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Patch, who cares?


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First let me just say as a disclaimer im not a BW hater, and im not here to hate on the game just to give my opinions. That said...


There really appears to be a serious disconnect between the community and the devs, as far as whats a priority in this game, lets take a look at this latest patch


Theres a fix that changes the animations for hydraulic overides and hold the line to make it more noticable, thats great maybe 1 - 10 percent of your population uses that ability and i can certainly see why its fixed, meanwhile we still wait for the combat log to even make it to the test server, which would effect 100% of your population. im not saying that fixing the animation is a bad thing but really? thats a priority?


A fix to the legacy system so that it requires more exp after level 20 to gain levels. Thats good i guess, but the legacy system isnt even in the game, so who cares. you have no macros, no ui flexibilty at all, (i have seen the ui video) and you havent put your ui changes even on the test server yet and you patching legacy exp past level 20? this litteraly doesnt do anything for anyone as the legacy system isnt even in the game, or on the test server.


its just extremly frustrating to every week get these patches that fix little or nothing while MAJOR issues dont even make it to the test server to even start the evaluation process.

as a beta tester for a year, i can say that theres about 4 or 5 issues that about 90% of the population has been asking for fixes to since a year ago.



Legacy (actually put into the game)

Combat logs



I mean its been a year since I was invited to the beta test for this game i can remeber when i started testing how bad tab targeting was, how frustrating it was not to have a combat log, how excited i was about the legacy system, and how dissapointed i was about the lacke of UI support. I just kept telling my self its beta, this stuff will all be worked out. Its a year later im still waiting.


Please get some of these issues at least to the test server so that we the community can know that were close to some kind of resolution, please stop patching things just so you can add patch notes, please stop trying to add content to your game when it doesnt have the basic ground work in place to allow you to enjoy it.



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There really appears to be a serious disconnect between the community and the devs


There really appears to be a serious disconnect between the tiny portion of the community that spends all their time on the forums screaming and whining and crying and complaining bitterly and inconsistently and the devs...



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There really appears to be a serious disconnect between the tiny portion of the community that spends all their time on the forums screaming and whining and crying and complaining bitterly and inconsistently and the devs...




As a paying customer I agree with everything the OP said. I mean this is 2012 and to not have things that MMO's released in the 90's with it unfathomable. For god's sake EQ (and every major MMO since) had a combat log and that was released 13 years ago. How was that not a priority. I personally love being hit by something, or dying and not having a clue how.


Their priorities are screwed up. I work for a software company. Trust me I know how dev team works. Each team is working on different things and different completion times for tasks are completely normal. Fixing an animation would take less time then designing and implementing a combat log or customizable UI (again it boggles my mind how these weren't release ready but I digress).


What they need to do is put off these minor things and just include them in a major patch. It would feel like less of an insult to the community. Of course maybe if they spoke more to their community they'd at least give the perception they were more in touch but they hardly do by comparison to the top MMO. Bottom line, bioware needs to learn professionalism and how to properly manage expectations of a MMO community because right now every step they are taking has been completely wrong.

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The Soa fix is kinda a big deal and is most welcome.


In software development you fix what you can when you can. I'm actually happy they're taking time to make their existing software work before they roll out new content and features on a broken base game.

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There really appears to be a serious disconnect between the tiny portion of the community that spends all their time on the forums screaming and whining and crying and complaining bitterly and inconsistently and the devs...




lol agree i was going to post something very similar

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The Soa fix is kinda a big deal and is most welcome.


In software development you fix what you can when you can. I'm actually happy they're taking time to make their existing software work before they roll out new content and features on a broken base game.


They have been adding new content..... and they havent been fixing key issues that was the point of this thread.

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Seems everyone on this forum is a software dev. I probably am too, but I just don't know it.


You dont have to be a software dev to understand that theres a pretty solid disconnect between the community and the devs. Just read the forums, then the patch notes. Its about that simple.

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They have been adding new content.....


And fixing it quickly. Multiple teams work on different things and they have one patch a week. This isn't news to anybody who isn't playing their first MMO. The OP seemed to be complaining they weren't adding new content/features fast enough. I was saying I'm happy they're bug squashing.

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To the OP, do you want the animation guy, who could potentially not be a coder, fixing core game issues? I realize how hard it is for people to understand that coders are not interchangeable, because my own management doesn't understand the concept. Just because you work on the same project doesn't mean you know every section of code, and there is a significant increased risk when going into unknown code, and of course, extra time to learn the new code.
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You dont have to be a software dev to understand that theres a pretty solid disconnect between the community and the devs. Just read the forums, then the patch notes. Its about that simple.


Just because BW has the common sense to ignore people like you that ask for something silly like a combat log :rolleyes: over bug fixes doesn't mean they don't listen to everyone els.

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Sorry son, but this is the wrong place to maturely discuss said matters. You're at the prepubescent fanboy ivory tower hideout den.


Tread lightly.


The game has been losing market share ever since the holiday season ended, and this has caused a spike in rabid blind adoration and stifling of anything resembling an argument. The lack of necessary updates gets covered up here so bad that OJ would wish he knew some of these guys when it mattered most.


Go to MMO Champion if you want a proper discussion on the state of SWTOR. You're not going to find it here.

Edited by Dekadez
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And fixing it quickly. Multiple teams work on different things and they have one patch a week. This isn't news to anybody who isn't playing their first MMO. The OP seemed to be complaining they weren't adding new content/features fast enough. I was saying I'm happy they're bug squashing.



Legacy (actually put into the game)

Combat logs



those were my complaints issues that have been in this game since beta started over a year ago, i dont care about content. these things should have been in the game at release, have been griped about for over a year, and should be the highest priority of the dev team as they effect the most people. almost every thread complaing about this game has mention of at least 1 of the 4 of these.

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This is sort of "I don't see a cure for cancer yet, so it must not be a priority and/or people must not be working on it."


We knew ahead of time this patch wasn't going to have Legacy. Last thing I read it's targeted for 1.2.


We have heard nothing solid on any of the other things listed other than they are aware and working on them.


Now you can choose to not believe them. That's fine. But just because we don't see it immediately (or even things asked for in testing phase) doesn't mean they are not working on them.


Personally, what i would do is just fill out my little cancel sheet they give me on exit, and either check back in a bit (3-9 months) and see if they added them. Or just move on entirely.


I thought Rich's blog entry went into a lot of good detail on how things work. But apparently it doesn't do what people want: fix things on their own timetable.

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2/4 of those things should be coming in March.


Do you even pay attention to the Devs?


Do you like carrots? On a stick?


I'm sure you do.


The one thing that has been consistent on these boards since beta, is the 'Something is on the horizon, somewhere. Let's hang in there a little longer'.


But don't forget: A fata morgana never led anyone to the desert oasis.

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To the OP, do you want the animation guy, who could potentially not be a coder, fixing core game issues? I realize how hard it is for people to understand that coders are not interchangeable, because my own management doesn't understand the concept. Just because you work on the same project doesn't mean you know every section of code, and there is a significant increased risk when going into unknown code, and of course, extra time to learn the new code.


My point remains the same i understand where your coming from and appreciate the response, however these issues have been around for over a year, this clearly to me isnt an issue of not having the people, they have added alot to this game. its just an issue of priority imo.

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There really appears to be a serious disconnect between the tiny portion of the community that spends all their time on the forums screaming and whining and crying and complaining bitterly and inconsistently and the devs...




But remember.... he isn't a BW hater and he isn't here to bash the game. :rolleyes:

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OP hits the nail on the head.


I am sure the 10 people that have gone that far into Advanced Prototype will enjoy that animation correction. They may have preferred to have the spec more useful beyond the first two tiers however.


Maybe the same reason they have spent so much time on nerfing BC and "fixing" Illum instead of just getting it right the first time or hell even the second time.

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Sorry son, but this is the wrong place to maturely discuss said matters. You're at the prepubescent fanboy ivory tower hideout den.


Tread lightly.


The game has been losing market share ever since the holiday season ended, and this has caused a spike in rabid blind adoration and stifling of anything resembling an argument. The lack of necessary updates gets covered up here so bad that OJ would wish he knew some of these guys when it mattered most.


Go to MMO Champion if you want a proper discussion on the state of SWTOR. You're not going to find it here.


Yes go to WoWfan central if you want the truth! :rolleyes:

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Yes dont post facts just that you disagree dont bother to have any reasons or anything just im wrong because i have an opinion nice.




Well you did say something reasonable, though unflattering to The Old Republic, in a reasonable manor on the TOR forums. You clearly deserved to be personally attacked.


These are the forums, after all, where the developers called out lying players publicly for the soul purpose of polarizing the community and making it as miserable as possible for everyone with a dissenting opinion.

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Yes go to WoWfan central if you want the truth! :rolleyes:


There's an entirely different community on the SWTOR board, they don't even compare. They have been correct in their assessments, them being mildly positive, but at least they don't shun a critical analysis, unlike these boards.


OP laid out his opinion in a civilized manner, without resorting to stereotypes, boutades or bashing per se. Yet he gets shafted because he's not sugarcoating anything.


These boards have become a cesspit. So many of you here connect with this game on an emotional level, any point of critique is a personal, frontal, assault.


Take a step back and think. Be critical. I know I am. I like the game, and will be evaluating in 3 more months like I always do with any MMO, but I'm not convinced with the support Bioware has been giving us. We've been promised a lot, and got a few. There's always something coming the next month, only to end up getting postponed.

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