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10 Good
  1. I wouldn't mind my subpar DPS if my ARMOR MEANT SOMETHING. Out of the range classes, we have the least dps, least support, and least survivability. But hey, atleast I have stealth scan!
  2. Ya, its a shame to, they have the resources to make the pvp amazing, all they have to do is copy what worked, done. stop trying to reinvent the wheel. Not happening.
  3. Whats the bigger picture? 3 crappy warzones and a open field zone that took a day to design? The pvp in this game is terrible at 50, its only a side thing for when u get awefully bored with pve. Bioware keeps trying to sell PVP as a BIG thing. But im sure pvp is a blast leveling up with premades.
  4. Waiting on legacy, gonna do an alt for some PVE, endgame pvp is such a drag atm. Once I get invite to planetside 2 beta im gone. Unless bioware turns pvp around, but thats a big leap atm.
  5. i dont see taunt on ur bars.... are u not using it as an assassin? its on a seperate gcd than your attacks, it doesnt affect ur dps since it doesnt cost force. Single target taunt is 30m, and the aoe taunt is 15m, just pop it when ur killling things in group fights. But if u are using it, ignore the above.
  6. sins are fine, but spike needs some loving. Maybe have it so if you use spike while the target is casting, spike does additional damage. Cause spike doesnt hit hard for an opener....
  7. Erseneos

    Dear Mythic.

    DAOC was the best, warhammer didnt live up to the hype, but the PVP in WAR was a blast. Minus the OP classes....and forts not working endgame. But Mythic needs to stop trying to reinvent the wheel. They know what WORKED in DOAC, they tried to reinvent it in WAR (for whatever reason), and now with SWTOR, they took a whole new approach. Really, why are we walking backwards on pvp progression?... Cant wait till PLanetside2 with 3 factions.
  8. Erseneos


    People arent complaining about the lack of pvp content. Its more along the lines of hearing that the "creators of pvp" designed this game, and than you go to illum and you wonder "how the helll...what...that doesnt even... whats the point of this zone?." Thats the problem, they arent NEW to the pvp scene, theres no reason why we should put up with the current state of illum.
  9. offtopic, but lacerate is not useless by any means. It hits ALL targets(not limited to 3-5 targets like most AOES), it pervents crowds of people from capping/defusing. Its also the MAIN move you want to use when a stealth class pops his immunity to tech/force attacks and then presses his force cloak/stleath combat to flee the fight. Lacerate, being a melee ability, unlike overload which does force damage, will knock a stealth class right out of stealth (he will be immune to the overload AOE and wont be knocked out due to the IMMUNITY to force + combat stealth combo). Its by far useless.
  10. if illum constitutes as open world pvp.... But a 3rd faction would be nice, Empire with emperor vs Empire with a new sithlord (malgus still alive? idk havent done the endgame dungeons) trying to make a power move vs Republic. That way the Empire whos already outnumbering can be broken down to even the odds. Just let Empire make a decision at 50 which side they want to fight for, the current emp or the new guy. Add a new main city for new faction, scrap the terrible illum to something new and functional so 3 way fights. As far as PVE questing, let the empire players still able to group with other faction empire players for questing/leveling, so no changes in the PVE world/towns. All it would affect is PVP warzones and open world illum. Queue times will be shorter, and some epic 3 way fights will happen.
  11. I run across it too, esp madness top talent(sages version for sure), the 18s DOT. Im not 100% sure if the empire SI version has done it to me, but I know for a fact that the sages version has caused many escapes to fail when force shroud was on me.
  12. If you're a tank (or operative), you have talents that improve detecting stealth and skills that uncover areas. Tanks specced for it can see me before I can reach them in melee (not that i want to, i want the guy BEHIND the tank, even a farther reach) Its not straight invisibility.
  13. As a 50 assassin, learn 2 counter it. If I save my 4sec tech immunity for my escape and not to pervent a 4s stun, a long KB + root, the ONLY thing that will counter me escaping is AOE MELEE as soon as I force cloaked. My force shroud WILL clear the DOTS and stop tech/force attacks, but it wont prevent MELEE damage, only force/tech attacks (sorcs aoe KB ill be immune). IDK how many times I fought a stealth class and used lacerate (assassin melee aoe) the second they vanished on me, only to be knocked out. Its not hard, watch health bars, when hes below 30%, chances are hes gonna run, and get ready to do your melee aoe. EDIT: or wait till he turns all white(assassins force shroud) or yellow (sages version) You have 1 GCD to get ready to activate your melee AOE before he presses his force cloak and goes bye bye
  14. what the OP saying is true. If you have ur 2min CC CD ready, u have a good chance not dieing to an operative. What needs to happen is more tanks need to l2p. idk how many times I hear hidden strike sound, turn to a teammate whose now on his face, guard teammate than taunt the operative. The operative has no chance what so ever. To many people not wanting to play as a team and QQ
  15. people are also forgetting aoes, just aoe once and that taunts gone, since the tank is right next to the healer(dont quote me on that, not 100% sure). They're making taunts more flashy, so u know when a tank taunts, and when ur taunted.
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