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Every patch that doesn't have a LFG tool is costing you players


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no... questing is way faster leveling than dungeons in wow. you are talking out your ***.


Yes but you cant afk while solo questing while in LFD you can and hope that the other members will carry you because they cant kick you for 4 hours.


They add LFD and it will help a few people but then we will have


1. More ninjas because they can just take the loot leave group because there is a good chance that they will never see you again since they are on a different server.

2. AFK players that just want to be carried through and then level to 50 and not have a clue how to play the game

3. More players wanting to add a kick feture because people are abusing the LFD and then other people complaining that they are getting kicked (for no apparent reason).


Just look at WoW and you should understand why any LFD tool that auto groups players for a flashpoint is just asking for 10x more problems than it would solve.

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It is the same for me on either game. I type in Tank LFG for [Quest] and I continue my class quests while I wait for a whisper/chat.


It is really not that different, except you have to type.


first, quests are completely different issue


second, noone joins FP groups from planet, I tried. Maybe they are just sick of all the travelling and loading screens they would have to go through?


third, where do you go, when you are 50 and want to run HM FPs?

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So you mean people shouldn't able to refuse other players to join groups?


People should refuse players based on skills and attitude not on gear. Gear doesn't = skill. But, all I am saying without a LFG tool only the spacebar players will see end content. Look in wow only 2% out 14 million saw end game content (all of it) no with LFG and LFR that number is up to 30% and growing.

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I'm pretty sure there exists a tool in this game for people looking for groups. Just because it isn't like "this game" or "that game" doesn't mean it doesn't exist. People are just stubborn and refuse to use it.




Ya i posted amny times saying there is a tool for it and how no one is using it even on the heavy imp side . no one tags themself lfg no one really wants to group in this game tbh thats why no one tags lfg or using the tool .


so would a newer more "wow like " tool help i dont think so as if no oe uses the tool we have now why would they use that one .



its not a tool issue its a player/game havey solo content issue

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I will only support a LFD is it's per server only, not cross server. Yes, this means longer queue times.


Cross server tools are what provide the anonymity that leads to community decay.


There is no community with no server specific forums. Just guild bubbles, and LFD tools would not effect guild bubbles.

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not to mention the only reason jerks abuse WoW LFD is because of the ridiculous votekick restrictions. If people were able to be votekicked right away, they would start behaving properly and LFD tool would be invaluable, especially if it was server only.


They never did behave. I am as nostalgic as the next vanilla player, but the kind of people you're talking about existed from Day 1. Even before LFD, people could ninja, lie, cheat, steal, be racist/homophobic because if it got bad enough they'd disappear via server transfer or use a name change.


If the question is "reform the existing LFG tool into something else but keeping it as a server tool" then I can sympathize. It may even be needed as more content is added and the 50 population is spread out. Name changes are okay, as well.


But add in a cross-server ability and trouble will brew.

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And you did not answer the question. People ask this but no one answers.


How does the actual process of forming a group change the behavior of people?


I take 3 hours to spam chat and find 3 people. Or the tool finds those same 3 people for me in 20-30 minutes. How does our behavior change and how is that dependent on the actual process of forming the group?


If you spend 3 hours looking for me, you're not going to treat me like trash and spend another 3 hours trying to replace me :)


If you can replace me instantly because I didn't save you from your own mistakes (general you, not you personally), then my only value to you is being a warm body.


This goes both ways though. I fully admit to kicking people for using slurs and reporting 'em in a ticker while we waited for a replacement. The tyranny of a well geared druid tank! :D

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LFD is not a massive fix like everybody is claiming. During my leveling in WoW, I would sometimes have to wait 30 minutes while the tool was active.


Even with the tool, it is not instant. It could take less than 5 minutes, it could take 30 minutes. So the excuse of it will ALWAYS be faster than finding a group does not hold.


I sometimes forget about my group quests until somebody says something in chat, then I am like "Oh yeah I have that too, I will join you!".




While true, you can sometimes be in the queue for the same amount of time it would have taken to form the group yourself, the difference comes in with what you do with that time. For example, you could spend 30 minutes forming a group by sending tells to people or spamming general chat, OR you could queue up and instead of spending 30 minutes just typing and hoping someone bites, you can go out and do your daily quests, gather mats for crafting (believe it or not people don't just send out the companions to gather mats), or do something else in general.


In other words, while it may take the same amount of time to accomplish the goal of getting a full group for a flashpoint, the way you spend your time to accomplish the goal is totally different.

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People should refuse players based on skills and attitude not on gear. Gear doesn't = skill. But, all I am saying without a LFG tool only the spacebar players will see end content. Look in wow only 2% out 14 million saw end game content (all of it) no with LFG and LFR that number is up to 30% and growing.



But here is the problem even the worst players dogs zombies great great great grandmother thinks it haz "skill".

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No, what I am saying is that a LFD tool would destroy 1-49 at the very least. Why do missions at all when you can just sidetrack them and run FP's for exp and gear?


Try not to reduce a person's statement to just a couple words and instead look at thier entrie statement. That way we avoid un-needed rehashing of crap that has already been said.


No it won't destroy 1-49. Here's why it won't:


1. Class quests

2. Less expensive companion affection leveling

3. Social point leveling

4. Gathering materials

5. Datacrons

Edited by Boldfury
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Yeah like swtor is real hard. Lol.


It's hard not to hit 50 too fast lest I get stuck in the purgatory called the "endgame".


What is endgame in a MMORPG?


Gear progression, FP, HM FP, Operations, HM Operations, Nightmare Operations. Companion progression. PvP progression, PvP gear progression.


SWTOR has all those things listed above, exactly what is offered in most other MMO's.


If you aren't satisfied with progression at endgame, then you need to find another genre. Seriously, the genre isn't changing any time soon.

Edited by XOrionX
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Have you who are whining about an automated lfg function ever played an mmo that wasn't WoW? I'm not opposed to having one but mmos did just fine without them before and if all you're doing is spamming the general channel you're doing it wrong. Use the search function, find people your level and ask if they'd like to join you. Maybe they would but don't really pay attention to general chat.


Your other options are to reroll on a higher pop server or rage quit because you don't want to talk to the other players in your mmo... Which of course makes perfect sense...

Edited by Radubadu
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The LFG tool doesnt need to be cross server.

Can be server side. perfectly.


Anyway.. the lack of community tools in this game is incredible, among the lack of many things.


You set your self to LFG, you write the text for whatever you want to run and then its not displayed in the "who" tool. You can maybe read the 1st 3 letters or so.


This game is a joke.


This game doesnt even have MUSIC FFS. Well... most of the time it doesnt LOL


I want my money back you thieves.

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Whats wrong with LFG on your server only?


What about a world channel where you can post 1 line per (x)minutes.


Theres only 60 ppl or less on the fleet on my server. Sometimes it goes to 100 but I haven't that for a while. Not all of those ppl want to do the same thing. So its hard to find a group.


How do you communicate with the rest of the people on the server? I saw someone flying planet to planet, put something on general then moved on. Even then we only found 3 ppl ..... I was one of them.

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Your post does not describe the action of 'playing the game', you are describing a barrier that impedes people trying to play the game - the process of finding people to play it with. Playing the game is what happens when your group has formed and you actually get into the instance.


Read the rest and you see why i do think removing those barriers are so bad for the overall players .

Edited by Varghjerta
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While true, you can sometimes be in the queue for the same amount of time it would have taken to form the group yourself, the difference comes in with what you do with that time. For example, you could spend 30 minutes forming a group by sending tells to people or spamming general chat, OR you could queue up and instead of spending 30 minutes just typing and hoping someone bites, you can go out and do your daily quests, gather mats for crafting (believe it or not people don't just send out the companions to gather mats), or do something else in general.


In other words, while it may take the same amount of time to accomplish the goal of getting a full group for a flashpoint, the way you spend your time to accomplish the goal is totally different.


I am able to do other stuff while looking for a group in this game. I might have to stop and type every few minutes, but I AM able to do two things at once...

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Yes but you cant afk while solo questing while in LFD you can and hope that the other members will carry you because they cant kick you for 4 hours.


They add LFD and it will help a few people but then we will have


1. More ninjas because they can just take the loot leave group because there is a good chance that they will never see you again since they are on a different server.

2. AFK players that just want to be carried through and then level to 50 and not have a clue how to play the game

3. More players wanting to add a kick feature because people are abusing the LFD and then other people complaining that they are getting kicked (for no apparent reason).


Just look at WoW and you should understand why any LFD tool that auto groups players for a flash point is just asking for 10x more problems than it would solve.


I don't know what game you been playing but in wow

1. 1. its not ninjaing if you can roll on the gear, 2 its not ninjaing if didn't setup loot roll before hand. 3. in SWTOR people roll need for their companions all the time.


2. In wow if someone goes AFK in dungeon, you can kick them, if you can't it doesn't take more then a couple of minutes to get a gm to kick them and then suspend them.


3. The kick system works great in wow, I play a couple of ours of wow a day and rarely have to kick people and I have never been kicked in my life since LFD was implemented.


Honestly, wow LFD tool isn't bad I use it every day I currently have 5 85s and 5 84s, so I have done my share of LFD. Most of the time, I add people to my friend list or run chain dungeons with people i meet in LFD. I have yet to add a person as a friend in SWTOR. I am sorry but most people I have come across in SWTOR are either noobs or jerks.

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And you did not answer the question. People ask this but no one answers.


How does the actual process of forming a group change the behavior of people?


I take 3 hours to spam chat and find 3 people. Or the tool finds those same 3 people for me in 20-30 minutes. How does our behavior change and how is that dependent on the actual process of forming the group?


The process isnt much different but the problems that arise are the big differences.


The LFG tool they have I think is actually a good design. It allows you to list that you are looking for a group and what one(in notes) and continue to do whatever you were doing without spamming chat. It allows players that are looking for members to see if other players want to run the same flashpoint.


It allows the group to decide the group makeup as in do they just want to get it over for the XP or do they actually want the gear. If I just want to get the XP and reward I can take 4 BH's since no one cares about the loot. If I want the loot from it I can form the group to be a str,will,cun,aim group so that loot is not overlapped.


Use what they have and it will do just fine.

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Have you who are whining about an automated lfg function ever played an mmo that wasn't WoW?


Actually, I didn't play WoW at all. So you can't tell me to "go back to WoW". I played Everquest for years and I remember sitting in Lower Guk, Sebilis, or other dungeons for hours trying to get groups, I certainly don't want to go back to that. When I log on I want to actually be able to play the game I am paying for, and to me, sitting in the fleet for two hours trying to form a flashpoint group doesn't count as playing the game.

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They never did behave. I am as nostalgic as the next vanilla player, but the kind of people you're talking about existed from Day 1. Even before LFD, people could ninja, lie, cheat, steal, be racist/homophobic because if it got bad enough they'd disappear via server transfer or use a name change.


If the question is "reform the existing LFG tool into something else but keeping it as a server tool" then I can sympathize. It may even be needed as more content is added and the 50 population is spread out. Name changes are okay, as well.


But add in a cross-server ability and trouble will brew.


Im not saying WoW LFD tools is flawless. Like I said, the votekick restrictions are just absurd for example, but ninjalooting happens all the time now anyway, or did people miss threats like "people are needing for companion" or "people ninja items for mods" topics? That happens less in WoW, because LFD has (for levels 60+ atleast) restrictions on what you can and cant need)


LFD tool is in WoW for how long, 2 years now? They can learn fom it and tweak it for their purposes etc.


And if the LFG tool would be server only, no votekick CD WoW LFG tool copy would be completely fine

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