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Sage/Sorc needs a nerf!!


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well considering when i use to play my alt opp i did a 3k crit with backstab and it still didnt burst your bubble


Maybe at level 50, with full gear, since at that point it would have 500hps left, thats it. But seeing how your opening only did 3k, it could not of been at that level.

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Dont talk bullsh#t, your bubble absorbs at least Tracers, if you say something else you are a liar, just as simple as that.


It absorbs about 3500 at max, tracers hit for 3k+ crit.. If you argue that then you have no clue what you speak of, just as simple as that.

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another skill that is uber if used right that, is the pull, so many times have i pulled a team mate to help me beat on the guy that was beating on me or after dashing through flames takin no damage pulled him through the flames.....lol
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Maybe at level 50, with full gear, since at that point it would have 500hps left, thats it. But seeing how your opening only did 3k, it could not of been at that level.


TBH all i am going to say is sorc needs to get either ballanced out or get other classes pimped out simular to sorcs kind of attractions cause there way to many sorc and it really annoys me

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It absorbs about 3500 at max, tracers hit for 3k+ crit.. If you argue that then you have no clue what you speak of, just as simple as that.


Tracer Crits with full Champion Gear with 2000-2200. And next you will tell us Tracer Crits with every Hit, yeah, we all know that. And mercs electric Dart stuns the whole enemy Team.


Tracer Crits with 3 k on Players with Lvl 50 Greens only

Edited by Luckorforever
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Dont talk bullsh#t, your bubble absorbs at least 3 Tracers, if you say something else you are a liar, just as simple as that.


i have to say on my level 38 Bounty hunter I have to use 3 tracer missles just to break a Bubble

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I think Mercs are OP cause you have heavy armor and a shield to go along with crazy damage. :rolleyes:


yes but thing is shield absorbs little damage since it only blocks 25% and tbh the crazy damage only comes after spamming atleast 3 tracermissles and debuffed them (if tm is specced)

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OKay, let me just get a bit sassy here.


Devs. Could you nerf every players accound except mine?! That way I could just mutilate everyone that looks in my direction. I don't have enough play time (experience) under my belt to kill other players!




BTW! I'm not a sage/sorc and I'm not going to say my class. I am a force user. I crit 4k pretty regularly.


If you don't want to be creamed then you better cc me!

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Tracer Crits with full Champion Gear with 2000-2200. And next you will tell us Tracer Crits with every Hit, yeah, we all know that. And mercs electric Dart stuns the whole enemy Team.


Tracer Crits with 3 k on Players with Lvl 50 Greens only


I thought making up our own statistics to back our incorrect theories is what we were doing in this thread, no?

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Tracer Crits with full Champion Gear with 2000-2200. And next you will tell us Tracer Crits with every Hit, yeah, we all know that. And mercs electric Dart stuns the whole enemy Team.


Tracer Crits with 3 k on Players with Lvl 50 Greens only


Funny. With all but 2 champ peieces, the BHs on my server regularly crit me for 3k+ 2800 on a low crit.

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yes but thing is shield absorbs little damage since it only blocks 25% and tbh the crazy damage only comes after spamming atleast 3 tracermissles and debuffed them (if tm is specced)


your shield blocks 25% static right? my shield can only go up once ever 20 seconds, and one of your abilities can take it out leaveing me with 19 seconds of no bubble, 17/16 if you have set bonus. So in theory your shield >>>>>> my bubble.


Also it only takes 3 tracer missiles sub 50.

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Not sure why people like you always make these claims, "It's pretty hard to do anything with 4 sages throwing rocks at your face or pushing you away as soon as you charge into them"


4 of ANY CLASS on you is going to be "pretty hard".


Cool story otherwise.


The very fact you find yourself against 4 so often says enough on it's own.

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You know what? If they make hybrids go away so be it...the good sorcs and sages will adjust and move on.


But to all those calling for nerfs and what not just want to view sorcs in a vacuum and say they can do this or that over my class. The grass is always greener on the other side right? Hell I envy abilities of other classes....all the time.


IF a sorc is left on their own they do have the abilty to put out good damage or healing, particularly AOE. They can back up heal as damage spec, but any utility class in the game can do the same thing.


I've had voidstar matches where I have done 400k damage and 150k heals. But in those games I probably could have put a bubble on myself and if there wasn't a timer, it would have lasted all game...because NO ONE really came after me. Who's fault is that? Hell this morning I had a good voidstar game doing roughly 350k and 140k healing with no one targeting me....the very next game was civil war against the same group of repubs they actually adjusted and in every fight I was the first one targeted and killed almost instantly. I couldn't do jack that game. Even running for my life, having 2-3 guys focused on killing me first I didn't stand a chance.


For those that will say but even when we target them we can't kill them...then I will say more than likely it's not just the sorc, it's that they are playing on a competent team with good tanks, healers that know how to heal, and you know people using teamwork....the stuff that really wins games.


I'm not telling anyone to learn to play....I'm just saying you have to look at things globally and not in a vacuum.

Edited by Yanginator
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You haven't faced a full Battlemaster dps SI have you?


I've also been hit by a Sages Pebble throw crap for over 3k a tick.


SI/Sages don't get 400k-500k and lead dps in pvp every match for not doing high dps.


You can exaggerate until you turn blue in the face...but it doesn't change the fact that you are blatantly not telling the truth.


As a BM Dps Sorc...we do not do 9k hits- even if God in his glory came down to assist us. We get those huge "total damage"...not "dps" for a reason, it's because we are hitting multiple stacked targets for 2.2-2.6 or in the 3k-3.9k for hugely lesser geared opponents. Upon doing so, each individual player uses his own protective/healing capabilities- along with whatever healing assistance is within the group...so the Sorc AoE's stacked targets time and time again racking up a damage count that is countered until his team members can actually burst down the individual opponents.


All this time the Dps Sorc has to be completely ignored...


In the end, without those clusters- our damage would be far below that of the other classes.


I'd love to do 200k SINGLE target damage...I'd beg for it and respec in an instant to have 5k hits against a Trooper or take out a Shadow with back to back 5-6k hits as I watch the bodies hit the floor.


...but nope, I do 2.2k hits to a few guys over and over that don't die and top the charts with 450k.

Edited by Tourne
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I agree 100%. If we had some immunity from stuns for a while after the first 1 or 2 stuns it wouldn't be bad.


But when your pvp goes like this...


Stunned, Stunned, (full resolve), stunned, knockbacked/rooted, stunned, stunned, dead. Its not much fun when you can't do anything.


Resolve is busted, they need to fix this. Classes with stuns, snares, slows, and knockbacks having a busted system makes those classes despised.

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your shield blocks 25% static right? my shield can only go up once ever 20 seconds, and one of your abilities can take it out leaveing me with 19 seconds of no bubble, 17/16 if you have set bonus. So in theory your shield >>>>>> my bubble.


Also it only takes 3 tracer missiles sub 50.


ye ill give you that since i aint 50 man you got alot of comebacks lol

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You know what? If they make hybrids go away so be it...the good sorcs and sages will adjust and move on.


But to all those calling for nerfs and what not just want to view sorcs in a vacuum and say they can do this or that over my class. The grass is always greener on the other side right? Hell I envy abilities of other classes....all the time.


IF a sorc is left on their own they do have the abilty to put out good damage or healing, particularly AOE. They can back up heal as damage spec, but any utility class in the game can do the same thing.


I've had voidstar matches where I have done 400k damage and 150k heals. But in those games I probably could have put a bubble on myself and if there wasn't a timer, it would have lasted all game...because NO ONE really came after me. Who's fault is that? Hell this morning I had a good voidstar game doing roughly 350k and 140k healing with no one targeting me....the very next game was civil war against the same group of repubs they actually adjusted and in every fight I was the first one targeted and killed almost instantly. I couldn't do jack that game. Even running for my life, having 2-3 guys focused on killing me first I didn't stand a chance.


For those that will say but even when we target them we can't kill them...then I will say more than likely it's not just the sorc, it's that they are playing on a competent team with good tanks, healers that know how to heal, and you know people using teamwork....the stuff that really wins games.


I'm not telling anyone to learn to play....I'm just saying you have to look at things globally and not in a vacuum.


but its just the same as all those who called nerf upon an agent opperative?

Edited by Kaoci
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In my opinion the nerf to Operatives is different because as a stealth class, they can choose their battles. A good Operative is always getting the jump on other people, and ideally is never getting surprised himself.


Sages and Sorcs don't have this advantage. They are always open, always visible, and always squishy. As everyone has been saying, if you couldn't kill a Sorc or Sage it's because their team was doing a good job, not because the class itself is overpowered.


I'm not saying the Operative nerf was necessary; in fact, I think BioWare made a mistake by acting so soon rather than seeing how players learned to adapt to it. They've now removed the potential for metagame there and removed the possibility for PvP to become deeper in that sense, all because people were complaining about it because they're unwilling to adapt and think outside the box to try and solve the issue.


But, that aside, there is nothing OP about Sorcs and Sages. If you have even moderate DPS output, you can annoy a Sorc or Sage to no end because then they have to focus on you (or mitigating the damage dealt by you) which then makes it harder for them to be a good utility class and do their job. It doesn't matter whether or not you kill them; if you are there and dealing damage, you are then doing your job which prevents the Sorc or Sage from doing their job.


In fact, if I think I can get back into the action quickly enough after the gates open in Voidstar or Huttball, there are times where I will let myself die just so that I can respawn and run through the gates and get better positioning.

Edited by SnakeAes
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