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Disappointed by the size of the "fat" female option.


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The only female body types i find somewhat normal are 2 and 4, and even then they are a bit over-endowed in the T&A areas.


Bingo! Actually, characters in this game are all slight caricatures, so as a body type, 3 is just fine, too. I've known girls that were tall, fit/athletic, and would have matched body 3 (as a caricature of themselves; not a perfect representation). I'm only bothered by the exaggeration of T&A because I'm quite tired of so many men's (and women's) preoccupation with large T&A.


Male body type 4 bothers me because even though there are people that shape in real life, they should be trying NOT to be that shape, so I find it silly to validate it by giving it a presence in a video game--especially one where the characters lead lives that would make male body 4 impossible one way or another.


The body type 1's bother me because they just seem too awkward and unrepresentative of anything real. If they were a little shorter, they'd pass as teens/adolescents just fine. I've tried to give the body type 1's a shot, but the nail in the coffin is always how inappropriate they seem when the voice actor/actress's voice is taken into consideration. Female smuggler's voice maybe? Even so, I can't seem to resolve what body type 1's are supposed to be, so I stay away from them.

Edited by Analogy
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Bingo! Actually, characters in this game are all slight caricatures, so as a slightly "toonified" body type, 3 is just fine, too. I've known girls that were tall, fit/athletic, and would have matched body 3 (as a caricature of themselves; not a perfect representation). I'm only bothered by the exaggeration of T&A because I'm quite tired of so many men's (and women's) preoccupation with large T&A.


Male body type 4 bothers me because even though there are people that shape in real life, they should be trying NOT to be that shape, so I find it silly to validate it by giving it a presence in a video game--especially one where the characters lead lives that would make male body 4 impossible one way or another.


The body type 1's bother me because they just seem too awkward and unrepresentative of anything real. If they were a little shorter, they'd pass as teens/adolescents just fine. I've tried to give the body type 1's a shot, but the nail in the coffin is always how inappropriate they seem when the voice actor/actress's voice is taken into consideration. Female smuggler's voice maybe? Even so, I can't seem to resolve what body type 1's are supposed to be, so I stay away from them.


Maybe it's there because he needed it for NPCs?


A lot of guards and such are male body type 4, which I can buy. He's big and intimidating, but he pretty much stands in one place all day. Yeah, body type 4 looks like he could start twisting people's limbs off if a fight started up, but he doesn't look like he could run to the end of the block.


Makes sense of hired muscle/thugs. Doesn't make sense for an adventurer.

Edited by Tamaranis
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I really think there is something wrong with people's eyes, or perhaps the monitor settings on my pc.


Am I really the only one who thinks that option 3 female body is a bit 'chunky'. Ok she doesn't have a tubby tummy, but everything else about that body shape screams 'plump'.


Option 4 is simply a giant hulking wwf female wrestler, well, not the sort they have now who are all models, but the sort they had when I was a kid who just looked like the men, but with *****.


Am I really the only one who thinks option 1 is perfect? Maybe it's a cultural thing, most of the women (under 35) that I know are option 1 or 2, with perhaps a little more tummy, but the game is a charactature of real life, not a simulation.


Your resolution does make a big difference. On my screen, Type 2 is curvy and 'most everyone packs a lot of back except the Type 1s. Type 3 is absolutely Amazonian. Type 4 is curvy still but definitely heavy. So am I.


On my husband's monitor Type 1 has stick-thin arms and legs and is absolutely tiny. His bounty hunter looks like firing that wrist rocket would tear her arm off while my Type 3 IA looks incredibly fit but not overdone like it does on mine.

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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


Would you rather be forced to have the same body size as everybody else, ala WoW?


The technical restrictions are such in the game that they can't let you choose for yourself, they had to pick a few models to go with.


I'm sorry if you're not happy with the appearance of your character, but that is the direction they went with the engine and the art and it is WAY too late in the game's development to change, and would cost a ton of money to develop new systems just to allow a couple more body types.


They've already gone in a slightly-cartoonish direction, so I don't think they care to try to represent more realistic bodies or allow more customization.


Again, sorry, but not every videogame can target every single person's desires. Barbie horse adventure doesn't appeal to me, so I don't play it. I don't complain to the developers that there should be more men in the game or that you should be able to drive cars as well as horses.


Did the Clone Wars movie have any "curvy women" in it?

Thats what I'm saying, they targeted a purposely cartoonish world, with exaggerated features, not realistic ones.

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The only female body types i find somewhat normal are 2 and 4, and even then they are a bit over-endowed in the T&A areas.


Most of the problem is with the big butts, and thats not even because the rear end is too big, its because of the way the cloth physics interacts with the player model, it keeps a buffer between them and so your jacket poofs out... and looks like you've got a badonkadonk or are wearing diapers. This needs addressing for everybody, not just large body types. When they fix that, everything will look more natural.


4 does have big breasts, but big breasts are usually correlated with larger female bodies. And who doesn't appreciate a large-breasted woman? :) They're at least realistic, and don't look like implants.

Edited by miliways
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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


Actually...the body type 4 for males is not "truly obese". That body type just reflects a failure to add cardio and/or clean dieting to a muscle building workout routine. If you take of the a male body type 4's chest clothing off...you'll see he is actually pretty ripped, especially in the back/shoulders.


What does this mean? It means that he can lift his own weight and due to his increased mass, would be quite a powerful foe physically. An "obese" person would not have these muscles defined.


Source: I work out (cue LMFAO song...).

Edited by StrandtheMan
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I think the issue here is that TOR went with comic book style bodies.


male 1 and 2 are kid/teen or stretchy superhero builds (like robin, spiderman or mr fantastic), 3 is standard adult superhero build (like superman or captain america) and 4 is the brick superhero build (like hulk or thing).


female follows along the same lines; 1 is young teen (like the girls in teen titans... depending on who draws them :rolleyes:),2 is the standard female superhero (like supergirl, batwoman and most female superheroines) 3 is the muscle build (like she-hulk) and 4 is the voluptuous build (like miss motorboat heaven herself: powergirl)


Now ofcourse there's more than that but those are what you see most in comic books. Does it mean equal visuals for men and women? nope. is it somewhat sexist? probably. will bioware change it? unfortunately, i doubt it. They designed the bodies with the 'feeling heroic' ethos, much like they tauted for combat. To them that means superhero proportions.

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I agree with you.


I just have to add, for others who are confused-

"fat" doesnt have to imply lack of muscle. You can see olympic weight lifters who are, by all means, fat. Sure they might have great musculature, and maybe they even are aerobically trained. But all those extra body still is unhealthy (for many reasons I wont go into)


It's one of the reasons why many countries, including my own (Canada) are phasing out the BMI system in medical professionals. The BMI was created by a mathematician based on no medical knowledge.


Canada is switching to a "health rating" system, where your weight is not the factor they measure but instead it's your blood levels, your heart, your lungs etc.


This is a superior system since the BMI doesn't take certain body types into account. My BMI rating puts me at "morbidly obese", yet I am healthy as an ox, with flawless blood pressure, cholesterol levels and I can run at a fair speed.


I come from a long line of very large people, yet also very healthy long lived people and the BMI would have you believe my entire family is on the verge of death.

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Again, sorry, but not every videogame can target every single person's desires. Barbie horse adventure doesn't appeal to me, so I don't play it. I don't complain to the developers that there should be more men in the game or that you should be able to drive cars as well as horses.


So I like how your example of a game that caters to women has the 'Barbie' name on it. You realize that Barbie is the centerpiece of sexist, outdated, literally impossible body and social ideals? Why in the hell would you use that as an example of a good game for a women?


I mean I know the answer, it's because you can't actually think of a relevant example of what we *should* play if we want to play a game with a more realistic body image for us, but I still think it's hilarious that you went for it anyway.


Surely you've at least once been in the same room as a woman who hasn't undergone 3 hours of airbrushing?

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i lost one arm in iraq. i find it really hard to RP as any toon, any race, and class, any faction, when my character has both arms.


i am 3ft tall, i am legally a "little person" i find it really hard to RP as any toon, any race, any class, any faction, when my characters are ALL over 4 feet tall.


i am a banana irl. i find it really hard to RP......


i think you get the idea. not every option can be covered. you just have to accept it.


I loled at the banana irl part heh. But yeah, like Darth Pants said, not everything will be covered, and as far as playing a..ehem.."large" female goes, there aren't many people who wold desire to play a character who fits that description, however playing a female that resembles the body type of Christina Hendricks, well that's a much more appealing look. So that's what they went with.

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Actually...the body type 4 for males is not "truly obese". That body type just reflects a failure to add cardio and/or clean dieting to a muscle building workout routine. If you take of the a male body type 4's chest clothing off...you'll see he is actually pretty ripped, especially in the back/shoulders.


What does this mean? It means that he can lift his own weight and due to his increased mass, would be quite a powerful foe physically. An "obese" person would not have these muscles defined.


Source: I work out (cue LMFAO song...).


For those of you old enough to know who he is, the type 4 male body reminds me of William "The Refrigerator" Perry.

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I think the issue here is that TOR went with comic book style bodies.


male 1 and 2 are kid/teen or stretchy superhero builds (like robin, spiderman or mr fantastic), 3 is standard adult superhero build (like superman or captain america) and 4 is the brick superhero build (like hulk or thing).


female follows along the same lines; 1 is young teen (like the girls in teen titans... depending on who draws them :rolleyes:),2 is the standard female superhero (like supergirl, batwoman and most female superheroines) 3 is the muscle build (like she-hulk) and 4 is the voluptuous build (like miss motorboat heaven herself: powergirl)


Now ofcourse there's more than that but those are what you see most in comic books. Does it mean equal visuals for men and women? nope. is it somewhat sexist? probably. will bioware change it? unfortunately, i doubt it. They designed the bodies with the 'feeling heroic' ethos, much like they tauted for combat. To them that means superhero proportions.



Yea, they went for the comic book style.


Having truly fat people like the Jabba dancer or Porkins wouldn't be a game breaker for me. But I suppose its hard to picture fat/obese heroes being able to put up with the constant sprinting and combat seen in the game

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Your resolution does make a big difference. On my screen, Type 2 is curvy and 'most everyone packs a lot of back except the Type 1s. Type 3 is absolutely Amazonian. Type 4 is curvy still but definitely heavy. So am I.


On my husband's monitor Type 1 has stick-thin arms and legs and is absolutely tiny. His bounty hunter looks like firing that wrist rocket would tear her arm off while my Type 3 IA looks incredibly fit but not overdone like it does on mine.


I was being sarcastic...:D


But if it actually does make a difference, id love to see what people see on their screens because Im definately seeing what you are, not your husband.

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I was being sarcastic...:D


But if it actually does make a difference, id love to see what people see on their screens because Im definately seeing what you are, not your husband.


Someone is not using the correct aspect ratio for thier monitor I would imagine.

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The OP aside the character customization features/options are something to be desired...considering look at the customization options for Champions Online...



Really bioware is that the best you could do?


4 "body" shapes....


Seems lazy to me.

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Different widescreen monitors have different ratios depending on, well, their aspect ratio.


Not all of them go 16:9


Well mines an 18' widescreen gaming laptop, when I go to screen resolution it says '1920x1080 (recommended).


which to me says Im doing it right.

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This thread has to be a troll right?


Its pretty unlikely that a chubby, fat woman gets to live the life of a Jedi or adventuerer. In addition I dont think that fat women arent "prefered" by players of female toons.

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