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Empire - Republic Ratio : Cmon guys, dont make the faction fiasco happen again.


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Basicly from what i have seen on several servers is that there is an Alarming number of players on the empire, i did a couple of /who's and got some really disturbinb numbers.


on most servers the numbers of the Sith Inquistor players are higher then of all Jedi Classes combined.


Roll repubilc guys, i want good competitive World PvP that dosent require BW to scale people atributes on those zones to make it up for it



PS: you can be EVIL as an Jedi (this seems to be why people roll empire)

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Basicly from what i have seen on several servers is that there is an Alarming number of players on the empire, i did a couple of /who's and got some really disturbinb numbers.


on most servers the numbers of the Sith Inquistor players are higher then of all Jedi Classes combined.


Roll repubilc guys, i want good competitive World PvP that dosent require BW to scale people atributes on those zones to make it up for it



PS: you can be EVIL as an Jedi (this seems to be why people roll empire)


I'm rolling Republic for exactly this reason. Why don't you start by taking your own advice?

Edited by AlpsStranger
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Basicly from what i have seen on several servers is that there is an Alarming number of players on the empire, i did a couple of /who's and got some really disturbinb numbers.


on most servers the numbers of the Sith Inquistor players are higher then of all Jedi Classes combined.


Roll repubilc guys, i want good competitive World PvP that dosent require BW to scale people atributes on those zones to make it up for it



PS: you can be EVIL as an Jedi (this seems to be why people roll empire)


Well do it yourself than?

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Basicly from what i have seen on several servers is that there is an Alarming number of players on the empire, i did a couple of /who's and got some really disturbinb numbers.


on most servers the numbers of the Sith Inquistor players are higher then of all Jedi Classes combined.


Roll repubilc guys, i want good competitive World PvP that dosent require BW to scale people atributes on those zones to make it up for it



PS: you can be EVIL as an Jedi (this seems to be why people roll empire)


I'll be making characters for both factions, but since I plan to play on a PvE server, I won't care about the balance too much.


And yeah, I'll be a bad Jedi :cool:

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Bioware should of hyped the hell out of the Republic to help with this tbh. It was blatantly obvious that the Empire was going to outnumber them. I've already got a an Empire Guild that I'm waiting to play with (In the server queue atm) so sorry not rolling a Jedi. ;)
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In every faction based MMO ever, there has always been a strong initial influx of players to the "evil" side. Things even out after the first month, and eventually the "evil" side becomes terribly underpopulated compared to the overwhelming zerg on the "good" side.


This has happened in Warhammer, Aion, and WoW, just to name a few. (Although blood elves in WoW threw everything out of whack.)

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Basicly from what i have seen on several servers is that there is an Alarming number of players on the empire, i did a couple of /who's and got some really disturbinb numbers.


on most servers the numbers of the Sith Inquistor players are higher then of all Jedi Classes combined.


Roll repubilc guys, i want good competitive World PvP that dosent require BW to scale people atributes on those zones to make it up for it



PS: you can be EVIL as an Jedi (this seems to be why people roll empire)


What faction are you?


If its not republic you know where can put your opinion dont you?

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Basicly from what i have seen on several servers is that there is an Alarming number of players on the empire, i did a couple of /who's and got some really disturbinb numbers.


on most servers the numbers of the Sith Inquistor players are higher then of all Jedi Classes combined.


Roll repubilc guys, i want good competitive World PvP that dosent require BW to scale people atributes on those zones to make it up for it



PS: you can be EVIL as an Jedi (this seems to be why people roll empire)


FYI, I'm rolling SITH because I enjoy the skill animations more than that of the Jedi. Lightning > Telepathy. YES, you CAN be an "Evil" Jedi... however, you are still on the side of the Republic.


ALSO, Numbers aren't everything in PVP.. I've seen Shadows/Assassins take on multiple players at a time. Coordinate.

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Basicly from what i have seen on several servers is that there is an Alarming number of players on the empire, i did a couple of /who's and got some really disturbinb numbers.


on most servers the numbers of the Sith Inquistor players are higher then of all Jedi Classes combined.


Roll repubilc guys, i want good competitive World PvP that dosent require BW to scale people atributes on those zones to make it up for it



PS: you can be EVIL as an Jedi (this seems to be why people roll empire)


Nah, the reason is most likely inherited from WoW. People think that the mature guys go Sith, and the kids go Republic. It's a self supporting spiral.

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Nah, the reason is most likely inherited from WoW. People think that the mature guys go Sith, and the kids go Republic. It's a self supporting spiral.


I also support/believe this theory to be true. Just think. As kids, what are we taught? Good triumphs over evil. So of course kids first instincts will be to roll Republic to be "Good" since they are depicted as the victors in the movies and that's what they can relate to.

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I also support/believe this theory to be true. Just think. As kids, what are we taught? Good triumphs over evil. So of course kids first instincts will be to roll Republic to be "Good" since they are depicted as the victors in the movies and that's what they can relate to.


All I've ever seen is "[my faction] is where all the mature, intelligent people play. The [other faction] is CLEARLY geared towards immature, stupid children."

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I also support/believe this theory to be true. Just think. As kids, what are we taught? Good triumphs over evil. So of course kids first instincts will be to roll Republic to be "Good" since they are depicted as the victors in the movies and that's what they can relate to.


you really dont know many kids do you?

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I also support/believe this theory to be true. Just think. As kids, what are we taught? Good triumphs over evil. So of course kids first instincts will be to roll Republic to be "Good" since they are depicted as the victors in the movies and that's what they can relate to.


If the kids we are talking about are no older than eight, sure. However as any parent can tell you, a child approaching pre-teen and long after will always, always choose the 'evil' option whenever it is presented to them. As such the most immature minds will flood the 'evil' faction any time it is available to them.


So you have the kids going Empire, the emo's going Empire, the early 20's kids still trying to be 'individuals' by all choosing Empire, and every jack-*** on the internet going Empire as well. Just based on the population of jack-***'s on the interwebs, that gives a notable numerical advantage of the Empire alone.


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