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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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That's what made me roll a Commando on the republic side of things, on Rakata at least for the 10-49 bracket is usually pretty decent. I'm hoping it's the same when I hit 50.


If you haven't played 50 PVP, players are significantly better and most have top of the line gear. However, I'd estimate half or more of my team usually just plays to PVP and pad their stats without regard to the game objectives, since padding your stats awards more valor and medals.

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swg was the ****.. (sunrunner IMP).


like counterstrike Star wars MMO. it was redicuclous. i LOVEd the pvp but i dont think we will ever see something as fliud as that again. sony had something epic and shat all over it.



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I enjoy playing this single player story driven online chat game.


But once I do the 3 or 4 alts to 50, it's game over time. Because there is no purpose to the community or other engaging activities to do after the story is over besides PVP or Raid.


So I will accept this game for what it is and then be done with it.


It's an over hyped waste of an epic license, and a title that would be best suited for console gamers that enjoy the simple and easy.


I guess player driven economy & community, open world exploration and world shaping is too difficult for most people's IQ that call themselves gamers.


I've also heard the cry about not having enough time to keep up with the hard core players in games with depth, so "waaaa its no fair, give us quick n easy."


I guess its just to hard to figure out how to have fun if there isn't some big f'ing green door staring you in the face to entice you to walk into it just to find another tank n spank gold or elite enemy with different size, shape and color and drops some generic ugly piece of mod-able armor/weapon that you could acquire anyway at lvl 9 or from any com vendor. yeah that's real fun....not


wake up guys, and raise the bar, for yourselves and for the game publishers, lest we continue to get the mindless game rubbish from them, as they will take the least difficult path too for profit at our complacent expense.

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I originally posted on this thread or a thread like this that its star wars and its enough not to get bored. As stated in other topics about the community in general, the ethics and theory behind making this a playable MMo instead of single player experience.


Almost a month into it,,,, Its boring grinding out missions, bored of lack of groups and parties on my server. Bored of Coruscant with a passion...... Still I hold a light saber so that does help and ultimately that keeps me playing, the Vroooo Vrooooo sound of swishing sabers is what Im here for.. Living my star wars fantasy or Stale Wart The Sold Republic....


New patch soon, so will wait and see, as agreed with post above (DAMN AGAIN, gonna be Armourboy appreciation society) There is nothing else worth playing so i will keep this until there is,.......


Great minds think alike aye? We will go with that anyways lol

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I enjoy playing this single player story driven online chat game.


But once I do the 3 or 4 alts to 50, it's game over time. Because there is no purpose to the community or other engaging activities to do after the story is over besides PVP or Raid.


So I will accept this game for what it is and then be done with it.


It's an over hyped waste of an epic license, and a title that would be best suited for console gamers that enjoy the simple and easy.


I guess player driven economy & community, open world exploration and world shaping is too difficult for most people's IQ that call themselves gamers.


I've also heard the cry about not having enough time to keep up with the hard core players in games with depth, so "waaaa its no fair, give us quick n easy."


I guess its just to hard to figure out how to have fun if there isn't some big f'ing green door staring you in the face to entice you to walk into it just to find another tank n spank gold or elite enemy with different size, shape and color and drops some generic ugly piece of mod-able armor/weapon that you could acquire anyway at lvl 9 or from any com vendor. yeah that's real fun....not


wake up guys, and raise the bar, for yourselves and for the game publishers, lest we continue to get the mindless game rubbish from them, as they will take the least difficult path too for profit at our complacent expense.


Oh Snap! I dig this.


Reading through the replies from the haters, the trolls, the thinkers, the supporters and the contributors, Id say most agree with or, at the very least, support a few aspects of the idea of opening up TOR with a few ideas from SWG.


I'm still playing and still having some fun. The boredom stills lurks after an hour or so of game play. I'm still hopeful and like I said in my OP, I still have no plans of taking my big red shiny ball from the pram. We all know TOR is still in its infant stage and BW is making good with keeping us informed of what goodies are to come. I just hope the focus will eventually be on some social and non-combat game play as well.


So bring on the love, the hate and the angry. Its all good. :D

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I enjoy playing this single player story driven online chat game.


But once I do the 3 or 4 alts to 50, it's game over time. Because there is no purpose to the community or other engaging activities to do after the story is over besides PVP or Raid.


So I will accept this game for what it is and then be done with it.


It's an over hyped waste of an epic license, and a title that would be best suited for console gamers that enjoy the simple and easy.


I guess player driven economy & community, open world exploration and world shaping is too difficult for most people's IQ that call themselves gamers.


I've also heard the cry about not having enough time to keep up with the hard core players in games with depth, so "waaaa its no fair, give us quick n easy."


I guess its just to hard to figure out how to have fun if there isn't some big f'ing green door staring you in the face to entice you to walk into it just to find another tank n spank gold or elite enemy with different size, shape and color and drops some generic ugly piece of mod-able armor/weapon that you could acquire anyway at lvl 9 or from any com vendor. yeah that's real fun....not


wake up guys, and raise the bar, for yourselves and for the game publishers, lest we continue to get the mindless game rubbish from them, as they will take the least difficult path too for profit at our complacent expense.


Pretty much the feelings of a friend and I when we started TOR. Play for a month or two and then throw it away until something worthwhile is added. There really isn't room to do anything besides follow the little trail Bioware sets out for you.


It's easier to hook and pacify players that are brain-dead I suppose, so that's probably whom they were aiming for with this game's current format.

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Sometimes i wish this game crashed and burned. George Lucas made a huge mistake. You can't have a console story telling rpg as an mmo, it doesn't *********** work. Half the time I feel like they nerf everything so it's all under powered and no point to crafting the markets are ****. Sure you can sell "mats". But who the hell really buys mats, when you can get them yourself when you have like 4 companions to harvest that ****. SWG was better even if the graphics were out dated by today's standards, the gameplay mechanics were revolutionary. Sure Swtor has voice acting but come on? That's all they put into the game was VOICE ACTING in every god damn line and npc. They didn't bother offering GUILD BANKING on release day or the day after. They have no "GUILD HALLS or GUILD SHIPS". And to all the twerps saying "SWTOR JUST CAME OUT". Well I think this game was released way to damn early. I feel like I wasted time waiting for new content. slow as ****. I think it's because BioWare was too busy with Mass Effect 3
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i can't one shot people with my light saber it ruins my immersion


in star wars the movies peopel died by getting hit just one time with the saber. WTH bioware FIX YER GAME!!!


You know that they can't do that. The game's combat would be too easy and not very MMOish. If you've played other MMO's you know that one hit kills just don't happen unless you are extremely over-level.


Back to the original topic, SWG was a different type of MMO entirely. SWTOR is based on creating a deep story line, and it works if not excels at it. SWG was a sandbox MMO, made to give players that type of freedom but giving less deep story and important choices to make. SWTOR wasn't made to allow players the freedom to do almost anything.


What I'm saying is you can't compare the two games because they weren't made to be compared.

Edited by ultimatesjk
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It's easier to hook and pacify players that are brain-dead I suppose, so that's probably whom they were aiming for with this game's current format.


Even the braindead are going to get sick of the cutscenes. Once you see them once, certainly, thats enough.


Personally I watched all of them upto about level 20 on my first character. Now I skip them all, and wish there was a way to just turn them off.

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I am just under content. But I do enjoy the game. SWG will always have my heart /cry


To be honest, SWTOR kind of feels like SWG-NGE 2. It really seems like this was what SOE/LA was shooting for when they reworked SWG with the NGE... minus the voice acting.

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I am just under content. But I do enjoy the game. SWG will always have my heart /cry


To be honest, SWTOR kind of feels like SWG-NGE 2. It really seems like this was what SOE/LA was shooting for when they reworked SWG with the NGE... minus the voice acting.



good analogy, ToR is a very watered down NGE on rails + voice overs - housing - space - crafting system that works - pvp thats fun - pvp zones that matter - awesome heroics quests like Hoth at the village.

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Either or

WoW 8years old this year and still has more subs than SWG ever had !

FF11 9 Years old this year and still has more subs than SWG ever had !

SWG 8years this year and is dead/closed/over , it sucked from the day it went live to the day it ended. 10k players at the end lol . the max it ever had was 200k players and never went over that. It only lasted 7 year which is alot for a game that mostly had 10k players . Most F2P games have more active accounts than that !


FF11 not considered a TOP MMO had over 1million players max and still has over 600k players now . It will be 9 years old this year and has beat SWG to death .


Actually from most of the people I know SWG never sucked (your words not mine) from the beginning. Most will agree it was an awesome game at the beginning.


Only problem most people had was when it got changed but still it was a good game.


TOR is good also but comparing TOr to Swg isn't really fair as the only thing they had in common was they are both Star Wars but that's where it ends.


It was a good game though the community is really what made the game so great. People still talk about SWG mainly because they miss the community and the freedom to do things other than combat.


Regardless of what you think PVP is not the only thing a game should be about. There should be things to do outside of combat and the crafting system needs to improved to keep the crafters occupied. Combat can become tiring if that's all you do.

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I do like both games , but still , i prefer SWG to TOR , I won't re-tell why ...already been told on 44 pages now...


I don't think this one has been told tough : On TOR i feel really alone : instances , more instances , many worlds , many servers ... too many ...

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Complaint #1: Cantinas that server no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.


Reply #1: Buddy, Cantinas don't 'server' any purpose. They're for meeting other people and buying those little consumables that can be used along with stims to boost stats, and for RPing.


Complaint #2: Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.


Reply #2: PVP. Do some. It might be hard to believe, but you get creds for killing things. Amazing, huh?


Complaint #3: No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.


Reply #3: I sell my Cybercrafted stuff to players all the time. The GTN is a last resort for me. I prefer to do things face to face.


Complaint #4: A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)


Reply #4: You're talking about an MMO, not a perfectly formulated chemical solution that if even a millileter off could cause the end of existence. Sometimes, simple is better. People don't want to have to read a 500 page instruction manual on things.


Complaint #5: No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)


Reply #5: If you want to spend a few hours being forced to 'walk' without using your map and not being able to see 5 feet in front of you, be my guest.


Complaint #6: No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)


Reply #6: Day/Night has never actually played much of a role in Star Wars. If stuff needed doing, it got done. End of story.


Complaint #7: Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)


Reply #7: If you want 1-5 Frames Per Second on an Alienware with Max Specs, be my guest to do this. Otherwise, pipe down and play.


This Guy had valid complaints. The rebuttals were super weak and come off as you simply telling him to shut up

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Getting kind of bored with it, but my server is one of the lightest pvp servers. Everyone kind of left the server. Anyone doing emu?


Right now, Emu is fun to socialize and reminisce. It's not quite 100% yet, but very functional. Lots of players in the Eisley Cantina 24/7. Grouping for combat xp is bugged atm though. Make a doctor or dancer and enjoy the community until the final rebuild is finished. :)

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Bored? Yes.

Disappointed? Very much.


Like one poster said already..once i got into the mid 20's or so, i just started spacing through the cutscenes, expect for my class story ones. I ended up just doing my class quests and pvping to level 50. Now... just log in for a daily or two if i can stomach it. Most of my friends have quit already and half of them didnt even make it to level 50 before they did. It's funny, because our convos at work or watever used to be how excited we were for TOR to be released and start playing... now we just talk about the disappointment and what a waste of the star wars IP this game was.

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Because SWG as a game was missing a lot of things too. I will never say SWG was perfect. But some elements of it was pretty good.



The macro-ish combat system where you could script your combat sequence on 1 key was horrible.


The lack of content (quest)on the ground and in the space.


Those 2 things killed SWG for a lot of people. Even more when WoW came out and offered a lot of content from lvl 1-60.


Nevertheless, crafting, guild city, merchand, player housing was superior to all other MMO i have played. Those are the elements i would love to have in sw:tor.


Endlessly running quests is not content,endlessly running raids is not content, every day I chose whether I wanted to do some hunting, perhaps some exploring, maybe some BSing at the starport or cantina, maybe some crafting, hmm how about a little home improvement, help a guildie level up (without penalty), adjust my template to get just the right amount of smuggler in, then after JTL arrived I'd explore space, shoot down some imps, either join or organize a city raid (nothing fires you up like riding along side 100 or so other rebels any declaring absolute war...many were lost, many more were triumphant), then after that decide to go out with guildies and kill sharnaffs naked. I enjoy this game, but don't try to tell me there is more content here. I fear I will bore of this game just like I did LOTRO, DDO, WoW, etc. etc.. What killed SWG was macros and Jedi plain and simple

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I expected the game to be much more than it is to be quite honest. I was really hoping that SWTOR would be more SWG but done right. However this is certainly not the case, I very much so the days of sandbox MMO's. No SWG did not really have content but the community created its own content. Who doesnt miss player cities and free space flight? And does anybody remember just setting up camp in the middle of nowhere and another player happens to run into to you. The possiblities for meeting new people on that game were endless and I miss that. And why dont more games offer professions like musician or dancer, I believe that would draw in more peolple, some players dont necessarily play a game to "be the hero" like every MMO seems to advertise nowdays. Some players just want to socialize. Sorry to have ranted but I do miss that game and will probably get on SWGEmu occasionally once the final server is released. However, I do believe a larger portion of time will still be spent on this game now, I do enjoy the stories that this game provides and this game will continue to come out with new content that SWGEmu will probably not be able to provide. Also is anyone else hoping for the possiblity of player bounties that was one of my favorite features from SWG. The main thing that I am hoping for from BioWare now though is free space flight and exploration. That is the main thing I was looking forward to from this game and I was so disappointed as soon as I got on my ship. Edited by Bcrpirate
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Seven year vet player of SWG. Ive played WoW, RIFT and a most of the other MMO's out there and none kept my interest more than SWG.

Yes the CU sucked. Yes the NGE sucked. So why did I stick with SWG?

Game play options.


SWG had more game play options than most MMOs.


Such as...


  • Player housing.
  • City building.
  • Guild/City wars.
  • Decorating homes, guild hall and ships.
  • Planet control wars.
  • Cantinas with a purpose.
  • Bounty hunters that actually had bounties to hunt (other players).
  • A complex and fun crafting system that was very Star Warsy.
  • Merchants who could set up there own enterprise from their home or a merchant tent. (also very Star Warsy)
  • Non-combat classes that kept the social atmosphere alive.
  • Fishing.
  • Social events.

...and much more...


In SWTOR, there is combat, lazy crafting and datacron hunting. Thats about it. After level 50, its really just combat.


Now I know they never said SWTOR was going to be SGW2, but is it me or is Star Wars the Old Republic not very Star Warsy?


  • Cantinas that serve no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.
  • Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.
  • No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.
  • A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)
  • No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)
  • No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)
  • Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)

...and on and on...


I guess my point is, Im bored or maybe just combat/PvP/xp grind burnt out or maybe I'm just not feeling the Star Wars "intended" immersion. I guess I was just spoiled by SWG's many non-combat and social game play options to chose from when I just needed a break from the combat. I guess I was spoiled by the immersion of day/night cycles and weather changes. I guess I was spoiled by having a unique space in the Star Wars universe I could call my own.


I love many aspects of SWTOR and have no immediate plans to cancel my subscription, but it needs Star Warsy non-combat and social game play to keep my interest. Agree? Dont agree?


You fellow ex-SWG'ers bored or content with SWTOR?





Yes and no in terms of contentment.


I really really really miss the RPability of SWG, no other game has ever or will ever match it.. SWTOR doesn't even come close to the RP features that SWG had and the RP in SWG + its community is what kept me playing that game for 8 years.


As for SWTOR I am really enjoying the fact that solo content in this game is rather challenging, a lot of the solo content in SWG was not challenging on the same level as SWTOR is.


I am loving the quests in SWTOR with the voice acting - that part is fantastic. Then again I love Mass Effect and the voice acting / missions and quests there too but that does not mean I want to play it every day, every week or even every month. So once the stories get 'old' as in I have done the majority of them + all the planets, unless there are some drastic additions to SWTOR I am not certain of the long term playability of this game for me. I'll let you know in another 6 months. In its current state there is no way it'll hold me for any longer then that.

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