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Strongest 1v1 classes in pvp


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None of the above.


1 Marauder (DoT /w lolselfhalinglol).

1.5 PT Tank-DPS Hybrid.

2 Hybrid Sin (Tank'n'DoT).

3 Hybrid Op (DoT'n'Heal).

Quite accurate. I'd say some hybrid sorc as the 4th (dunno the spec name).


Sniper and Mercenaries are quite easy to deal with (as a Marauder, without resorting to Anihilation dot self healing spec, as those dots can be dispelled in a GCD for 30force :rolleyes: )

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Definitely rauder/sent, but yeah hybrid tankasins give em a run for their money.

That's true, those assassins can be a PITA to deal with, compared to Sorcs/Sages, Merc/Commando (healing or lolspamming Grav/Tracer), or Operatives (forgot the Rep name) even if healing.


Outside Assassins (with the right spec and all CD available especially if mine are not) , I'd say Powertech/Vanguard Pyrotech-Shoryuken spec, those punchs and forgot-the-name at 90% armorpen are sick burst, much more than Op can do .

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I highly doubt that.



When I'm going 1 on 1 duels.. I always use IGC.. even though I'm pyro spec'd.


In IGC, using IM to proc flame effect... pop adrenal/trinket and explosive fuel (25% crit for 15 seconds)


TD 3.2k -> railshot 4.3-5.1k -> rocket punch 2.2k (armored target) -> flame burst 2.3k (Unmitigated elemental) And if either the rocket punch of flame burst proc another railshot (which they more than likely will, 45% and 30% chance) there goes another 4.2k-5k railshot.


I've never seen a single person able to live through me popping my Biochem adrenal/trinket and explosive fuel. I might be squishy.. but every 3 minutes, whoever I pick out on the battlefield IS GOING TO DIE.

That is IIRC the spec my Powertech friend plays. He ALWAYS top bg damage boards, and kills 8 times out of 10. (even if we loose)


I tried several time to duel him, but I have like to pop all my defensive CD at begining and pray to endure his burst or I'm dead in 10 sec hands down. His burst is even more sick than OP pre1.1 ! :eek:


Sorry for triple posting :(

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I may be unfamiliar, what escape tools do Juggs have?


Dude, don't try it. This thread is so chock-full of misinformation I'm laughing my butt off at half the posts. Especially the one that says Mara have so much CC it's 10x better than any other class. That one had me spilling coffee all over the place I was laughing so hard.

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I will go thought months of making alts to find the strongest class in 1v1, only because 1v1 is everything IMO, it showcases personal player skill vs only being effective in comps or team play, it lets me play how I want and went I want rather then waiting for my team to log on so I can be effective.


if you have to play the strongest 1v1 class isn't that exactly the opposite of showcasing personal player skill?Wouldn't personal playerskill be what allows you to beat the presumed best 1on1 class on an "inferior" class?



The whole 1v1 isn't balanced, only group PvP matters is utter bull crap and only unskilled players use that argument, for me if all classes are balanced as close as one can get them to 1v1 then team vs team would be even more balanced, only lazy development will balance PvP around team play.


you don't have to explain yourself, we know what's going on inside you by the previous paragraph already.

you are a sad, little lonely person with a big need to compensate. case closed.




ontopic: combat medic hybrid. no contest really.

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What I find funny is two weeks ago everyone would have been screaming "Operatives, they're just too OP" and now you hear nothing.



Does nobody else find that pathetic, and a bit worrying?


not to mention the fact that every single operative in my guild (500+ members) has literally quit playing since the patch. Not rerolling mind you, just quit.

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What is your vote for the strongest 1v1 pvp classes?






the fact that you stated those classes in the order you did, which unconsciously gave people your opinion on sorcerer being the most OP/strongest 1v1 pvp class followed by operative and juggernaut, shows you have NO IDEA what you're talking about.


This is just another troll thread crying about how sorcerers need nerf and are so overpowered.


Marauders dominate 1v1, no question about it.

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anyone that doesnt mention tank-assin hybrids havent fought against one that knew what they were doing. I think its by far the most complex class (as far as watching cds, stacks, buffs, etc), but played right, its fairly unstoppable.


Fully stocked, there isnt a single aspect of fighting thats lacking:


DPS: As long as you have harnessed darkness with damage boosts on shock, the dps dished out is just as deadly as most pure DPS. With the force cost reductions and increased force regeneration, force is rarely an issue (only really run out when using lacerate).


Control: With 3 full stuns, 2 slows, a push and a pull, theres more than enough cc


Armor/health: Im at level 48 and have over 1600hp and my fully buffed harnessed darkness heals for 15% (not to mention the ~5k dmg).... my shield/defend is at 64% (i know its not as meaningful in pvp, but that high of percent still makes a huge diff).



On a diff note, theyre also the best ballcarriers in huttball, with force shroud being the most effective cap move out there.

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Anyone who thinks there's a better pure 1v1 class than Marauder/Sentinel is purely misinformed. Marauder/Sentinel will beat every other class in this game on a 1v1 when both classes are played properly, regardless of the opponent's spec.


That's pretty inaccurate, but okay.:rolleyes:

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I know what you are thinking, I have heard it for 6 years playing WoW, "PvP isn't balanced around 1v1" well my little gnome buddy that is all I care about, I will not play a class that is weak 1v1, I don't care if this class is the KING of team play.


I will go thought months of making alts to find the strongest class in 1v1, only because 1v1 is everything IMO, it showcases personal player skill vs only being effective in comps or team play, it lets me play how I want and went I want rather then waiting for my team to log on so I can be effective.


The whole 1v1 isn't balanced, only group PvP matters is utter bull crap and only unskilled players use that argument, for me if all classes are balanced as close as one can get them to 1v1 then team vs team would be even more balanced, only lazy development will balance PvP around team play.


OK, I'm confused. You claim that 1v1 showcases personal player skill, but yet you need to find the best class for 1v1. Real great personal skill there bud..... So when you get whooped by a class that isn't high up on the 1v1 scale, then you really know you're bad. Gotcha. But when you whoop them, deep down inside you know its because your class was meant to be great at 1v1, and not because you're personally good. Again, some classes have more tools to deal with in 1v1 situations, while others play more of a behind the lines support role. Sorry you can't see that. You can continue on your quest for the perfect class. Let me know what server you're on so I can make a class that isn't supposedly good at 1v1's and whoop your *** with it.

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This... I've found pvp to be more like poker than a "halo" style game.


You're playing your class' abilities, they're playing you.


you are trying to take it all and spin it in your own way, so ill spell it out for you....


the game is fine, fix the bugs and learn to play it.......it does not need to be changed


players need to change, they need to apply themselves to get better


until you know every single cooldown from every single class, and then apply those variables and create the solution with your given variables you will be bad. whenevrr you are on a battlefield you not only play your class but you play your opponents, you watch there resources, and what abilities they do, you then start your own timers so you know when there cooldowns are coming back around and you can then counter said cooldown. the quicker people master there own class, master every class, the better they will become.


and for the guy who said sents/mara have to sacrifice half there hp / use guarded by the force when they r losing are wrong....often times in 1v2 and 1v3's when i do find myself low on hp or getting low on hp ill often pop v. call, pop zen, then pop guarded by force at 10% hp, drop to 5%, then pop the rakata medpack on top of the zen heals and be back up to around 40% hp and have immuntiny to damage for about 4 more seconds while i dps

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