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Every patch that doesn't have a LFG tool is costing you players


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Last night, Republic fleet on my server never goes over 60-65 players. For two hours I try to form a PUG for a hard mode flashpoint (I am a tank) with absolutely no luck. In that time I found two DPS (but not at the same time), each of who eventually gave up. How is this considered good for the game? I know people will scream that a LFG kills the community. Do you know what kills the community for than a LFG tool? People quitting the game because it is impossible to form groups to do the content. It isn't any better (probably worse actually) at lower levels also. Last week I was trying to form a group to help my brother with The Red Reaper, and we ended up having to do it with companions. Luckily I am completely overgeared for a level 45 flashpoint so we were able to do it that way.


I'm sure for Imperial players finding groups is easy when there are 200+ people on your fleet, but right now it seems like the only option until they add a LFG tool for Republic players is to reroll to the more populated faction.


This argument makes no sense. You try and argue that Imperial players, which there are more of, find it easy to make a group and that republic players have a hard time because there is no LFG tool. Your own statements disprove your arguement. The problem is not enough Republic players NOT the lack of a widget. That's what you really need to argue and state as your premise. The lack of Republic players vs the amount of Imperial players make it difficult to find a group. A server wide LFG really won't fix the discrepancy in number of players.


So, you might have an arguement about how to get more people playing republic side but not that your lack of grouping is due to no widget.

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So yes.


Please don't give people choices.


Giving people choices is always bad.


Don't allow them to look for a group in an efficient manner, let them try to get a group for hours, it's much simpler.


I say NO to choices. People have to be penned in, restricted, censored and what not.


Oh. Wait. HOw about the freedom of choice? Overrated...



Edited by Boongah
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Last night, Republic fleet on my server never goes over 60-65 players. For two hours I try to form a PUG for a hard mode flashpoint (I am a tank) with absolutely no luck. In that time I found two DPS (but not at the same time), each of who eventually gave up. How is this considered good for the game? I know people will scream that a LFG kills the community. Do you know what kills the community for than a LFG tool? People quitting the game because it is impossible to form groups to do the content. It isn't any better (probably worse actually) at lower levels also. Last week I was trying to form a group to help my brother with The Red Reaper, and we ended up having to do it with companions. Luckily I am completely overgeared for a level 45 flashpoint so we were able to do it that way.


I'm sure for Imperial players finding groups is easy when there are 200+ people on your fleet, but right now it seems like the only option until they add a LFG tool for Republic players is to reroll to the more populated faction.

As you just alluded to, cross server queueing is a solution exclusive to Flashpoints and warzones. What about the other 80% who are just looking for people to play with? Not having a LFG/LFD button sure isn't the reason there are only 65 in fleet. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Make it three :D



I wont open a discussion why, because there were hundreds of threads about it already.


So you acknowledge that there are "hundreds of threads about it already". So then you must know that statistically that translates into thousands and thousands of people that play the game but don't post on forums that desire a working LFD tool. You play a game, but wish it to be done harm by alienating those thousands of players.


Do you cut yourself too?

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As you just alluded to, cross server queueing is a solution exclusive to Flashpoints and warzones. What about the other 80% who are just looking for people to play with? Not having a LFG/LFD button sure isn't the reason there are only 65 in fleet.


Lol true.


It's the game itself :p

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It seems to me there is a vocal minority that want the game to have no features to improve quality of life. I don't know if they just want the game to be unpopular or what but when something will make you able to play the game more and less spamming general to make a group then how does it ruin the community?


DPS LFG False Emperor HM over and over for 40+ minutes does not make me feel like I'm in a community it makes me feel like I can't play the game.

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Claims about player base being saved due to a better LFG are overblown. Rift implemented one, and made it cross server, but that did not stop players from leaving the game in droves, probably lead to a bigger loss.


rift lost players because developers took FOTM classes to the extreme and when they nerfed a class they nerfed it into complete uselessness. they also never fixed invincible clerics in pvp. add the fact that there's nothing to do at end game unless you can get 20 people together and you have a game that HAD 2 million subscribers and now HAS 200 thousand.

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It seems to me there is a vocal minority that want the game to have no features to improve quality of life. I don't know if they just want the game to be unpopular or what but when something will make you able to play the game more and less spamming general to make a group then how does it ruin the community?


DPS LFG False Emperor HM over and over for 40+ minutes does not make me feel like I'm in a community it makes me feel like I can't play the game.


Yep, believe it or not, some people DO fight progress. It wouldn't be fun otherwise, would it? :p

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It seems to me there is a vocal minority that want the game to have no features to improve quality of life. I don't know if they just want the game to be unpopular or what but when something will make you able to play the game more and less spamming general to make a group then how does it ruin the community?


DPS LFG False Emperor HM over and over for 40+ minutes does not make me feel like I'm in a community it makes me feel like I can't play the game.


And having a button adds more players? Or if you want to go down the cross server route, which destroys server community. Which also adds power to ninjas, people quitting and not having any backlash. If they played like this in a server based community, Your name gets around and you will get blacklisted by the server.


But yeh, lets add that magic button for the people who dont know how to use the LFG system in place now which works perfectly fine!

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And having a button adds more players? Or if you want to go down the cross server route, which destroys server community. Which also adds power to ninjas, people quitting and not having any backlash. If they played like this in a server based community, Your name gets around and you will get blacklisted by the server.


But yeh, lets add that magic button for the people who dont know how to use the LFG system in place now which works perfectly fine!


they can always make LFG server-only, with players in ignore never joining your group again. No supposed downside, only upsides.

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And having a button adds more players? Or if you want to go down the cross server route, which destroys server community. Which also adds power to ninjas, people quitting and not having any backlash. If they played like this in a server based community, Your name gets around and you will get blacklisted by the server.


But yeh, lets add that magic button for the people who dont know how to use the LFG system in place now which works perfectly fine!


Ninjas will be ninjas such is life and such is gaming.


LFG does not destroy server community, it gives people options so is HAS to be bad.


And if you are concerned about people just quitting without backlash, then you are doing something wrong in those other games. In 90% of the cases people leave for a reason. But in order to understand the reason, you sometimes have to be hard on yourself, not just on others.


Simple yes?

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And having a button adds more players? Or if you want to go down the cross server route, which destroys server community. Which also adds power to ninjas, people quitting and not having any backlash. If they played like this in a server based community, Your name gets around and you will get blacklisted by the server.


But yeh, lets add that magic button for the people who dont know how to use the LFG system in place now which works perfectly fine!


I have a limited play window of 5 hours a week. I don't want to spend 1 or 2 of those trying to get a grp together. A server LFG channel or tool will help people like me explore more of the group content. Spamming chat just pees people off and is ignored half the time anyway.

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just join a guild


there are more people who want to play mmo's on their own terms, without the NEED of a guild, than there are who don't. if the mantra for this game is, "just join a guild cuz there's nothing to do if you can't find 3 or 7 or 15 other people with the same goals and the same time constrains that you have", the game is f'd.


that's an archaic way to make an mmo and wow has proven that, at least for the health of the company, there is a better way. people might complain about the dungeon finder, but that doesn't stop them from using it. and about 9 million people agree with me. perhaps not vocally, but they agree with their wallets.

Edited by Bazouk
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The root problem is 1 part LFG tool ignorance and 2 parts LFG laziness.


Everyone wants to LFG, but few want to LFM. So you'll have situations where 6 people all are waiting for a group to come along to join, while no one takes the initiative to actually start the group. Just try it sometime: spam your LFG message, then (perhaps lie, if you wish to test this) say LF2M for the exact same thing. I've gotten 5 people messaging whereas before I used LFM, got none.


People have been trained liked Pavlov's dog to sit and ignore it until the equivalent of a queue popping occurs. It's laziness, pure and simple.

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I have a limited play window of 5 hours a week. I don't want to spend 1 or 2 of those trying to get a grp together. A server LFG channel or tool will help people like me explore more of the group content. Spamming chat just pees people off and is ignored half the time anyway.


Yeh i have a limited play time due to kids and family. I wonder if BW will add a magic button and give me 10k credits everytime i push it because i say i dont have the time to do quests so i can upkeep my gear...Mmmm i wonder!

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I never said it does? It also doesn't destroy server communities, so noone would quit over that.


Maybe you should ask BW that, Because they feel the same, they said TOR wont be cross server because they feel cross server destorys server based communities. Which is does and has in WoW. Lobby game. push a button, rinse and repeat.


All to keep up the dungeon and badge ratio ey lol.

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