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45 Minute Queue - Really!?


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Had no wait and reasonable play time up until 1400 pst today, tried to log in for guild establishment meeting at 1500 and now we have a 40 min que. BS.... was looking to SWTOR as a change to EQ.... going back to EQ.... either get your act together or go away.


Roll a backup toon on a lighter server. What I did for when I cannot log into my main toon on Swiftsure, just saying. Role on Naddist Rebels server if you want no wait time for example.

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I feel like Bioware did a terrible job with their guild placement. It seems like they placed WAY too many guilds on "The Harbinger" server. In some great cosmic coincidence many friends of mine's guilds were placed on the Harbinger despite not being allied with each other.


Its not because they placed too many guilds on some servers. Its because they didn't anticipate that people would coordinate server allocations outside Bioware's own system.


Like the EU server Tomb of Freedom Nadd our guild ended up on where the Italian and Spanish communities apparently did a coordinated move to since Bioware didn't provide official servers for them. This has made the server unreachable due to ~2hour queues. Sucks for the guilds that got moved there who has no tools our way to coordinate a move elsewhere other than by word of mouth.

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This your first MMO launch? 1-4 hour queues are not uncommon. Infact you should expect them on the 20th.


I know you weren't talking to me, but.... This isn't my first MMO. But this is my first MMO with Queue lines. I have played other MMO's (some while still in Beta) and never had seen a Queue line in a game till I was selected for the Beta Weekend for this one last month.


So I can understand OP's rant. If its not something your used to, then it is going to be a complete and utter surprise.

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On Harbinger here. Not in a guild, but friends are in one so I went where their guild was assigned. Currently in a 35 minute queue, which means if I were still paying for WoW I could run a 5 man while I wait to log into swtor.
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Its not because they placed too many guilds on some servers. Its because they didn't anticipate that people would coordinate server allocations outside Bioware's own system.


Like the EU server Tomb of Freedom Nadd our guild ended up on where the Italian and Spanish communities apparently did a coordinated move to since Bioware didn't provide official servers for them. This has made the server unreachable due to ~2hour queues. Sucks for the guilds that got moved there who has no tools our way to coordinate a move elsewhere other than by word of mouth.


That's a good point. My server is also apparently the unofficial Oceanic server as well. So we share a common problem there.

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45 min ? u joke, 2 hr - 1400 in queue .. that's are the value .. and now stucked second in queue .. from 15 minutes, so virtualization, capacity planning, cpu on demand .. .. what a strange words in 2011 computing era ...




system administration is and art .. of course, and few ppl know it .. :)

Edited by AlexDukeEarl
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waaaaaa waaaaa I got in early and now I want to complain about queues when people still have yet to log in for the first time.


Those who haven't been able to play only have themselves to blame for not ordering the game earlier.

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Since I have just been billed for my copy of the game, the server wait time is now a matter of contractual delivery of service. Very simply, this is unacceptable.


awww, i would feel bad for you, but ive had plenty of july trolls tell me "its still EGA, be grateful they let you play early at all, as long as you had an hours worth of EGA play time they did what they said theyd do" :p

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Two things here.


Point me at the German standard pop PvE servers (hint they're all full) or the EU English ones (hint 4 are full, 3 very heavy) so that is not a choice.


2nd, he may have already built up a char for a couple of days on the server he is trying to log into, why should he jump and start over?


Or they are in a guild and they would have to have a lot of people more to a new server and start over. We didn't pick the server, we were assigned to it and it shouldn't be full prior to game launch. I am looking at the server list, there are a lot that are showing full.

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I'm not going to QQ but **** I'm kicking myself for rolling on the server that the damn Aussies chose as their unofficial server ffs lol! ...and yes I am Aussie too! Too late to change now as I've already leveled up 3 characters and my mates are on there ...here's hoping that it sorts itself out over a few weeks.
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My entire guild is on a server with a login queue. Doesn't make any sense that there are wait times for preorders. They knew exactly how many they sold. Knew a high number of them would play considerably on launch and had the freedom to build the servers to meet the demand.


No real excuse why there are wait times before the 20th.

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When will people accept that they have not "paid for Early Game Access"? You paid for the game. They're giving you the game early. They're doing this incrementally, to get a feel for how things will hold up when it goes live on the 20th.


Some feel that Bioware is using us as Beta Testers of the servers, to see how they'll do, and react accordingly, and don't like it....so what? You get the game early, and they learn from it, to better prepare for the official launch on the 20th. Do they benefit from the data they'll get from EGA? Sure. New flash, the data they get will in turn benefit the end users, aka, us. As compared to throwing the gate open on the 20th, and just letting people flood in and overtax the servers, they're easing things in. When you're going down a large flight of some 20-30 stairs, do you take a running jump and leap across them all at once? Or take 1-2 at a time? And they've already stated several times:


More servers will be coming online as they get closer to launch.


We're not seeing everything they have to offer.


If you want to have no wait times, go play a single player game. It'll boot right up, and you can play your heart out. If you want to play a MMO (which for the record, includes "Massive" in there, for the scope of players), accept that inevitably, sometimes in your life, you have to wait . The majority of you knew this when you bought the game. If you didn't, I truly feel sorry for you. Welcome to online gaming. Have a nice day.

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change servers...ya sure throw that time down the drain. I was in on the first day, and yes i went to a server that was starting to get traffic instead of a dead server because i didnt want to be stuck on a dead server if/when this game does start to go down hill.


Why dont you tell the people getting access now to not pick heavy or full servers...they dont have a character to throw away.

Edited by highlands
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