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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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Would be nice to see some of the sandbox elements enter the MMO genre again. This theme park crap is nice occasionally, but when you see a game completly based on this idea you get SWTOR. Loved ever minute of my BH story. Problem is, story is over, completed the HM raids (no need to go Nightmare because there is no incentive), and there's not much of a community to keep me loggin in. Combat is amazing here, if I could have this combat with SWG sandbox style it would be perfect.


I'll still play this 'until the wheels fall off', but I'm not enjoying it as much as I did SWG when it first dropped.

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The only thing keeping me from removing my sub is my guild and, if I did, I'd be left with no other somehow-appealing MMO.


Ditto man. I'm GM of a good sized guild and I've been promoting people like crazy to have same rights as me. I feel the inevitable coming but want to make sure we have a smooth transition of power so the existing members have sound authority to take the reigns. I dont want to fragment the group on my account. Gotta make sure things are in place.

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Bored with SWTOR. Unsubbed. Reinstalling LOTRO. I played SWG on and off for all 8 years. SWG may have been dated, and it may not always have had everything star warsy, but it had HUGE depth. This dumbed-down version of an MMO, that is SWTOR is NOT worth paying 15$ a month for, in fact I see this as being worth about 5-8$ subscription cost. I paid $150 for the CE of SWTOR and my Malgus figure has offered more satsifcation sittin on my desk than the d@mn game has!


And for those who keep talking about "Rose Colored Glasses" in refrence to SWG, obviously don't know what deep immersion and depth an MMO can give, if done right. Theres a reason why that game even lasted 8 years. Yes, it needed better content and I think SWTOR does offer some of that.. but past the single player aspect of this game, theres nothing more! What? grind out more to get that Champion gear? Play some Huttball till your ears and eyes bleed? Pfft.


bottom line for me is if there is no variety, no exploration, and no further end game story content, why would I keep paying? And for those that keep talking about SWG's bugginess and horrible PRE-NGE state, dont know what the eff your talking about. The first month out of the box, there were hybrid classes (many that could be tweeked-Still loved my Carbineer/BH and Pistoleer/Smuggler), large worlds to explore (any of them!- would take you a good 20 min to hoof it across) and the mysterious path to unlock Jedi (elite unlockable class). THAT my friends is how you KEEP subscriptions. The interest has to go beyond your class story, and looking for datacrons, in a theme-park enviroment...not cutting it! This game should have taken the best parts from SWG and used them, instead of cloning lame @ss WoW in space. To easy, to soon. Meh. :mad:


Same here. Cancelled TOR. Darn game just puts me to sleep. No sense of community/ownership. Just boring.

I have a Lifetime for LOTR. Time to wake the Elf.

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People who liked and stayed to play SWG were not your average console gaming , gimmie gimmie now type gamers, they enjoyed there effort and up until the console group of whiny players changed it in the CU the game was fantastic, and the crafting remained fantastic until a yr or so before then end .


Because u had to actually make an effort and got rewarded.


This game does not hold a candle to it in almost every form accept graphics and quick gratification for impatient spoiled people who cant find enough time to invest in enjoyment .

If u dont have time play a console game maybe ?

Or is this truly the end of pc gaming and jstu a polite push for people to migrate to full time console gaming ?

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If I made a list of everything that I think was wrong with SWG and SOE's management of the game it would be as long as a bad year. Looking at sales/subscription base during its lifecycle I wish anyone good luck making a good argument why SWG was nothing but a massive failure.


Despite that I have never played a game I enjoyed more. Why? Primarily because it had a lot of elements I enjoyed in addition to combat and improving gear. Those elements most important to me (not listed in a prioritized order) were:


-A complex crafting system including stat based resources.

-A complex crafting system that itself gave me additional reasons to engage in combat both to test my products and to aquire rare loot in order to make rare editions of my weapons.

-Player cities.

-Player housing and decoration.

-Player shops/vendors.

-Space combat including a wide range of ships and customization options.


As for the social aspect in a mmo SWG had many mechanics facilitating contact with other players other games should learn from. For example running a Weaponsmith shop meant I had a ton of players coming to my shop asking questions about weapons, combat, crafting, running a shop etc. A lot of players asked if they could provide me with resources for crafting, loot for rare weapons etc for a fee or rebates at my shop. Oh yes, I think I also had my fair share of beggars and the type of customer you would prefer vacate the premises yesterday. The key point is that I made a lot of friends in the game through my shop.


I find it strange so many completely disregard all aspects of SWG just because that title did not do better in the market. It is a breach of logic to conclude that everything was wrong with it because it failed in the market.


Most mmo gamers talk about the importance of content, this forum is no different. We must have more endgame content, ASAP! Yes, I do not disagree. The more content the merrier. With this in mind I find it strange to see so many claiming sandbox mmo's are dead or not economically viable because so few enjoy them. Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt more endgame content kind of like asking for a bigger sandbox?


Try to look past the definition of a sandbox game as a completely open and free environment with no guidance what you should do. What if someone developed a game that had both story based levelling and content, AND the freedom to explore and do alternative things both while levelling and at max level? Would that really make mmo's worse?


It seems to me a good few think WOW or something fairly like it is the optimal mmo. There are certainly many voicing opinions in that direction. Combat and a continous stream of improved obtainable gear, that is primarily what it offers. What product or product type has ever survived for a lengthy period of time without alterations and evolution? I can think of one but I will not mention it on these forums. Since way before Frogger computer games have continously evolved. They have to or they will not be popular as the gaming community evolves as well.


SWTOR offers nothing that has not been done before as far as I can see. Voice acting and story based levelling is not new to mmo's. The massive amount of it including the level of dependancy on it is new yes.


I am currently still enjoying SWTOR to a certain degree. I love a good story specially when implemented in a Star Wars setting. I have not experienced most of the total content currently in the game and yet I am already experiencing a sense of boredom. Prior to starting the game I was sure I would at least enjoy playing through each main class once and experience the individual stories. Now I am not so sure.


For my part SWTOR lacks depth and complexity. There are virtually no options when it comes to character customization and progression. Everything is extremely linear. The different classes are virtually identical besides animations and the classic gameplay differences between roles such as tank, healer and dps. Conversation options doesnt really do anything but provide slightly different responses and light/dark side points that does nothing for your character besides a couple of different gear options and possible sith corruption. It does virtually nothing to your story progression. The simplicity in every aspect of the game makes it feel too repetitive and that is probably what my feeling of boredom between new story bits is mostly about. It certainly doesnt help that it has no activity to offer besides combat.


Hopefully some additions and changes are made to the game to make it more appealing over time. And no, simply adding more of exactly the same most likely will not prolong my interest in the game.


To anyone feeling compelled telling me I should go play SWG Emu or stop living in the past. I dont want to go back even if SOE published SWG pre-CU officially. Like most other aspects of life what I enjoy in a game evolves. For me to enjoy a game as much as i once enjoyed SWG it would have to be more than SWG once was.


I doubt SWTOR will ever become a game I enjoy more than I enjoyed SWG but I hope I am wrong in that respect.


If you think SWTOR is the greatest game you ever played, all I can say is: Cool, does that mean you think its impossible to improve it?




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I can't for the life of me figure out why people forget so fast...some of these people were probably the same ones spewing vitriol on the SWG forums four years ago about how that game was falling to pieces...and you still (at the end) had that stupid useless jump animation.


SWG started out figuratively with a knife and a loin cloth running around stabbing durnis. I was mayor of one of the original ten cities on Corellia/Chilastra, so I remember...(if you were looking for my references), because EVERYONE played from launch apparently. (liars)


Up until SOE got crazy with the CE, and NGE; Prior to space combat, prior to speeders, prior to mounts...jeez...even player cities came in a patch, EVERYTHING CAME IN A PATCH(remember?) so prior to that...lets compare games now?


This game has been out for such a short time...everyone here would've been bored with SWG's content within the first month because there was none; short of the mission terminals and holo-grinding (i ran thru 16 professions by the time player cities came out, if that qualifies as content). I had an active account from beginning til end. The game had the greatest potential of any MMO ever, but fell on its head. Isn't that really what this talk is all about? Potential...give SWTOR a chance. It's only going to grow into what SWG failed to...Crafting will expand, content will expand, and hopefully a quality community will blossom...


SWG failed. Not because of the fantastic community, or the crafting system...It failed because the subscription money lost to WoW pushed the dev's into making "the sandbox" a "kitty-litter box" of bad code, player crushing changes, and community disenfranchisement.


SWG was groundbreaking and had potential...and this game accomplishes both as well. Give it a year...then we'll see.


Also I'm still playing with the same excellent guildies/clanmates going on 12 years or so. Content? Who cares when you have good friends to kill imps with. MMO's ultimately come down to community, and if you're unhappy with any game ever...just check and see who you are playing with.

Edited by Beerswiller
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if i made a list of everything that i think was wrong with swg and soe's management of the game it would be as long as a bad year. Looking at sales/subscription base during its lifecycle i wish anyone good luck making a good argument why swg was nothing but a massive failure.


Despite that i have never played a game i enjoyed more. Why? Primarily because it had a lot of elements i enjoyed in addition to combat and improving gear. Those elements most important to me (not listed in a prioritized order) were:


-a complex crafting system including stat based resources.

-a complex crafting system that itself gave me additional reasons to engage in combat both to test my products and to aquire rare loot in order to make rare editions of my weapons.

-player cities.

-player housing and decoration.

-player shops/vendors.

-space combat including a wide range of ships and customization options.


As for the social aspect in a mmo swg had many mechanics facilitating contact with other players other games should learn from. For example running a weaponsmith shop meant i had a ton of players coming to my shop asking questions about weapons, combat, crafting, running a shop etc. A lot of players asked if they could provide me with resources for crafting, loot for rare weapons etc for a fee or rebates at my shop. Oh yes, i think i also had my fair share of beggars and the type of customer you would prefer vacate the premises yesterday. The key point is that i made a lot of friends in the game through my shop.


I find it strange so many completely disregard all aspects of swg just because that title did not do better in the market. It is a breach of logic to conclude that everything was wrong with it because it failed in the market.


Most mmo gamers talk about the importance of content, this forum is no different. We must have more endgame content, asap! Yes, i do not disagree. The more content the merrier. With this in mind i find it strange to see so many claiming sandbox mmo's are dead or not economically viable because so few enjoy them. Correct me if i am wrong, but isnt more endgame content kind of like asking for a bigger sandbox?


Try to look past the definition of a sandbox game as a completely open and free environment with no guidance what you should do. What if someone developed a game that had both story based levelling and content, and the freedom to explore and do alternative things both while levelling and at max level? Would that really make mmo's worse?


It seems to me a good few think wow or something fairly like it is the optimal mmo. There are certainly many voicing opinions in that direction. Combat and a continous stream of improved obtainable gear, that is primarily what it offers. What product or product type has ever survived for a lengthy period of time without alterations and evolution? I can think of one but i will not mention it on these forums. Since way before frogger computer games have continously evolved. They have to or they will not be popular as the gaming community evolves as well.


Swtor offers nothing that has not been done before as far as i can see. Voice acting and story based levelling is not new to mmo's. The massive amount of it including the level of dependancy on it is new yes.


I am currently still enjoying swtor to a certain degree. I love a good story specially when implemented in a star wars setting. I have not experienced most of the total content currently in the game and yet i am already experiencing a sense of boredom. Prior to starting the game i was sure i would at least enjoy playing through each main class once and experience the individual stories. Now i am not so sure.


For my part swtor lacks depth and complexity. There are virtually no options when it comes to character customization and progression. Everything is extremely linear. The different classes are virtually identical besides animations and the classic gameplay differences between roles such as tank, healer and dps. Conversation options doesnt really do anything but provide slightly different responses and light/dark side points that does nothing for your character besides a couple of different gear options and possible sith corruption. It does virtually nothing to your story progression. The simplicity in every aspect of the game makes it feel too repetitive and that is probably what my feeling of boredom between new story bits is mostly about. It certainly doesnt help that it has no activity to offer besides combat.


Hopefully some additions and changes are made to the game to make it more appealing over time. And no, simply adding more of exactly the same most likely will not prolong my interest in the game.


To anyone feeling compelled telling me i should go play swg emu or stop living in the past. I dont want to go back even if soe published swg pre-cu officially. Like most other aspects of life what i enjoy in a game evolves. For me to enjoy a game as much as i once enjoyed swg it would have to be more than swg once was.


I doubt swtor will ever become a game i enjoy more than i enjoyed swg but i hope i am wrong in that respect.


If you think swtor is the greatest game you ever played, all i can say is: Cool, does that mean you think its impossible to improve it?





post of the year!

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I can't for the life of me figure out why people forget so fast...some of these people were probably the same ones spewing vitriol on the SWG forums four years ago about how that game was falling to pieces...and you still (at the end) had that stupid useless jump animation.


SWG started out figuratively with a knife and a loin cloth running around stabbing durnis. I was mayor of one of the original ten cities on Corellia/Chilastra, so I remember...(if you were looking for my references), because EVERYONE played from launch apparently. (liars)


Up until SOE got crazy with the CE, and NGE; Prior to space combat, prior to speeders, prior to mounts...jeez...even player cities came in a patch, EVERYTHING CAME IN A PATCH(remember?) so prior to that...lets compare games now?


This game has been out for such a short time...everyone here would've been bored with SWG's content within the first month because there was none; short of the mission terminals and holo-grinding (i ran thru 16 professions by the time player cities came out, if that qualifies as content). I had an active account from beginning til end. The game had the greatest potential of any MMO ever, but fell on its head. Isn't that really what this talk is all about? Potential...give SWTOR a chance. It's only going to grow into what SWG failed to...Crafting will expand, content will expand, and hopefully a quality community will blossom...


SWG failed. Not because of the fantastic community, or the crafting system...It failed because the subscription money lost to WoW pushed the dev's into making "the sandbox" a "kitty-litter box" of bad code, player crushing changes, and community disenfranchisement.


SWG was groundbreaking and had potential...and this game accomplishes both as well. Give it a year...then we'll see.


Also I'm still playing with the same excellent guildies/clanmates going on 12 years or so. Content? Who cares when you have good friends to kill imps with. MMO's ultimately come down to community, and if you're unhappy with any game ever...just check and see who you are playing with.


First rumor of this game was around 7 years ago, with the name Bioware included. SWG was at the start of the CU when I heard about it. 10 million dollars, 6 years+ development time, Devs from SWG pre and post NGE, Devs from Mythic, and many other MMOs and games. The question is now, why does it suck? The answer is EA. They ruin every game they touch. From battlefield series to warhammer. They force launches in beta and they squeeze the penny before it is minted. This game was not ready to launch. I would hope that BIOWARE would want to develop their own engine for a game like this. EA forced them to use a $400 dollar engine because it would speed up launch date. I can think of no other reason than that to use such an old engine for a new MMO. Bottom line is they failed at their first MMO because of it. I am not going to pay another month for Starfox 64 and Vanilla WoW with blasters. Not even a good copy at that. Worst part is, is that I had such high hopes for this game. What I got was disappointment and now resentment. I am not even going to get into the fail patches and balance issues of the game. I have never seen any company launch patches without testing them before. This is the first. This is a trend patches to fix patches. It will be never ending and this game WILL go free to play. Get ready to pay for gear sets. You will have to buy each piece of the lowest set for a few bucks each in order to buy the next tier and so on and so on. You will have to pay to get into new instances I.E. 14.95 for access to Rage of the Jawas for 1 month. It will happen.

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Face it, the days of sanbox mmo are done. Vanguard and EQ and SWG were is a class of games that dont draw enough people anymore. Its all about instance gear grinds instead of open world hunting and immersive crafting. VG had two of the greatest systems outside of adventuring, vrafting and diplomacy.
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Face it, the days of sanbox mmo are done. Vanguard and EQ and SWG were is a class of games that dont draw enough people anymore. Its all about instance gear grinds instead of open world hunting and immersive crafting. VG had two of the greatest systems outside of adventuring, vrafting and diplomacy.


Dumbest post of the year. VG was one of the worst games I have ever played. It was a fail copy of EQ&WoW. It was just plain bad. You are dumb if you think it is over. The players want it and the Game Devs don't know how to do or are out for a quick easy buck. EVE is a space sandbox and does just fine as limited as it is. OMG there was nothing good about VG. Vomit. Like I said before give me 10 mil and see what happens.

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SWG was a terrible game for the last 4 years. If you are talking about pre-nge SWG that you miss then shut up it was gone over 6 years ago. As for post-nge this game in 1.1 released more content and updates than SWG did in its last 4 years.


I played SWG for 7 years and I'm glad it finally died I can actually enjoy star wars again.


It seems extremely obvious that you didn't play during the past four years despite what you say. Either that or when you did play you hid in your house and didn't do anything or you are simply trolling. If you did play, then you well know that there was tons of content added--they even added quite a bit of content during the sunset period.

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Meh, SWTOR is here, SWG is gone.


I got bored in SWG too, once holo's came out, and all my friends dedicated themselves to the Holocron grind instead of hanging out and playing together.


At least in SWTOR, when I see an Agent or a Trooper, I know that the person playing it actually chose the class, and they aren't just leveling it to the cap to unlock a Jedi.

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I got to kill gungans in SWG. Where are the gungans here? It was the highlight of my day to come home, hop on my speeder and head to the gungan temple on Naboo and commence my vicious slaughter of that horrible race of creature!


yus! I would go out and grind shards for that acid crystal, and my first stop was the gungan camp on Rori. Slice and DICED. Satisfaction!:p

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believe it or not, dancing was a "class" that you could actually level up in. you would spend your time hanging out in cantinas chatting etc, while the adventurers would come in and ask for your buffs "sometimes for a price".


So you can spend all your time standing around doing nothing... Fun...


There were actually many people that did this and it was macro'd so you could leave your computer and buff people and level. you could dance, make music and your "flourishes" buffed people. iirc


So, you didn't even have to be there? You just let the game play itself? Why pay for a game that you don't actually play?


edit: Now that i think of it twiileks were the chosen dancer class back in swg as well. They had a billion outfits to choose from. The devs had fun with the whole idea of dancing class.


So, the devs were awesome because they promoted the over-sexualization of woman to the extent that they made billions of outfits for them to wear. All this so guys without girlfriends could sit at home and pretend to be twiilek dancers. Awesome.


The original dev team was THE MOST ORIGINAL DEV TEAM in mmo history.


This is a joke, right? You obviously never played UO.

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i think they both have their advantages.

overall, SWTOR feels like it has smoother gameplay than SWG. i enjoy the ACs and the 3 trees per AC, vs the one tree for each class, and it was just how you mixed things up

SWTOR by far has better leveling and storyline, SWG's legacy quest does not compare at all (please dont make me go kill more spiders). SWTOR, while not as much as i had hoped, still surpasses SWG in the area of your choices make a difference, and LS/DS does mean more than it did in SWG (though still not much)

to me, SWTOR has more streamlined and iconic looking worlds, SWG was huge and you got the sense of exploration (which i do definitely miss) but many cities and areas were just copies of the other, with some re-arrangements here and there


while SWTOR has a better lvling and class system, SWG had the better endgame and player features


the cities is one thing i miss most, i enjoyed doing quests just so i could decorate my house with the rewards, not to mention what i could do with my spaceships

speaking of which, SWG definitely had some of the most epic space combat i have ever played. i long for the days when i would get players in my gunship and they would man my turrets while we went hunting for corvettes

not to mention that you could totally dedicate yourself to space if you really wanted to. my character stayed at lvl 30-40 for quite some time while he became an imperial ace pilot. in SWTOR it is just a means to get an xp boost or daily comms

crafting was actually viable in SWG, the economy was over-inflated, but at least crafting produced the best quality. in SWTOR quality only comes from PVP or HM FP gear, and makes crafting pointless after lvl 50

the sense i got playing SWG of a community was great, whereas in SWTOR it is just whoever you randomly wind up meeting on ilum or asking to do a FP


they both have their better features, and while i dont expect SWTOR to be SWG, i would love to see some of those things again and it would certainly keep me around longer

Edited by blargian
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i think they both have their advantages.

overall, SWTOR feels like it has smoother gameplay than SWG. i enjoy the ACs and the 3 trees per AC, vs the one tree for each class, and it was just how you mixed things up

SWTOR by far has better leveling and storyline, SWG's legacy quest does not compare at all (please dont make me go kill more spiders). SWTOR, while not as much as i had hoped, still surpasses SWG in the area of your choices make a difference, and LS/DS does mean more than it did in SWG (though still not much)

to me, SWTOR has more streamlined and iconic looking worlds, SWG was huge and you got the sense of exploration (which i do definitely miss) but many cities and areas were just copies of the other, with some re-arrangements here and there


while SWTOR has a better lvling and class system, SWG had the better endgame and player features


the cities is one thing i miss most, i enjoyed doing quests just so i could decorate my house with the rewards, not to mention what i could do with my spaceships

speaking of which, SWG definitely had some of the most epic space combat i have ever played. i long for the days when i would get players in my gunship and they would man my turrets while we went hunting for corvettes

not to mention that you could totally dedicate yourself to space if you really wanted to. my character stayed at lvl 30-40 for quite some time while he became an imperial ace pilot. in SWTOR it is just a means to get an xp boost or daily comms

crafting was actually viable in SWG, the economy was over-inflated, but at least crafting produced the best quality. in SWTOR quality only comes from PVP or HM FP gear, and makes crafting pointless after lvl 50

the sense i got playing SWG of a community was great, whereas in SWTOR it is just whoever you randomly wind up meeting on ilum or asking to do a FP


they both have their better features, and while i dont expect SWTOR to be SWG, i would love to see some of those things again and it would certainly keep me around longer



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I miss decorating my House's. I Never did get that Hanger I wanted so bad...... To me this game is not Star Wars at all. I enjoy this game don't get me wrong on that. I guess the time line being so far in the past. I understand this was done to have freedom from LA to do what was needed for the the game to be a Success. I know old George had to approve every single thing for SWG. I like the looks of my Ancient FireSpray..... I just can not drop items in it. There is not enough storage space in this game I was selling off items i should have been keeping for crafting because I did not have the room. I do hope we can get other ships in the future.
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I miss decorating my House's. I Never did get that Hanger I wanted so bad...... To me this game is not Star Wars at all. I enjoy this game don't get me wrong on that. I guess the time line being so far in the past. I understand this was done to have freedom from LA to do what was needed for the the game to be a Success. I know old George had to approve every single thing for SWG. I like the looks of my Ancient FireSpray..... I just can not drop items in it. There is not enough storage space in this game I was selling off items i should have been keeping for crafting because I did not have the room. I do hope we can get other ships in the future.


The only thing actually keeping players from leaving is the star wars sense in this game. I encourage the developers to bring in swg aspects of the game and bring in more players than ever before.


Oh and by the way, I feel for you about the hangar.


(at least I got a cantina) :cool:

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I like it. I look at PC games like girlfriends. You can sit back and compare them all to "The One" or take each one as their own adventure with their own special qualities.


I like the Star Wars franchise and I liked Mass Effect. Those two things mixed is a lot better foundation than some other MMOs I've played. I think with the foundation they've started the groundwork for an epic gaming experience has been put down.



I've read a lot of opinions in this thread. Most of them are MMO cliche's, "this game will never be better than XXX", "it just ripped good ideas from other games" and the ever impressive/original "If you don't do what this other game that failed did...your game will fail". Those post are original and never seen ever on any other MMO lunch ever. lol


While I get it...you really liked that other game...that game is gone. Had it been appealing to everyone we'd be posting on it's forums. It's the same psychology as when your grandparents tell you how much better things back in the day were....it couldn't have been that much better they didn't have central heat and air.


Leave your baggage at the door guys. Move forward. Life will never be as good as it was in your mind.

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Have to say if a SWG 2 came out tomorrow I would be on it. No hesitation no nothing.


The things I actually miss most about SWG was being able to create my own character who looked different to most other characters, I miss the £D space combat, the heroic instances and the Open world PVP. When I heard of TOR I thought it would do all of these much better, guess I was wrong.

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I loved SWG. I quit for good after the CU ruined it.


SWG had alot of strong features that would be awesome here. I would LOVE to customize my starship. I would love to be able to have my own house - but really, I would settle for my ship.


SWG had no story. Worse than that, the only thing it had was a grind. I changed professions so many times in order to unlock my jedi slot only to realize I didn't really like jedi. SWG took too much energy for too little reward.


SWTOR has given me what no other MMO has ever given me. Story that I matter in. SWTOR moves my experience forward by keeping me playing because I'm actually interested in what happens next.


BW truly gets story.

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