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Disappointed by the size of the "fat" female option.


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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.
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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


i am a banana irl. i find it really hard to RP......


i think you get the idea. not every option can be covered. you just have to accept it.

Edited by Meluna
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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


It looks fairly fat to me ..... why not make a suggestion thread asking for a morbidly obese option?

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Nice troll bait, OP. I miss the huge fat body you could have in SWG. It didn't break my immersion, or interrupt RP *at all* to have huge fat people in hotpants and cooks hats running around, not one bit. Edited by Jandi
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Yeah the male fat build is really an obese build because they have a massive pot belly and you can even see the fat roll on the back of their neck. Females largest size I wouldn't even call fat but more along the lines of what you see in middle age female athletes, especially swimmers.


The odd thing is though that I see a fair number of the obese male body types chosen for in game play but fewer of the female toons larger body type is chosen.

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If it's a mirror of the male body type 4, it's a fun house mirror only. I don't know if they're ever going to add more body types - maybe with legacy? - but it's not too much to ask to have the male and female body types match to equalize the choice. I wouldn't necessarily take this one away though, just add more options. How they thought the disparity made sense, I honestly don't know.


Personally, I've played both a fat male Jedi and a muscular female Sith and I did so because it fit their personality and backstory. No reason not to give RPers the option for obese characters, especially when it's already there for one gender.

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One of the options is supposed to be fat?


Ever see General Garza, NPC on the Republic side and a main NPC for the Trooper storyline? She's the "fat" option, but really she's built like a brickhouse.


I get mixed signals when I see her: old and wrinkly, but packing!

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Body Type 4 is far from obese, take off the shirt, he's bloody ripped. Body Type 4 reminds me more of a prime Tank Abbott, sure he's a little big, but he looks more likely to rip your bloody head off then any of the other bodies.


But I do agree, there is no reason to not have a fat female option for the fat females who want to play as one. Better a fat option for a female than the third body type, unless of course you plan on roleplaying Brienne of Tarth or Aveline.

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You're talking about option 4, aren't you? The one with the big bosom and the big butt. I'm afraid that's as good as it gets. (looks great on a bald-headed agent, btw)


I personally, never use the fat male option on any character, because my purpose for playing this game and others like it is not to play myself in their setting, but to play someone else. I'm not a Jedi in real life...or an Imperial Agent...or a..what is it? Rakattatituey or something like that.


You see, I play them all. Male and female. Zabrak and Twi'lek....Raka-whatever...oh, and sometimes humans (yawn). Fat, dumpy human? Yeah, been there done that in real life... no need to play one.


I guess my advice would be: broaden your RP potential, not your character's size.

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Body Type 4 is far from obese, take off the shirt, he's bloody ripped. Body Type 4 reminds me more of a prime Tank Abbott, sure he's a little big, but he looks more likely to rip your bloody head off then any of the other bodies.



I have a body type 4 Chiss. I'm running graphics on High. I'm not seeing it. If anything, her arms are noodly in proportion to the rest of her body. And the face is chubby.

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female 4 is good enough, I suppose one could call it a farm build. Where I'm from though that WOULD be considered overweight, though what is average and what is not is always debatable given different regions of the world and average diets lifestyles genetics etc etc etc


male size 4 I take as almost a joke and cringe when I see one huffing it with sprint on, I half expect them to keep over and die of massive heart failure... most classes in the game would NOT work with someone of that size.

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I have a body type 4 Chiss. I'm running graphics on High. I'm not seeing it. If anything, her arms are noodly in proportion to the rest of her body. And the face is chubby.


No he's talking about the body type 4 male, which someone earlier said was obese. He is not. Dude has serious washboard, six-pack abs.

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I want to make my guy so fat that the Hutts go "DAAMN!!! You fat!!!"


I'm glad they didn't pick all Barbie and Ken body styles... Adds more realism to me. Did someone actually say it breaks immersion? Do fat people in real life break your immersion as well? lol.


Yes I want to be the fattest Jedi in the galaxy! I want to cause gravitational distrubances when I travel through space!

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"I'm glad they didn't pick all Barbie and Ken body styles... Adds more realism to me. Did someone actually say it breaks immersion? Do fat people in real life break your immersion as well? lol."



I would answer this truthfully but the ban hammer would be swift and powerful...

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