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Disappointed by the size of the "fat" female option.


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Ever see General Garza, NPC on the Republic side and a main NPC for the Trooper storyline? She's the "fat" option, but really she's built like a brickhouse.


I get mixed signals when I see her: old and wrinkly, but packing!


amen. :D


my trooper is torn between being obstinate or wishing there was a flirt option.

Edited by UgliGoat
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The largest male body type (the 'fat' one) needs to be broken down even further....He's only 'Big'. We still need Healthy, Husky, Fluffy, DDAAAYYAAAMMM...and Oh Hell No! :p


Can you imagine the 'Oh Hell No!' body type trying to stealth his way around? Then again he'd never be able to reach all the datacrons....

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I don't think we see a fat female build because obesity is more of an accepted norm among men than women. The size 4 male obesity build in SW TOR has a massive pot belly, fat roll on the back of the neck, chubby face etc.


When you take off his clothes the obesity build looks like the guy is built like a World's Strongest Men contestant or bouncer you wouldn't want to mess with at a nightclub.


Women just cannot convincingly have the "bouncer" look or whatever so Bioware made their size 4 body like a middle age female swimming athlete or something close to that.

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I...just don't know what to say. I think I just caught cancer by the foolishness of this post. BTW, your character is jumping around, and running around, losing weight. Unlike the large women who feel they need to complain because their characters can't be large. Edited by LordRelyks
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The largest male body type (the 'fat' one) needs to be broken down even further....He's only 'Big'. We still need Healthy, Husky, Fluffy, DDAAAYYAAAMMM...and Oh Hell No! :p


Can you imagine the 'Oh Hell No!' body type trying to stealth his way around? Then again he'd never be able to reach all the datacrons....





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Agreed. The large male body is a cool additon to MMOs. The fact that a fat female is missing, I find sexist. Are they saying that a man can be fat and attractive, but a fat female is gone too far? I find big women attractive, and Im sure like the OP, big women should have an option to feel good about the way they are.


Of course some teenage boys would roll fat chicks with silly names, but heh, thats the mmo life.

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You're right, it would be nice to have more character creation options. Not just for body types, but for everything, really. The reality is (and has been stated numerous times in numerous ways) that not every possible option can be covered. No, you can't be a fat banana Jedi, sorry.


I think what I hate the most here, is this idea that there is only one given "normal" body type. Normal, or healthy, I guess it depends what you're defining...varies. If you're 6 ft tall and weigh 100 lbs, chances are that you're anorexic. If you're 5 ft tall and weigh 300 lbs, then chances are that you're obese. You probably know if you're healthy or not. Only you can decide if you want to do something about it. And please, don't label yourself some trite politically correct term to make yourself feel better. If you're fat, that's fine just deal with it and move along. If others treat you like crap because of how you look then you really shouldn't worry about their opinions.


As for OP, I really can't stand women who are overly sensitive about their weight, or the fact that they just may not be as pretty as other women. It sounds more like you have weight issues you need to deal with, and that currently you're not dealing with them in a healthy manner. I'm sorry if that's the case, but don't get angry when people don't side with you about it. I really hope you find a positive way in dealing with your self-image and diet issues.


In general, people playing a sci-fi fantasy game want to play as someone not only heroic, but good-looking as well. The majority of people who play female chars would prefer to play a thinner woman, or at most a "curvy" woman rather than an obese woman. Them's the facts, sorry. BW is just accomodating the majority of its playerbase.

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Agreed. The large male body is a cool additon to MMOs. The fact that a fat female is missing, I find sexist. Are they saying that a man can be fat and attractive, but a fat female is gone too far? I find big women attractive, and Im sure like the OP, big women should have an option to feel good about the way they are.


Of course some teenage boys would roll fat chicks with silly names, but heh, thats the mmo life.


Bioware has shown us they know how to make a large size female body build, very large.

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Did not read the thread.


Here is why:


Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. While the Oxford English Dictionary defines role-playing as "the changing of one's behaviour to fulfill a social role",[1] the term is used more loosely in five senses:

- To refer to the playing of roles generally such as in a theatre, or educational setting;

- To refer to taking a role of an existing character or person and acting it out with a partner taking someone else's role, often involving different genres of practice;

- To refer to a wide range of games including role-playing video game, play-by-mail games and more;

- To refer specifically to role-playing games.[2]

- To perform an imaginary action within a fictitious setting, often starting the action with symbols such as (,-,_,*,~ etc. and ending with ),-,_,*,~ etc. Specific examples include -Hugs you tightly- and *Picks up the shovel*.


If you are saying that you cannot roleplay unless the role you are playing is yourself, then you don't understand what roleplaying means.

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I agree with a lot of things being discussed here.


#1: Males need an option between 2 and 3. 2 is too skinny, 3 is really buff.

#2: Females need a fat option. Female 4 is NOT fat, at least not fat like Male 4.


Would have preferred a slider bar on the character creation, that would have been fantastic... But, alas... :(

Edited by TaintedSquirrel
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BW has already answered this for you all. my first post was edited. other non optional bodily abnormalities where edited out of my post, which included non voluntary amputation. BW clearly considers obese ppl to be different, and the only difference is the choice factor.


the example was very simple, and was agreed with by ppl afterwards, but before the editing obviously. the examples explained VERY clearly that many ppl of all physical types play this game. many of the ppl have something about them physically that is not considered "normal" or is not what MOST ppl have, and this is not their choice.


this game does not attempt to cater for them, and for good reason. although their story may be sad, and they are no doubt better ppl than me in every way, they are a minority and not EVERYONE can be catered for. so, they have to try and make their body types appeal to the most ppl they can, without dedicating so much time to adding additional types that each one lowers in quality. quality over quantity.


they also have a source material to consider, and although amputation does play a large part in the SW movies, it is only for a very short time before it is replaced by an identical item (skywalker robot hands anyone?), and almost never mentioned again.


it was implied that my comments where only made to make ppl laugh. there was nothing at all funny about them. they made a very obvious point that i am now making again. there will ALWAYS be ppl who feel left out when it comes to creating a mirror image of themselves in any mmo, especially one tied to an existing and well known IP like starwars.


if you want to ask for something to be included, maybe ask for something less selfish than "i want fat chicks cos im fat". there are ppl far worse of than you or I who are not represented in the character creator, and they simply suck it up and deal with it.


PS, : BW, please add a small freckle to the lower left of the mouth, as i have one and find it hard to RP without one on my toon. thanks.

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Are people really this hot and bothered that there isn't a 'Fat -enough-' female body type?


If there was, do you think there would be 5 times that number of people complaining about it?


I can see the threads now. "Bioware encouraging obesity in it's games by adding in a obese woman body size that wasn't there at launch" or Something like the game is telling kids it's ok to be obese and you can still be a hero. Ect ect ect.


They didn't add it in, because people would riot.


The "Fat" Male body type is in there because people 'can' laugh at it. If you laugh at the same sort of thing for a female you get protesters and rights groups all on you.


I too would like more options. But I don't need absurdity in my games either.


Get me playable wookies and Nautolans and Bothans and Cathar, before you worry about designing some obese female body type to placate what has to be a very minor minority of your player-base.

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Fat options are only an option because so many people are obese and overweight and fat noawadays and demand to have a way to identify themselves to a hero.


Don't sugarcoat it, the chances of being fat if you run around planets like your character does all day, are very very slim!

Edited by Vonb
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