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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cybertech Speeders


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They're probably planning to introduce some BoE mounts later, either from drops or crafted, and present them as some great feature in a content patch or expansion.


Personally, I'd be more interested in seeing them introduce craftable pets. Cybertech could get mini-droids and Biochem could produce critters (a little twisted, but why not?). The pets I've seen so far on the vendors have been very disappointing.

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To be honest, i love the crafting, and it might be 'stupid' in the eyes of others but i want to collect all tyhe schematics. I know this costs a lot, but at the same time it helps out my guild and i enjoynthe crafting and re process.. the thing was i was hoping to send a speeder to my alt, and it doesnt work. You dont require cybertech to use it bit it still binds on pickup, i hope this will be changed. Granted, it was my own ignorance to not look at the print and assume it was bind on equip, but it just felt like a bit of a waste of resources.
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If something is completely unfinished, that means it hasn't been started yet?




No, it means that every aspect of it is not yet finished: how missions operate, how resources are gathered and used, how patterns are gained and used, how items compare to items gained in other ways, how reverse engineering functions...


Since all aspects are unfinished, it's completely unfinished. Get it now?

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No, it means that every aspect of it is not yet finished: how missions operate, how resources are gathered and used, how patterns are gained and used, how items compare to items gained in other ways, how reverse engineering functions...


Since all aspects are unfinished, it's completely unfinished. Get it now?


Yep, basically most of the game is "Hey it works, good enough". Especially crafting. Its really bad and completely unbalanced with the rest of the game, its seems like they had different teams working on different things but there wasnt enough discussion between those teams.


I could say "LOL PAYED BETA", or suggest Bioware should have developed the game longer but... To be perfectly honest Bioware doesnt know what theyre doing, and its apparent the developers did not play MMOs prior to making TOR. Its like they put together a Q&A team and sent them out to take notes on other MMOs then based development around that.


I am glad the game is out and that they appear(they do) to be listening to player feedback because no amount of even open BETA testing would refine the game as much as is needed. They seem to pay much more attention to paying customers than they do volunteer testers, as is apparent by BETA and the PTS feedback threads.


Theyll get it, with time, and Im happy enough to keep playing even if I have a list of things to b**** about :D


ALTHOUGH to be on topic I disagree about Cybertech speeders, I think they should stay BoP.

Edited by Achromatis
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ALTHOUGH to be on topic I disagree about Cybertech speeders, I think they should stay BoP.



I agree with this. I do however think they should add some pet schematics to the game, obtained via investigation or something.

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I'm sure crafting will have a major expansion in the coming years. If they put everything into one game, it would create to bad conditions for Bioware. One, only add to the list of things that have bugs. Two, give you another reason to keep your subscription by adding new content, and only having to deal with the problems associated with the new content.
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As a cybertecher I made a crafted hoverbike for one of my other characters only to find it bound to my crafter - ok I did not read the description or to be honest thought it was a misprint.


It is just downright daft to give us recipes of this kind and make the products unable to be traded.


This just makes a mockery of any claim that they intend crafting to be a viable option in this game... :(

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