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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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If Bioware refuses to do cross-server flashpoints for "philosophical" reasons, then they should allow free server transfers or start merging the dozens of low-population servers.


Having a LFG tool isn't going to fix anything when there are only 3 people on a planet and 10 on the Fleet.


I think they should offer a bolster and reverse bolster system for players. This would allow a level 50 to do a level 10 instance and it would be a challenge, earn them legacy & social points, and allow them to help others without doing all the work or nerfing XP.


Likewise this would also allow the lower levels to join higher level flashpoints.


A bolster system is already in game, all they have to do is fit it for another purpose.

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As long as this doesn't lead to cross-server PvP then great go for it


cross server pvp would be great. They need to keep the server types together though don't follow the system Blizzard used with battlegroups composed of a variety of server types.


The reason it would be great is right now on highly imbalanced servers you end up in huttball 98% of the time. So not only do i get no variety in the random warzone i get, i get stuck in my personal least favorite.


I've yet to find a way to que for a specific warzone.

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That's not what I said. Nor did I imply that, I stated my opinion but go ahead slam me dude.
Then you weren't clear enough.


If Bioware refuses to do cross-server flashpoints for "philosophical" reasons, then they should allow free server transfers or start merging the dozens of low-population servers.


Having a LFG tool isn't going to fix anything when there are only 3 people on a planet and 10 on the Fleet.

That's what I have been saying all along. A server wide tool is too much dependent on the server's population to be really that effective. Cross server is the professional way to go.
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cross server pvp would be great. They need to keep the server types together though don't follow the system Blizzard used with battlegroups composed of a variety of server types.


The reason it would be great is right now on highly imbalanced servers you end up in huttball 98% of the time. So not only do i get no variety in the random warzone i get, i get stuck in my personal least favorite.


I've yet to find a way to que for a specific warzone.

Not that I am disagreeing what you, but what is the difference what kind of server you cross-play with? I hadn't given it any thought, and am curious what your thoughts are about it as I don't think anyone else has mentioned this before. You are talking about not cross-servering (making up my own words) with RP/PVP/PVE I assume?

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Just wanted to drop in and give thanks to the SWTOR community team. They've dealt with both sides complaining and telling stories of how their position is more right. Either way, they've had to read our posts and then if there was even one ounce of truth, collate it into some semblance of sanity and pass it onto the devs. You are the true heroes/heroines and underdogs of SWTOR and have earned my respect and admiration.


Also, the anti-LFD people are *********** insane and for everything that is holy please listen to me and implement a LFG tool just like WoW's. :mon_trap:

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Just wanted to drop in and give thanks to the SWTOR community team. They've dealt with both sides complaining and telling stories of how their position is more right. Either way, they've had to read our posts and then if there was even one ounce of truth, collate it into some semblance of sanity and pass it onto the devs. You are the true heroes/heroines and underdogs of SWTOR and have earned my respect and admiration.


Also, the anti-LFD people are *********** insane and for everything that is holy please listen to me and implement a LFG tool just like WoW's. :mon_trap:

The SWTOR community team will earn my respect only and if only we have devs response on the appearance customization thread, and the lack of hood up armours for the marauders. That's off-topic I know.

On topic! give us a cross server LFG tool.

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The SWTOR community team will earn my respect only and if only we have devs response on the appearance customization thread, and the lack of hood up armours for the marauders. That's off-topic I know.

On topic! give us a cross server LFG tool.


Yeah looking at the Developer Tracker is pretty pathetic lately. All they seem to respond to are game-breaking bugs or their own "community" projects. Please let loose the Kracken aka James Ohlen. As an ex-game developer I understand the subtle dance of releasing information when it's most effective, but this seems like a complete information blackout.


My own hopes are that they are holding it all back to give us information so *********** amazing it will blow our collective minds. But the reality will no doubt be not quite so stellar. Which is why I'm asking for a trickle of information to leak from the Berlin Wall that is currently put up between us and the devs.


Also, CROSS-SERVER, AUTOMATED LOOKING FOR FLASHPOINT for all of 'murica and freedom and kittens. :wea_02::wea_05::wea_06::wea_07::wea_08::wea_15: And jawas, of course. :jawa_biggrin:

Edited by BlueSkittles
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There is a LFG already in the game that I would not use unless it auto-grouped me for the group content I am interested in.


Why would I only use an auto-group LFG tool?


Because I enjoy the game matching me up with others who share my gaming interests so I can use my time actually playing the game instead of trying to find a match.


You didnt play wow or any other MMO with such a tool did you?


Because to find players that share your intrest´s is going to be a major let down for you, if you are using such a tool.

There are tons of people playing who dont share your own intrest´s of gaming, this is no secret and can be proven easily by just looking through the thread´s in this forum.


It starts at looting rules, goes over to how dungeons shall be run (skipping content, watching cut scenes..) and ends at your mentality (specific specs, gear, amount of dps) etc.


MMO`s today dont have that 1 or 2 ways of playing, there are many more different player types around today. Its a disaster to let them meet each other, forcing them to play together.


You are better off by looking for 5 min at the LFG channel that we have now, there you find the people who are like you, but most likely not in an automated tool.

Edited by RachelAnne
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+1 for LFG tool. Have mercy and consideration for our precious time. I cannot spend my limited game time of 2-3 hrs/day just searching for a group. The inability to easily find groups is preventing me from experiencing the game as I want to. Other games have it, no reason this one should not.
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Honestly, who cares what RP-fanatics and other people of questionable intelligence say. This game needs a galactic LFG channel or LFG tool. Who cares about "community" when it is not impacted. If the so-called "community" didn't have an issue, then whatever, but it does. Finding a group to do most fp's and heroic 4-mans is a mission to say the least, and frankly the reward does not equal the effort for anything but end-game ops.


So heres my +1 for the LFG tool. Thanks.

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You didnt play wow or any other MMO with such a tool did you?


Because to find players that share your intrest´s is going to be a major let down for you, if you are using such a tool.

There are tons of people playing who dont share your own intrest´s of gaming, this is no secret and can be proven easily by just looking through the thread´s in this forum.


It starts at looting rules, goes over to how dungeons shall be run (skipping content, watching cut scenes..) and ends at your mentality (specific specs, gear, amount of dps) etc.


MMO`s today dont have that 1 or 2 ways of playing, there are many more different player types around today. Its a disaster to let them meet each other, forcing them to play together.


You are better off by looking for 5 min at the LFG channel that we have now, there you find the people who are like you, but most likely not in an automated tool.


5 minutes? You've gotta be kidding me. You think people would be QQing about this so hard if it was a matter of waiting for 5 minutes? Most nights you'll be looking for an hour, especially on my server, to find most FPs between 20-49. Before/after peak hours, you'll be lucky to find anything at all. You don't know what you're talking about.

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To be honest, the only facts that the Anti-LFD people have are, that it's a consequence free area and of the terrible player base that WoW represents. The LFD system may have made it the most successful MMO, but despite the success, the player base is still relatively bad. I see no point in bringing the system that WoW has over, when in the end it'll just have the same results with players.


Now I really don't care if a X-server system comes or not; if it does come, I'll use it, and if not then I'll still play it. I'm just joining in this thing to offer my insight and help suggest to the Devs, which this board is about, in making a totally awesome LFG/D/whatever tool.

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+1 for LFG tool. Have mercy and consideration for our precious time. I cannot spend my limited game time of 2-3 hrs/day just searching for a group. The inability to easily find groups is preventing me from experiencing the game as I want to. Other games have it, no reason this one should not.


Hehe you actually play more than I do ;)


What role do yo play? If you are not a tank or healer, you would most likely wait about 30-40 minutes until the group is formed - you are definately better off if you look at your global LFG channel for players.

Also dont think that every group formed by an automated tool is a free win. The dungeon must still be finished, which can be a serious problem with groups that are not adjusted well.


To join your server LFG channel, type


/join 4

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8 in the morning i do a quick

<------LFG for red reaper or colicoid


Suddenly 5 whispers going INVIte

basicly people seem just reluctant forming groups and want others doing it :p


Easier complaining that it takes <xx> hours getting a group

Edited by Varghjerta
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8 in the morning i do a quick

<------LFG for red reaper or colicoid


Suddenly 5 whispers going INVIte

basicly people seem just reluctant forming groups and want others doing it :p


Easier complaining that it takes <xx> hours getting a group


People are reluctant to form groups because of all the hassle involved

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8 in the morning i do a quick

<------LFG for red reaper or colicoid


Suddenly 5 whispers going INVIte

basicly people seem just reluctant forming groups and want others doing it :p


Easier complaining that it takes <xx> hours getting a group


Good for you. At 11pm at night I do the same thing. No whispers for 45 minutes then I give up. Just because at x time of day on y server you were able to get a group doesn't mean its a) consistent for everyone and b) a practical way to find a group.

Edited by Dunzo
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There are 17 people on Hoth during prime time and nobody in the games LFG tool that of use to me. Working as intended? :(


Yeah well, tried to get a group going during prime time last night on the second highest populated English EU server and I still couldn't get a fourth player to join our group for The Foundry so we gave up after 2 hours and 20 minutes of non-stop LFMing in /1 on fleet, on Taris and on Quesh. We were also using the so called "LFG tool" and whispered people on our FLists. Oh, there were 300 people online at the fleet while we did this. The system is not working at all. I have yet to run into a single player on my server that is NOT desperate for a good LFG tool. People seem to think that LFG tools have to be cross-realm and that they have to teleport players... they don't.


Well, Bioware have already said that they're working on a better LFG tool and that it's among the highest priorities so it IS coming. They also stated that their dev team still thinks that such a tool shouldn't be cross-realm so no worries there either.

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I fully support this as an SWToR player and EVE player and former WoW player the LFD group tool does create problems if you don't realize it or not


Due to the lack of an automated LFG tool in this game, I have met more new people and had more random fun with these people in the past month then in the past year of WoW. It may seem strange to some of you but being forced as a community to coordinate and work together in order to achieve goals is what makes an MMO succeed.


I would rather sit around for 30 minutes to forever trying to make groups and being social and talking in general chat and talking to prospective group members then click on a button and be automagically ported to an instance with 3 other people I may never see again.


The benefit of an LFG system is that content becomes more accessable for the masses and people can have thier instant gratification. This is what people want in all aspects of life. The direct result of this is that content becomes stale faster and rewards feel less epic.


If you want a game to have longevity and feel epic and be enjoyable for years to come it must be difficult and take time, or fast-paced twitchy and churn content constantly. FPS and Action-RPG are designed to be fast-paced twitchy and as a result churn content (read: map packs). MMO-RPG is the genre that is supposed to be slow, difficult and time based.


Please BW/EA/Lucas do not try to fight WoW directly. Create something different. The MMO community is divided heavily between those who want instant gratification and those who want challenge and reward. WoW owns the instant gratification crowd and I would love to see you guys go the way of providing for the challenge crowd. Eve has kept themselves successful through doing it thier own way for years. Set yourself apart from the WoW clones (read: eq clones) and keep this game pure and in the direction you are already going.


At this point it is my opinion that the only thing that keeps WoW going is the snowball effect of its previous success. There is a reason that every new MMO comes out is touted as the WoW-killer. It is because people want something other then WoW. Then a new game comes out and tries to do it differently, but the people are so conditioned by WoW that they complain and force the company to turn it into a WoW-clone. The first WoW-Killer will refuse to bow to this and make something different then WoW. They will make Hard, Challenging, Time Consuming, and EPIC content that you feel amazing for completing.


Down with instant gratification in SWTOR! Give me EPIC gratification!

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Seriously I do not want World of Spacecraft thanks very much. Dungeon finder ruined World of Warcraft and resulted in more loot ninjars than before the LFG tool.


That being said the LFG in SWTOR does need revamping. Being able to only find players by default on the planet/station you're on and not worldwide is really poor coding.

Edited by MJHoyle
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LFD group tool does create problems if you don't realize it or not
the "problems" it create is litereally nothing in compare to problems that it might solve


and even that "problems" make me laugh every time i read about them

like this

The direct result of this is that content becomes stale faster and rewards feel less epic.


let's make FP or any dungeon reset-cd like one or two month then, yes? it will be "more epic and less stale"

Edited by navarh
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Something definitely needs to be done to help players on low population servers. It's not uncommon for there to be 5 players on a planet while leveling on my server. One of the things I like the most about this game is the flashpoints but most of the time it's near impossible to get a group together. They need to either merge low pop servers, allow free transfers or create a cross server lfg tool.
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