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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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I hated Dungeon Finder in WoW. That fact that it was so easy finding a group made people so uncommited; people just left at the most random times during an instance, and often a group would have consisted of 10 people before the end.


So initially, I was against the idea of a dungeon finder in SWToR. But after having spent so many frustrating hours during this week trying to find a group with no luck, and have simply skipped a number of FPs, I agree; SWToR needs a cross server dungeon finder.

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That's an entirely different issue. Personally, I think Bioware made the same mistake as Trion did and opened way too many extra servers at launch while also keeping the server caps way lower than needed.


When they did the stress tests in November, I remember seeing over 350 people on Coruscant and the server was perfectly stable with only 3 Coruscant instances. When the game went live, I think Tython on my server had like 120 people with 4 instances open. Basically, they chose to be extremely, overly cautious in the guise of having a smooth launch and I think they shot themselves in the foot over it.

Perhaps. But still, even with free transfers, there will be population imbalances. A cross server LFD will still be needed, for odd hours, people who have weird schedules, etc.

There are many profiles, which alone justify the more flexibility possible. There again, a same server LFD is too limited.


People who think a LFG tool "destroys the community" are delusional. We have a PvP que that doesn't destroy the community. Expanding it to include flashpoints won't destroy the community.


Seriously people, stop making claims that are clearly invalidated by the features already in the game.


If you want community, learn to talk to people. If a LFG system prevents you from making friends, that's your own fault.

That's what I have been saying all along.

+1. We should copy and paste this.

Edited by Ethern
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Perhaps. But still, even with free transfers, there will be population imbalances. A cross server LFD will still be needed, for odd hours, people who have weird schedules, etc.

There are many profiles, which alone justify the more flexibility possible. There again, a same server LFD is too limited.


That's what I have been saying all along.

+1. We should copy and paste this.


You do realize the PvP queue system is same-server?

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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


Your cons are non-issue. If you are always looking for that last role (most likely a tank or healer) then roll that class yourself!

The problem is not large guilds or the like...it is almost always people are rolling as DPS then wondering why they aren't finding groups. A smaller group size means you need MORE tanks/healers than ever before.


DPS are dime a dozen, play a role that has responsibilities and you'll never hurt for finding a group. As a tank I can simply say I am bored in general chat and have 6 group invite offers thrown my way within the first minute or two. This is assuming my guild doesn't need me.


DF creates a crappy community. If you are sitting for an hour then you need to be more sociable...you know actually talk to strangers and make friends?

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1)To the "Kills Community", YOUR community is what you make it, and your definition of community does not apply to the rest of us. You want to go through the trouble of collecting friends with whom to run content. Keep doing it. The rest of us will use a RDF, thank you.


2)To the "It's for Lazy Self Centered Kids", really? And you coming here to tell us we're lazy, should learn how to play, and you have zero problem finding groups so why shouldn't we? My answer to that would just get this post flagged, so suffice it to say, these are your opinions, and they're lousy uninformed opinions at that. In my opinion.


3)To the "They better not put on in! Or I am quitting!". Guess what? They are putting one in, so go ahead and quit and let the rest of us get back to discussing the features we'd like to see implemented.


4)To the "NO to X-Server!" see 1.


5) If you had such a bad experience in WoW's RDF, then have you ever considered that YOU were the common factor there? The rest of us who had great times with the RDF are some how less "right" and should just shaddup? Meh. Go play Star Wars Legos or something.


6) Guilds should be absolutely, positively, 100% OPTIONAL. You wanna socialize and have a uber cool reputation on your server, do it with your Guild. Stop trying to dictate to the rest of us what options we can or cannot have, ESPECIALLY when it's already been announced that it's coming. That's just impotent raging. If a RDF effects your current game play so much, then there's something else wrong, not the MECHANIC that is OPTIONAL.


We are getting a RDF/LFG/LFFP/Whatever. Come to terms with that, get all your nerdrage out, then come back here and discuss with us what you'd like to see in the tool when it comes out.

Edited by MalignX
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DF creates a crappy community. If you are sitting for an hour then you need to be more sociable...you know actually talk to strangers and make friends?


Touchbass: How can I make friends if I can't get into a group to make them?

Nempo: Learn to be more social

Touchbass: How do I be more social if the game prevents me from being social? That's a catch 22

Nempo: Well .. ummm... /logout and trolls LFD forums


What will happen:


Nempo: Now that those losers are using the X-LFD who wants to group with me?

Fleet: *Crickets*

Touchbass: Guess you didn't have any friends to begin with, maybe you should actually talk to strangers and make friends?

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In my experience with WoW I never had an issue grouping with people from other servers. Luckily the majority of the time I was grouped with people from my server, but occasionally there were times when I would get grouped with people of a specific server consistently.

Overall, I think that a cross-server Flashpoint Finder wouldn't be a bad thing because there is usually more than one person from each server in a group.

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DF creates a crappy community. If you are sitting for an hour then you need to be more sociable...you know actually talk to strangers and make friends?
DF creates a crappy community, I heard it creates starvation, cyclones, etc. None of them are true.

Even if your friend list is full and offline, or those strangers do not want to do the same content as you. Who ya gonna call? Cross server !!

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I agree. Standing around in the imperial fleet for hours on end looking for a group is annoying.

Dungeon finder is needed. Although, I would put the frame rate issues as a higher priority to fix.

Edited by Ditched
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Touchbass: How can I make friends if I can't get into a group to make them?

Nempo: Learn to be more social

Touchbass: How do I be more social if the game prevents me from being social? That's a catch 22

Nempo: Well .. ummm... /logout and trolls LFD forums


What will happen:


Nempo: Now that those losers are using the X-LFD who wants to group with me?

Fleet: *Crickets*

Touchbass: Guess you didn't have any friends to begin with, maybe you should actually talk to strangers and make friends?



The hypocracy of the anti-LFG types is illustrated here.


We complain that we can't find groups.


They respond with something like this: "Stop being lazy and learn to talk to people."



We tell them that a LFG tool is optional and they complain that they won't be able to find groups.


Guess what guys? Stop being lazy and learn to talk to people.

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The hypocracy of the anti-LFG types is illustrated here.


We complain that we can't find groups.


They respond with something like this: "Stop being lazy and learn to talk to people."



We tell them that a LFG tool is optional and they complain that they won't be able to find groups.


Guess what guys? Stop being lazy and learn to talk to people.


What is amusing is that they say it like we're not getting a LFG tool and it's just our tough luck.

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What is amusing is that they say it like we're not getting a LFG tool and it's just our tough luck.


I can understand someone not wanting a cross server tool, I don't think their arguments are 100% valid but there is merit in their complaints. What I don't understand is people hating on an automated intra-server LFD when the success of the PvP tool currently in SWTOR invalidates any complaints against it not working properly.



Unable to find a group all day in Hoth ... gg

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I can understand someone not wanting a cross server tool, I don't think their arguments are 100% valid but there is merit in their complaints. What I don't understand is people hating on an automated intra-server LFD when the success of the PvP tool currently in SWTOR invalidates any complaints against it not working properly.



Unable to find a group all day in Hoth ... gg


What I don't get is the "I don't like it, NO ONE should have it." mentality.But they do feed my deep psychological need to argue.

Edited by MalignX
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Is that a Homer simpson quote in your signature?


It is indeed Sir!

It won out over:

" I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out. "

- Bill Hicks


"It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others." - Anon.

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Your cons are non-issue. If you are always looking for that last role (most likely a tank or healer) then roll that class yourself!

The problem is not large guilds or the like...it is almost always people are rolling as DPS then wondering why they aren't finding groups. A smaller group size means you need MORE tanks/healers than ever before.


DPS are dime a dozen, play a role that has responsibilities and you'll never hurt for finding a group. As a tank I can simply say I am bored in general chat and have 6 group invite offers thrown my way within the first minute or two. This is assuming my guild doesn't need me.


DF creates a crappy community. If you are sitting for an hour then you need to be more sociable...you know actually talk to strangers and make friends?


Nice way to stereotype a whole class of players. Maybe you should play a dps class at a high level people before trashing them as pew pew pew. I've played all three roles and it's a different play style. Each class has their role.


FYI your also wrong. I have 4 different toons and there have plenty of times groups have been looking for dps.

Edited by grueber
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I don't know why some ppl are so "violently" opposed to a dungeon finder, ppl say you should get to know ppl on your server and group for social community, isn't that what facebook is for? I am here to play a game and due to a busy work schedule have not even been able to experience flashpoints,as I've spent way too much time sitting in IF trying to get into a group it isn't even worth it. So I don't get to enjoy current content, don't get to have opportunity to get gear all because I work alot supporting a family and ppl are afraid dungeon finder will ruin the "facebook" quality of the game. Come on ppl this is supposed to be a gaming community where we all take a break from the busy hustle of rl and get together to enjoy some swtor! A dungeon finder will make it accessible to everyone. Those who want to run with guilds/friends can, but nobody is forcing you to use a dungeon finder. Those of us who are more casual players can queue up and enjoy the flashpoints. We have queue system for pvp, does it "ruin" the game, I think not. Would be nice to work together to have a solution for all to enjoy. As far as re-roll a character that needs to be used, come on that is ridiculous, you should be able to play what you enjoy. This is supposed to be fun, not stressful, anger, and trolling, that's why I left wow. Work together and all ppl will have a good time. As it stands, I will prob not be playing game for long, although I think it's a great game, if can't have opportunity to play content. Edited by leungbik
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I don't know why some ppl are so "violently" opposed to a dungeon finder, ppl say you should get to know ppl on your server and group for social community, isn't that what facebook is for? I am here to play a game and due to a busy work schedule have not even been able to experience flashpoints,as I've spent way too much time sitting in IF trying to get into a group it isn't even worth it. So I don't get to enjoy current content, don't get to have opportunity to get gear all because I work alot supporting a family and ppl are afraid dungeon finder will ruin the "facebook" quality of the game. Come on ppl this is supposed to be a gaming community where we all take a break from the busy hustle of rl and get together to enjoy some swtor! A dungeon finder will make it accessible to everyone. Those who want to run with guilds/friends can, but nobody is forcing you to use a dungeon finder. Those of us who are more casual players can queue up and enjoy the flashpoints. We have queue system for pvp, does it "ruin" the game, I think not. Would be nice to work together to have a solution for all to enjoy. As far as re-roll a character that needs to be used, come on that is ridiculous, you should be able to play what you enjoy. This is supposed to be fun, not stressful, anger, and trolling, that's why I left wow. Work together and all ppl will have a good time. As it stands, I will prob not be playing game for long, although I think it's a great game, if can't have opportunity to play content.


Bioware, you need a working tool asap, your making it so people don't log on to play

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I understand the concerns of tight knit server communities being diminished by an automated cross server LFG tool similar to what is in WoW. However, after thinking about it for a while and reading through the thread, they seem to be unfounded. Adding an LFG tool or enhancing the existing flagging system doesn't take away your friends list or guild, but it does give players an additional resource that works much better than /who and whispering people at random. (I'm still annoyed by that from when I played my s priest at the start of WotLK /[random_toon] asks, "R U healz?" non-stop all night. No thanks to that as a means to grouping. /rant)


The loudest voices speaking out against a tool of some sort seem to have a robust friends list and active guild already. So, the presence or lack of a tool really has no impact on their game, other than some perceived slippery slope to rampant ***-hattery.


Meanwhile, there are players like myself, that level more slowly, and/or took some time at launch to play all of the classes a bit to find our favorite, and now find that we are well behind that initial group of players that quickly leveled to 50. For those players, I'm sure that there was no shortage of opportunity for groups. However, for me personally, my guild is about half 50 and the rest spread out across the range. So, I have resigned myself to the fact that FPs are just something that I won't see until endgame. Taking time out of leveling to sit spamming chat for a group that isn't guaranteed to fill up is not worth it to me. I'm sure that I'm not alone in that.


I find that I am skipping over group quests as well since I quickly out level them and have little to no incentive to go back, when I'm being shuttle off to the next zone of the planet.


At this point, I think that it is likely that I will hit 50 on my first character without grouping for anything other than to share a mob spawn or two.


For all of the fear that changes to the LFG system will hurt some sense of server community, it seems to me that if something isn't done to facilitate player's ability to efficiently find groups, there simply won't be a community left to be a part of. Prior to WoW LFG I quit twice, once prior to BC, and again in WotLK post-guild split before LFG, but came back since LFG gave me the means to have a meaningful experience in game while settling back into a new guild. If improvements aren't made soon, for me personally that will be the end of SWTOR, I don't have enough invested in my chars here and there is a better grouping experience (IMO) elsewhere. I love the solo aspect of this game, I just hope that the group content can hold my interest once that runs out.


It feels like we as a playerbase went through all of this a few years ago with WoW when people were struggling with the existing systems (meeting stones anyone? or the first pass at a flagging system), lamenting the lack of global LFG chat channels, and killing of addons that were widely used. I will never understand why BioWare went back to the old model thinking that it would work for them, when it didn't for the other guys.


I'm paying to waste time playing the game, not sit in a glorified chat room spamming for a group that may never get started much less succeed.


Just my 2 credits, and anecdotal evidence. Take it for what it's worth.

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I understand the concerns of tight knit server communities being diminished by an automated cross server LFG tool similar to what is in WoW. However, after thinking about it for a while and reading through the thread, they seem to be unfounded. Adding an LFG tool or enhancing the existing flagging system doesn't take away your friends list or guild, but it does give players an additional resource that works much better than /who and whispering people at random. (I'm still annoyed by that from when I played my s priest at the start of WotLK /[random_toon] asks, "R U healz?" non-stop all night. No thanks to that as a means to grouping. /rant)


The loudest voices speaking out against a tool of some sort seem to have a robust friends list and active guild already. So, the presence or lack of a tool really has no impact on their game, other than some perceived slippery slope to rampant ***-hattery.


Meanwhile, there are players like myself, that level more slowly, and/or took some time at launch to play all of the classes a bit to find our favorite, and now find that we are well behind that initial group of players that quickly leveled to 50. For those players, I'm sure that there was no shortage of opportunity for groups. However, for me personally, my guild is about half 50 and the rest spread out across the range. So, I have resigned myself to the fact that FPs are just something that I won't see until endgame. Taking time out of leveling to sit spamming chat for a group that isn't guaranteed to fill up is not worth it to me. I'm sure that I'm not alone in that.


I find that I am skipping over group quests as well since I quickly out level them and have little to no incentive to go back, when I'm being shuttle off to the next zone of the planet.


At this point, I think that it is likely that I will hit 50 on my first character without grouping for anything other than to share a mob spawn or two.


For all of the fear that changes to the LFG system will hurt some sense of server community, it seems to me that if something isn't done to facilitate player's ability to efficiently find groups, there simply won't be a community left to be a part of. Prior to WoW LFG I quit twice, once prior to BC, and again in WotLK post-guild split before LFG, but came back since LFG gave me the means to have a meaningful experience in game while settling back into a new guild. If improvements aren't made soon, for me personally that will be the end of SWTOR, I don't have enough invested in my chars here and there is a better grouping experience (IMO) elsewhere. I love the solo aspect of this game, I just hope that the group content can hold my interest once that runs out.


It feels like we as a playerbase went through all of this a few years ago with WoW when people were struggling with the existing systems (meeting stones anyone? or the first pass at a flagging system), lamenting the lack of global LFG chat channels, and killing of addons that were widely used. I will never understand why BioWare went back to the old model thinking that it would work for them, when it didn't for the other guys.


I'm paying to waste time playing the game, not sit in a glorified chat room spamming for a group that may never get started much less succeed.


Just my 2 credits, and anecdotal evidence. Take it for what it's worth.


Welcome, brother.

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