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Remake of the older (4-6) movies?


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My reasons for a remake.


1. The technology is old to the point of greatly hindering the purpose of many of scenes and over all theme.


I hate the CGI in the new ones, it takes me out of the story and shouts, "HEY I'M A MOVIE WITH FAKE PROPS AND NOTHING IS REAL." I prefer practical effects like models, puppets, and makeup effects.


2. Kind of similar to two, the battles look horrible due to the technology in which its made. For example Luke and Vadar fight as one of the two most powerful force users there are...and they swing their swords around slow and sloppy. Yet while Vadar was a young padawan, he was jumping around like an insane maniac destroying everything in his path along with every other jedi. Granted he has some robotic limbs now, that doesnt excuse all of it.

This ontop of large scale combat would be amazing now compared to then.


In the new everything looked so rehearsed it wasn't even funny. Yet the point of the duels isn't to impress with acrobatics but to show the power of emotions and conflict between the characters. The lines they speak and the way they emote are far more important to these scenes than doing a bunch of flips and trying to look cool.


3. To me, and this is where it gets really debated, the actors can all easily be replaced...with the exception of ford, although quite honestly theres a few actors now at his age then who can pull it off. I for one did not like Lukes actor. Looked and acted just a little too weak even at the end.


More than Ford are irreplaceable. Alec Guiness, James Earl Jones, Ian McDiarmid, Peter Cushing, Sebastian Shaw, Anthony Daniels, Frank Oz....more minor characters like Jason Wingreen (the original Boba who Lucas replaced with terrible voice acting from Temura Morrison).


In closing have you ever tried to watch the first three...then watch the second three? I can't do it. Doesn't make sense when I think about half the stuff going on due to the old technology.


I'd rather they go back and remake the prequels with LESS CGI, less stunt choreography, MORE good acting / writing, and MORE reason to give one wit about the characters. I can't watch the "first three" (prequels) at all, they are so cringe-worthy I've stopped trying to appreciate them anymore (even Ep. 3 which I thought was the strongest of the three).



But to each his own. They will never be remade regardless so it's kind of a non-issue.

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More than Ford are irreplaceable. Alec Guiness, James Earl Jones, Ian McDiarmid, Peter Cushing, Sebastian Shaw, Anthony Daniels, Frank Oz....more minor characters like Jason Wingreen (the original Boba who Lucas replaced with terrible voice acting from Temura Morrison).


To be honest, Morrison's va work doesn't bother me. What bothered me about his voice for Boba Fett and every Clone Trooper voice is that it's literally the same voice and accent.


Accents aren't something we're born with, and change over time when exposed to different accents for a long enough period of time.

Even our voices as adults change according to stresses on our vocal cords - smoking (passive as well as active), drinking, shouting and many other things. Even a night out with friends and having to shout just to speak to them because of loud music has left my voice taking a couple of days to recover, and I don't go out anywhere near as regularly as most of them.

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The only remake that could be done is the special effects which is what Lucas loves so much that he spammed them to death in EP1-3.


Thus, you get to see the Executor scaled into modern day graphics or suddenly they can fill the screen with thousands of ships fighting at Endor rather than a motly collection which is somehow meant to depict the clash of an intergalactic civil war.


However at some point that will fail massively and it would be far too easy to screw things up. I.E The special editions where they keep throwing more garbage on the screen which serves no purpose but cluttering up the frames.


Oh lookie... now the Sarlaac has tenticles that move about and a beak mouth thing that swallows people rather than them just falling into a hole.

Oh lookie, a 5 second scene with three tie fighters flying past the screen.


Really ?

Whats the point ?

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Ugh! You know why he waited for the prequals? So he could put the crappy battle droids in. And Jar-jar. We waited 20 years.....so we wouldn't have to miss Jar-jar.


Luke and Vader didn't need to jump around, they were so powerful they just walked up and killed whoever got in their way, no need for silly tricks. All those spinning back flips make you a good cheerleader I guess, but when you are in a sword fight taking your eyes of your enemy for a split second equals instant death.


Luke and Vader's fight was the only realistic fight in the entire series. All the oriental "martial arts" look nice...but there is a reason Europe dominated china. There is a reason the cage fighters concentrate on boxing and greko-roman wrestling. All the flipping around, twirling ninja stuff, and ultra-light swords will get you insta-dead when you meet a broadsword.


Genghis Khan would have conquered Europe had he not fallen off his horse and died. His 3? sons inherited his empire and rather than conquer Europe ( whos armies were out on the crusades) decided to fight each other for dominance.

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Look up Adywan's Star Wars Revisited if you want to see a proper revision of ep. 4.


One fan did it, not a legion of sfx teams.


Notably, the Yavin 4 death star battle, and the Falcon's escape from the Death Star.


Oh and Solo's "few Maneuvers" escaping from Tattooine.


He used the '94 SE to do this, a few things missing from his version?


Greedo shooting at all


Jabba the Hut


I got a copy of this version and it has replaced my SE version in my set. I wish he had revisited the other two as well.

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Actually this is already a generation conflict. Some did grew up with StarWars "4-6" even they have not seen it in the cinema, without the movies like they original exist and without the massive fans in this time, the success of the movies...we would not have seen the parts 1-3.


Probably in some decades there will be remakes, since the hollywood industry isnt always that creative. Too many movies were just a remake from older black/white films. But, I dont think that it would happen in the near future. The point is that probably such remakes would not be that profitable since not enough viewers would watch them, mostly fans. Besides that they would destroy probably a lot of feelings of the starwars fans since the movies are not just good movies, they are cult in the form they exist.


Personally I didnt like for example the "KungFu" style fights in the new episodes, this was over the top seeing yoda flying around with his sword. Some of the new CGI´s were great, all in all the new movie blockbuster often have just too much cgi but less acting, cinematics and story. Thats a problem of the movies in general in the last years, sometimes.


I mean maybe this would be a start (just kidding), but I rather enjoy the original actors:


Leonardo diCaprio starring Luke Skywalker


Sandra Bullock - Leia Organa


Keanu Reaves - Han Solo


Will Smith - Lando Calrissian


Patrick Stewart - Grand Moff Tarkin


Sean Connery - Ben Kenobi


Arnold Schwarzenegger - Chewbacca


George W. Bush - Darth Vader

Edited by BobaFurz
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Leonardo diCaprio as Luke Skywalker


Sandra Bullock as Leia Organa


Keanu Reaves as Han Solo


Will Smith as Lando Calrissian


Patrick Stewart as Grand Moff Tarkin


Sean Connery as Ben Kenobi


1. he's gotten too old, can't think of a younger actor...that kid from Wanted, or Kick Azz, maybe.


2. Again too old. The cheerleader from Heroes maybe


3. Can't see it..Don't know who could replace Billy Dee, honestly


4. Are you high?! HELL NO! Nathon Fillion or bust, maybe Ryan Reynolds...if they kept him toned down from his Van Wilder-esque character (that is all he ever plays no matter the role)


5. Again it is hard replacing Peter Cushing. I just can't see Stewart being evil enough. He was terrible in Conspiracy Theory. The actor that played Skorpius on Farscape, Wayne Pygram, however...he also played a young Tarkin in ep. 3.


6. Can't see him either. He doesn't understand movies like this. I could see Ian McKellan (Gandalf) though.

Edited by Keihryon
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Luke and Vader didn't need to jump around, they were so powerful they just walked up and killed whoever got in their way, no need for silly tricks. All those spinning back flips make you a good cheerleader I guess, but when you are in a sword fight taking your eyes of your enemy for a split second equals instant death.


Luke and Vader's fight was the only realistic fight in the entire series. All the oriental "martial arts" look nice...but there is a reason Europe dominated china. There is a reason the cage fighters concentrate on boxing and greko-roman wrestling. All the flipping around, twirling ninja stuff, and ultra-light swords will get you insta-dead when you meet a broadsword.


The thing with that though is that all of the Force users are guided by the Force so then they have the ability to take there eyes off the opponent for "a split second."


Also Arnold Schwarzenegger as Chewy make me laugh a little.

Edited by JGames
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Have you ever seen what happens to remakes, classic films that are just never the same.


Get Carter, Original ..Clasic ... Remake ...Rubbish

Italian Job, Original ..Clasic ... Remake ...Rubbish

OMEN Original ..Clasic ... Remake ...Rubbish


The list goes on, of course there have been remakes of faield films that have become better, but Star Wars wasnt a failed film.


True Grit, Original..Classic (two S's btw)...Remake...Great

Internal Affairs, Original...Classic...Remake...Fantastic (The Departed)

Scarface, Original...Classic...Remake...Do I even have to say anything?


I'm with you don't remake the original trilogy but not all remakes are bad some are even better than the originals. I think The Departed is much better than Internal Affairs but both are great and hell All Along the Watchtowers (Jimi Hendrix cover version) is just as good if not better than Bob Dylan's. It just takes a talented director(s) to make it work. The real question is who would you like to direct them?


Frankly I want Guy Ritche to direct a Star Wars film on the Smuggler/Bounty Hunter lifestyle.

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lol reeves as solo...was probably the funniest thing I've read on this forum to date. Why? Because if lucas did make the remakes...I'm sure he'd do something as stupid as that.

I like reeves in movies that are well...made for reeves. Reeves can only play one kind of part at all lol...and solo is not one of them.

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you should probably look up the word... faith is confidence or trust in a person or thing.. it doesn't matter whether or not it can be proved...


Grats! You managed to read definition 1 of faith off of dictionary.com. Here's definition 2:


"belief that is not based on proof"

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Luke and Vader didn't need to jump around, they were so powerful they just walked up and killed whoever got in their way, no need for silly tricks. All those spinning back flips make you a good cheerleader I guess, but when you are in a sword fight taking your eyes of your enemy for a split second equals instant death.


Not if you are a Jedi and your force sensitivity is probably more important to your fighting than your ordinary senses. Basically, Jedi and Sith are not reacting to what their opponent is currently doing, but they are already reacting to what they are going to do in the next moment.

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