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10 Good
  1. Not even close, HM and NMM in TOR is abysmal at best. Hardcore players do NOT want to see the same boss with more health and hits harder... there's nothing new to that. Perfect example in how it's done wrong and right... in the SAME RAID... Firelands... the first 6 bosses were trash on HM, but Ragnaros was a VERY different fight when you hit HM, that was done right... the first 6 were done VERY wrong. The Hardcore player wants a very difficult challenge that takes skill and coordination to achieve success that the normal monkey at a keyboard just won't understand. Sorry, but most MMO players are just terrible at being great at the game, hardcore players want a game that rewards greatness and punishes anything less with impunity.
  2. World pvp needs faction and server pride before things get real... TM vs SS anyone? People would get on boards and brag about the latest running over of SS and so the alliance would get on and run over TM... there were some EPIC battles back then. The original Alterac Valley anyone? that was 40 v 40 goodness... battles that lasted for days and actually took real strategy to win... like a real battle... WoW did it better back then (it doesn't now)... perhaps the TOR people here just don't give a flying rats rear end about the other side and wouldn't care that one of their outposts was overrun... World pvp is possible... you just can't limit it and you need to create powder keg zones like the TM vs SS area.
  3. Square footage means nothing within the game, the barrens was HUGE back in the day but it also had loads of content to do... and find... Mankrik's wife anyone? As to a comment earlier about vanilla leveling being easy? HAHAHAHAHA leveling in vanilla wow was a LOOONG process unless you were a sleepless animal when it came to grinding out quests. The legacy system, the voice acting, and the pseudo-choice crap BW put in are just crap filler and fluff to cover what is truly lacking in the game... CONTENT... 3 warzones and 2 boringly easy raids... SNORE... BW, you messed up bad by thinking this legacy thing will actually matter in the end... sorry to burst your bubble but people only care about pvp and raiding at the end of the day...
  4. I will say that Hyperspace Cannon has lost a lot of it's Pub players and the populations for non-50 planets is paltry on both sides... if you want to level an alt, or this is your first character on this server, it's pretty desolate, it plays like a single player game. As for the 50's, there's a pretty steady core that pvp's and it's remained pretty steady. However, most have stated that when GW2 hits, they'll be leaving unless 1.2 or 1.3 is just awesome beyond belief... which will be incredibly hard to do with a combat system that is flawed beyond belief.
  5. This... I've found pvp to be more like poker than a "halo" style game. You're playing your class' abilities, they're playing you.
  6. This shows that story tellers are no longer able to create stories based upon the characters they want to. What it says is that they must adhere to YOUR level of sensibility instead of creating an accurate portrayal of the characters in the story. So basically, instead of creating an accurate storyline, we should adhere to your bigoted and chauvinistic viewpoint on how things should be? Accuracy is better than censorship and a watered down piece of crap.
  7. it's in your character sheet in the game... doesn't need to be documented... over your cursor over the accuracy number and a box will pop up that explains it all.
  8. Your primary weapon begins with 90% accuracy, your offhand weapon begins with 50% accuracy, hence why you're seeing misses.
  9. The Math for diminishing returns for critical strike: For ease of use, all other things are equal. For each 1% chance to critically strike an enemy, it provides a static increase to the statistical dps a character will do. It's important to note the word "static" in this formula. This is to say 1% increase in crit will provide a character that does 1000 dps an extra 10 dps. Now the character is doing 1010 dps (I'm using easy math for this, nothing too complicated). Now 10 dps over 1000 is a 1% increase. Now the player chooses to increase crit another 1%. Now the character is doing 1020 dps. But the increase of 10 dps from 1010 dps to 1020 dps is NOT a 1% increase, it is slightly less than 1%. Over time and along the curve, if you do you f(x) limit as crit approaches 100% (or 1 in the math terms), you'll see the curve show diminishing returns over time and how valuable crit is at certain points along the curve. Power as a stat suffers from the same diminishing returns, but not subject to the RNG detractor that crit is. So what you have to do is go along the curve to find the value per point of increase of each stat: surge, power, and crit. And balance them accordingly to pick the best gear that has the largest increase of value per point provided along each curve. I would be willing to do the actual analysis as I have crystal ball on my computer if it is of serious interest to the player base.
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