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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Where are the Devs?


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They should be talking to the comunity 2 time a week or posting the the threads or something that way we know what are they thinking of the game and how the pvp is evolving with the time but we dont get a thing. I really dont know if they are happy with the actual pvp or they are trying to change it. And I feel if the devs don't hear the comunity this game will be dead soon june or july or before
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They're in the boardroom having crisis meetings with their EA bosses:


EA lackey "why are we losing so many subs on the pvp servers?"


Gabe "Derp"


EA lackey "but we spent 300 million dollars on voiceovers and we have not recovered that cost yet"


Gabe "my hand smells like soap"


EA Lackey "Just add more timesinks to make them stay longer"


Gabe "What about bright wizards!"


EA Lackey "errrr ok it's agreed, reduce the RNG on pvp bags to like 1% instead of 20%, and make 1 in 20 WZ wins count towards dailies instead of 1 in 4"


Gabe *licks window*

Edited by Evuke
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If I were a Dev I'd not want to talk to most of you either. Nothing personal, it's just that I fear my undies are flammable.


Ain't that the truth.


Still, I can't help but feel that when they're nerfing a popular spec to absolute garbage, like they're doing to Sins in tomorrow's patch, it's just common decency to come out and explain why they think it needs to be done. Otherwise they will be judged in absentia, and that's never pretty.

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As part of this effort, specifically for PvP, we are also working on changes that will reduce the gear related power difference between new characters at level 50 and players in full PvP gear. We feel that at the current time, this difference is too high.





Doing this.

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I am puzzled. This is the best game that has ever been created. I feel privileged beyond compare that Bioware allows me to use this piece of art for the paltry sum of $15/month. I would gladly pay $25 or more! I think you should let your anger go and embrace the nirvana that is SWTOR
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I am puzzled. This is the best game that has ever been created. I feel privileged beyond compare that Bioware allows me to use this piece of art for the paltry sum of $15/month. I would gladly pay $25 or more! I think you should let your anger go and embrace the nirvana that is SWTOR

Leave the drugs

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I am puzzled. This is the best game that has ever been created. I feel privileged beyond compare that Bioware allows me to use this piece of art for the paltry sum of $15/month. I would gladly pay $25 or more! I think you should let your anger go and embrace the nirvana that is SWTOR


Bio Dev alt spotted..

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Originally Posted by Bragar

I am puzzled. This is the best game that has ever been created. I feel privileged beyond compare that Bioware allows me to use this piece of art for the paltry sum of $15/month. I would gladly pay $25 or more! I think you should let your anger go and embrace the nirvana that is SWTOR


Bio Dev alt spotted..Bio Dev alt spotted..


Actually much simpler... just like you can go from light to dark side based on responses to quests, I believe you can defer a ban by sucking up big time :)

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