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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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My Two Cents..


Whatever B/W do, someone is not going to like it.


I like it.. Stop moaning..


you are only paying 2cents, im getting shafted! Either way, my $15 trumps your 2cents and i would like the option to select how the GCD timers / cooldowns are displayed. Everyone happy then ...


go away troll ...

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I read a couple of pages, not all because there's 97 of them.


I really appreciate it Bioware, EA and Lucasarts are listening to players wishes on these boards and did something in the patch to fix the appIearance of the global CDs. However jjust like many people have said in these posts, at least for me as a sniper player it's become even more difficult to see which skill is usable after the global CD. For me they appear completely grayed out until the global CD is off, then become 'colourful' again.


It makes me feel I'm constantly out of energy even if i'm actually 80% in. The previous appearance of the toolbar was better imo :( BUt i can only tell in the PoV of IA/smugg ^^

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Add my name to the list of people whose eyes can't handle the cooldown animation changes. Visually confusing, obscures too much of what you want to see, highly distracting, induces much eyestrain, brings the headaches.


And in PvP: if you thought Battlemaster gear made a big difference, you should see a fight between a person whose eyes can handle these changes and a person whose eyes cannot.

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I'd like to add, silly as it may sound to some. My 82yo mother finally hit 50 last week. She can't play currently since all her bars flash and cycle after using an ability now.


To quote her: "Wizard 101 is flashy, colorful and bright, yet doesn't give me a headache like Star Wars does now."


That's right, I convinced her to play TOR instead of Wizard 101, now she cannot.

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Congratulations BioWare! You took a horrible UI interface and made it even worse! I didnt think it was honestly possible, but you've showed me to never doubt your developers short-sightedness.


Brilliant! Every box on my toolbars BLINKS every global cooldown. Wow, that's totally NOT the most annoying thing ever. Head-ache inducing is the proper term. Thanks, really, keep up the great job of destroying your already pathetic interface.

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I have had to stop playing after half an hour due to a headache I can only put down to the obnoxiously bright cooldown timers in my peripheral vision. This constant strobe like affect is just ruining the UI for me at the moment.


I have had no problem with the previous iterations of the cool down systems, I get a feel for my abilities as I level and a little indication of whether it is available is fine... I do not need the whole panel to disapear in a glare of actinic white light every 1.5 secs.


Please give the option to chose which cool down animation to use. Or at least allow for the opacity to be selected. Or even the colour... a dull red would be far better on the eyes.


Not a happy bunny at the moment.

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I read a couple of pages, not all because there's 97 of them.


I really appreciate it Bioware, EA and Lucasarts are listening to players wishes on these boards and did something in the patch to fix the appIearance of the global CDs. However jjust like many people have said in these posts, at least for me as a sniper player it's become even more difficult to see which skill is usable after the global CD. For me they appear completely grayed out until the global CD is off, then become 'colourful' again.


It makes me feel I'm constantly out of energy even if i'm actually 80% in. The previous appearance of the toolbar was better imo :( BUt i can only tell in the PoV of IA/smugg ^^


Completely right, you don't want to see how I feel as a Marauder, everything is overlayed with GCD and then everything is colored, so I randomly press something and it results in all buttons are permanently overlayed with this GCD animation and darked out, I dont see if I'm ranged to that guy and I dont see if I have rage for ability, absolute chaos

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Not goign to read all the 90 plus pagers here. But would like to add that since this change any thing more than a hour is causing massive eye strain on myself. Resulting in close to migraine headaches. I have tried sever times today to get past these and it consistently forces me to log off and allow my eyes to rest.

its not a matter of just disliking the changes they are causing physical harm! Even my wife has commented on them since she games about 2 feet from me and says some thing about them causes her eyes to be constantly drawn to look at them when seen out of the corner of her eye sight.

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Bioware/EA, I never come to the forums to complain, but I really dislike the changes you made to the action bar. I like to know which ability will be ready after my global cooldown finishes so I can start clicking it in advance. But now I actually have to wait for the global cooldown to end before I can see what is available. This is SERIOUSLY hurting my playstyle and is not what I have become accustomed to in the past 7 years of playing MMOs. I understand the game is new so I am willing to deal with various bugs, but this is actually a deal breaker that would cause me to stop playing. I'm not saying you need to change it back for everyone, but at the very least us give the option to this "feature" off. Thanks for listening...
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I think this is pretty bad, they went way overboard, and made it overly complicated. The cooldown graphic dominates the ability icons.


I am typically trying to defend this game from the useless rants, but this is a pretty bad change. However, its not entirely bioware's fault, what are the people on the test realm doing? Was this not brought up beforehand? I mean..... its not like they snuck this change in...


It was fine the way it was when the game first came out. As long as the ability is grayed out/darker, the old system is fine.


Have you seen the test realm forum posts? All they post about are crying threads about how the classes got nerfed. There were like three or more operative threads when that happened, but yet, there was NO MENTION of this UI change to speak of. Kinda makes you think don't it?

Edited by MoonsLightV
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Have you seen the test realm forum posts? All they post about are crying threads about how the classes got nerfed. There were like three or more operative threads when that happened, but yet, there was NO MENTION of this UI change to speak of. Kinda makes you think don't it?


I've got news for you--thousands of complaints about problems (probably many you have right now)--were expressed REPEATEDLY on the beta forums. Over and over and over and over again. Not only did they go live, but Bioware has successfully augmented many of the problems and made them worse.


Kinda makes you think don't it?


So no, I'm not going to waste my time testing things that weren't broken in the first place. I've lost confidence in this company's ability to recognize issues that need to be addressed and going after them. I can't even post a reasoned thread about an issue without being flamed to high heavn' that I'm a hater and I should shut up and go play some other game.

Edited by Traumahawk
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To be clear, I don't mind the idea of the cooldown effect graphically. I DO mind the fact that it is now more difficult than EVER before to know what abilities I have the resources to use and which ones I don't and that it is much more difficult to see if an ability is in range or not.
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I've got news for you--thousands of complaints about problems (probably many you have right now)--were expressed REPEATEDLY on the beta forums. Over and over and over and over again. Not only did they go live, but Bioware has successfully augmented many of the problems and made them worse.


Kinda makes you think don't it?


Makes me think they had bigger fish to fry and did so. For one thing it's the most stable *********** launch client I've played in years. Had it crash once over like 200+ hours including beta.

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if bioware has made anything evident, it is that they dont care what our feedback is on the issue. twice now the GCD has been changed, both times only making the problem worse.


how many threads did you see complaining about the gcd effect BEFORE the first "fix"? none. because it actually worked.

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I've got news for you--thousands of complaints about problems (probably many you have right now)--were expressed REPEATEDLY on the beta forums. Over and over and over and over again. Not only did they go live, but Bioware has successfully augmented many of the problems and made them worse.


Kinda makes you think don't it?


Think what? How do you know they are not fixing it? Do you know how many lines of code are in this game? It could still be weeks before they get to the fix that YOU want. They prioritize the bugs and then go from there. They have obviously fixed a lot of bugs since launch. Be patient and eventually the bug that you think is OMG SO IMPORTANT, will be fixed.

Edited by TheSpeeGamers
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Makes me think they had bigger fish to fry and did so. For one thing it's the most stable *********** launch client I've played in years. Had it crash once over like 200+ hours including beta.


Stability of the game client =/= the massive lack of UI polish and in-game bugs. Your personal experience with the client doesn't scratch the surface of the sloppiness of content. Given the choice between a kick-*** game that crashed, or a stable client that contained a mediocre game... former.

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Think what? How do you know they are not fixing it? Do you know how many lines of code are this game? It could still be weeks before they get to the fix that YOU want. They prioritize the bugs and then go from there. They have obviously fixed a lot of bugs since launch. Be patient and eventually the bug that you think is OMG SO IMPORTANT, will be fixed.


You realize that the cooldown system was kinda okay for most people before 1.1.1...right? I mean you get the idea that there was no massive outcry to change anything about the ability cooldown visual at launch. So you are thanking them for breaking something, admitting to breaking it, making us wait two weeks for a fix, and releasing a fix that was worse than before.


Meanwhile, they STILL haven't fixed the issue of completed companion missions not popping up in combat or closing windows. And that's just ONE "little" issue. You should be outraged as a customer that resources are being diverted to non-priorities.

Edited by Traumahawk
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