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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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Going to add my voice to the chorus of dissent. The new effects both inhibit gameplay (can't tell what is available until the end of the GCD) and are an eyesore (literally).


I'm not sure what they were trying to fix, or how this got through testing but IMHO it needs to be changed back asap or the option given for people to use the old version

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I'm a "clicker" - I choose to play that way. I like to keep my fingers on QWE and the keys around them, it is an FPS style thing I've grown used to. I've never had an issue in any other MMO. I've tanked end game content in most all of them. In this game, currently being a "clicker" is hard work due to the new UI changes. Not to mention the separate issue which is the horrible flashing. I've a headache after an hour of play.


I love this game, it has promise. The devs need to stop being reactive and to really listen to the players. Test these things. I would happily test and give real feedback if asked to do so.

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I'm not the one saying the game is unplayable over something this minute.



It's not minute when the change has induced headaches, nausea and vomiting in players who could play just fine yesterday. Go troll on the WoW forums fool.

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I don't see how anyone that plays this game could have designed this. I don't see how anyone that plays this game could have approved this.




Well, that is the obvious truth.. its so obvious this company has **** coders, and they are not gamers on top of it.. Must be fanboys with night class game design school classes..

I am afraid to say it.. but I think its best we let this game dissolve... Obi One can't help us now

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It's not minute when the change has induced headaches, nausea and vomiting in players who could play just fine yesterday. Go troll on the WoW forums fool.


Ugh, see this video and tell me that the ability bar was working correctly

listen to the mouse clicking.. Sorry it was NOT fine, it was massively broken.




It was fine at launch.. now its a riddled mess of nonsense..

Edited by Shrug
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What was so bad with the action bars at launch that forced BioWare to make two attempts at fixing it, only to get worse each time?


I know there was a lot of whining when the game came out, but I don't recall any massive threads about the action bars back then.

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So you must not have any interrupts then hm.. How do you know if the guy you are hitting is casting something to be interrupt if you don't occasionally glance at your bar area??? Sorry but you just defined yourself as a substandard player.


You are making yourself look silly, or new. New is ok. Don't be a nub. L2play.


Pro-Tip - I know because I see his cast bar!!! I'm not looking at my action keys... /facepalm

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I'm not going to join in the freaking out or throw a tantrum here, but I will agree that the change is definitely not a good one. It's just too much graphics on the quickslot. The original design from when the game launched was the best version, in my opinion. This one is just too distracting and not at all clear as to when abilities are ready, even moreso than the version before today.


I agree with the people who say that the option of turning this new quickslot display on or off would be the best thing for us.

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What a cluster...


This is a game breaker for me. I can't tell what is on cooldown and what is not.


Just revert this garbage asap and reassign the designer of it to the mail room.


Nope that's were the Ilum "fixer" is going.

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You are making yourself look silly, or new. New is ok. Don't be a nub. L2play.


Pro-Tip - I know because I see his cast bar!!! I'm not looking at my action keys... /facepalm


Where is his portrait and cast bar.. next to the action keys.. so ya.. you are.

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here's a thought, Bioware


test something before you release it.


And I mean, test it on people who want to find things WRONG with your game. Not fanboys who "test" things for prestige - i.e., the ability to say they played it first.

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Ugh, see this video and tell me that the ability bar was working correctly

listen to the mouse clicking.. Sorry it was NOT fine, it was massively broken.




It was fine at launch.. now its a riddled mess of nonsense..


No Shrug, I was referring to the ability of players who are now suffering from nausea, headaches etc to play just fine yesterday. Not that the UI was proper. it was better at launch. But this "fix' is not fine, some people are going to have to quit playing whether or not they like the look of it.

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This is 100% incorrect.


Jedi Knights, especially Sentinels, use a priority-based system on what abilities should fire off after the next. As a Jedi Guardian, we have conditional abilities that activate on certain conditions. As a Defense spec, that is Riposte. As a Vigilance Spec, that is Master Strike (if you bother to get the Zen Strike skill). Riposte is a free damage ability that never misses, period, so it takes priority over all other abilities.


To know when this ability can be used, you have to look at the action bar.




To follow up on my earlier post on page seven in which I stated that I don't look at my action bars I look at the action. Please let me expand...


I watch the action on the screen while I'm fighting as a guardian. I have my proc skills like Riposte and Resolute on the top bar of my skills bar. I use my peripheral vision to notice when Ripost or Resolute procs, at which time I press the appropriate keys to activate one skill or the other. I also use this technique to notice if a mob starts a spell cast so I can kick them, or to see how much focus I have left or built.


I never had to look directly at my skill bar until today, because as of today my skills which were previously available when needed were now grayed out due to the cool down not being finished when the current skills animation ended. This is the problem for me, and it's a major one.


Again, I don't queue skills for the exact reason that if a proc goes off, I need to use it immediately and if i have a spell queued I must cancel it if possible or miss the proc.


This results in me personally having to now stare at cool downs on my skill bar, and in my having animations stop before another one starts, creating an awkward "pause" between skill animations.


So I don't say I don't utilize my skill bar visually, I just never stare directly at it while I'm fighting or tanking mobs, until today after the changes went into effect. It made what was very fluid and fast paced accurate combat very awkward and jerky to me.


Sorry if I didn't explain myself fully in my first post...

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I don't mind the flash. Tip here, if the ability u want to use next flashes. That means its ready for the next GCD unless the next ability is not affected by the GCD. Combat seems more fluid since i can actually know what ability i should use next as a marauder.


It was way worse from the first fix. I do like the grey out better though. I wish we could have both. A simple tooltip in UI options would be fine.


First one with grey on cooldown abilities out (enable or disable), second one with flashes for every GCD (enable or disbale). That way everyones happy.


I'm sorry but I'm the first to complain for something that is outrageously bad but Ilum is a way more a priority then the UI fix they just implemented.

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Works fine lol @ affecting gameplay


Cool, I'm glad to know I'm not understanding how the new system works.


Can you please explain to me how I queue an ability while the GCD is still ticking down so that it will execute immediately when the GCD is done? I'm not worried about abilities that are always available, like Strike; I'm referring to abilities that depend on having a certain amount of Focus saved up (like Slash), or a proc happening (like Cauterize being re-set), or a CD of its own (like Zealous Strike). When the GCD is ticking down, and I want to decide which ability to place in the queue, how do I tell which of these abilities will be available when the GCD is done expiring?


Thanks in advance!

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Please revert to the old system Bioware.


Granted it wasn't good before but now it's atrociously bad.


I really also feel this is a fact and not an opinion and am befuddled as to how this change made it to a live server.

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