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7 Reasons You Will Threaten To Leave TOR Over But Sholdn't.


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He may mean "#1 progression guild" - which is easily quantifiable.


In any case the fact that his ENTIRE GUILD QUIT speaks volumes.


In beta I thought to myself "wow, this is a great 60 day game, but I cant play it for years". I had my fun, I'm done. When they release an expac or some more story I will most likely come back, but maybe not cause there will be LOTS of other games in the next 18 months that may or may not be better than this game that feels like a BC reskin.


You can't really be the best "progression guild" within 2 months of a game starting. There's very little progression for the guild to make.

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What about the MIA customer service?


You expect CSRs to code for you? CSRs in every game have only a few limited abilities. 9 times out of 10 all they can do is pass on the information to developers.


The only difference is BW doesn't go through the fake motion of personally contacting every player for every /bug.


If they can do something they will actually talk to the players in game to help. But generally people have unrealistic ideas of what CSRs can actually do.

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Sure there was BRM, but not "end game" as we now now it and as it was intended to be.
I thought "end-game" was better when you were still interested in running a variety of dungeons because they still offered you superior drops, even if it came at very low drop rates (Hand of Justice in BRD, for example).


"End-game" as a daily quest grind fest for tokens is totally unattractive. Worse, BW felt that daily lockouts was an acceptable barrier to end-game content; it's not, at all.


I don't think it was attractive when Blizzard turned to that end-game approach in WoW, and it certainly doesn't fly here, where the game world itself is relatively lifeless.


Anyway, most of the reasons you list seem completely off-base from the perspective a MMO veteran; I'll put up with some bugs (it took BSoD for me to cancel AoC), some performance issues (I played WAR for a year, six months of it end-game zerg RvR), and I'm willing to wait for "end-game" content (I must have run BRD 100+ times), but all that hinges on the actual game play/game world being appealing enough to stick it out.

Edited by Ansultares
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It's funny how a lot of people don't take those 7 reasons as examples that can be expanded on, but instead say "you forgot about this and that so the game sux".


I can see flaws and problems too, but I love the game nonetheless, because it appeals to me. These things don't bother me, and I'm pretty sure the people who enjoy it and don't complain are overwhelmingly more than those who spend their time on these forums raging like angry snotty pubescent 15 year olds.


Sure you can claim the right to freely state your opinion about the game (or anyone else who disagrees with you), defending that if there is a problem it must be stated and judged with complete aggression and Bioware should have thought about this or that cause tons of other games already had those problems and fixed them in the past. However, remember that no one is being forced to play this game at gunpoint, so being a smart***** about how a company runs its business is pretty useless.


Nice post OP.

Edited by Zortezurtek
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Some nice points but I can boil it down in a sentence or two. If your not having fun playing a game, the whole of point of this or any game, then don't play it. If your having fun most of the time, and on occasion are frustrated by a bug or non-feature, does the frustration overide the fun, or does the fun override the frustration. Let that be your deciding factor. The game is only going to get better. Come back when it is. or stick around and enjoy it for what it is, a two month old product with a lot of rough edges. This game won't be going away, its got too much going for it.
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my sub ends in 12 days , havent been motivated to play now in 5 days ....


the game has great potential .. only very badly executed , and even if teres some good patches that fix stuff not sure if i would resub ....


kinda tired of disapointments , specialy titles weres E.A. involved ...


if everyone would just stop buying E.A. titles ... maybe they would try to do things differently ....


all i can say after buying BF3 , witch is still one of the best fps ever imho , that game accualy have me playing fps 's on a regular bases again , every sins quake 3 ... and after buying SWTOR wich played very good first few weeks till you get to endgame and notice their lies and shortcommings or just broken parts .... well .. i can say i'm not buying a E.A. involved title anytime soon ...


i know it wont ever happen that people think the same as me and revolt against this tyrant company ....


but hey i know teres a group already tere who hates E.A. 's gutts becouse they deliver half arshed **** , just becouse tehy wanna make big money and push games to release when not finished ... or releasing games even and have expansions already ready for sale ... admit .. thats just wrong


all i can say , .. keep buying E.A. involved titles like nothings wrong ... deep down inside you know they are laughing in your faces behind your backs ..


and honestly they dont give a **** about you only about tem money


my 2 cents


Wow. I hope this was typed on a touchscreen or something!

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I am just tired of paying money for bug infested, unfinished software period. We are the ones that allow companies to publish unfinished products because we pay them for it. Would you buy a New car with no wheels, missing a brake pad here and there, the transmission has a few gears loose and the back seats will be installed at a later time? Hell no. Software companies need to be held to higher standards and the only way to do this is hit them in the pocket book.


Hey dude, you gotta understand, Bioware is like a new car manufacturer that you're renting the car from, sure dude your new rented car has tons of problems compared to the old reliable Honda but it's your fault you don't appreciate it amirite? It's a new manufacturer, so please continuing renting the car since they're new and you should be forgiving and keep paying them money for an unfinished product.


That said, my sub just ticked for a month and I'm gonna remove recurring if the situation doesn't improve in a week.


To OP and others who are staying good luck. I'll be back if this the state of swtor becomes desirable, but with GW2/D3 on the horizon, by the time swtor comes out of paid beta it'll be too late anyway.

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He may mean "#1 progression guild" - which is easily quantifiable.


In any case the fact that his ENTIRE GUILD QUIT speaks volumes.



Not really, I could quit and take 20 people with me tomorrow, all's that says is 20 people are leaving they will be replaced in a weeks time so really doesn't mean a thing.

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Hey dude, you gotta understand, Bioware is like a new car manufacturer that you're renting the car from, sure dude your new rented car has tons of problems compared to the old reliable Honda but it's your fault you don't appreciate it amirite? It's a new manufacturer, so please continuing renting the car since they're new and you should be forgiving and keep paying them money for an unfinished product.


That said, my sub just ticked for a month and I'm gonna remove recurring if the situation doesn't improve in a week.


To OP and others who are staying good luck. I'll be back if this the state of swtor becomes desirable, but with GW2/D3 on the horizon, by the time swtor comes out of paid beta it'll be too late anyway.


Following your logic Rift should have been horrid at launch since Trion was a "new car manufacturer" Turns out Trion pulled off an awesome launch (best I have seen in 15 years) and has added a TON of content. Not only that they have had the ability to completely rework huge parts of the game they thought could work better. I don't want to hear about BioWare being "New".


I am in the same boat as you, I just cancelled auto renew on my sub and will re-examine the game when it comes time to pay again.

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I pretty much agree with the OP on this.


I work in support (not for Bioware) and hear people asking for things to be done, or for an inhouse app to have X functionality, thats fair enough, but yelling at me about it the next day and the next doesn't help it get done. Fixes can take time to implement and can create other issues, changes and problems are even worse.

As long as you report a real issue it will get looked at, just don't expect a miracle, it will be fixed as soon as it can be.

Edited by Taikaesine
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Really loved #5...tells tales about the entire post.


If you think ->____<- then you must not be as experienced as I am!


Really? Well, trust ME I have beta tested the game for almost 10 months and one of the first threads I posted in was full of people that were beta testing for 4-5 months complaining about Bioware not even acknowledging the community asking for more RPing items, vanity items, clothing, costumes, dancing, music playing, pazzak playing and other things for the role players so we have something to do other than quest and do dailies.


so that means for almost 1 1/2 YEARS players have been asking for it...where is it? Where is the post saying its coming? Or should we just search in vain for someone that may have been playing online games longer than we have to tell us they know better?


Yeah...that is the sum of your post.

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Your first point has merit. The only other MMO at launch that has had as many issues with the game as SWTOR does have been AoC and Warhammer at least those of a paid sub variety. But when issues that were discussed by the Beta community make it into the launch version and progressively get worse or multiple attempts to fix don't actually address the issue then something is wrong other then the players not giving enough patience to the product. AoC had a 6 year dev cycle as did SWTOR and both games released with pretty much the same types of issues.


Reason two is lesser so but again has merit. I only say that because of Ilum and the current loot issues with the chests. And the Ilum fix that really wasn't neccessary.


Reason three ....... well if people are actually saying that instead of they took X time to get a fix out and it didn't change anything, well .........


Reason four and five can be lumped into reason three and we will skip six.


Reason Seven. I came to see how SWTOR would be because the devs stated time and time again that everything would be different. That and lightsabers. I don't expect the game to be flawless at launch but I do expect issues like ability lag to be taken care of in the betas.

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Well let me analyze what you wrote...



Reason 1 would be false for everyone that has played at least 1 mmo in its infancy (first 3 months or so)


Every mmo launch is riddled with bugs because the MMO type of game is something that evolves into a different state as the time passes.Any MMO that has released last 12-13 years started with bugs and server problems and it got better with time. You might say XYZ game didnt have any problems, that is your memory playing a trick on you.In 2020 ASD game will lauch with lots of bugs and you will look back and say SWTOR launch was awesome as you will only remeber the good parts.



Reason 2 is true.But it can change for each person, while i think WZ win registering problem as a big issue next person may not.


Game has been launched for 2 months and they havent fixed warzone wins not registering in the quest.This is an important bug that makes people angry.I'm sure they have fixed countless other bugs but they have created a lot of bugs with those pathes



Reason 3. This is actually stupid.


They cant just roll out 100 patches each day.Right now they are even releasing them way too fast without proper Quality/Bug control.

They should take their time and release patches that actually fix bugs instead of creating more problems for players


Reason 4 Right Now its False but in the future as the game gets more customers it will be True.


They Have to keep the game alive right now or it will just be another MMO game that failed/died/went to F2P.


Reason 5. True They dont listen to Community %100.


They wont listen to community.Maybe they will take note of what ppl want here and there but thats it.Listening the every whim of community will turn the game into QQ to get whatever you want.They are the Devs They will do what they want when they want.



Reason 6. and 7 Comparing a game to another game is tricky buisness.


How do people expect a newly released game to have EVERY Aspect of a previously released game + more? MMO games doesnt work that way.They are not built on each other like singplayer games.You see game like Elder Scrolls where the series gets better with each release.Every MMO game is built from the ground.Things will get changed and added.Compare the XYZ game you are going back to Release day and Today.See that differance?Thats what SWTOR is like now.Its up to you to stick and see those changes or you can leave now and come back when you think this game deserves your money.




If people want to leave let them.They dont find the game fun?Then they have no reason to pay and play.We can say whatever we can but its up to each person on how much his/her time is worth or if the game is entertaining enough.So in the end Every Reason you have written in True to the person that thinks that way.

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