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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Purely amazing.


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I have to say I really had hoped Bioware was able to pull this game out of the fire, unfortunately we are now in February and their inability to fix keys bugs has pissed 90% of my guild off they are now playing betas of other games and have unsubbed.


Why the hell are the following still in game:


1. Warzone matches not counting. <--- That should have been emergency fixed the moment it was discovered. I have had 7 straight wins and not one of them count towards a daily. This combined with randomised loot in the Champ bags means the grind is beyond acceptable.


2. The ability for stealth classes to cap turrets while stealthed. Also for most of January stealthers could restealth while placing a bomb in Void Star making it nearly impossible to stop. Void Star also has LOS issues where people can in certain spots and you can shoot them standing in front of them.


3. UI Abilities and cool down. Has taken just too long to fix, how the hell it got past beta and stress tests is beyond me.


4. Having to reform groups after a war front. I havent even seen this appear on the radar.


5. Illum is one of the most poorly conceived end game pieces of content I have seen and really reflects poorly on Bioware. I can only put this down to EA Management forcing this out the door in time for Xmas.


6. The fact that there have been a number of valor exploits that have allowed people to farm valor without truly earning valor as it was intended has left most people that didnt abuse it feel that PvP achievement in this game is cheap and means nothing. Topped of with the fact the gap between a fresh level 50 and a Battlemaster 50 is far greater than the difference between a level 10 and 49.


7. Today they patch is another bug that means kill are not counting in Illum.


My guild has had over 75% of the guild at level 50 and purely focused on PvP for just over a month. The problems Bioware has had over the month and the fact that things like item 1 cant even be fixed has stretched the tolerance of my guild mates to the limit.


Unfortunately we are moving on as its clear that Bioware are struggling to make end game PvP fun and enjoyable. Its a problem when you release a game that is easy to max level on yet you have hardly put any development efforts into the end game features.


As my father taught me: "If your going to do a job, its worth doing once." Bioware should seriously work on their PvE content and stop wasting time and money on PvP. PvP in SWTOR is seriously flawed and broken and will take a mammoth effort to fix. Which wont happen over night.


Cudos for the levelling experience, it certainly was innovative and fun, just a shame the end game was such and abortion.


Thanks for all the fish.

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I have to say I really had hoped Bioware was able to pull this game out of the fire, unfortunately we are now in February and their inability to fix keys bugs has pissed 90% of my guild off they are now playing betas of other games and have unsubbed.


Why the hell are the following still in game:


1. Warzone matches not counting. <--- That should have been emergency fixed the moment it was discovered. I have had 7 straight wins and not one of them count towards a daily. This combined with randomised loot in the Champ bags means the grind is beyond acceptable.


2. The ability for stealth classes to cap turrets while stealthed. Also for most of January stealthers could restealth while placing a bomb in Void Star making it nearly impossible to stop. Void Star also has LOS issues where people can in certain spots and you can shoot them standing in front of them.


3. UI Abilities and cool down. Has taken just too long to fix, how the hell it got past beta and stress tests is beyond me.


4. Having to reform groups after a war front. I havent even seen this appear on the radar.


5. Illum is one of the most poorly conceived end game pieces of content I have seen and really reflects poorly on Bioware. I can only put this down to EA Management forcing this out the door in time for Xmas.


6. The fact that there have been a number of valor exploits that have allowed people to farm valor without truly earning valor as it was intended has left most people that didnt abuse it feel that PvP achievement in this game is cheap and means nothing. Topped of with the fact the gap between a fresh level 50 and a Battlemaster 50 is far greater than the difference between a level 10 and 49.


7. Today they patch is another bug that means kill are not counting in Illum.


My guild has had over 75% of the guild at level 50 and purely focused on PvP for just over a month. The problems Bioware has had over the month and the fact that things like item 1 cant even be fixed has stretched the tolerance of my guild mates to the limit.


Unfortunately we are moving on as its clear that Bioware are struggling to make end game PvP fun and enjoyable. Its a problem when you release a game that is easy to max level on yet you have hardly put any development efforts into the end game features.


As my father taught me: "If your going to do a job, its worth doing once." Bioware should seriously work on their PvE content and stop wasting time and money on PvP. PvP in SWTOR is seriously flawed and broken and will take a mammoth effort to fix. Which wont happen over night.


Cudos for the levelling experience, it certainly was innovative and fun, just a shame the end game was such and abortion.


Thanks for all the fish.


Great post!


My guild has the same issue, lost most if not all of them today. It was the last straw for alot of them.


I'm literally installing league of legends for my gaming fix atm since SWTOR is no more for us.


Hopefully this game will go f2p soon and I can finish the single player campaigns without having to pay 15/month to do it.

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The warzones not counting and the exploit that allows for more people onto one team is just ludicrously bad and should be immediately hot fixed, I am shocked this hasn't been done yet. If things do not improve within the next week I am going to be enjoying Kingdoms of Amalur and Mass Effect 3 when it comes out.


At least Mass Effect is made by the competent Bioware team.

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Very good post!


I'm shocked at the grind for pvp gear. Even if the non-counting wins bug were fixed it would still be a brutal grind given the inconsistent and repeat tokens, but with the bug (and the new Illum disaster) it is not acceptable. Especially if you go into a WZ as a new 50 against the people who exploited to get their BM gear, you just explode. I had a better fighting chance as a level 38 fighting a level 45 than I do given the gear disparity. This is particularly funny since BW went out of their way to say the gear difference at 50 wouldn't make a huge difference.


I did a 3 month sub so I may still focus on pve until it's run out, but I really did want the pvp to be better in this game. It's a shame.

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Great post OP.


It is astonishing the lack of competence we have witnessed from BioWare.


Either A. They can't fix these problems because they lack the skills to.


Or B. They can fix them but don't care.


The fact that they have said they fixed things that weren't even fixed makes me think it's option A.

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At least Mass Effect is made by the competent Bioware team.


BAH! *knocking furiously on wood, spitting over the left shoulder*


Don't jinx it!




I'm shocked at the grind for pvp gear. Even if the non-counting wins bug were fixed it would still be a brutal grind given the inconsistent and repeat tokens, but with the bug (and the new Illum disaster) it is not acceptable.


You folks don't remember what vanilla WoW PvP was like, do you? The grind for High Warlord title? Now THAT was a grind. This is nothing. This is peanuts by comparison.

Edited by Sabbathius
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Totally agree; am pretty close to quitting SWTOR for now and going back to either WAR, WOW, or EVE.


Shame really after waiting since October of 08 and posting thousands of posts in anticipation... What a hyped up mess :(

Edited by Shrilokka
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I have to say I really had hoped Bioware was able to pull this game out of the fire, unfortunately we are now in February and their inability to fix keys bugs has pissed 90% of my guild off they are now playing betas of other games and have unsubbed.


Why the hell are the following still in game:


1. Warzone matches not counting. <--- That should have been emergency fixed the moment it was discovered. I have had 7 straight wins and not one of them count towards a daily. This combined with randomised loot in the Champ bags means the grind is beyond acceptable.


2. The ability for stealth classes to cap turrets while stealthed. Also for most of January stealthers could restealth while placing a bomb in Void Star making it nearly impossible to stop. Void Star also has LOS issues where people can in certain spots and you can shoot them standing in front of them.


3. UI Abilities and cool down. Has taken just too long to fix, how the hell it got past beta and stress tests is beyond me.


4. Having to reform groups after a war front. I havent even seen this appear on the radar.


5. Illum is one of the most poorly conceived end game pieces of content I have seen and really reflects poorly on Bioware. I can only put this down to EA Management forcing this out the door in time for Xmas.


6. The fact that there have been a number of valor exploits that have allowed people to farm valor without truly earning valor as it was intended has left most people that didnt abuse it feel that PvP achievement in this game is cheap and means nothing. Topped of with the fact the gap between a fresh level 50 and a Battlemaster 50 is far greater than the difference between a level 10 and 49.


7. Today they patch is another bug that means kill are not counting in Illum.


My guild has had over 75% of the guild at level 50 and purely focused on PvP for just over a month. The problems Bioware has had over the month and the fact that things like item 1 cant even be fixed has stretched the tolerance of my guild mates to the limit.


Unfortunately we are moving on as its clear that Bioware are struggling to make end game PvP fun and enjoyable. Its a problem when you release a game that is easy to max level on yet you have hardly put any development efforts into the end game features.


As my father taught me: "If your going to do a job, its worth doing once." Bioware should seriously work on their PvE content and stop wasting time and money on PvP. PvP in SWTOR is seriously flawed and broken and will take a mammoth effort to fix. Which wont happen over night.


Cudos for the levelling experience, it certainly was innovative and fun, just a shame the end game was such and abortion.


Thanks for all the fish.


The only error I found in your post is Cudos... so Cu.... err Kudos to your post. Well said.

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Blah people lvled too fast,i know i did and grind grind for gear.


Right now im lvling two alts within a lvl or two of eachother,it's great because one is a healer and one a tank so i can fill roles for most situations.


What has this got to do with anything?


People leveled too fast? No, the game levels it's players too fast.


With how fast it actually is to level to 50, i'm suprised to see most of the end-game content full of problems.

Edited by SnakeBites
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Why the hell are the following still in game:


The ability for stealth classes to cap turrets while stealthed. Also for most of January stealthers could restealth while placing a bomb in Void Star making it nearly impossible to stop.



The devs have said a while back that this is working as intended although its changed now so you have to unstealth to cap.

Edited by Avindra
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Yea noone cares, but good luck to you. Off to farm more imperials all night..cheers!


What is more amazing is you can say something like this and not have noticed all those that have responded positively to this post.


Ignorance is bliss, but self inflicted blindness is a bit sad.

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I love this game!! I do. I really really enjoy playing it. However, I am starting to turn into fanboy a little as I keep trying to defend it. They say PVP is a focus yet here we are with Ilum broken, and WZ not working. My guildmates are starting to fall away, and I hate that. They are going to leave when the WoW expansion drops. Please Bioware please please please can you fix these things? At least admit that it's not working and tell everyone that you are going to fix it.
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3. UI Abilities and cool down. Has taken just too long to fix, how the hell it got past beta and stress tests is beyond me.


It's worse for me now than it was last week. How the heck this issue is still around? Give it up already bw, let mods in the game. Players will do your job for you.

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I agree 100% with everything in the post, although there has been alot left out that they havent fixed or put in the game. BW should have all of their employees read this post, most people i know or hear from in game feel this way.


Correction: Bioware should have all their NEW employees read the post. All their current employees should be fired for making this "game".

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Someone had to say this, so I will let you guys crucify me and flame me if you want.


Every MMO has launched with bugs.


To be honest, TOR had one of the smoothest launches I've seen in recent memory. Rift and Age of Conan launched poorly, Aion was a disaster. LotRO had all kinds of problems.


So yes, the game has bugs. Yes, there are things that need to be fixed. If you don't like it, unsubscribe and come back in a few months. If you still don't like it, then I guess we won't see you again.

Edited by SnakeAes
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Great Post for Sure. I also want to throw in a few bugs as well that I know is just not an issue with me.


1. Disconnects from the game. This happens a lot in PvP. Ilum and Warzones. Which is now worse in the patch.


2. The loading screens between planets. Just to get on Tatt it takes an average 3 minutes + just to get into that planet.


It amazes me with exactly what the OP post and the couple I added that they are more worried about what effects of spells look like. And almost 3 straight patches that has said YOU WILL NOW GET CREDIT FOR WARZONE WINS, and all 3 patches really have failed at doing that.

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