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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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only here's because there's no alternatives yet, but tera, secret world and gw2 aren't too far away.


Tera and secret world lol yeah good luck with that... gw2 will maybe be good pvp

but the chance that you will complain in the future about gw2 is also very high.

Think i will stick to my beloved star wars ip even thou ilum is crap.

As long as i see the TOR devs are actually working to improve pvp here i'm happy.

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I want this game to be good, it has potential but I am reaching the limits of what I can tolerate.


I'm starting to think the only way this game has a future is if they sack everyone involved in its development and get a completely new team in.

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I want this game to be good, it has potential but I am reaching the limits of what I can tolerate.


I'm starting to think the only way this game has a future is if they sack everyone involved in its development and get a completely new team in.


I know the feeling...


Although I'd say it may need more than that, like scrubbing the whole thing, and starting over with a new engine.

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I canceled but have a few months left, since I paid 6 month sub :(


What is your excuse?


Wow. Horrible life quality? :S "I hate doing this but I do it anyways cause I payed for it". If you bought "My Little pony: The game" when you were 5, do you feel obligated to still play it just cause you payed for it?

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It's been all of two months, name another MMO with MORE content after 2 months post release. WoW didn't even have battlegrounds for like a year if I'm not mistaken (which I may be it's been a while) This game chews up and spits out Vanilla WoW or any other MMO release I can think of hands down.
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It's been all of two months, name another MMO with MORE content after 2 months post release. WoW didn't even have battlegrounds for like a year if I'm not mistaken (which I may be it's been a while) This game chews up and spits out Vanilla WoW or any other MMO release I can think of hands down.


vanilla wow - 2004

sw:tor - 2012


~7 years to learn. not enough?

Edited by Rikeryo
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gw2 will maybe be good pvp

but the chance that you will complain in the future about gw2 is also very high.

Think i will stick to my beloved star wars ip even thou ilum is crap.

As long as i see the TOR devs are actually working to improve pvp here i'm happy.




People are expecting miracles to happen the day after a bug is found. I'm just waiting for these doomsayers and GW2 fanboys to unsub so we can enjoy the game with less complaining.


P.S. I'll be reading the GW2 forums and laughing when i see pages of complaint threads about mesmers ;)

Edited by Keninblack
i'm a meany :(
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I have been enjoying the game so far. There is a lot they need to improve on, especially in regards to PvP, but my time here has certainly been enjoyable. Every MMO has points they excel in and others they struggle with, it is a constant balancing act that will never end. Since I like this game as much as I do right now, with the problems, I am excited to see how much fun it is once they have had more time to work things out. As long as they keep rolling out improvements each week I am perfectly happy to keep playing.
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vanilla wow - 2004

sw:tor - 2012


~7 years to learn. not enough?


It's not like all that content just gets shat out it has to be created and coded, tested, patched, tested, patched etc. If you tried to wrap your mind around the code for this game your head would explode into goo.

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I wouldn't say lacking. Someone will say they have:


1. Datacron Easter egg hunt

2. PvE operations with various modes

3. World PvP

4. WZ PvP

5. Crafting

6. Space

7. Level another class


It is just that ALL of these things except 7 were implemented half-***, are mini games, and simply boring.


There is another game called WoW which does 1-6 100X better. For those that say SWTOR just released, why would I do 1-6 when another game does it better?


The real question is *** does SWTOR offer that another game doesn't do better???


1. one day of fun

2. It is (at least on my server as the republic) impossible to get a raiding guild as healer

3. Huh, what? where?

4. That's only thing

5. Crafting is big disaster for me, the fact that you cant even craft items by YOURSELF ruined it for me + auction house is crazy time consumer, it takes way too long to put an item there after you check the price, so (almost) nobody uses it

6. huh?

7. It was funny untill level 10 when 95% of quests are exactly the same

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It's been all of two months, name another MMO with MORE content after 2 months post release. WoW didn't even have battlegrounds for like a year if I'm not mistaken (which I may be it's been a while) This game chews up and spits out Vanilla WoW or any other MMO release I can think of hands down.


Quality, not quantity.


Plus if you boil this game down to just its PvP content (which is really what pvpers care about) it's incredibly shallow and repetitive. Especially if you're coming from WoW.


What WoW had in 2004 is irrelevant, it's 2012. The standards are simply different and ToR is competing with WoW (and every other MMO) now, not in 2004.


I think vanilla WoW is better pvp-wise. The world pvp was fantastic whereas in ToR I never got that sense of danger and unpredictability on a pvp server. The gear system was better too (never thought I'd say that) and classes were far more unique.


The only place ToR trumps WoW is story and maybe class balance.

Edited by golfwang
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resubbed daoc, having a blast!! thanks swtor for pointing me in the right direction.


gw2 come already


GW2 is every pvpers wet dream. It'll steal the pvp base from ToR really fast.


The only people queuing warzones and zerging Ilum will be backpedaling, clicking, pvers.

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gw2 come already


Yet...here you are...paying for development here :) Those of us enjoying THIS game, thank you!


Curious...if GW2 has you so excited....why aren't you playing GW1 right now? Or trolling the GW forums?


GW is just ANOTHER sword and magic game...guess I simply don't understand how anyone could be excited for yet ANOTHER game being released in that fantasy crap setting of middle earth...we already have a billion other MMOs in that EXACT setting.

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GW2 is every pvpers wet dream. It'll steal the pvp base from ToR really fast.


The only people queuing warzones and zerging Ilum will be backpedaling, clicking, pvers.


Just...NO! That may be YOUR wet dream, but I assure you, it isn't mine...but good luck storming the castle.

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