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I really wanted to like the game but the PvP in this game is beyond broken and it favors people who have hours upon hours to play every day not to mention you must have the patience of a saint to stand playing against premades vs pugs.


I basically told myself this morning I would play my main a 588 Expertised (none of it in a premade) Darkness Sin and 3 of my other level 20+ alts (so 4 total characters) 2 games per Warfront and if I lost eveyr single game I would rage quit.


The first 2 WF's on my geared assasin I played a huttball and a Civil War both times against BM/Champion geared premades and every single person on my team was sub 13000 health and under 100 expertise.


The next 3 characters (Jugg level 21, healing Operative level 26 and Commando Trooper level 23) I also played 2 games each, all 6 games my side had predominantly level 12-24 characters with only 1 person above level 40 in 6 games. Yep you guessed it the other side had 4+ level 40's and 2 of the games had premades (I mean seriously premades sub 50 is stupid).


That was the final straw that broke the camels back for me. A friend of mine (who I havnt broken the news too yet) even acknoledges my piss poor luck in trying to win a Warfront (and when I do manage to win half the time I dont get credit for it). I am not a bad player by any stretch of the imagination as I hit Glad in 2 seasons in WoW and never finished a season outside of Duelist.


TLDR I quit because the matchmaking system is totally out for me so it wins and I lose.

Edited by Zederok
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I really wanted to like the game but the PvP in this game is beyond broken and it favors people who have hours upon hours to play every day not to mention you must have the patience of a saint to stand playing against premades vs pugs.


I basically told myself this morning I would play my main a 588 Expertised (none of it in a premade) Darkness Sin and 3 of my other level 20+ alts (so 4 total characters) 2 games per Warfront and if I lost eveyr single game I would rage quit.


The first 2 WF's on my geared assasin I played a huttball and a Civil War both times against BM/Champion geared premades and every single person on my team was sub 13000 health and under 100 expertise.


The next 3 characters (Jugg level 21, healing Operative level 26 and Commando Trooper level 23) I also played 2 games each, all 6 games my side had predominantly level 12-24 characters with only 1 person above level 40 in 6 games. Yep you guessed it the other side had 4+ level 40's and 2 of the games had premades (I mean seriously premades sub 50 is stupid).


That was the final straw that broke the camels back for me. A friend of mine (who I havnt broken the news too yet) even acknoledges my piss poor luck in trying to win a Warfront (and when I do manage to win half the time I dont get credit for it). I am not a bad player by any stretch of the imagination as I hit Glad in 2 seasons in WoW and never finished a season outside of Duelist.


TLDR I quit because the matchmaking system is totally out for me so it wins and I lose.


So you're at 600 expertise on your assassin but haven't made a single friend to Q with? lololololololololol

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I really wanted to like the game but the PvP in this game is beyond broken and it favors people who have hours upon hours to play every day ...



You realize that this is the way every MMO works, right? And some FPSes. The people who play more get an advantage.

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They really need to implement cross server queues. I'm tired of getting into matches against the same Republic premades in full BM gear and getting steamrolled.


There just aren't enough people queuing on my server to get pugs vs. pugs. Cross server queues would make this possible and all the folks with their organized teams on vent can play each other while we plebians can noob it up in disorganized matches.


I mean how fun can it really be for folks in full BM gear to steamroll teams of fresh 50's with zero challenge each game?


pvp 1-49 was a blast for me, at 50 it's just terrible.

Edited by Allergies
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The only thing I got out of this was:


"It was the final straw that broke the camels back."


I thought to myself man, mixing two quotes into one could be a lot of fun.


This guy should make like a tree and leave while letting the door hit him in the *** on the way out.

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I really wanted to like the game but the PvP in this game is beyond broken and it favors people who have hours upon hours to play every day not to mention you must have the patience of a saint to stand playing against premades vs pugs.


I basically told myself this morning I would play my main a 588 Expertised (none of it in a premade) Darkness Sin and 3 of my other level 20+ alts (so 4 total characters) 2 games per Warfront and if I lost eveyr single game I would rage quit.


The first 2 WF's on my geared assasin I played a huttball and a Civil War both times against BM/Champion geared premades and every single person on my team was sub 13000 health and under 100 expertise.


The next 3 characters (Jugg level 21, healing Operative level 26 and Commando Trooper level 23) I also played 2 games each, all 6 games my side had predominantly level 12-24 characters with only 1 person above level 40 in 6 games. Yep you guessed it the other side had 4+ level 40's and 2 of the games had premades (I mean seriously premades sub 50 is stupid).


That was the final straw that broke the camels back for me. A friend of mine (who I havnt broken the news too yet) even acknoledges my piss poor luck in trying to win a Warfront (and when I do manage to win half the time I dont get credit for it). I am not a bad player by any stretch of the imagination as I hit Glad in 2 seasons in WoW and never finished a season outside of Duelist.


TLDR I quit because the matchmaking system is totally out for me so it wins and I lose.


I missed the last poster. Who had constructed a very formulated expression on how he felt. QRF struck before I could get in..




/D U C K

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No. Cross server queues killed the PvP community and rivalries on my server in WoW. Don't do it here.


Yeah, and the servers who don't have a PVP community because they're dead should just go @#$@ themselves!


While I disagree with the tone and clear tall tales in this thread by the OP, I agree with the cause of it which is the fact that Premades are in with normal ques and that's pretty silly.


You shouldn't have to be in a group of friends to get a decent game, and you shouldn't get free farm just because you can group with people either. Both are side effects of allowing this to continue.

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The only thing I got out of this was:


"It was the final straw that broke the camels back."


I thought to myself man, mixing two quotes into one could be a lot of fun.


This guy should make like a tree and leave while letting the door hit him in the *** on the way out.


I'm sorry, but this **** is funny.

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No. Cross server queues killed the PvP community and rivalries on my server in WoW. Don't do it here.


As someone who played wow long before BG's were even in the game. All I remember were hour+ long queues and running to the bg entrace to queue. Yes it was fun playing against people from your own server, but I find it more fun to get instant queues and fewer matchups against premades when I'm soloing.


Cause face it, I play this game for fun, and it's just not fun getting steamrolled by premade teams over and over again. Blizzard recognized the problem with same server queues, queue times and the problem with pugs vs. premades and made cross server queues.

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