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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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We're hating our hotbars

They're much too flashy

And maybe they'll roll back

Changes, who can tell?


I guess the devs are to blame

They changed the UI

Will things ever be the same again..?



(diddle-e-dah, diddle-e-dah-dah)

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I like it... not sure how people are having issues... then again I rarely look at my bars anyways as I use binding's and generally know when I can use certain skills and the flash for me is a god send because I dont have to physically look down and be like oh still grey still a cd on it.... I see the flash bam okay GCD cycled fire off skill....


I think some are exaggerrating the whole headache bs arguement.

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How do updates like this happen? Who tests them? Seriously. Can we get a QA team made up of players? Or you know, a testing server? They became popular a while back when other MMO developer teams figured out it wasn't best to test on their PAYING player base.


I want this MMO to work out and rival WoW, but you guys need to start working with the community.

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56-57 pages now and it's not remotely prime time. They'd better get working on this fast. I scanned the French and German language versions and they aren't the least bit happy.


French: mes yeux brulent (my eyes are burning)

German: Nehmt bitte die Global Cooldown Effekte wieder raus! (please take the GCD effect out)

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The new CD change is fine with one acception...


For Rage users:

We need the ability to turn off the GCD icon fade. If you keep a consistent rotation, it is hard to see what is available with the amount of rage accumulated or on GCD. :confused:

^^^ This!


I don't want that ridiculous vertically descending bar--and much worse, that horrid icon fade--every single time I press anything.


Having clicked abilities millions of times in SWToR, I do realize there is a GCD; I really don't need a visual indication any longer.


What I do need is an indication that I have enough Rage/Focus to use a given ability, and I need that indication before GCD is up, so I'll be able to queue the ability. Since the changes today, that isn't possible any longer; the GCD effect simply hides that information.


As for abilities on individual cooldown, I'd much rather have a numerical countdown displayed in the corner of every ability button than that vertically descending bar.


And finally, no flashing, ever, of anything in the UI. Please.

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I have played MMOs going back to the old UO and I've never said this before but this one change deserves someone losing their job. Whoever in the world decided to change the original grayed out icons for abilities to this disco strobe effect currently deserves to be fired.


There was absolutely no need to change the original greyed out icon. Please change it back. This change is patently absurd.

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I'm having major problems with being able to play now because of the new cooldown effects, it's making my eyes go very fuzzy and giving me blurred vision, not a great change, but still nice to see they're trying to improve things.


However that being said, I cannot play with it like this, so hopefully they'll give us an option to turn off the new effect.


I played a little this morning before work and I have to agree with you.. I did a couple of quests and that UI change really impacted things. Luckily enough I have some access to some dark film that I am going to take home and put over the bottom part of my monitor until this is fixed. I got such a headache after using it...


I do agree it is nice to see that they are making attempts.. But seriously guys you need to hire a consultant or something that specializes in UI design. Heck take a look at a couple of the other leading games and how they handle it.. That would be good enough.. I had no problem with the way WoW or Rift handled their GCD.

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How the hell does an icon being lit give you a seizure, I'm pretty sure people are just talking out of the butts. This is how it was originally. Furthermore the change is f'ing FANTASTIC and it makes it 100x easier to see ability CDs now.
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There should a be TV show based on the Bioware's weekly patches and the reactions players have to the patch. This entire thread, combined with how badly Bioware has handled each patch, is so funny that I'm nearly in tears. QUOTE]


Yeah, I'm a Fanboy I admit it, but these patches...Each one breaks something else even worse. I know this game has billions of lines of code, etc, but still, isn't that what internal Q/A and Test Servers are for?

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I don't understand why were even having this issue. It's not like the hotkey bar is a new thing and BW has to start from scratch. It's been a standard pretty much since the dawn of time. I just scratch my head over this. :confused: Edited by Pagezeppelin
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How do updates like this happen? Who tests them? Seriously. Can we get a QA team made up of players? Or you know, a testing server? They became popular a while back when other MMO developer teams figured out it wasn't best to test on their PAYING player base.


I want this MMO to work out and rival WoW, but you guys need to start working with the community.


There IS a testing server open to the public for each new patch about a week or two prior to it rolling out to the live servers.

Edited by GamewizX
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How the hell does an icon being lit give you a seizure, I'm pretty sure people are just talking out of the butts. This is how it was originally. Furthermore the change is f'ing FANTASTIC and it makes it 100x easier to see ability CDs now.


Well, Doctor, ... wait .......


When you get a clue, I'll let you know....

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There IS a testing server open to the public for each new patch about a week or two prior to it rolling out to the live servers.


One which you cannot get a pre-made lvl 50 Jedi Guardian, or other melee class, utilizing all FOUR quick Slot Bars.........


There are clues out there... really....go get one.

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There IS a testing server open to the public for each new patch about a week or two prior to it rolling out to the live servers.


a test server you cant have a 50 on. they also dont listen to any feedback.


game is still broken and causing dizziness. if this lasts into prime time they are going to lose a large chunk of customers to seizures.

Edited by gryhmr
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One which you cannot get a pre-made lvl 50 Jedi Guardian, or other melee class, utilizing all FOUR quick Slot Bars.........


There are clues out there... really....go get one.


I corrected someone and you lash out. Very mature.


He claimed there was no testing server when in fact there is. The details of the testing server were never raised.

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I figured why I hate it so much. It's number 2 below:


1. When you use something that is on global cooldown, everything goes dark.

2. All global cooldown icons start lighting up gradually.

3. When global cooldown is finished, you see the flash on all of them.


If they went dark, stayed dark, and flashed, maybe it would had been better. I still prefer the old style, but at least this way would have been better.


The gradual lighting up though is what causing the problem for me. I need the icons to stay still! This is too much going on.


Please fix this...

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GUI should help players see the cast time, and skil or ability is now ready to be fired or not.

The current version is not acceptable. Interferes with, or even make it difficult to use. Gentlemen / Ladies zajmujcie not be upiękrzaniem the crap that does not help anyone, "overzealousness is worse than fascism." You wanted a better work out sucks.


Beauty does not change the game, and here are the other important changes to make. To which everyone is waiting, fans will not wait forever, in the end credits run out of fascination stellar universe, and then even Chuck Norris does not help to regain lost subscribers. If you want to do a game for players to actually begin to do it. Who came up with the idea of ​​global cooldown? It happened with the GUI is terrible. Distracts, hinders orientation of skils cooldown's. I do not know that the skill can be used immediately and for which I have to wait. Especially in terms of instant skil. In its current form bars skils can be compared to the streets of the casinos in Las Vegas at night. Skil, which have a long cooldown, but yes you can see better why almost all of the skill to light up when you use one, it's really disturbing.


A few things that have not yet uprzykrzają poprawiliście and also entertainment:


- After completing the pre-PVP complex group is automatically broken into. What for? As I assume the group in order to follow the group, and not in order to create it from scratch after each finished game PvP. If someone wants to go out alone.


- Opens companions to see how much affection is a specific Companion, click on the Companion, displays a frame with the amount of affection, I close the window companions and I still see the frame with a feeling of Companion, which they had previously chosen.


- The limit of simultaneously open windows to maxsymalnie two? Exaggeration! for example, sought out a specific item for crafting that I want to do, and I have two windows open, and at this point comes after zakońcoznej mission companion and close all other windows that were open. People this is sick.

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