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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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Seven year vet player of SWG. Ive played WoW, RIFT and a most of the other MMO's out there and none kept my interest more than SWG.

Yes the CU sucked. Yes the NGE sucked. So why did I stick with SWG?

Game play options.


SWG had more game play options than most MMOs.


Such as...


  • Player housing.
  • City building.
  • Guild/City wars.
  • Decorating homes, guild hall and ships.
  • Planet control wars.
  • Cantinas with a purpose.
  • Bounty hunters that actually had bounties to hunt (other players).
  • A complex and fun crafting system that was very Star Warsy.
  • Merchants who could set up there own enterprise from their home or a merchant tent. (also very Star Warsy)
  • Non-combat classes that kept the social atmosphere alive.
  • Fishing.
  • Social events.

...and much more...


In SWTOR, there is combat, lazy crafting and datacron hunting. Thats about it. After level 50, its really just combat.


Now I know they never said SWTOR was going to be SGW2, but is it me or is Star Wars the Old Republic not very Star Warsy?


  • Cantinas that serve no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.
  • Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.
  • No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.
  • A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)
  • No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)
  • No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)
  • Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)

...and on and on...


I guess my point is, Im bored or maybe just combat/PvP/xp grind burnt out or maybe I'm just not feeling the Star Wars "intended" immersion. I guess I was just spoiled by SWG's many non-combat and social game play options to chose from when I just needed a break from the combat. I guess I was spoiled by the immersion of day/night cycles and weather changes. I guess I was spoiled by having a unique space in the Star Wars universe I could call my own.


I love many aspects of SWTOR and have no immediate plans to cancel my subscription, but it needs Star Warsy non-combat and social game play to keep my interest. Agree? Dont agree?


You fellow ex-SWG'ers bored or content with SWTOR?






You had so many opportunities in swg you dont have here.

I created a rep toon to see coruscant and it was a total disappointment tbh, where is the night athmosphere, all the lights and all? the planet itself is just dead, you dont really get to see anything, the jedi temple just a huge disappointment, the cantina on coruscant is dead, it is huge but you feel like standing in an empty hall


I really miss all the opportunities you had in swg and I also hoped that swtor would learn from swg´s mistakes and do it better.

Sometimes I just logged in my trader and felt like a merchant, crafting and selling stuff

or I logged my ent just to hang out and talk to ppl

or we had parties on the yacht in space, or you ran into an RP event like an imperial control as rebell, you cant really do that here


BW really needs to start working on the athmosphere, fill the planets and especially the cantinas with life. as good as the story is, it is also boring at times when I think of the jedi consular story ..., plus when you roll another toon on the same side, you see the same quests, except the class quest


and I keep hearing the same from most of the ppl who stay in this game:

once they reach lvl 50, they just log in to do the daylies, crafting sux since you get better gear from raids/pvp, so they roll another toon til lvl 20 and get bored


But BW is also someone, my opinion, you can talk to and they try to really give ppl what they want.

so please BW listen to us RolePlayers, non-heavy raiders / pvp´ers lol

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I prefer ToR over SWG. I loved SWG pre CU, I than Loved then CU; NGE rubbed me the wrong way at first since the CU just came out not long ago. However after trying other games I go back to SWG and give NGE a real shot I liked the NGE and the content it added to the game since til its death. I however disagree with one of your Pros. Player bounties sure they worked awesome in the end since it could happen to anyone but I and many others probably remember being paranoid constantly while leveling a Jedi for fear of getting a bounty or worse DB'd. No game has ever singled out a player population with grief like SWG did, So I'm happy they aren't in this game. All this being said SWG was a great time sorry to see it go but it's time to move on.


i'm kinda late to the fourms here, so i know this is a older post, but i was a 7 year vet of SWG, loved/hated every minute of it, I started off as a wookiee bh/combat med, then the NGE hit and i went lolrespec jedi, had fun with till BM went in and jumped head first into that and loooooved every minute of it, med/bm uber awesome, making mounts, combat pets, but the highlight was MUTATIONS!!! mutation drove you nuts but when you hit you felt like you accomplished something, seeing your incubator go BOOM, getting that vader message was epic.


Now for the post i quoted, player bountys: if you were a jedi in the Pre CU, if you were grinding, the minute you pulled your saber out you went on the bounty boards, good, thats how it should be, jedi should be hunted by BH's thats how it went, if you didnt want to be hunted, pick a different class.


Player bountys after the CU and in the NGE was even better, you got hunted after you DB's someone in pvp...dont want to get hunted, dont DB, end of that problem. what i thought was great was you could have up to 3 hunters comming after you at 1 time, so you saw alot of bh's team up for the kill, great for the hunters, very bad for the hunted.


Now i'm having fun with TOR, i really like the story lines here, but in most of the post i have read in this thread about TOR being a mostly solo game i agree, i dont understand why the cut both factions off from talking to one another. the great thing about MMO's and pvping in MMOs is the trash talk, thats what makes pvp, grant it it got out of hand at times but do youknow how many friends i made while pvping thru trash talking during pvp? you took the trash talk with a grain of salt, the heat of the battle kind of thing. I was reb for most of my time in SWG and most of my friends list were Imp. we had a great time killing each other, hunting one another and talking trash back and forth. and in the end we laughed and ran instances with one another till the next battle started.


All in all you cant compare TOR to SWG to different games with totally different aproches to what star wars was, but to say SWG failed cuz of lack of player base is way off, you want to know why SWG ended? well your playing it now ( TOR). BIOwear knew from the start the couldn't stand toe to toe with swg ( even with the so called lack of player base)

there is room for only 1 SW MMO LucasArts went with the new instead of reupping SWG. big mistake IMO cuz when we get bored with TOR and it seems to happen pretty quick we all know we would of gone back to ( or if you are like me would of had both a swg and a tor account) we could flip back and forth.


I have a ton more to say but i have pretty much wrote a novel already so i'll end with this. TOR is a good game, SWG was a awesome game, give TOR some time to hammer out all the mistakes and hope the dont follow the path SOE did and listen to what us players say ( not saying do EVERYTHING we ask) cuz in the end it US who pay to play and it is us the player that makes a MMO.


SWG:Flurry- Rorrikk,Dr-feelgood-Val'

TOR:Bondar crystal- Mota-Akasha-Token

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the amount of nonsense spewed about swg here is....sad, the game was nothing short of visionary, game-mechanics freaks could get endless enjoyment, while casual combatchar players could go about their game without being confronted by the complex game mechanics by 'trusting' certain ingame crafters judgement....


The whole game was pretty much endgame content.....and I don't agree there was no storyline, as the storyline even impacted the whole world (I guess you forgot about Imperial Crackdown , the village etc).


Fact remains: pre-cu swg kept me busy for many years thanks to the freedom, and 4 months into swtor (though levelling is AWESOME) I already notice my intrest waning severely....As I don't really enjoy grinding char after char into cookie-cutter templates and identical gear to the rest of the players....

Also swg pvp was millions times better than wow/swtor as it was skillbased, not gearbased.


I really think that any adult with a decent IQ and a lack of need for systematic, instant gratification would prefer a real sandbox mmo....


Unfortunately this audience isn't as vocal as, say the dumb and young gamers,....And thus companies seem to feel they need to cater to what they percieve to be their target audience.


Tbh, the success of wow screwed us over, as after their success everyone modelled after them: this being take a successfull franchise, and make a "sort" of mulitplayer game with such a lack of complexity and posibilities that a five year old could play it.


The only challenge in wow were the raids, and those were challenging because of the social aspect: getting 40 people not to mess up.


Soo, untill someone makes an mmo which gives you more than 1 way to play your char, has some actual crafting in stead of assembly like wow/swtor, and focusses on keeping the social aspect life I expect there will not be a loyal audience.

I already noticed the trend in wow: people got bored, quit, came back when new content was release, while each time it took longer for them to come back, and they stayed a shorter time before leaving again, untill they quit for good (happened to me and countless other).

There's more to an mmo than an endless slaughterfest, but post-swg that fact seems to have been forgotten by most if not all gaming companies.....and tbh playing quasi the same game in a different package gets ooooold too

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I played SWG for only a few years... 2008 to the end. It was my first MMO, as I'd previously been a solid FPS player and flight-simmer, but it converted me to the idea of the MMO. I won't say much about the pre/post-CU/NGE debate... only this: I was not around for the original game and got a very brief taste of it through the EMU, but have the feeling that I would still have preferred the CU/NGE in general; some things from the original game did intrigue me, though.


As to a comparison of SWG and SWTOR... you simply cannot make one. As a gamer, I would prefer the wide-open sandbox that was SWG, hands-down. SWTOR wins out in certain areas, but is severely lacking in others, and lacks the overall depth offered by SWG... as does every other MMO I've tried.


In the end, I am mostly content with SWTOR because it is Star Wars. That's the Star Wars fan in me... I have to have a vested interest in a game's subject matter in order to play it, and SWTOR fits the bill there. That aside, however, the gamer in me likes SWTOR for what it is, but still longs for the grooviest MMO ever created... SWG.



Fade to Black...

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I'm completely bored. Maxed 5 characters with Champion gear, because Battlemaster gear is completely worthless (no. +15 expertise does not warrant the valor grind).


My Shadow is running with Rakata and Battlemaster (custom modded).


1.2 got delayed. I don't think that myself or anyone from my guild will be logging in until then, that's if they're even willing to pay the subscription fee to try out more of the same.


Lots of Mass Effect 3 to play, and once that's done I'll finally have time to practice some Street Fighter X Tekken.


This isn't a BAD game, but it certainly isn't good either.


They need to get rid of the Imperial and Republic fleets. Yes, they expedite every grind in the game, but they completely destroy any sense of what Star Wars is.

Edited by Zyillo
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The whole game was pretty much endgame content.....and I don't agree there was no storyline, as the storyline even impacted the whole world (I guess you forgot about Imperial Crackdown , the village etc).


True, the game STARTED at endgame


Tbh, the success of wow screwed us over, as after their success everyone modelled after them: this being take a successfull franchise, and make a "sort" of mulitplayer game with such a lack of complexity and posibilities that a five year old could play it.


This is also true, and it literally ruined MMOs for those who enjoyed complex games


I do need to add a few not so good things just to be fair:

1) SWG had a terrible engine that limited vertical movement, and was coded in layers over the years so that the game performed poorly even on modern machines when large numbers of players on the screen (PvP in Restuss would often degrade into a slide show).


2) The original combat sytem (pre-CU) was not good. Go play on a emulator and you will remember the clunky, slow queue-based combat. It doesn't compare to the faster pace of modern games.


3) Stacking


4) The "Projects," (acres upon acres of abandoned housing with house signs reading 'Up Yours Sony and all you who stuck around')

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Right now, Emu is fun to socialize and reminisce. It's not quite 100% yet, but very functional. Lots of players in the Eisley Cantina 24/7. Grouping for combat xp is bugged atm though. Make a doctor or dancer and enjoy the community until the final rebuild is finished. :)



Yes , even in an uncompleted state, the EMU is a lot of fun and they always need people to test and play with things. It can be quite entertaining plus it's fun to play a version of Pre-CU SWG. In fact, I am working on a doctor on Liberator right now. :)

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If SWTOR added in all the best elements from SWG, SWTOR would be unstoppable!


I agree. Can you imagine Jump to Lightspeed with TOR graphics!? That would be fantastic plus it would give them an excuse to introduce one of my favorite old prefessions: shipwright. :)

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Yes and no.


SWTOR a good game, and it will only get better as long as the devs keep on track. But it is no SWG.


SWG was my first MMO. Loved it. Such a social, open game that didn't hold your hand but allowed you freedom. I only quit because both of my classes went away with the NGE. You just don't do that to mmo players... it felt like a betrayal. (Then I went to eq2 and they did it again, only they drug it out over the course of years rather than a few months. Will never play another SOE game again as long as Smedley is in charge)


When I first heard of SWTOR, I was ecstatic and I have to admit, I expecting it to be the "new" SWG, that it would fill that void that the NGE created.


I went back the last few months of SWG and found that, after the sting of the NGE was long gone, it was still a game I could love. I made a dancer, I made a spy. I bought a house. I explored. It was wonderful.


Around that same time, I saw some gameplay from SWTOR, started reading up a bit on the game. Then I was in two beta sesions. I knew then it was not SWG. Not even close.


And, with that knowledge, I bought the game and here I am. It's fun. It's beautiful. It's not SWG. Nothing ever will be again.

Edited by Lunazen
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I'm completely bored. Maxed 5 characters with Champion gear, because Battlemaster gear is completely worthless (no. +15 expertise does not warrant the valor grind).


My Shadow is running with Rakata and Battlemaster (custom modded).


1.2 got delayed. I don't think that myself or anyone from my guild will be logging in until then, that's if they're even willing to pay the subscription fee to try out more of the same.


Lots of Mass Effect 3 to play, and once that's done I'll finally have time to practice some Street Fighter X Tekken.


This isn't a BAD game, but it certainly isn't good either.


They need to get rid of the Imperial and Republic fleets. Yes, they expedite every grind in the game, but they completely destroy any sense of what Star Wars is.


It's funny that some people like you find the game boring but still max out 5 characters. It's quite obviouslyou will get bored of the game when you out-play it so fast.

Edited by Kleiveland
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Well said OP, shed a tear as I thought about all the good times I had in SWG :<. Nostalgia in this game will be "oh yeah I remember how painful it was to level my character".


In SWG you just got a freaking melon and the message "good luck", and the world was yours to explore and conquer as you saw fit.

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I loved SWG for what it was for me, my first experience in an mmorpg. It was great in the same way as that first car you ever got was and in many cases it is often the worse vehicle you ever own but often the experiences had in it are never topped.

thats how i see SWG I had a good time depending on others to accomplish even the most miniscule goal until I realized that much of SWG's gameplay was counter to why I play video games in the first place.

There was far too much forced socialization and too little alternate content if you didn't manipulate the economy or grind for months on another new class there wasn't much to do in the game.

I appreciate SWG for opening my eyes to the world of mmo's but it ran it's course (and I quit before either the cu or the nge) and for me TOR is much more the Star Wars mmorpg I would like to play.

Having said that in a perfect world the original build for SWg would be an awesome game as a f2p universe sim

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And yet it is in the game. Are you complaining that they have content now? What does the size of it have to do with anything?


I liked Quesh...and was glad to be rid of the planet in a roleplaying sense because of the pollution, lol. Again, like Taris, BW did their job too well making Quesh kinda disgusting.


But I suppose they could have made the planet bigger, and filled with a whole lot of nothing like SWG, but what's the point? So that it's bigger than your basement?


Better than small and filled with nothing, if one is to accept your premise. I don't, by the way.

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Seven year vet player of SWG. Ive played WoW, RIFT and a most of the other MMO's out there and none kept my interest more than SWG.

Yes the CU sucked. Yes the NGE sucked. So why did I stick with SWG?

Game play options.


SWG had more game play options than most MMOs.


Such as...


  • Player housing.
  • City building.
  • Guild/City wars.
  • Decorating homes, guild hall and ships.
  • Planet control wars.
  • Cantinas with a purpose.
  • Bounty hunters that actually had bounties to hunt (other players).
  • A complex and fun crafting system that was very Star Warsy.
  • Merchants who could set up there own enterprise from their home or a merchant tent. (also very Star Warsy)
  • Non-combat classes that kept the social atmosphere alive.
  • Fishing.
  • Social events.

...and much more...


In SWTOR, there is combat, lazy crafting and datacron hunting. Thats about it. After level 50, its really just combat.


Now I know they never said SWTOR was going to be SGW2, but is it me or is Star Wars the Old Republic not very Star Warsy?


  • Cantinas that serve no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.
  • Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.
  • No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.
  • A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)
  • No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)
  • No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)
  • Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)

...and on and on...


I guess my point is, Im bored or maybe just combat/PvP/xp grind burnt out or maybe I'm just not feeling the Star Wars "intended" immersion. I guess I was just spoiled by SWG's many non-combat and social game play options to chose from when I just needed a break from the combat. I guess I was spoiled by the immersion of day/night cycles and weather changes. I guess I was spoiled by having a unique space in the Star Wars universe I could call my own.


I love many aspects of SWTOR and have no immediate plans to cancel my subscription, but it needs Star Warsy non-combat and social game play to keep my interest. Agree? Dont agree?


You fellow ex-SWG'ers bored or content with SWTOR?




I've been saying this for the longest (in-game and in RL, not on the forums till I posted a few minutes ago about the community dying due to over spread of players and lack of said content). WoW made content like that unnecessary, however look at WoW now. I shed a tear of boredom walking through Orgrimar last times I was on, and it looks like SWTOR is heading in the same direction; Love swtor to death but more social content, more of a tight-nit community, more of above stated content and Swtor will Thrive, could not be matched!

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I agree with the OP that this game would be a ton better if it had some of the sandbox elements that SWG had.. I personally would really enjoy a better crafting system and player cities..


There was nothing like having a base in your city and getting everyone together to defend it when it was vulnerable.. or attacking the enemies vulnerable bases.. It was something to have pride in.. of course that was before GCW farming ruined bases..

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The sense of community everyone now and days talks about simply dose not exist in the current online community. The entire social aspect of games has been phased out to never ending repetition "end game" content recycled every couple months and carrot on a stick goals like gear. Not to mention the majority player base now and days for games expects such and consist of the "i want it now my way" and play games for no other reason than to compete and talk crap about how awesome they are and show off there phat loots. I blame the player base a thousand times more so than the companies. The best games are gonna suck with the worse players in them.


basically what I'm saying is bring back the community's of the first gen mmos you know the ones that people played games for fun :p

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