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  1. I'm not going to QQ but **** I'm kicking myself for rolling on the server that the damn Aussies chose as their unofficial server ffs lol! ...and yes I am Aussie too! Too late to change now as I've already leveled up 3 characters and my mates are on there ...here's hoping that it sorts itself out over a few weeks.
  2. 23rd of August I think ... Where is the pre order date located now? I checked my pre order tab on my account page but that just says "you have pre ordered yada yada yada" but no date is listed anymore? ...there used to be a date there.
  3. Nothing will happen to the first lot of these exploiters. I've seen this type of thing happen in various other mmos. There is no way for Bioware to know who was aware of the exploit and who participated unknowingly (yeah right lol) so they can't really do much. At the end of the day it's Biowares mistake so I'd expect this to be brushed under the rug with no consequences for this initial bunch of exploiters. People will stop caring after a week or so anyway and it will be business as usual. Luck to those who got in the first waves though, crime does pay in mmos as it were. However now that Bioware are aware of the problem you may not get away with it .
  4. Currently my account still says the CE is shipping on the 21st to Australia (23rd-29th delivery with priority shipping, probably even later considering the time of year). It would be nice to see them shipping earlier but I won't hold my breath.
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