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Everything posted by zoool

  1. I applaud you on your own ignorance. The main point is that its your own choice whether:- if you want to good teamwork with people that intend/know how to play WZ's then make a group. then youll have people who know how to play along side you therefor you will have no reason to leave as if your grp is any good you should be able to get some quality PVP if not its you and your grp at fault so you need to L2P If you choose/qued to go into WZ solo then you automatically accept the fact that you could end up against 2 premade grps, be on a team with new players who have very litte PvP gear, Are not as good as what you think you ect ect ect there are many more reasons and because you made the choice to que solo understanding the small probability of actually getting put on good teams side is small you should have to live with it. Therefor in accepting the possabily of this when you que solo you should not be able to leave or if you do leave the WZ you should be prevented from joining another WZ atleast untill the one you left has finished. Also you say win or lose you stay for quality PVP which is means your not playing to win or intending to play the WZ correctly you just wanna be on the side that can carry you also personally i have never had a match start with only 4 or 5 ppll, though i have seen people leave cause their friend who was in the que with them missed it. Also another reason i have seen is that people leave because they think thier team is short but due to jumping the gun they fail to realise/think that some people may be waiting till there timer gets close to 0 before joining as they are doing something.
  2. hmm wonder how you would feel if they stooped allowing pre mades for WZ and no matter how good you are/played you ended up on the loosing team in every WZ you played getting further and further behind in gear. you seem to forget not everyone has Voip or is able type that fast in a Wz ect ect .....or can group with some one as great as you YAWN.
  3. common you know as i do that there have been many a mmo were pvp ques were upto a hour for 1 Wz and though ppl said they were gonna quit the majority never did. For 1 as they know like we do that Xserver was/is coming and 1.3 is only 4 weeks away tops thus by the time your free 30 days are up if you got it (mute point for some) it will be here thus keeping those so called QQ'ers here atleast till then. And yes i agree its not fair to dump people mid way into a wz were 4 people have left but if you stopped the people leaving then you would not get dumped into the match..... though i will say there may be the odd occasion were you may fill the space of sumone who dc'd/crashed but do you ever hear those that fill a person who DC'd place on a winning team complain? so all in all stop ppl leaving wz will adversly stop ppl getting dumped into those matches that ppl left.
  4. Actually no i wont cry about long ques aslong aslong as it stopped people leaving wz and yes i have though long term and from the beging there should never have been a option to leave a warzone ONCE you entered you were there untill it ended or locked from entering another till that WZ was finished if your place had been filled whether you DC/force log then but youd probably still whine so the next best is a penalty . Maybe if you actually thought about the reason why you are joining a match thats already 4 mins in progress youd realise its because of people quitting Wz, using them for ports ect also with the coming Xserver PVP War zones ect even id doubt that enough would stop doing Wz cause of deserter buff to cause slow slow queues. Also i am sure that the people who stopped doing Wz due to ppl like yourself quiting all the time will start doing Wz again once we have got rid/ punished deserters. As you can see if you actually think long term it will balance itself out so im not botherd if you quit doing Wz.
  5. GW2 will be out soon hopefully then we can get rid of your whining. Tbh I am sick of people leaving warzones and I am in total agreement that there should be a penalty for deserting your team whether it be from DC, game crash or that your just a loser and leaves cause your team looks sht or that your team is loosing. A time penalty is the best way to go aswell, though i would have a 15 min penalty not a hour and before anyone says that unfair on those that crash or dc, well no its not if you crash once or dc once during a Wz, one 15min wait and aint gonna hurt you. But if your constantly crash/DC during WZ then fix ya Pc or connection as your issues cause the players on your team to suffer and thats not fair to them. with regards to rewards for winning/loosing at present some say its a grey area due to BW have issue with Ranked Wz. Though this is not a excuse and crying about what little you get when you lose to what you get when you win is BS, people should appreciate getting anything for loosing( I know that when im in a poor grp that will surely loose im greatful for anything i get at the end) Due to how things are working atm it would have been better to remove the que as grp option for PVP until 1.3 (which is not to far away) thus preventing any outright unbalance between teams. Yeah i know it would piss those that only do Wz in guild/friends groups off for a little while but its not a biggy and will make some appreciate actual teamwork more when 1.3 comes along.
  6. lol *** are you on about there was no mention of nerfing anything just changed the mechanics of being the ball carrier gd..ret. Why would people call for other nerfs? lets say you make a chain pull for our healer/me if i was that person. by the time youd finished fkn around bothering about me the rest of me team have worked through the remainder of your team that was not to busy chain pulling a healer and scored passing the ball once or twice on their way. personaly if i was the healer id be pissing myself at the fact it takes atleast 3 of you out of the picture to pull me from one side all the way to the other while my team scores,while you fk around the rest of my teams chances to win increase 10 fold. so i dont think id be smahing my monitor. just a guess but did you ever play MW2?
  7. the GvG principles used in RF would be best used in Hutt Ball which are the following ball carrier get spd reduction but will be immune to stuns all buffs on the ball carrier will be dropped while ball is being carried ,the ball carrier cannot recieve buffs/debuffs such as slow/ armour reduction or apply any new ones of thier own, defensive skills will not take effect when carrying the ball (this includes the resolve bar) ball carriers can have bled or dot attacks put on them ball carriers can be healed / purged of dots ball carriers can attack ball carrieres can be knocked back ball carriers cannot be pulled or leaped to - reason is to prevent people leaping and then knocking back, the ball carrier has a run debuff so chase him down or target the BC allies that are close to him/ get a sorc to pull you up most important ....BC's......CAN PASS THE BALL..... and will more than likely need to if they want thier team to score thats roughly the basics
  8. I actually laughed at this because pre made grps dont bother with WZ objectives. I know several premade groups that already just go in just for the commendations and have no intention of trying to win but if they do its a bonus
  9. you have to look on the bright side and hope that BW balance this by only giving armstecs recipies for the next tier gear after rekata. then everyone on tiers after that...... this will probably not happen as there are too many cry babies who have rik rolled to the fotm craft classes. tbh i only really wanna know which BW employee had the greatest idea in the world to unbalance people by there choice in crafting.......was it on the toilet juring a brainstorm session he/she thought why not let bio chems make better than what is availible to others. if BW had any comon scense they would have realised first the impact and second there was absolutly no need to boost stats as the money from biochem is made by selling cheaper then the npc.
  10. dunno who said that was the order as doing it that way it will bug sometimes. i have personally done 6 HM EV sucsesfuly first try on the trot by allways making sure that the north stage is completed before we complete the south.
  11. another skill that is uber if used right that, is the pull, so many times have i pulled a team mate to help me beat on the guy that was beating on me or after dashing through flames takin no damage pulled him through the flames.....lol
  12. Sorry but people are actually calling any healer worth his/her salt in a 1v1 unkillable, Not just merc healers. It all depends on how good you play your class and understand the other classes that wins fights.....
  13. it was a dam geniuoso idea by CBS to allow it as they reserve the rights to all content and stories created with the Star trek world. cleaver aint they
  14. no i didnt miss the point, what you want 3 games or more in one you want a MMo with a form of racing, space fighting, and hell y not change some of the pvp into a proper FPS style combat like the bf2 starwars reskin. question is what happens when your bored of the same space pvp, same race tracks ect you gonna whine that your bored again and need something different adding or expect changes on all the new parts at once every month? all for the same price. tbh no matter what game you play someone will always whine that its not different and the day you actually get one that different someone will find something to whine about and then the cycle will begin again as the next mmo will have nothing new to add.
  15. maybe you should listen to your own advice ........ i classify myself as a newbie cause prior to this i only played SWG from release till the NGE crap and have not played another MMO from release other than the odd beta to see if i liked them hell you have wrote some rubbish and im not gonna mention the "it cost 500 million" just these :- "They need something different",....."Open space pvp is my favourite. Brings those stupid planet space stations into play". open space pvp is not diferent or new as a whole MMO called EVE based upon space combat and SWG also had space PvP "I had the dailies done in a few days to be geared for FP's. Done."..what do you mean.it costs around 360 daily comendations for the 3 rakata pieces and with the bugged quests you only get 20 to 24 a day from daily quests unless you didnt get the good stuff "Creating a game with 100 Flashpoints only, will not keep people interested". After doing just 10 of them most people will stop. " if that was true why the hell do people still play WoW ? So you are aware and can stop making assumptions, i am not satisfied with what is on offerbut it has fek all to do with game content and only once i have :- Finished all the quest on every planet. (just cause you hit 50 does not mean you cant carry on with them to see where the stories end up.) Got all my companions afection to max and fully kitted them out.(within reason ) Complete all that can be done in the codex. Done all the FP,OP's in normal HM and nightmares. Got both sets top level PVE and both sets of PVP armour for my Merc incase i want to switch from dps to heal. Maxed my crafting ,gathering and RE'd all schems till i got all the purples (yeah this one is boring but it can be done in the background )) Made several different lvl 50 chars (alts) to do the different story lines while ramping up my legacy ready for when its introduced (though i probaly wont kit out to the degree i will on my main) and lastly max my PvP lvl Then i may think i will or atleast be close to actually completing everything that can be done thus actually being at end game and asking for more content. NOT selectivly picking parts that are of interest only to you, completing them and then having the egotistical mentality and false belief that cause you believe that your so called "REGULAR" / "VETRAN" MMo player and that you can just say " Ineed more stuff I MAY LIKE cause im at END GAME" when you are clearly no where near is actually very sad.
  16. nice video you know what happends with people that show of there class if not just ask scoundrals/opratives what 1 video that BW watched did atleast you will be remembered as the 1 responsible your class getting nerfed
  17. Its a MMORPG because its the same as approx 80% of the MMORPG games out there.. you solo lvl.... run a few instances for beter gear ....... PVP in a battle grounds or in the designated area. To be completely honest the last several MMORPG I have played such as Rift,War,SWG,Aion,Conan,RoM can all be solo'd to max lvl just stoping off to do some instances for certain items of gear you may want though aint essential. RF online is the only game that i have played where you have to be in a group most of the time to progress (@l higher levels)and that because its a grind game and has one quest line other than the one you get at the begining of each lvl with 1 extra quest which is more like a daily/weekly that you can do between a certain lvl ranges
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