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  1. Well before I officially give up on DPS I decided to remod all of my gear to CRIT and see how it affected my DPS. Here is the gear setup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq3CFXK6ukeGdFRoaHJlZmk2RER6b24wMjFCWmJMdlE And this was the results (test 5 times for an average): http://www.torparse.com/a/10758 (1183 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/10759 (1203 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/10762 (1157 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/10763 (1164 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/10804 (1205 DPS) AVERAGE DPS= 1182 As you can see swapping out 6 mods/enhancements in favor of crit pretty much did NOTHING to change my DPS from the previous results I posted with stock Rakata gear (whch is about half crit/half power). Once I get another half-million credits I will switch my mods to POWER for comparison.... *NOTE: I am using Concealment spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401ocZGhModdRdGRZhM0z.1
  2. 3min test on Operations Dummy with full Rakata gear, self buffed, using 400 biochem stims/adrenals (1200 DPS): http://www.fryingtime.com/?filename=latest_test12231322.txt 5min fight where we killed Nightmare Pilgrim, keeping my energy above 80 most of the time and popping Stim Boost every time is was available (still 1200 DPS): http://www.fryingtime.com/?filename=nightmare_pilgrim.txt#20_37_01_692000 3min test on Operations Dummy from Marauder with full Rakata gear, self-buffed, using 400 biochem stims/adrenals (1500 DPS): http://www.fryingtime.com/?filename=combat_2012-04-18_02_59_50_327410.txt#04_33_33_861000 And I will try to get the logs, but the Marauder was still pulling around 1450 DPS in raid. So yes it's pretty obvious that we are more than 5% behind. And as a result our guild no longer takes Operatives to tight DPS fights. So hopefully this gets fixed soon otherwise I will be quitting the game. Invested a lot of time into this character and don't feel like starting over with a new class. I know we have nice burst damage in PvP, so they might be afraid to make us stronger. But if they simply buff Corrosive Dart it should help us out in PvE as its generally a waste of energy to use in PvP...
  3. /bump I would REALLY like to know the answer to this question myself. I've been playing with graphics and INI settings for the past 2 hours trying to change this. It is annoying to watch the grass grow as I approach it. I have a high-end system which should have no problem drawing the grass out to a further distance!
  4. Bioware/EA, I never come to the forums to complain, but I really dislike the changes you made to the action bar. I like to know which ability will be ready after my global cooldown finishes so I can start clicking it in advance. But now I actually have to wait for the global cooldown to end before I can see what is available. This is SERIOUSLY hurting my playstyle and is not what I have become accustomed to in the past 7 years of playing MMOs. I understand the game is new so I am willing to deal with various bugs, but this is actually a deal breaker that would cause me to stop playing. I'm not saying you need to change it back for everyone, but at the very least us give the option to this "feature" off. Thanks for listening...
  5. Bioware/EA, I never come to the forums to complain, but I really dislike the changes you made to the action bar. I like to know which ability will be ready after my global cooldown finishes so I can start clicking it in advance. But now I actually have to wait for the global cooldown to end before I can see what is available. This is SERIOUSLY hurting my playstyle and is not what I have become accustomed to in the past 7 years of playing MMOs. I understand the game is new so I am willing to deal with various bugs, but this is actually a deal breaker that would cause me to stop playing. I'm not saying you need to change it back for everyone, but at the very least us give the option to this "feature" off. Thanks for listening...
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