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BioWare's Gabe Amatangelo speaks on faction imbalance.


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WoW addressed racial imbalances by making the least desirable races have the best racial abilities.


Activision "addressed it" when they realized it could make them money, but outside of introducing Blood Elves & some early free transfers they've never really cared. Most of the active, heavy PvP servers (Tich, Blackrock) have had massive imbalances for years.


There is no easy fix, but I think BW's first step would be to introduce more interesting races on the Pub side.


You let people roll Wookies or Yodas & you'll see bigger Pub populations. That'll take an expansion, though, at the very least.

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Bioware needs to give the Republic a much bigger coolness factor. Bounty Hunters are much cooler than Troopers. Smugglers should be cooler than agents (how many play Gunslinger just for the hat alone?) but there aren't enough of either to really tip the balance. Sith have a natural coolness advantage over Jedi, and mutlipled fourfold once you look at how laughably bad the Consular gear is.


I kept my level 19 orange gear from one of the heroic's for my Jedi Consular just because I could look somewhat like Obi Wan in episode IV rather than something like a leading lady from a 1940's movie. gad's who thought of this stuff for Jedi?!

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The damage has been done but it can be "healed", Bioware is going to come up with some fantastic ideas that may even make Republic more popular than Empire, just wait and see.


So they are going to give advantages to republic? Then you'll have Imperials crying foul...


Yeah...this won't end well.

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Actually they adressed it by adding Battlegroups -> X-Server BGs.

That fixed pvp in a way ...basically one could say they outsourced pvp by instancing it completely which worked just perfectly fine and still does. Serves its purpose so to speak.

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Address it by giving Republic Forces Walkers that they can operate on PvP planets. ;)


Point is, you have to give the Republic something fun to entice players.


Like the ability to have sex? Because your Jedi aren't getting any of that. That's obviously why so many people play Empire ;)

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WoW addressed racial imbalances by making the least desirable races have the best racial abilities.


Was it any surprise that the gnome had the best racial ability?

Who wants to play a garden ornament?


Faction imbalance was apparent in beta and in forum polls. More players wanted to play the Empire.


BioWare did nothing and now they’re scrambling for ways to make the Republic more appealing….. which is cool with me as I’m already Republic.


I’d have thought queue times for Warzones would make the less populated faction appealing (instant queues), but that doesn’t seem to be the case.


That worked to balance factions in WoW. The Alliance could run 3 BGs before the Horde could even run one. Anyone serious about PvP re-rolled for faster queues.


Are you kidding me? Gnomes are the best ever. I didn't even have time to read what the racial did before creating my gnome warrior called Gnominator. Also, I ended up main tanking with him for my guild, still do, on occassion too.

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Like ...AT-STs?


Yeah...not sure what the designations are called in the Old Republic Era.


But Walkers could be assigned a certain value equating its power to the access number of Imperials. Say for each number X Imperials over Republic, the Republic can spawn one Walker to drive into battle. Or I suppose it could be a pet, like SWG. I'd prefer a vehicle to operate though ;).


LOTRO has something like this in their Monster Play. Spawning Trolls or Elite Rangers.

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The only way to assure balance was to do it pre launch. The damage is already done by this point.


Not at all.


Give a purple/pink saber to every Republic Jedi after character creation and watch how many insta reroll.


It's all about incentive and if that means giving people a reason to play Republic, so be it. As an Imperial I don't even care if they have an advantage, we just need a balance at this point.

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You let people roll Wookies or Yodas & you'll see bigger Pub populations. That'll take an expansion, though, at the very least.


If they gave us Yoda's race i would instantly delete all of my Republic's force using characters and make new ones with his race selection, without any hesitation. :D

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Doubt it, faction swap would require a class change as well not to mention changes in specs and gear ie gunnery troopers..only class/spec that uses assault cannons.


Eh? The factions are mirrors, all that's different is the graphics and concepts; you'd just change over to the exact same class/advanced class/tree.

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If they gave us Yoda's race i would instantly delete all of my Republic's force using characters and make new ones with his race selection, without any hesitation. :D


That would be awesome.


But...what about Jar Jar's race? Lol!!!

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I hate to even mention that 'other' mmo, but they didn't do anything about unbalanced factions either, and you can beat it was because they couldn't figure out how. I'll be shocked if BW can, we can hope though.


Actually they did.


Blood Elves turned faction imbalance quickly and space goats were more of a joke.

Worgens helped even stuff out even further but goblins were very desirable.


But their main attempt to solve faction imbalance was cross server queues since in that game, it wasn't a global imbalance - it was server to server with side flipflopping.

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Was it any surprise that the gnome had the best racial ability?

Who wants to play a garden ornament?


wait, WHAT?


an CC escape ability on a long CD that has been nerfed multiple times during last years and a bonus on the worst profession ever (engineering) is the best in game?


did you even play the same wow i did?


best racials have been and still are, the undead ones. making undead rogues and undead warlocks really hard to kill in pvp because the racial doesn't share cooldows with pvp trinkets or class skills. (at least it didn't a few month ago when i last played)

Edited by zandadoum
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1.) interview is a bit dated


2.) there has been no acknowledgement whatsoever; you will never find a MMO company coming out and say: Yes, we do have a faction imbalance and we are going to address that.


Because that would end in people holding that company liable over faction balance issues and only choose factions based on incentives.

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Was to be expected. You only have to look at the design of both factions. I dont understand why only 'evil' can look cool. The republic looks shabby compared to the empire. Which was understandable in the original movies where they are forced into hiding (in plain view sometimes), but for some reason LA adapted this style for the old republic too.
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how can you say that!!!


WoW have racial imbalances solved at launch, and every other problem too!!!


Did they? I must have played a different version of WoW then. Or I must have imagined my poor 'lock being spawn-camped in Ashenhell by masses of bored Alliance waiting to get a spot in brand-new WSG! :rolleyes:

I guess you are being facetious :p

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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Thanks for the link.


It worries me that they focus so much in flashpoints, honestly haven't done much of them yet, why?

Well, because the FPS in the Fleet are horrible for me, and being there for the time it takes to find a group is horrible.

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wait, WHAT?


an CC escape ability on a long CD that has been nerfed multiple times during last years and a bonus on the worst profession ever (engineering) is the best in game?


did you even play the same wow i did?


best racials have been and still are, the undead ones. making undead rogues and undead warlocks really hard to kill in pvp because the racial doesn't share cooldows with pvp trinkets or class skills. (at least it didn't a few month ago when i last played)


Actually Engineering is considered the best profession for pvpers. Unless that has changed in the last month...?

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1.) interview is a bit dated


2.) there has been no acknowledgement whatsoever; you will never find a MMO company coming out and say: Yes, we do have a faction imbalance and we are going to address that.


Because that would end in people holding that company liable over faction balance issues and only choose factions based on incentives.


Bit dated or not the information is right there. Also, Gabe did mention that IF there is a faction imbalance Bioware may try things like he mentioned in the interview. So considering there IS faction imbalances in SWTOR we can safely assume Bioware is working on it.

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Is the wow server chog'all balanced is it? Last i checked it was still like 8 horde to 1 alliance.


remind me what wow did to fix that? its only been like that for what 3 years or more?


Actually, every MMO has this issue on atleast one of their servers. There's really nothing that can be done. People are going to create toons on a server just because the server has a cool name, or because some director from YouTube has created a guild on x server so they will join that one. Unless Bioware puts in a system that only allows so many of each faction on each server, there will never be server faction balances.


Not only that but Bioware would be crazy to set a limit for 1 main reason, if I have a buddy on The Corsair server who plays the republic side and when i go to create a republic toon it tells be I can't because the republic have reached their character limit I'm going to be pissed and, so won't my buddy. Let's face it the whole reason most of us play the MMO's or any online game is to play with friends and family.

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