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Proof that BioWare dont care about Hardcore Gamers at all!


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Did NM EV some Hours ago and we got this new nice title duno might have been buged before. The Infernal , how to get this is to do Speed run under 2H NM -_-


2H what a **** we clear that **** in 30-40mins and u give us a speed run Title under 2H


Give some title u can be Proud of doing!! and be bit hard well i know the bosses aren't hard at all. give like none die in the raid or just speed run under 30mins


Hard core gamers dont pay the bills my friend. Seriously, all you "Self Proclaimed" Hard core gamers really need to get over yourselves. Your not special, your not priviledged, and you are certainly not the majority.


You are just another customer. Bioware or any other company doesn't owe yours or any other group of players anything. They put out a product and you either like it or you don't. Its really quite simple. But this sense of entitlement that you self proclaimed "hard core" players have is laughable.


Exactly what makes you "hard core"? Really, I would love to hear what your definition of hard core is. If you have to label yourself as something, then you probably aren't what you think you are.


Casual Gamers pay the bills. Casual Gamers have the money to pay the bills. That is just the way it is and you had better get used to it. There is always that other MMO you came from if you don't like this one, unless its dead which is probably the case and that's why you are here in the first place.


Just think of this game as a fast food chain. You don't as Mc Donalds to be Burger King and you don't ask Burger King to be Jack in the Box and you don't ask Jack in the Box to be Wendy's.


Sure, they all have similar items on the menu just like all MMO's have similarities but like the food, MMO's also have different flavors. If the Flavor of the TOR doesn't appeal to you then just eat/play somewhere else.

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Normally I don't post however Bioware made star wars for casual gamers cuz the so called hardcore players ruin every other game like WoW was ruined by the so called hardcore players who whined that wrath was to easy so cata became to hard for casuals and now wow needs to nerf everything to fix it for said casuals. So yes hardcore gamers ruin games enough said less QQ more pewpew if you dont like the way star wars is go play WoW or any other game designed for hardcore players.


Hate to say it but the casuals ruined WoW. The reason alot of people are leaving WoW is because they have nothing to do, and why do you ask they have nothing to do? Its not because WoW catered to hardcore players its because they have everything in the game they need already. Why is that? Its because everything is so easy to do that you finish it in 2 hours and have nothing to do the rest of the week.


I raided in WoW from beginning of the game till the end of cata and I left for a more casual game since I work now and Star Wars is perfect and now that GW2 is coming out this year which is even more Casual and ArenaNet wont change it from the so called hardcore people who complain about everything and then run away from the game..


Are you now saying that you will be leaving SWTOR for GW2 because its even more casual of a game? Thats what it looks like you said. So why should a game cater to you only(and not everyone) when you admit you will leave the game for something else therefor saying you dont care about the game itself but how easy it is.


The game is casual leave it at that go play another game that is designed for the hardcore players. I would if i was still hardcore but i am not and SWTOR is fine.


Once again I will try to explain it to you. Hardcore gamers do not want the game just for themselves they just want something to do in the game like everyone else. Casual gamers want the game just for themselves. Then you go and say hardcore gamers are the problem? Go look in a mirror if you want to see the problem.

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Once again I will try to explain it to you. Hardcore gamers do not want the game just for themselves they just want something to do in the game like everyone else. Casual gamers want the game just for themselves. Then you go and say hardcore gamers are the problem? Go look in a mirror if you want to see the problem.


Its more like:


casual gamers - play for the simple goal of enjoyment.


hard core gamers - play for the sense of achievement and enjoyment is not tied directly to game play.


Nothing wrong with either style and if both poles would sit and actually look at the facts, they would realize they do not interact much if it all with the other group in game so who really cares how or why others play.


The great part of a MMO. You do what you do and let me do what I do.

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Once again I will try to explain it to you. Hardcore gamers do not want the game just for themselves they just want something to do in the game like everyone else. Casual gamers want the game just for themselves. Then you go and say hardcore gamers are the problem? Go look in a mirror if you want to see the problem.


The problem is.....it was well known that SWTOR was going to be casual centric and nothing to do is sort of a misnomer You have Nightmare mode operations and heroic flashpoints they just aren't enough and don't give you things that make you feel special enough....but again it isn't a uber hardcore game and never will be.

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Once again I will try to explain it to you. Hardcore gamers do not want the game just for themselves they just want something to do in the game like everyone else. Casual gamers want the game just for themselves. Then you go and say hardcore gamers are the problem? Go look in a mirror if you want to see the problem.


Nope ya got that wrong...everyone wants the game to be tailored to how they play. Hardcore gamers just have much higher expectations on what will be delivered, how fast it will be delivered, and how difficult it will be. Hardcore gamers are notoriously difficult to please. This is the root of the problem.

Edited by Thunder-God
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Hardcore gamers? I'm sorry but that in itself is a joke. Mashing keys is hardly a skill. Even a 5 year old child can press keys/buttons on a keyboard/controller.


I'm a hardcore finger painter. Come at me bro.


Sad Panda much and stuck on Pilon event on Normal Mode?

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The hardcores can go to GW2 but complaining there about being hardcore and content isnt out fast enough wont fly since Arena Net made GW2 to be casual there are no raids at all only 5 man content and thats how the game will stay.


And, a very wise decision, they do not have official GW2 forums. They gracefully ignore the QQ-ing and whining and focus on the game.

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Once again I will try to explain it to you. Hardcore gamers do not want the game just for themselves they just want something to do in the game like everyone else. Casual gamers want the game just for themselves. Then you go and say hardcore gamers are the problem? Go look in a mirror if you want to see the problem.


Your logic makes absolutely no sense.


It would appear to me that you are saying that there isn't enough for "hard core" gamers to do in the game.


Ok, my response is simple. Stop playing the game as if it were your job. Nobody told you to spend your every waking moment playing the game. Also, unless you maxed out to 50 every class in the game then you haven't exhausted everything in the game. So don't give me that lame excuse that there is nothing to do.


The friggin game has only been out for a month and a half. How much content do you actually expect. Stop being rediculous and gain some perspective.


As far as casual gamers "wanting the game for ourselves", well clearly you don't get that either. All casual gamers want is the ability to enjoy a game for whatever amount of time we want to invest in it.


We generally are people who have lives outside of the game that are demanding and take priority. We cant play the game 10hrs a day like you self proclaimed hardcore players.


The real problem stems from the fact that you seem to equate time in game with entitlement. Once you get past the fact that the more you play doesn't mean your entitled to something the happier you will be.


TBH I really equate the label of being hardcore as being a loser. Clearly if you dedicate that much time to playing a game, then there is no doubt that there are other facets of life that are being neglected. Just stands to reason and common sense.

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Ok, I'll be sure to check back with you next week. What day do you raid?



Reset day so it would make it Tuesday's, just have to make some dude in the raid frap it as i am siting on Netcafe atm as it take 25 day's to move my internet to my new place -_-

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Nope ya got that wrong...everyone wants the game to be tailored to how they play. Hardcore gamers just have much higher expectations on what will be delivered, how fast it will be delivered, and how difficult it will be. Hardcore gamers are notoriously difficult to please. This is the root of the problem.


You know what we do with the root of the problem.................WE ROOT THE PROBLEM OUT.


That would be your cue to move on.:D

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Reset day so it would make it Tuesday's, just have to make some dude in the raid frap it as i am siting on Netcafe atm as it take 25 day's to move my internet to my new place -_-


Oh ok, so now you can't record it, but you'll totally remember to ask someone in the raid to record it for you.




So on Tuesday I'll see the excuse that whoever it was you asked had forgotten?

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Oh ok, so now you can't record it, but you'll totally remember to ask someone in the raid to record it for you.




So on Tuesday I'll see the excuse that whoever it was you asked had forgotten?


Not at all i will Frap it my self but i don't know how the Quality will be so i just ask one more to do it in case it looks like total ****

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Not at all i will Frap it my self but i don't know how the Quality will be so i just ask one more to do it in case it looks like total ****


Oh don't worry about quality man. I've been through it plenty of times. I just want to see a continuous 30 minute speed run on Nightmare mode.

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Oh don't worry about quality man. I've been through it plenty of times. I just want to see a continuous 30 minute speed run on Nightmare mode.


sure will do, can Frap KP NM 40 mins run to if i got time.

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Your logic makes absolutely no sense.


It would appear to me that you are saying that there isn't enough for "hard core" gamers to do in the game.


You are correct they is not enough to do.


Ok, my response is simple. Stop playing the game as if it were your job. Nobody told you to spend your every waking moment playing the game. Also, unless you maxed out to 50 every class in the game then you haven't exhausted everything in the game. So don't give me that lame excuse that there is nothing to do.


Once again you act is if I play this game 20 hours a day, I dont and if even if I did what gives you the right to say I cant have content because of how long I play. If I said you dont get to see all the content unless you play 4 hours a day you would cry but telling someone they cant play more than 2 hours a day is ok? Like how you add in there I need to have a 50 of every class, why not say I should have 50 50's since thats the amount of toons you can make in total. So you think that once I hit 50 I should roll an alt and get that 50 and I will have something to do. Well what about my 50 toon she still has nothing to do.


The friggin game has only been out for a month and a half. How much content do you actually expect. Stop being rediculous and gain some perspective.


Like I said before there should be something to do at all times in the game. Especially in the beginning of a games life. To run out of content in once you hit 50 is rediculous. esecially this early in the game.


As far as casual gamers "wanting the game for ourselves", well clearly you don't get that either. All casual gamers want is the ability to enjoy a game for whatever amount of time we want to invest in it.


But you dont want others to have the same thing therefor you are saying you only care about yourselves and instead of saying sure add endgame content for other players so they also have something to do you tell them to just stop playing the game until I catch up to where you are and then they can add stuff into the game because I need more stuff now.


We generally are people who have lives outside of the game that are demanding and take priority. We cant play the game 10hrs a day like you self proclaimed hardcore players.


So what exactly do you do that you can be posting in the forums now? If you dont have enough time to play the game because of RL issues maybe you shouldnt be playing games at all and should be spending it with your family since you dont have much time as it is, dont waste it playing a game.


The real problem stems from the fact that you seem to equate time in game with entitlement. Once you get past the fact that the more you play doesn't mean your entitled to something the happier you will be.


Once you realize that that everyone should be able to play the game whenever they want and that if people put the time in effort into something they should get more than someone who doesnt they we can all be happy.


TBH I really equate the label of being hardcore as being a loser. Clearly if you dedicate that much time to playing a game, then there is no doubt that there are other facets of life that are being neglected. Just stands to reason and common sense.


Have a total of 29 hours playing the game since Dec 22. All your theories about hardcore being about amount of time played is out the window. I make use of my time instead of wasting it. Please tell me how many hours you have in game so far.

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I think in some ways the OP may have a valid point. It wouldn't hurt Bioware to put in some actual difficult content for its more active subscriber base.


Sure it might only represent >5% of the population, but actual challenging and difficult PVE content is a nice thing to have, if even only for the purpose of having more end game stuff you can try to do.


If they put in a special title for a 2hr run, then they are probably surprised that people are doing it in less than half that time. It may not be working as intended, and I think "nightmare" mode was supposed to be very difficult. Its just not implemented that way.


The whole game in general is kinda easy, I think thats something that most people can agree on. Perhaps it just needs some balancing.

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Have a total of 29 hours playing the game since Dec 22. All your theories about hardcore being about amount of time played is out the window. I make use of my time instead of wasting it. Please tell me how many hours you have in game so far.


29 hours played and you are lvl 50 and bored?

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