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02.07 patch: changes to sentinel or lack of it...


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That sounds retarded when you could simply time how long it takes to kill a world boss and divide [TOTAL HP] by [TIME].


then by all means do it and tell people to stop asking for combat logs. I was only giving him an option on how to do it if he liked. Next time you tell him instead of just jumping in to correct me ok pal.

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Funny you mention this. I am level 34 (Watchman) now, and I had not died in PVE throughout the whole leveling process. Elites had not been a problem. I just tried to take on the Elite Sith Harrowers on Tat, which were level 32. I died a total of 4 times trying to kill the 3 I needed for the quest.


I tried taking my gear on/off, relogging, etc thinking there has to be some bug going on. No dice.


My damage seems DRASTICALLY lower. Very disappointing.


The Sith Harrowers are a bit of a cold shower in pixels. I one-shot Darth Angral, but I died to my first Sith Harrower namely because I wasn't expecting him to be nearly as hard as he was.


I doubt your damage is lower, just the Sith Harrowers are a little wonky-tough. Just treat each of them with the respect you treated Darth Angral, interrupt everything, and things even out again.

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I feel like I"m doing less damage in PVP. Now it could be because in PVP gear I have a lot less surge. Haven't done anything PVE yet.


But for some reason I feel a lot squishier. I know they didn't nerf our survivability but I don't know, doing warzones it seemed like I was taking damage in much bigger chunks. Maybe I was just playing some really well geared Imps...

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I feel like I"m doing less damage in PVP. Now it could be because in PVP gear I have a lot less surge. Haven't done anything PVE yet.


But for some reason I feel a lot squishier. I know they didn't nerf our survivability but I don't know, doing warzones it seemed like I was taking damage in much bigger chunks. Maybe I was just playing some really well geared Imps...


Press buttons.


99% of the problem with Sentinels and Marauders is players are literally not pressing buttons. #rotatinggodmodecooldowns

Edited by ShiroRX
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The Sith Harrowers are a bit of a cold shower in pixels. I one-shot Darth Angral, but I died to my first Sith Harrower namely because I wasn't expecting him to be nearly as hard as he was.


I doubt your damage is lower, just the Sith Harrowers are a little wonky-tough. Just treat each of them with the respect you treated Darth Angral, interrupt everything, and things even out again.


Yeah I think it was probably the fact that there were no channeled/interruptible attacks via the timer bar. There may have been some animations that could be interrupted, but I'm not sure which ones they are. Having moved on to the next planet, it doesn't seem to be as bad as it first appeared. It just sucked that the first mobs I fought when coming back after the patch had to be the hardest ones! Felt like I was barely scratching them!

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I'm not doing anything differently. It's probably just going up against really geared players. Against normal or lesser geared I can definitely see my dot crits being really high.


Still haven't done anything PVE yet so can't comment there, but I'd assume that if you have a lot of surge you're going to see a good DPS increase.

Edited by FobManX
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but I'd assume that if you have a lot of surge you're going to see a good DPS increase.


Negative. Pre-patch, BOTH non-crit and crit dmg were higher. Therefore, no amount of crit or surge will lead to a dps increase. In fact, greater amounts of surge will widen the gap in favor of pre-patch numbers.

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Negative. Pre-patch, BOTH non-crit and crit dmg were higher. Therefore, no amount of crit or surge will lead to a dps increase. In fact, greater amounts of surge will widen the gap in favor of pre-patch numbers.


Funny that you say this as earlier I've seen my highest dot crit with just surge relic proc'd. Used to barely hit 1500s, yet I saw a 1563. Just sayin'.

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It's a DPS increase. I breezed through the dailies today.


Are you having issues seeing if cauterize comes off CD from a MS proc? thats my main gripe with the ui change atm, its hard to see things that are off cooldown because of the GCD flashing :(

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Funny you mention this. I am level 34 (Watchman) now, and I had not died in PVE throughout the whole leveling process.


And, see, that's not what the standard of expectations should be. You should expect to need to take a couple of shots at some things.

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As a Marauder I wanted to add my experience from last night. We(Sith) have a daily heroic 2+ mission on Belsavis where you enter a maze and kill a bunch of robots to get to a boss.

There are usually groups of 4 silver and 1 gold NPCs. I normally CC'ed the gold and finished the silver ones (with healer companion) and then killed the gold after some companion heals. I could solo this mission.


Last night after patch I tried this mission again. I CC'ed the gold and started fighting the silvers. I died 3 times on the same group. The 4 silvers ripped me apart. Oh, and I have mostly Rakata gear, including Rakata mainhand and offhand sabers. I was MUCH squishier than before patch and I am wondering if something changed on my class or the NPCs? Took me longer to kill the silvers too. I am Annihilation(Watchman) specced.

Edited by Precurso
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Survivability seems the same.


DPS seems to be a little bit down, but Zen is more fun and also more important now. In PvP I usually saved my centering for Trans, but last night I was having to pop it more on Zen to put the hurt on people.. So I guess our overall is down a bit but our burst is up. Full dots + Zen + merc + spam = massive damage.


What's been hurting me is the return off really bad ability stuttering... I'm not sure when it got better after the last patch but I had gotten used to my skills going off when I pressed them. Seems like every new patch breaks it?


Also the new UI is disgusting... I cant tell when my abilities come off cool down. Having to rely on memory, luck and button spam.. =/

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