformation in this thread:


All the 67 datacrons (+ the +10 one in Fleet, which doesnt count towards this) you can get +40 to all stats. Of those +40 useful are usually you're mainstat, endurance and maybe another stat depending of the class. For example Jedi shadow can get +40 to 3 useful stats: Willpower, Strength and Endurance.

Edited by Veimi
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Well, personally speaking, I know it's me. As an older player with less nimble fingers and hand to eye coordination some of these are impossible to get.


It'll come to you one day too.


I remember one on Hutta where I had to jump from pipe to pipe. If you don't jump right, you have to go all the way back. It is not a difficult jump though (there is a lot of leeway), you just need to take your time and maybe get a feel for jumping before that. Also look carefully where you know you can jump. It helps if you do a practice jump to get a feel for the distance and height you can jump. If you just go for it, chances are that you fail yes. Nimble fingers or not.

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I got every datacron I went after and most of them without problems. The stats do add up especially if you create your matrix cube to, I ended up with +80 willpower in total (plus others). Yes some can be a little frustrating but that's the way it's designed, a little tip try turning off sprint if you're having trouble getting some of them.
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What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one and if I wanted a search and find game again I would have bought one.


I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


I have given up on the datacrons (whether good for my class or not) lets just hope the rest of the game keeps me interested for longer than my prepaid game time.


Also a list of Codex to work towards ingame will also be helpful as some of the Codex are class and faction specific.


So if you don't get things handed to you freely it sucks?


What's the point of playing games in that case?

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The datacrons and the methods to obtain them is among the quest- and storyline one of the really good features in this game (besides the tons of unexplainable bugs...).


It's a time consuming feature, but I really like it.


More of them, pls.


btw. pls fix the Datacrons that are actually not achievable with character size 3.

Edited by Midichlorien
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There are 66 Datacrons available to a character (clearly lots on the other side for other characters, though. One of the 67 codex entries is the matrix shard assembler for your side).


On getting them, my one tip is to practice your jumping on and off things at ground level, and get used to what you can do, and jumping reliably. Getting the hang of stuff like hitting jump and forward at the same time (easier with one hand than two) is a lot less frustrating when it doesn't matter if you fail. Before I did this datacrons were painful, now they are often a first time success.


My personal frustration with them is the updating of other people's location whilst doing them. I've taken to leading my guild through them as an evening out, and each time someone jumps over a gap you see their character fall repeatedly through it, followed by them finally landing safely after a few seconds. It's horribly immersion breaking.

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honestly I have no idea what jump could possibly be having such a problem with to constitute your attitude in the OP.


I have gotten every single datacron multiple times, and haven't (with the exception of the cube one on belsav) had any issues with them at all.



I think you are perhaps blowing things out of proportion just a wee bit.



However, you do bring up a good point about having a workable codex to pull from when setting out to accomplish achievements, instead of everything simply being hidden - it could just be greyed out, and light up as you accomplish it.





So +1 for that - everything else. I think perhaps just take a moment and collect yourself before going out to collect more. They honestly aren't hard at all.




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So if you don't get things handed to you freely it sucks?


What's the point of playing games in that case?


I didn't see anyone saying they wanted things handed to them.


It's just that this game was not designed to be great for jumping. Yes it can be done, yes some people can do it easier then others, but what fun is it if you try to get to a datacron 10-15 times and keep failing because you are not one who is good at jumping?


Also what fun is it to wait on a balloon for 40+ minutes? Nothing wrong with having to get on a balloon to get to them but maybe once your on it it could speed up making the trip faster so you can get back to doing other things in game.


I have gotten most of the datacrons I have come across. There are a few that because of jumping or having to wait on a balloon that I have yet to get. Maybe some day I will try for these again.

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What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one and if I wanted a search and find game again I would have bought one.


I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


I have given up on the datacrons (whether good for my class or not) lets just hope the rest of the game keeps me interested for longer than my prepaid game time.


Also a list of Codex to work towards ingame will also be helpful as some of the Codex are class and faction specific.


There are plenty of videos that shows you exactly how to do it.


But in other news, this isn't wow! This is a true MMORPG meaning you have to work and think do get your ****! On any rpg some things aren't handed to you, some require some work to get, other require a lot. And like some have said, it's not that big stat change in the end!


If you don't like it don't get them, besides most of them are useless for your class (regardless of which class it is).

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I didn't see anyone saying they wanted things handed to them.


It's just that this game was not designed to be great for jumping. Yes it can be done, yes some people can do it easier then others, but what fun is it if you try to get to a datacron 10-15 times and keep failing because you are not one who is good at jumping?


Also what fun is it to wait on a balloon for 40+ minutes? Nothing wrong with having to get on a balloon to get to them but maybe once your on it it could speed up making the trip faster so you can get back to doing other things in game.


I have gotten most of the datacrons I have come across. There are a few that because of jumping or having to wait on a balloon that I have yet to get. Maybe some day I will try for these again.


to address your point on " but what fun is it if you try to get to a datacron 10-15 times and keep failing because you are not one who is good at jumping?", i ask you this:


what's the fun in wiping 15+ times to kill a boss fight?


Still ppl do it in all MMO's :)

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While I do feel your frustration I strongly disagree.


There is no reason to let it get to you, remember its just a game. As such, progression is part of what makes it so much fun. If youre not having fun, do a warzone or something else for a while before you continue trying.They harder your try to beat it, the greater the reward (in your brain) when you succeed.

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to address your point on " but what fun is it if you try to get to a datacron 10-15 times and keep failing because you are not one who is good at jumping?", i ask you this:


what's the fun in wiping 15+ times to kill a boss fight?


Still ppl do it in all MMO's :)


As to the wiping thing, yes people do it. I dont. I will try dungeons, flashponts, whatever and I will try them usually 3-4 times. If in that timeframe the team I am on is unable to complete them then I bow out. I am not one who likes to lose, maybe I will try them again some other day, just like trying to get datacrons some other day, but to keep banging my head against something over and over in the same setting is to frustrating.


I play games to get away from RL. In RL there are many things that are frustrating. When things in a game that is supposed to be making to forget real life, cause enjoyment and not be frustrating start causing that frustration then it makes me not want to play.


Games are supposed to be fun. Some people have fun with extreme challanges (wiping 15 times, etc) some not so much.


As far as the datacrons go. I will eventually get them in the current system. If they change any of them then the ones that I hope they change are those that dont allow certian body sizes to get them and a way to speed up the balloon.


As you can see I am not asking for the jumping ones to be changed, I am/was only pointing out that for some it is not as easy to get them as others.

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Sorry Prop but I think you are full of it :)


NO way you got all of those datacrons on your first attempt.


I did, actually.

I guess it comes down to coordination between your eyes and pressing forward/jump at the right time.

Which I have lots of experience with.

Unless you have really unpredictable lagspikes on your internet connection, it should be very easy.

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Datacrons should be hard to obtain. Getting one should give the player a great feeling of achievement.


But why the crap does 90% of hunting for Datacrons involve incredibly annoying Jump&Run in a game that has terrible and unresponsive controls? Why not more puzzles, why not more fighting challenges?


I liked that one Datacron on Tattoine that had me fight through a whole village of Sandpeople, jump down a cliff and fight my way past a couple of Elites. I'm okay with that.


I liked the Datacron on Quesh that needed three People working together to get past a forcefield.


I liked the Datacron on Nar Shaddaa that had me guess a random Code or else be burned to ashes.


I liked the Datacron on Alderaan that had me fight my way past a horde of Mobs and blow up a Wall with a device i bought from a Vendor earlier.


Acquiring the Rataka-Cubes on Belsavis is hard and tiresome work. But i'm perfectly okay with that. Makes it so much more satisfying when you finally get the Datacron.




But i HATE that datacrons on Nar Shadaa that have me slam my fists into the keyboard for hours because of incredibly frustrating Jump-sequences.


And WHO THE FUKK thought the Balloon-Ride on Tattooine is a great idea?

Edited by Etherlad
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The datacrons and the methods to obtain them is among the quest- and storyline one of the really good features in this game (besides the tons of unexplainable bugs...).


It's a time consuming feature, but I really like it.


More of them, pls.


btw. pls fix the Datacrons that are actually not achievable with character size 3.


This is incorrect, just wanted to point that out. Datacrons are optional and not tied to any questlines.

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I got most of them and it was lots of fun. It was something different from the braindead grind of XYZ. So give moar datacron jumping stuff, BW. Or make a min-game for us to jump around like clazy and shooting at baddies. Edited by maxbaby
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This is incorrect, just wanted to point that out. Datacrons are optional and not tied to any questlines.


Wrong word, change "among" with "besides" and I guess it fits. English isn't my native tongue and sometimes I have a problem with adverbs and especially prepositions.


Just wanted to underline that this game has a lot of unexplainable bugs and some really dumb features (like space travel through empty and boring orbital stations for some more loading screens...), but



-quest- and storyline


-> I like.

Edited by Midichlorien
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It's actually another thing, now that I think about it that is absolutely horrible in this game.



Horrible, and i mean HORRIBLE jumping control.

There's no reason jumping from one thing to another should be that difficult.

It's like, you're moving, hit jump, and you just fall off the edge.

It does take some getting used to but like... REALLY????

I need to train and practice to learn how to jump properly?

It's like hitting 'jump' doesn't even register half the time when you're near the edge of something

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