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The window is closing Bioware


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In 3-6 months, this game will be amazing. Hopefully most of the people who quit between now and then come back for it.



I know I'll be back but I'm not going to keep paying for what Bioware "says" they're going to do.


Ya, its a shame to, they have the resources to make the pvp amazing, all they have to do is copy what worked, done. stop trying to reinvent the wheel. Not happening.

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Tor Anroc is a milestone in the long list of pvp disasters. And then there is huttball ^^


Yeah. I'm not enitrely sure what huttball is, but I am sure it isnt PvP.


The other 2 warzones are instanced quckie PvP, which is itself not the kind of PvP that many are looking for, but it is PvP


Huttball, however, is a long way from PvP. The main strat and goal of Huttball, is not to kill oppponents, but to CC them while your teammates pull each other all over the arena and across the goal line. It is entirely possible, and even sometimes advantageous, to win huttball without killing a single opponent.


That, Bioware, is NOT PvP.


Picking up armaments in illum is NOT PvP. Kill-trade farming...especially in large ops groups, is NOT PvP. Rewarding such things, make it nearly impossible for those of us who do want to PvP, to actually find it.

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I come from a background of many MMOs - and spent most of my time in them in PvP. I am part of a medium-sized guild that has PvPed in several MMOs, and we are now here trying to make the best of SWTOR PvP.


Many of those MMOs started with bugs and problems, some improved, others didnt. But one lesson that should be obvious to anyone who follows MMOs, is that the PvP player base will only pay for buggy and poorly designed PvP for a limited time.


I'm going to step on some toes now Bioware, but I mean this as contructive criticism.


I was in Warhammer online from the release. It was wildly popular at launch with long login ques for the first few weeks. The PvE game was fun. All that crowd control that most classes had was delightfull against npcs...because the players werent being subjected to it... at first.


Then everyone started into the instanced PvP matches. I can remember that there was one that was just taylor-made to make it easier for the classes with the big push and pull CC skills to shine. Those classes would only que for that match and they quickly outpaced every other class in pvp progression. The other classes were forcrd to que for that type match to get any pvp at all.


Does this sound familiar?



Then the players began reaching endgame and looking forward to open-world pvp. This was what we had all been working toward.


End game PvP turned out to be two camps of ranged nukers crowd controlling and detroying any melee class who tried to touch them. Those rediculous push and pull skills were used to make sure the ranged nuker camps were seperated just out of CC range from each other.


The game had poorly balanced classes and way too much crowd control. Players pointed out the flaws over and over on the forums, but it fell on deaf ears.


Players left in droves. In just a few months, what had started as a hugely successful release with long login wait times turned into merged servers and a rapidly dwindling player base... not in a year or two, but in a few months.


The window of opportunity closed.


Bioware, please learn from this.


I use Warhammer as an example because if you took away the lightsabers, SWTOR PvP is almost a direct copy of Warhammer PvP. Warhammer failed once, dont repeat history.


You have no idea what you're talking about.

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I come from a background of many MMOs - and spent most of my time in them in PvP. I am part of a medium-sized guild that has PvPed in several MMOs, and we are now here trying to make the best of SWTOR PvP.


Many of those MMOs started with bugs and problems, some improved, others didnt. But one lesson that should be obvious to anyone who follows MMOs, is that the PvP player base will only pay for buggy and poorly designed PvP for a limited time.


I'm going to step on some toes now Bioware, but I mean this as contructive criticism.


I was in Warhammer online from the release. It was wildly popular at launch with long login ques for the first few weeks. The PvE game was fun. All that crowd control that most classes had was delightfull against npcs...because the players werent being subjected to it... at first.


Then everyone started into the instanced PvP matches. I can remember that there was one that was just taylor-made to make it easier for the classes with the big push and pull CC skills to shine. Those classes would only que for that match and they quickly outpaced every other class in pvp progression. The other classes were forcrd to que for that type match to get any pvp at all.


Does this sound familiar?



Then the players began reaching endgame and looking forward to open-world pvp. This was what we had all been working toward.


End game PvP turned out to be two camps of ranged nukers crowd controlling and detroying any melee class who tried to touch them. Those rediculous push and pull skills were used to make sure the ranged nuker camps were seperated just out of CC range from each other.


The game had poorly balanced classes and way too much crowd control. Players pointed out the flaws over and over on the forums, but it fell on deaf ears.


Players left in droves. In just a few months, what had started as a hugely successful release with long login wait times turned into merged servers and a rapidly dwindling player base... not in a year or two, but in a few months.


The window of opportunity closed.


Bioware, please learn from this.


I use Warhammer as an example because if you took away the lightsabers, SWTOR PvP is almost a direct copy of Warhammer PvP. Warhammer failed once, dont repeat history.





Here is my unsub message to them:



"I do not understand how in 2012 Devs can provide such a lousy/****** PVP.

Played Ultima Online, DAOC, SWG, WOW and Honestly I don't know why Bioware hired those people from Mythic.

Every patch is a complete failure, Illum is useless AND many players exploited the game without any sanctions.

The empire vs Rep is unbalanced, Empire have better abilities (faster ones), fire faster with Alderande Canons and they exploited the Rank 60 with your so well conceived ILLUM Renewal.


I'm a huge fan of Starwars Galaxies pre CU/ Pre NGE, the executive producer (years after) admitted that he made a mistake with the NGE, well I think you guys should think twice and take the good decision, your clients (pvpers) are very upset and don't enjoy that crappy Mythic team at all.

They already ruined Warhammer, and now they will ruin my favorite License.


It breaks my heart, ive been waiting for this game for 3 years and now it's only crap.

You should hire the SOE people from SWG pre CU, they knonw how to make an interresting game (not a theme park closed) but a real sand box.

Your profession are useless and instead of fixing them u lower the only one that has a real use.

The loading are incredibly long, the memory leak is a pain, and the transportation to the planet are a joke.

If i wanted to walk for 10 min to go somewhere with connections flights i'll go downstairs and take the subway in my city.


Huge fail.


I'll be back when i'll see Jeff firing those morrons from Mythic, and when I'll feel you guys are actually listening to us, not just answering us the common:" We understand the issue we will do as fast as possible to fix it"


We want answeres, and commitments.



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Well I just un-subbed myself...


These warhammer clowns pulled down another game. This needs to be a single player game, that was the only part I enjoyed...


pvp is so bad it's funny. Whoever thought of Ilum should NOT be collecting a paycheck, the fact that the lead developer said we would be "blow away by Ilum" just shows how out of touch he is.

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I have lost faith in their competence. They said they had fixed the not getting credit for wz's and it wasn't fixed. This last patch they said that the animations match up to the cast bar, well, Mortar Volley and Full Auto still aren't fixed. Those are just two examples.


I have no trust in them as a developer anymore.


I believe the window is closing or has closed already for most people.


Nice post OP.

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Well I just un-subbed myself...


These warhammer clowns pulled down another game. This needs to be a single player game, that was the only part I enjoyed...


pvp is so bad it's funny. Whoever thought of Ilum should NOT be collecting a paycheck, the fact that the lead developer said we would be "blow away by Ilum" just shows how out of touch he is.


once more totally agree with you, unsib about 2 min ago.

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You have no idea what you're talking about.


Seems pretty spot on to me.


You're just a white-knight with blinders on...


Don't worry, defending these failures wont make you a mod and you will still have to show up to work tonight with your paper hat in hand to flip those burgers.

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If 1.2 doesn't fix PvP, the game is done.




And I defended this game like no other, if you could check Youtube comments and other stuff.


I know eventually they'll get around to rated WZs and fixing PvP but I don't think it's going to be in 1.2 and I don't know how long 1.2 is going to even take. I'll come back to the game when rated WZs are out.

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There remains to be an abundance of you who claim to despise every aspect of the game, yet continue to play 5+ hours a day and spend ??? hours trolling the forums and saying how much you hate the game. You are either insane or have a massive gaming addiction that you need to deal with.


What’s the worst part of this game for me? What makes me lose patience? The *********** community.


Don't talk about canceling, don't talk about unsubbing. Go to your account page and unsub now. Go to your bookmarks and remove the SWTOR forums. Go do something constructive for a change. Hell, go make your own video game, because obviously the game you want and claim that everyone demands doesn't exist right now.


If you think for a second that I'm going to be regretting a lack of a playerbase 6 months from now, you are delusional. This is the best MMO experience on the market. Period. If you don't like it, quit the temper-tantrums and put your money where your mouth is. Come back next year maybe when it is clear that SWTOR has carved out its share of the market successfully.


I came into this game expecting KOTOR 3, an MMO version of the single player games I loved, and that’s exactly what BW has given me. If you come into this game expecting a WoW, DoAC, or CoH clone…expect to be disappointed, and don’t expect the rest of us to care.

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I come from a background of many MMOs - and spent most of my time in them in PvP. I am part of a medium-sized guild that has PvPed in several MMOs, and we are now here trying to make the best of SWTOR PvP.


Many of those MMOs started with bugs and problems, some improved, others didnt. But one lesson that should be obvious to anyone who follows MMOs, is that the PvP player base will only pay for buggy and poorly designed PvP for a limited time.


I'm going to step on some toes now Bioware, but I mean this as contructive criticism.


I was in Warhammer online from the release. It was wildly popular at launch with long login ques for the first few weeks. The PvE game was fun. All that crowd control that most classes had was delightfull against npcs...because the players werent being subjected to it... at first.


Then everyone started into the instanced PvP matches. I can remember that there was one that was just taylor-made to make it easier for the classes with the big push and pull CC skills to shine. Those classes would only que for that match and they quickly outpaced every other class in pvp progression. The other classes were forcrd to que for that type match to get any pvp at all.


Does this sound familiar?



Then the players began reaching endgame and looking forward to open-world pvp. This was what we had all been working toward.


End game PvP turned out to be two camps of ranged nukers crowd controlling and detroying any melee class who tried to touch them. Those rediculous push and pull skills were used to make sure the ranged nuker camps were seperated just out of CC range from each other.


The game had poorly balanced classes and way too much crowd control. Players pointed out the flaws over and over on the forums, but it fell on deaf ears.


Players left in droves. In just a few months, what had started as a hugely successful release with long login wait times turned into merged servers and a rapidly dwindling player base... not in a year or two, but in a few months.


The window of opportunity closed.


Bioware, please learn from this.


I use Warhammer as an example because if you took away the lightsabers, SWTOR PvP is almost a direct copy of Warhammer PvP. Warhammer failed once, dont repeat history.


While I agree that SWTOR is dropping the ball with no real signs of picking it up and doing anything with it....I do wonder what WAR you played. While there were some big CC maneuvers that had some amazing impact at times, being a melee, I wrecked people on a constant basis. The only really broken aspect of WAR was the Brightwizard AoE stun mixed with massive AoE damage mixed with the synergy of Iron Breakers and Warrior priests thta could basically keep them up and alive while they murdered players by the dozens.


All CC is frustrating when you are the target of it, but a majority of it, was more silly then anything (like Iron breakers punting you 1/2 way across the map). Lucky with knock backs and pulls, you could defeat it with smart placement, where as endless stuns/snares/roots that SWTOR has nothing to do with placement, it just happens.

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There remains to be an abundance of you who claim to despise every aspect of the game, yet continue to play 5+ hours a day and spend ??? hours trolling the forums and saying how much you hate the game. You are either insane or have a massive gaming addiction that you need to deal with.


What’s the worst part of this game for me? What makes me lose patience? The *********** community.


Don't talk about canceling, don't talk about unsubbing. Go to your account page and unsub now. Go to your bookmarks and remove the SWTOR forums. Go do something constructive for a change. Hell, go make your own video game, because obviously the game you want and claim that everyone demands doesn't exist right now.


If you think for a second that I'm going to be regretting a lack of a playerbase 6 months from now, you are delusional. This is the best MMO experience on the market. Period. If you don't like it, quit the temper-tantrums and put your money where your mouth is. Come back next year maybe when it is clear that SWTOR has carved out its share of the market successfully.


I came into this game expecting KOTOR 3, an MMO version of the single player games I loved, and that’s exactly what BW has given me. If you come into this game expecting a WoW, DoAC, or CoH clone…expect to be disappointed, and don’t expect the rest of us to care.



Your argument is that this is a great MMO, because it's not like an MMO at all? :rolleyes:

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It is sad how some people in this thread bash the OP for his constructive criticism of the game. If BioWare doesn't listen to people like the OP you won't have to deal with criticism anymore, you will just have to deal with merging servers and a dwindling population.


Have fun in your ghost town.;)

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I will be the first to admit that I rage.


I say things I shouldn't and for that I apologize.


What you said OP is the 100% truth and I hope BW reads it.


I work in the gaming industry and I have met plenty of Gabe's. The sad thing is they feel they know everything and that everyone else in the world is wrong so they wont listen. They may see these cries for help but just laugh and think because they have had some success that immediately no one else knows what they are talking about.


The sad truth is that if this is the type of person Gabe is, then SWTOR is already dead, we just have to wait for the players to realize it.

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I don't think people realize what a small % dedicated PVP'ers represent of the total player base. THAT's the reason fixes take long, it's simply not a priority.


Having said that, I'm actually enjoying PVP so far...and that's coming from someone used to 7 years of "hardcore" PVP in EVE ;)

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I don't find it that similar to WAR pvp at all but i digress. WAR was a ton of fun until the trolls came in cryng nerf or buff or this or that.


People left, servers died. Was it bad PVP no, it was a ton of fun, but after people starting thinking that it was bad in one way or the other they split.


If you don't like the pvp noone is keeping you, and you'll save some $each month also not having to play this games atrocious pvp. I like many enjoy it a lot, some aspects of it moreso than i have since Daoc.


While I am truly sorry you are having trouble dealing with whatever bothers you about pvp in Swtor I say deal with it and wait to see what changes come or simply leave. Both are better than coming to the forums posting how you don't like this or that.

Edited by Mcfree
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Totally Agree with the OP. It reminds me of all the Airlines that had flights to crash, they usually change their name and keep the same staff. It's all about the money and the marketing. In today's economy most if not all companies are trying to get over in order to keep the majority of the cash in their pockets.


This is not a shock...


PS. I'm not supposed to be posting anymore, but I couldn't help it.

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