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Anyone else tired of Tanking / healing class owning the wz DPS


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Well alot of non DPS class's responding here .. and as expected most are like what .. what I don't know what your talking about..


Well just so you know this is not a RAGE post.. I have been paying attention to this for the past 2 weeks and yes on Iron citadel, you will find a Jedi counselor as the leader in damage, or a commando..


Now that being said sure as in the case of a commando they can do alot of damage, but neither the commando and especially the counselor have pure DPS as an option, Jedi knights do have pure DPS as an option.

Now I'm not using myself as an example because I know I'm not fully geared and am only level 46 valor ... however as I said I very rarely see a Jedi knight class leading the damage charts at wz completion. id say the average total damage I've noticed Jedi knights put out is around 160k. This make no sense when I see a Jedi counselors put out 275k plus damage, on top of there 200k healing, sure i expect counselors to do damage but, they are not a DPS class and should not even been in contention with a DPS class, equally said a DPS class should not be in contention for healing numbers.


Healers ... <Heal> and should top the healing charts..

Tanks ... <Defend> and should top the protection charts..

DPS ... <Damage dealers> and should top the damage charts..


THIS IS NOT the case..


That's really not how it should work. Anyone specced for damage should do about the same damage. Extra utility like taunts in the tank cases should be matched by utility offered by the snipers and sentinels.

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That's really not how it should work. Anyone specced for damage should do about the same damage. Extra utility like taunts in the tank cases should be matched by utility offered by the snipers and sentinels.


Yea BioWare has gone on record numerous times to say all DPS specs should be within 5% of eachother. I personally don't see that goal achievable but that at least gives you their perspective on it. There is no hybrid tax nor should a class that can heal be expected to do significantly less damage in their DPS roles than a pure DPS class.

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You have to look at more than damage total.


The main issue I find is sorcs not only have crazy damage, but high utility/survivability that allows their non speced heals to be effect patch/self healing.



Its trivial to shutdown commando/mercs speced gunnery spam, so I can live with their high situational damage, even though it sucks when i get burned down out in open once in a bit.

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As the title states ..

Is it not a bit odd that WZ results, top damage dealers most often, are of the tank or healing class's ??

Should this not be a stat mainly ruled by the DPS class's ??


If you mean Tankable and Healable classes who are specced for DPS, than that is no problem, because they ARE DPS classes. Their selfheals and survival capabilities are laughable then.


If you mean Tanking classes specced as tank, and Healing classes specced as heal, then all your DPSers simply fail because there is no other way that those tanks/healers could top damage meters.


Also, damage done says absolutely nothing about performance in a warzone.

Also, Marauders are the best damage dealers there are, and pretty much every class fears a good played Marauder.

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Probably not gonna say much new here, but really wanted to make some points, to either re-affirm or introduce.


A. Tanks and Healers (if they are actually spec'd for those roles and you're not just assuming they are because their advance class is *capable* of spec'ing those roles) can stay alive longer in warzones. Less dead time = more time doing damage and healing.


B. The obvious DPS advance classes, Sage/Sorc, Merc/Commando, etc, also tend to become prime targets. I've actually learned in huttball with my sorcerer I play a better role than DPS, I play the role of "Distraction". "Oh look, a sorcerer, let's get em boys!" <5 seconds later> "Frogdogs SCORE!"


C. You (the OP and whoever else keeps throwing out phrases like "healer classes" or "dps classes") seem to be ignoring the concept of roles. Not all Merc/Commando/Sage/Sorc/etc are healers, and not all are dps, and NONE are both, at least not very well.


D. Sort of in line with C, advance classes of the same base class share the same icon. So when you see that Inquisitor icon, are you sure it's an assassin or is it a sorcerer to begin with?


Those are my points on topping charts with numbers. As for medals, well the medal system could use a little work, and someone already mentioned one fairly well known way to exploit it for the healing medals. There's actually a guide on a certain blog about how to get all 9 medals as a certain DPS spec'd advance class everyone seems to hate.

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Probably not gonna say much new here, but really wanted to make some points, to either re-affirm or introduce.


A. Tanks and Healers (if they are actually spec'd for those roles and you're not just assuming they are because their advance class is *capable* of spec'ing those roles) can stay alive longer in warzones. Less dead time = more time doing damage and healing.


B. The obvious DPS advance classes, Sage/Sorc, Merc/Commando, etc, also tend to become prime targets. I've actually learned in huttball with my sorcerer I play a better role than DPS, I play the role of "Distraction". "Oh look, a sorcerer, let's get em boys!" <5 seconds later> "Frogdogs SCORE!"


C. You (the OP and whoever else keeps throwing out phrases like "healer classes" or "dps classes") seem to be ignoring the concept of roles. Not all Merc/Commando/Sage/Sorc/etc are healers, and not all are dps, and NONE are both, at least not very well.


D. Sort of in line with C, advance classes of the same base class share the same icon. So when you see that Inquisitor icon, are you sure it's an assassin or is it a sorcerer to begin with?


Those are my points on topping charts with numbers. As for medals, well the medal system could use a little work, and someone already mentioned one fairly well known way to exploit it for the healing medals. There's actually a guide on a certain blog about how to get all 9 medals as a certain DPS spec'd advance class everyone seems to hate.

A is very debatable. Against a good team an healer alone is going to get killed so fast that he probably won't be able to do much healing. I'd argue tanks are in a similar situation, without an healer, you'll probably die the most on your team because you're taking damage from them without any heals to keep you up. Now, a good healer and a good tank together? Definitely. You'll be hard pushed to kill the both of them. Unfortunately that is pretty rare in pugs. As a tank, I rarely come across a solid healer who knows to keep me alive as well as themselves for optimal protection.

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The problem is the pure DPS classes with no access to taunts or heals don't put out enough damage. DPS specs still get these group tools.

Well at least marauders get a healing debuff to make up for the lack of group support but snipers are terrible.


Are you kidding me? You ever tried healing with a character that's not specced to do so?

You also might find it useful that you can apply the -20% debuff with one gcd as a sniper and not with 3 to 5 like Juggernauts and Mercs.

And Marauders ... I'd swap my 2 lame healing spells for a group run speed buff, vanish, group damage boost and healing debuff without thinking twice.


It's actually the 2 pure dps ACs that have the most ultility.

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A is very debatable. Against a good team an healer alone is going to get killed so fast that he probably won't be able to do much healing. I'd argue tanks are in a similar situation, without an healer, you'll probably die the most on your team because you're taking damage from them without any heals to keep you up. Now, a good healer and a good tank together? Definitely. You'll be hard pushed to kill the both of them. Unfortunately that is pretty rare in pugs. As a tank, I rarely come across a solid healer who knows to keep me alive as well as themselves for optimal protection.


Is a good point. Guess I'm just used to playing against the same team that is very smart about their pairing ups.

But, you also mentioned "against a good team an healer alone" which is an obvious, against a good team, an anybody alone is going to get killed pretty fast, probably before getting to do much DPS, which actually is what I was getting at with my second point I believe. As soon as people see a tracer missile or lightning arc across the screen it's a big <censored> KILL ME sign.


But in all reality, I don't think I have much opinion on this topic anymore, since who tops what tends to depend on who plays better in my experience.

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Is a good point. Guess I'm just used to playing against the same team that is very smart about their pairing ups.

But, you also mentioned "against a good team an healer alone" which is an obvious, against a good team, an anybody alone is going to get killed pretty fast, probably before getting to do much DPS, which actually is what I was getting at with my second point I believe. As soon as people see a tracer missile or lightning arc across the screen it's a big <censored> KILL ME sign.


But in all reality, I don't think I have much opinion on this topic anymore, since who tops what tends to depend on who plays better in my experience.

Well, I wasn't even on about premades when I said that about the healer. I just mean a team where a few of the DPS are smart enough to go for the healer straight away, like they should. Very true though, a lot of it depends on the player, as well as gear.

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I think there is a major assumption : Tanks / Healers are OP by themselves. The reason why Dps classes are not topping warzones is that many of them do not work as a team. They are so focused on doing damage, they are often not in range for healing or to benefit from tank taunts.


The reason why tanks and healers top the charts are because they are more likely to be team players .


Next time you are in a warzone look to see who isnt fighting on caps but rather chasing down strays to satisfy their own egos. It is often the dps that fail to work as a team. To them, the warzone is all about how much damage THEY can do. The post by the OP proves their mindset. Think about it.

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currenlty pvp is broken as hell.


Tech and Force based attacks bypass most of mitigation types (including CD activated stuff). So anyone using tech/force read trooper/sage has a HUGE edge on anyone who uses melee/ranged read Knight/Smugler.


This is why you see peope running around using tracer missiles/explosive round and 5 million lighting bolts all over the place.


If BW wants to fix this bs they need to make force tech deal with all the same mitigation factors as all the other attacks otherwise welcome to the world of ****** pvp.

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Get yourself Pure Shockfrozen Water (look it up on torhead or search for magenta cystal), its very easily exploitable, reusable and heals you for 50% hp with 10 sec CD, out of combat, giving you free healing medals.


p.s. I wish Bioware fixed it in the patch, but they didnt and I dont think its fair that only some people know about it.


I didn't know about it until today. It took me all of 20 minutes to get and now I have access to a whopping +100 valor per game.


It isn't an exploit. It's just an easy to obtain item that gives everyone access to healing medals and might occasionally save you from DoTs if you get lucky.

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