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Any one else liking the annihilation fix/buff?


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So far in pvp I've been topping the charts and reaching the 300k mark pretty easily. even in a quick alderan i hit about 250k damage with not a lot of effort.


the base damage has been around the same but the crits are about 300-400 extra damage stronger.


anyone else enjoying this fix/buff to marauders?

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its different if people know how to play a class, other things come into play such as: gear priority and ability to implement their abilities to the fullest.


he was complaining about damage and 100k is pathetic compared to what a half decent marauder can do.

Edited by Zilrota
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its different if people know how to play a class, other things come into play such as: gear priority and ability to implement their abilities to the fullest.


he was complaining about damage and 100k is pathetic compared to what a half decent marauder can do.


What the rest of us are talking about is how the recent change is mathematically a DPS loss. You might be having a good day but the actual bleed damage being done in game is mathematically lower right now. This isn't an L2P or skill issue. Bioware literally lowered the damage through these changes.

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its different if people know how to play a class, other things come into play such as: gear priority and ability to implement their abilities to the fullest.


he was complaining about damage and 100k is pathetic compared to what a half decent marauder can do.


And yet a lot of people report their damage being lower than before.


Damage is lower than before. player skills has nothing to do with that

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Since the +30% to crit dmg is additive it ends up being about a 5% nerf to overall bleed dmg (assuming 50% bleed crit chance which is probably conservative if you factor in Berzerk uptime) which means it's less than 5% nerf to total dmg.


If you were doing well with annihilation pre-patch, you'll continue to do well. They shouldn't have called it a buff though.


Since the base dmg determined by str, power, etc is same in both cases, I just excluded it from calculations.

@ 80% crit multiplier:


old crit: 1.34 x 1.8 = 2.412

new crit: 1.15 x 2.1 = 2.415


old non-crit: 1.34

new non-crit: 1.15


at 50% crit chance

old: 0.67 + 1.206 = 1.876

new: 0.575 + 1.2075 = 1.7825


(1.876 - 1.7825)/1.876 = 0.0498 = approx 5% bleed dmg decrease



2.415(x) + 1.15(1-x) = 2.412x + 1.34(1-x)

x = 0.9844


For it to be considered a buff at 80% crit multiplier, you would have to have > 98.44% crit chance.

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Well if that's how the equations are utilized in game, then that kinda sucks. It's not class breaking, but being informed that it's a buff is misleading.


Has anyone experimentally compared their bleed number pre-patch to post-patch? I forgot to record my crit values last night to compare to today.

Edited by deathTouchIG
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My 683 DPS warzone match earlier today points to: yes


Get 105% accuracy


Stack crit


Stack surge


After stacking those, stack power


Generate Fury










And then you met a sorc. And it turns out he had another sorc backing him up..

Edited by Zilrota
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For those thinking that Annihilation got nerfed, it's only due to a low amount of crit on your part, which is now easier to boost than ever before due to the Champion Bag changes.


Spend all of your Champion tokens on the Marauder Gloves, strip the mods out of them and place them into the rest of your gear. The Marauder Champion gloves contain Crit/Surge stats. Doing this to all of your gear you'll easily sit at 31%+ crit not including Juyo Form's +15% to bleeds.


To the OP, yes, I'm absolutely loving the fix, my damage has become even more absurd, with regular 3x Deadly Saber crit ticks for 1400+, and far higher with Relic/Adrenal buffs stacked.

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