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Why do Anakin and Padme love each other?


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What's not to like... he's a violent, insecure, emotional wreck; A latent psychopath with a death wish and a growing megalomania, gifted with the power and inclination to force anybody to do anything, anytime, anywhere or slice them and everybody they've ever known to ribbons on a whim.


Padme's just a well brought up girl who (not unreasonably) fell for one of the most talented and highly regarded young Knights of the Republic and apparently just assumes that any association with violence is purely in the line of his work. Anakin just happened to be in the right place with the 'love' switch was toggled in her head.


Sometimes people are like that though... just going about their normal lives and *thok* there goes that little switch to unquestioningly love or murder.


No wait.. that's not right... unless it's some kind of competition to see which of them has the more potent mental disorder?

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Personally I think he meant it to humiliate Anakin but the mistake cost him.


That's ridiculous. It's not in his character and it's completely irresponsible. His mission was to kill Anakin. Then he just walks away.


Nothing anyone does in these films makes any sense.

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That's ridiculous. It's not in his character and it's completely irresponsible. His mission was to kill Anakin. Then he just walks away.


Nothing anyone does in these films makes any sense.

Now this is ridiculous.


1. His "mission" wasn't to kill Anakin, he snuck on-board that ship to locate Anakin and try to make him see the Light, failing that he would do his best to defeat him.


2. Emotionally, he was a wreck. He was fighting a man he had spent every day for years with, they were practically brothers. I don't even like my brother, but I wouldn't cut his head off.


3. Anakin was laying on a slope, no legs, one arm, burnt beyond all recognition, and catching on fire more every second as close as he was to the lava. In Obi-Wan's mind, Anakin was already dead. You telling me you would have thought "Oh, I should probably chop off his head just incase some people find him in the next minutes and throw his burnt behind in a bacta tank and fix him up with a life-support suit." If you are, you're full of crap.

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It just amazes me how many post this has gotten i just 2 days.


As for the original topic i guess he lives a sheltered life and has not wached the news in the last couple of decades. Things that have been popping up in the news more and more often, 27yo female having sex with 14yo boy, 24yo woman with 15yo boy ect. ect. ect. In at least 1 instance the boy on reaching the age of 18 married the woman while she was still in jail.


While i think it is totaly wrong for a person of any gender to go after a person who is under age there is no issue with 2 consenting adults getting togther (as long as there is no mental illness involved). I for one dated a 27yo woman for several months when i was 19.


As for some one currently in a relationship i'm married for 21 years with 3 kids and 2 of them are probably as old as most of you.


I watched all of the original movies first run in the move theater and while i'm not a big fan of episodes 1 as i thought it was abit to kiddy flikish there was nothing grossly wrong with them or there fit in the in the overall storyline we have all grown to love.

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That's ridiculous. It's not in his character and it's completely irresponsible. His mission was to kill Anakin. Then he just walks away.


Nothing anyone does in these films makes any sense.


Obi-wan outright yells at Anakin "You were my brother!"


The agony of mind that Obi-wan would have been realistically experiencing would have given him a "mind-wipe" - aka, he wasn't thinking by this point. He'd just defeated his former student, greatest friend and fellow-general of the Republic. Not as a master defeats his student or a trainer defeats a learner, but in martial combat where the stakes were life. He won, and he didn't want to. He most certainly did NOT want to further deface the corpse of his fallen comrade.


**Woot, I did it, I used the word "realistically" about a movie with LIGHTSABERS, SPACE-CRAFT and ALIENS!!!** /happy


About the whole Anakin/Padme thing - people stay in relationships after far worse things are done to THEM and justify it to themselves. Anakin was protective of his master and anything put in his responsibility and took that VERY seriously. As far as we can tell she was his first love interest so compliments were always going to be awkward for him. He was also a Jedi, and they don't grow on trees you know.


Meh, in my opinion she totally got the wrong dude, but Obi-Wan was WAAAAAAAY over HER grade. Like, as in, mountains over the Mariana Trench WAAAAY over. Don't judge. :p

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For padme?

Shes an older chick who got herself a nice loyal jedi whos several years younger and can move his body in ways she can only dream...and ontop of that, has amazing "superpowers" she doesnt understand.


For ani?

He was a brat who was saved by her (by extension of being there) from a slave life and shes hot. I can only imagine bringing in...some kind of magazines and videos into the jedi order is quite hard, so he had to use his imagination for a few years...and it seems like the only two chicks on that dust rock was his mom and padme...so...yeah.


Oh and Padme thought she was going to get her head bitten off by a giant tiger beast...so that probably helped the insentive.

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did you just say you thought Anakin was hot?


weirdo ...


Even as a straight guy it isn't strange to see if a guy is 'hot' or not. I just hope he didn't refer to episode 1 Anakin by the way :D


OT: Can't say why they love each other. Probably because they've shared intense, emotional and dangerous moments. That tends to shape a bond, whether the personalities match or not.

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Even as a straight guy it isn't strange to see if a guy is 'hot' or not. I just hope he didn't refer to episode 1 Anakin by the way :D


if thinking that helps you cope with those "funny feelings"... :D


and I'm not even commenting on that second part... lol

Edited by Liquidacid
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There doesn't seem to be any reason beyond they're both hot. They don't even have any reason to like each other.


I'm just picking this example, at random, to illustrate the categorical senselessness of the prequels, a judgement which I'm going to say is actually not an opinion. The prequels make no sense. Nothing any of the characters do is intelligible.


Until starting this game I had never met anyone willing to defend these clearly terrible films. You folks astound me. How can you square this circle in your minds?



They had plenty of reason to like each other. They both knew each other's secret. One was the Queen and the other was special with the force and was going to be taught how to utilize it. Call it what you will but the Queen falling for him was not only strategic (guarantees a Jedi would help Naboo) but helped keep her identity from being leaked out. Anakin needed the help as he was little and needed someone older to help him. Men tend to fall for people who resemble somewhat of their mothers be it looks or nurture. It makes perfect sense that Anakin would fall for her as well.


There was more then enough of the right stuff to make a relationship happen. They were the best of friends that held each others secrets.

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Heidi Klum fell in love with Seal when she saw his sausage, while he was wearing tight spandex shorts.


So yeah, women aren't all that rational either.


The first girl I fell in love with was a mindless, make-up caked pink taco with legs. She didn't even finish highschool, and all she wanted to do was get it on with Alan Jackson.


So yeah...


AND me, at the time...well, I was pretty awesome in my own head, but I am pretty sure most people thought I was a nozzle.


...so yeah, their love is ok. Makes little sense, but that is reality.



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They had plenty of reason to like each other. They both knew each other's secret. One was the Queen and the other was special with the force and was going to be taught how to utilize it. Call it what you will but the Queen falling for him was not only strategic (guarantees a Jedi would help Naboo) but helped keep her identity from being leaked out. Anakin needed the help as he was little and needed someone older to help him. Men tend to fall for people who resemble somewhat of their mothers be it looks or nurture. It makes perfect sense that Anakin would fall for her as well.


There was more then enough of the right stuff to make a relationship happen. They were the best of friends that held each others secrets.


You didn't say why Padme would love Anakin. She has no reason to and every reason to run screaming in the opposite direction. Saying "they're best friends" is a tautology. Why are the best friends? Furthermore, I don't get that on the screen. At all.


You can't refer to events happening around them. Why does Padme love Anakin? Beacuse the plot requires it, and George Lucas can't write. There's no reason beyond this.

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Heidi Klum fell in love with Seal when she saw his sausage, while he was wearing tight spandex shorts.


That's not how she tells it.


“To me, his beautiful face, great body, amazing heart, voice, his ability to be a loving, caring person and father… what can I say?”


Putting aside all the comments on his looks, since Anakin is handsome too, how would Padme answer this question? "I like how he decapitated all those children in the Sandpeople village. That way, they didn't have to suffer! He's so kind."


Anakin is a psycho. Girls my go for the bad boy, but not the crazy psycho, at least, gorgeous bright Senators wouldn't. It's senseless.

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