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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Get rid of interrupts please


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I'm a sorceror, I'm not a heal turret. I only go into heal turret mode when a tank is guarding me and there's a huge melee going on that requires largescale spamming of my longer cast heals. Otherwise I try to be constantly on the move so that I'm not an easy target or at the very least position myself in a more subtle way.


Almost all heals have a green icon around them, so anonymity rarely works against strong opposition.

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If you are a Sage, then this is how healing works. Maybe you aren't in the middle of the fray, but you are more or less stationary, unlike the other classes that have decent if not very good heals on the move.


From what I have experienced in the middle of everyone is the best place to be as it makes it harder for the other team to pick you out as fast.


I stand right in the middle of the action instead of out on the edge where they pick me out immediately and focus me down. If you are in the middle of everything I can usually go unnoticed for about 30+ seconds before they find me and focus me down.


If you are unable to get a heal off you are doing it wrong. I am picked out in every WZ because I am recognized as a good healer by the other team and I still manage to get at least 300k healing in most of the time. You think its bad now -- wait until you make a name for yourself on your server and you will really be in trouble. Use your tools and you will be fine.

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From what I have experienced in the middle of everyone is the best place to be as it makes it harder for the other team to pick you out as fast.


I stand right in the middle of the action instead of out on the edge where they pick me out immediately and focus me down. If you are in the middle of everything I can usually go unnoticed for about 30+ seconds before they find me and focus me down.


If you are unable to get a heal off you are doing it wrong. I am picked out in every WZ because I am recognized as a good healer by the other team and I still manage to get at least 300k healing in most of the time. You think its bad now -- wait until you make a name for yourself on your server and you will really be in trouble. Use your tools and you will be fine.


Never have I seen such a poor disguise of passive boasting. :p

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Guys, we're obviously new to PVP, perhaps MMO's.....


She sounds like a new player, one who hasn't gotten used to the game yet, where once she gets into a busy PVP match, we're overwhelmed....


This is not a reason for ridicule....it's part of life.....live it or die.


To the OP: be at maximum distance, not in the thick of things...some say in the middle of things, but I like the range from the friendly side myself ... heal what you can, when you can, bubble, and run away when things get too close.......stay moving when possible..... over time, you'll find yourself running away less, able to avoid those nasty stuns/interrupts more, have better gear..... etc..


That's the best I can tell ya, and what I did when I was first learning FPS games in '94 ....though we didn't have the bubble.....


It takes alot to get used to all thats going on in a PVP match......it's a busy place, but interrupts are definitely not going away, they are part of what we do in Flashpoints and Raids as well....when Thermocles the World Ender casts Everyone's Gonna Die, a simple kick to the chin, and no cast......same with your heals... in PVP, healers are target one, they are squishier, unless well geared and well played, and they heal....not desirable in a PVP match......

Edited by Rasticles
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why not remove movement also? Just have everyone line up in a straight line 3m apart and mash buttons til someone falls over?


I'm a sage healer, and removing interrupts would be about the dumbest thing BW could do to "fix" pvp.


No offense.



haha your funny. Although i do get his point. Its not really interrupts that is the big issue here. Its the fact that the game is riddled with stuns, knockdowns, knockbacks, and every other crippling effect you can think of. It is beyond over board. They seriously need to remove a lot of these skills from several character classes. To many classes have 2-4 of these skills, so when you combine that with an entire warzone of people doing it, you get the ping pong effect, and half the match your stunned or dead. Its un avoidable the way it currently is.

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revome interupts, remove knockbacks, remove stuns, nerf damage, make me more survivable, give me this, give me that, take away from this guy and that.


NEVER have i seen such a community of such non skilled-whiners. at first, it was entertaining. now it's just getting sad.


you, the OP, even said in your post "if a team knows what they are doing"...you're basically asking to punish skill. you should crawl back into your mother's womb, where you feel safe...and kill yourself there. and please, damage her ability to have more children in the process.

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For god sakes, if the other team knows what they're doing it's a miracle if I can even get a heal off half the time. There's already too much crap preventing me from using my abilities as it is, but I think removing interrupts would at least make it more reasonable.


Stuns, knockbacks, and ability lag from getting hit (I don't know the correct term for this, sorry) are all bad enough, but I believe interrupts are just the icing on the **** cake.


I already feel like I have no control over my character half the time, at least give us some measure of control back by removing interrupts please.


I must agree that there is SO much CC in this game its pretty easy for players to just spam the heck out of them and win if they know what they are doing. Without a doubt the CC in SWTOR is out of control and fighting an experienced team using voice chat and macro keyboards is game-breaking in a sense.

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Sorry but I could not disagree more with you. You're asking that they remove the soul mechanic that stops healers from being ridiculous and abilities like Tracer Missile/Grav Round from being nigh unstoppable? I just can't comprehend that.


Interrupts are one of the few abilities that do take some hint of skill to actually use properly. They require precise timing and quick judgement on your part (what's worthy of interrupting and what's not).


My advice? You've got a couple of options, one of which is to either improve your game by learning how to heal in PvP adequately such as ALWAYS remaining at max distance from potential threats which includes using terrain to your advantage, sticking with your team whenever possible and learning how to properly utilize defensive abilities such as knock backs. Your second option is to start PvPing with competent people who you trust.

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For god sakes, if the other team knows what they're doing it's a miracle if I can even get a heal off half the time. There's already too much crap preventing me from using my abilities as it is, but I think removing interrupts would at least make it more reasonable.


Stuns, knockbacks, and ability lag from getting hit (I don't know the correct term for this, sorry) are all bad enough, but I believe interrupts are just the icing on the **** cake.


I already feel like I have no control over my character half the time, at least give us some measure of control back by removing interrupts please.


If you are just tryig to provoke people into making a specific response you did a good job, because this is probably the worst idea ever.

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why not remove movement also? Just have everyone line up in a straight line 3m apart and mash buttons til someone falls over?


I'm a sage healer, and removing interrupts would be about the dumbest thing BW could do to "fix" pvp.


No offense.


Not to de-rail, but that is one of the funniest statements I have ever seen on here.... until someone falls over! Priceless.

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Imo, they should just remove healing altogether and make everyone tougher to kill. No where in star wars were there people sitting on the side pressing their tricorder or shooting green beams out of their autocannons.


But heroes are genearlly hard to kill. They usually get beaten up really bad, crippled, or whatever before they die. So instead of a defeat and respawn, how about crippling the enemy player when their health is low. So ideally pvp is all about crippling players and move on to other healthy targets. Or they could try to spend a lot of extra time finishing off the crippled player at the risk of being crippled themselves by healthy enemies... In movies, even crippled heroes are still very hard to kill.

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Patch 1.1.3


Pvp Changes


- interrupts no longer interrupt or lock out spells, but instead remove all instances of them from the action bar.


- tracer missle / grav round / force lightning / telekinwtic throw now have an additional casting cost of 50 cents


Space Missions


- a new space mission has been added: Ilum Assault! Use your spaceship to bombard the surface of Ilum, scoring pc kills that will count towards your daily / weekly and award valor per kill.




- you may now pay 10$ to protect your posts from deletion for a period of one week.

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Patch 1.1.3


Pvp Changes


- interrupts no longer interrupt or lock out spells, but instead remove all instances of them from the action bar.


- tracer missle / grav round / force lightning / telekinwtic throw now have an additional casting cost of 50 cents


Space Missions


- a new space mission has been added: Ilum Assault! Use your spaceship to bombard the surface of Ilum, scoring pc kills that will count towards your daily / weekly and award valor per kill.




- you may now pay 10$ to protect your posts from deletion for a period of one week.


This won't happen until the game goes F2P in June.

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